ARA - Janeway wants the Doctor to perform an ARA on the Kazon soldier while she questions him. (Projections)

Barclay, Reginald (Dwight Schultz) - Male Lieutenant stationed at Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center; he is Dr. Zimmerman's assistant; Barclay tries to convince the Doctor that he is really Dr. Zimmerman and that Voyager is a holo-simulation that is malfunctioning; Barclay was part of the original engineering team that designed the Doctor's program; he was in charge of testing the EMH's interpersonal skills. (Projections)

Duranium - The outer shielding of the warp core is made of duranium. (Projections)

Emergency medical kit - One of these kits is located behind the tactical console on the bridge. (Projections)

Escape pods - According to the computer, all the escape pods on Voyager were launched at 2100 hours; (Projections)

Feedback loop - A feedback loop between the holodeck computer and the Doctor's program is caused when there is a radiation surge in the imaging system while the Doctor is on the holodeck; the feedback loop causes the Doctor's memory circuits to be erradicated. (Projections)

Gut spore - Neelix calls the Kazon this name. (Projections)

Holographic emitters - Torres tells the Doctor that during the past few weeks they have being setting up holographic emitters in key areas of the ship such as the bridge, engineering, the mess hall and the cargo bay so that that he can be transferred to other areas of the ship if needed. (Projections)

Holographic memory core - Barclay tells the Doctor that if he destroys the holographic memory core, and the Doctor is still there, it will prove that he is a real person and not a hologram. (Projections)

Holo-transference Dementia Syndrome (HTDS) - Barclay says that the Doctor is suffering from this since he is losing his sense of identity and thinks he is part of the program. (Projections)

HTDS - SEE: Holo-transference Dementia Syndrome. (Projections)

Jarvis - Female officer on Voyager; Janeway asks Jarvis and Parsons to arrest the Doctor and Barclay since she doesn't know who either of them are. (Projections)

Jupiter Station - Barclay tells the Doctor that he is really Dr. Zimmerman and that the holo-simulation is taking place in a holodeck at this station. (Projections)

Kaplan, Doctor - A neurologist at the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center; Dr. Kaplan tells Barclay that if they can't get Dr. Zimmerman out of the holographic program within the next hour, the radiation will completely oxidize his neuro-cellular structure and he will die. (Projections)

Kazon - Torres tells the Doctor that Voyager was attacked by 2 Kazon warships; when Voyager launched its escape pods, the Kazon tractored the pods and went into warp. (Projections)

Kinoplasmic radiation surge - There is a radiation surge in the imaging system while the Doctor is on the holodeck; this surge creates a feedback loop between the holodeck computer and the Doctor's program and causes the Doctor's memory circuits to be erradicated. (Projections)

Mess hall - Neelix leads a Kazon soldier on a chase to the Mess hall; the Doctor is transferred here by Janeway to help Neelix. (Projections)

Needle snake - Neelix calls the Kazon soldier this name. (Projections)

Niotrinate samples - The Doctor starts cataloguing these samples after he is transferred back to sickbay. (Projections)

Nondorian tomato paste - Neelix believes he has been hurt when he thinks that this paste is blood. (Projections)

Parsons - Janeway asks Parsons and Jarvis to arrest the Doctor and Barclay since she doesn't know who either of them are. (Projections)

Predator class warship - Torres tells the Doctor that 2 of these Kazon warships attacked Voyager. (Projections)

Saute pan - Neelix hits the Kazon soldier over the head with his best saute pan and knocks him unconscious. (Projections)

USS Voyager - Barclay tells the Doctor that Voyager is really a holo-simulation whose purpose is to study the psychological impact of long-term isolation on a crew made up of Starfleet and Maquis crew members; there are two possible outcomes to this program: 1. Voyager makes it way back to Federation space. 2. Voyager is destroyed in the process. (Projections)

Warp core - The outer shielding of the warp core is made of deuranium; Barclay tells the Doctor that in order to destroy the simulation of Voyager, the Doctor must destroy the warp core. (Projections)

Zimmerman, Kes - Barclay tells the Doctor that the human Kes that appears in the simulation is his wife. (Projections)

Zimmerman, Louis - The computer tells the Doctor that the Chief Medical Officer on Voyager is Dr. Louis Zimmerman. (Projections)


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