Tuvok: I would point out there are no demons in Vulcan literture.
Chakotay: That might account for its popularity.

Freya: Your people must value you greatly.
Doctor: You would think so.

Freya: Fire is not the only heat, Lord Schweitzer. You know where I sleep.

Paris: I have him, Captain, more or less.

Doctor: The only reason you won't die, is that I've taken an oath to do no harm.


Doctor: You've placed the Coyote Stone at the crossroads of the Fifth and Sixth Realms which would divert Commander Chakotay's soul...that is, his consciousness...into the Mountains of the Antelope Women. According to his tradition, an extremely attractive locale. He might not want to leave.

Janeway: Apparently, you just crashed the main computer, locked out the Bridge and stopped this ship cold. Do you want to tell me why?

Janeway: Do you feel up to it?
Doctor: Oh course. I make life and death decisions every day.
Paris: I feel better already.

Doctor: Just because a man changes his drink order, doesn't mean he's possessed by an alien.
Neelix: Nevertheless, don't you think you should scan him or dissect him or something, just to make sure?


Talaxian Prisoner: They'll get around to gutting you eventually.

Paris: Fear can be a good thing. It keeps you from taking unnecessary chances.

Torres: That's the way you respond to every situation, isn't it? If it doesn't work, hit it. If it's in your way knock it down. No wonder I got kicked out of the Academy.

Torres: So she's saving my life again.

Torres: I guess I'll just have to accept the fact that I'll spend the rest of my life fighting with her.


Tuvok: Perhaps the ship's stablilizers are not operating at peak efficiency.
Gaunt Gary: Yeah, and maybe Tom Terrific over here forgot to tell you that Sandrine's table rolls a little to the east.

Jetrel: Something so enormous as science will not stop for something as small as man.

Jetrel: There is no way I can apologize to you, Mr. Neelix. That is why I have not tried.

Jetrel: The day we tested the Cascade when I saw that blinding light, brighter than a thousand suns, I knew at that moment exactly what I had become.

Neelix: I wanted to tell you that I forgive you.


Tuvok: Commander Chakotay would be a more logical choice to be their instructor. He is a Maquis, as well as their former captain.
Janeway: That's my point. He doesn't have to earn their respect. We do.

Chakotay: Don't worry, Tuvok. I'll tell them to take it easy on you.

Doctor: To discuss the patient's condition in front of the patient would be a serious breach of professional etiquette.

Doctor: Don't worry my little friend.

Tuvok: The strongest tactical move is always the one in which you will reap the highest gain at the lowest cost.

Tuvok: You're saying that the Maquis crew is rigid and inflexible. That they will never adjust to Starfleet rules.
Neelix: No, Mr. Vulcan. I'm saying that you are rigid and inflexible.

Torres: Get the cheese to sickbay.

Tuvok: I recently realized that there are times when it is desirable to bend the rules.
Dalby: Lieutenant, if you can learn to bend the rules, I guess we can learn to follow them.

THE 37'S

Paris: Captain, I think I should tell you I've never actually landed a starship bfore.
Janeway: That's all right, Lieutenant. Neither have I.

Earhart: Put yourself in my shoes, Captain. If you were me, would you believe your story?

Noonan: You mean I'm not going to die?... Uh..Amelia...you gotta forget what I just told you.
Earhart: Fred, I already have.

Earhart: Think I can take her for a spin?

Janeway: Am I the only one who is so intent on getting home? Is it just me? Am I leading the crew on a forlorn mission with no real hope of success?
Chakotay: You're not alone. I want to get home too. And there's not a day that goes by when I don't hear someone mention Earth.

Neelix: I'm staying right here with Captain Janeway. She'd be lost without me.

Janeway: I'm not sure I want to go in.
Chakotay: No matter what happens, we'll make it. Remember that.

Tuvok: Captain on the bridge.


Chakotay: Why are you so eager for me to kill you?
Kar: Because there are worse things than being killed by an enemy.

Chakotay: Take a good look. You won't see any hate in my eyes. I'm a gentle man from a gentle people who wish you no harm.

Kar: You'd rather die in your shoeep, a wrinkled old man?
Chakotay: Sounds about right.

Chakotay: Well, it looks like you just saved my life. Twice more, and we'll be even.

Neelix: Don't worry, Captain. You can count on me to keep those nefarious Kazon at bay.

Chakotay: My people taught me a man does not own land. He doesn't own anything but the courage and loyalty in his heart. That's where my power comes from.


Doctor: Well, it's bigger than I thought.

Neelix: Am I going to die?
Doctor: Not unless you're allergic to tomatoes.

Neelix: No one gets the best of me in my kitchen!

Doctor: I'm not programed to bleed!

Barclay: Lewis, how would you rather think of yourself...as a real person with a real life, with a family that loves you...or as some hologram that exists in a sickbay on a starship lost in deep space?
Chakotay: It's not about what you want. This is about what you are. Just because you're made of projected light and energy doesn't mean you're any less real than someone made of flesh and blood. It doesn't matter what you're made of...what matters is who you are. You're our friend and we want you back.

Kes: I sometimes ask myself those kind of questions. Who am I? WHat am I doing here? What's my purpose in life? Doesn't everybody?
Doctor: Not me. I know exactly who I am and what my purpose is. I am the Emergency Medical Hologram aboard the Starship Voyager.
Kes: Are you sure about that?


Neelix: You're such an innocent! I see the way he looks at you. I used to look at women that way. I know what it means!

Chakotay: Feeding at 3,000 kilometers per second...not exactly leisurely dining, is it?

Janeway: Who'd have thought we'd be considering a generational ship when we were ordered on a three-week mission. And what are the consequences for children aboard a small ship without adequate services flying through often-hostile space?

Neelix: Order the diapers...we're about to become parents!

Tuvok: It appears we have lost our sex appeal, Captain.
Janeway: Good work, Commander. In the future, if I have any questions about mating behavior, I'll know where to go.


Kim: You once told me that you used to treat life like one big game. Rules, players, winners, losers. You never took any of it seriously...until you lost.
Paris: You know, you're starting to annoy me.
Kim: You also told me you were aftraid of what would happen to you if you didn't take Captain Janeway up on her offer. Now I see why.
Paris: What do you see, Ensign?
Kim: A loser and a drunk. I guess in this reality, that's all you'll ever be.

Paris: There goes my bank shot.

Kim: You're the last person I expected to help me.
Paris: Let's just say it's been a long time since anyone gave a damn about my future, including me. I don't know if I'm supposed to be on Voyager like you've told me. But it sounds a whole lot better than the life I have here. I'm willing to take my chances, Ensign.
Kim: Call me Harry. You always did.

Kim: I owe you one.


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