Doctor: I'm here in an official capacity, of course, in case of a medical emergency.
Kes: Emergency?
Doctor: Surprises have been known to cause acute hyperventilation, esophageal spasms and in extreme cases, even coronary arrest. One can never be too careful.

Neelix: Did you see that?
Chakotay" See what?
Neelix: He..he..he did a lovely wrapping job. Don't you think?

Doctor: How many times do I have to tell you? I am a doctor, not a bartender.

Paris: I don't suppose anyone here knows the way to the bridge?

Doctor: I'm not programed to play games.

Gaunt Gary: Would you mind moving your foot Tommy Boy? It's blocking my shot.

Tuvok: When every logical course of action is exhausted, the only option that remains is inaction.

Chakotay: Sometimes I find you arrogant and irritating. But you're a hell of an officer.
Tuvok: Thank you, sir. And since we are speaking candidly, may I say, sir, that I have not always been particularly partial to your methods either.

Kim: Are you afraid?
Paris: I chose this life. And I guess I always knew it could come to this. But, yeah, I'm afraid.
Kim: Me too.


Kim: If it works, use it.

Doctor: I'm a doctor, not a voyeur.

Neelix: I'll kill you.
Paris: It's too late. I'm betting your hair pasta already did the trick.

Janeway: Am I...discerning a personal problem here gentlemen?
Neelix: Frankly, yes Captain.
Janeway: Solve it.

Neelix: I'll find something for us (to eat). Of course, it might not meet your personal culinary standards.
Paris: Don't worry. I've learned to lower my standards since you became cook.

Kim: I'm sure they'll both be fine.
Kes: Unless they kill each other.

Neelix: I'd say it's becoming more evident that we chose the wrong cave.

Tuvok: That was my ingenious plan, Commander.

Neelix: I don't know how it is in your quadrant, but in mine, we don't abandon a newborn...thing.

Paris: Nothing personal...but I just don't have an affinity for hair in my food.

Paris: Everything you heard those guys saying about me...well, it's true. But it's not who I am anymore... at least not who I want to be. This upside-down missino to the wrong side of the galaxy has given me a second chance. And I don't intend to blow it.

Paris: And as far as I'm concerned, I'll just be her friend... I mean if you don't mind.
Neelix: I don't pick Kes's friends for her. Just my own.

Paris: If you hear muffled screams consider that a request for a beam-out.


Doctor: This is certainly a brilliant feat of engineering.

Doctor: My programmers didn't clutter me up with pithy Earth trivia. They programmed me with far more important data.

Janeway: I suggest you don't look at the viewscreen.
Paris: It's not even tempting.

Janeway: I haven't been unfaithful.

Janeway: Why did you do this to us?
Bothan: Because I can.


Kes: You've never been sick or in pain. I just wish once in your life you could know what it's like, how it makes you feel vulnerable and a little afraid. Then you'd understand.
Doctor: I don't have a life. I have a program.

Young Chakotay: I will never make friends with bugs.
Kolopak: Maybe that's why they keep biting you.

Kolopak: From the day you came out of your mother upside-down, I knew the spirits had chosen you to be a Contrary.

Doctor: I'm tired of the whining, cranky attitudes we see around here. I intend to serve as an example of how one's life and duties do not have to be disrupted by simple illness.
Kim: Doc, I don't feel well.
Doctor: Neither do I and you don't hear me complaining.

Kolopak: You will never belong to that other life. And if you leave, you will never belong to this one. You will be caught between worlds.

Doctor: My simulated virus is leading me to a simulated death.
It's nothing to worry about. I just added a couple of hours to his computer program. He'll be fine in about 45 minutes. Knowing when it would end didn't exactly make it a fair test, did it Doctor?
Doctor: She's far more devious than I ever suspected.

Kolopak: Listen to him Chakotay.
Yes, father. I hear him. I finally hear him.


Tanis: Focus on the goal, not the task.

Doctor: Vulcans make the worst patients.

Tanis: Hurt people, help them, give life, kill. It's all the same.

Tuvok: Without the darkness, how would we recognize the light. Do not fear your negative thoughts. They are a part of you. They are a part of every living being...even Vulcans.
Kes: You?
Tuvok: The Vulcan heart was forged out of barbarism and violence. We learned to control it, but it is still a part of us. To pretend it does not exist is to create an opportunity for it to escape.


Janeway: My gut tells me we should go after Chakotay. But my better judgment tells me we should honor his request.
Torres: I would never want you to ignore your better judgment, Captain. But, let me ask you this. In your opinion, how would the loss of our first officer affect this crew? What would it do to the morale on this ship? Maybe this is an instance where your gut is giving you better advice.

Janeway: How do you expect me to keep order when the first officer takes it upon himself to run off like some cowboy because he decides it's a good idea? What you did was commendable...the way you did it was not. You set a terrible example, and on a personal level you've made my job more difficult.
Chakotay: If that's so, I regret it.
Janeway: I'm putting you on report in case that means anything anymore.
Chakotay: It means something to me, Captain. It means I've let you down....and for that, I'm truly sorry.


Augris: It seems you've been making more enemires than friends since you arrived from -- the Alpha Quadrant, is it? Some think even that story's a lie.
Chakotay: But not you.
Augris: Of course not. I'm here to help.

Caylem: I didn't want to lose her. I didn't want you to grow up without a mother.

Torres: I guess I always assumed that Vulcans don't feel pain like the rest of us...until I heard....
Vulcans are capable of suppressing certain levels of physical pain. Beyond that, we must simply endure the experience.

Janeway: She wanted me to tell you something. She forgives you. We both do.

Darod: No one will forget what he did here today. I'll make sure of that.


Kim: You may think you're tougher than everybody else B'elanna Torres, but I can go without sleep just as long as you can.
Torres: Don't make me laugh Starfleet. And don't make me pull rank on you either.

Torres: You're cutting me off?

Neelix: I was using 6 spices, but the omelette needed 7.
Torres: Let me guess...leola root?

Doctor: If there has been a change in the dress code, I certainly wish someone would have informed me.

Doctor: I shouldn't have to remind you. I'm a doctor...
Torres: Not an engineer, right?

Janeway: Unfortunately, extinction is often the natural end of evolution.

Janeway: Who are we to swoop in, play God, and then continue on our way without the slightest consideration of the long-term effects of our actions?....I share your scientific curiosity and I admire your compassion, but the answer is no.

Paris: I don't need a diversion. Just give me a chance, I'll get her out.
Chakotay: You don't mind if the rest of us give you a little help, do you , Paris? I'd hate to lose another shuttlecraft.
Paris: Your concern for my welfare is heartwaming.

Automated Unit 3947: We terminated the Builders. When it was anticipated that the war would end, the Builders no longer required are services, and attempted to terminate us. In doing so, they became the enemy. we are programmed to destroy the enemy. It is necessary for our survival.


Chakotay: Like it or not, it seems we're in a situation where the rules have changed and maybe if we're going to survive out here, we have to start changing too. Starfleet works well in the Alpha Quadrant. But out here, maybe we should be thinking more like the Maquis. The Maquis had to survive on their own. We were up against insurmountable odds. We had to create our own opportunites for success because nobody was willing to help us. Sound like anybody you know?
Janeway: If you're suggesting we abandon our principles just because we're out of hailing range...
Chakotay: ...I don't think we can afford to keep doing business as usual.

Janeway: I'll destroy this ship before I turn any part of it over to the Kazon.

Chakotay: You may be willing to die for Federation principles, but they're not.

Chakotay: Make a deal...an alliance.
Janeway: With the Kazon?

Janeway: You can't have it both ways, Commander. If you want to get in the middle with the Kazon, you can't start complaining that you might get dirty.

Janeway: Cullah, I found the idea of an alliance with you distasteful. I was willing to explore the possibility, but now I see my instincts were dead-on. this meeting is over.

Hogan: Even if it means getting home in one piece or do you agree with our captain that holding on to our technology is worth dying for?
Torres: Who are you to be second-guessing Captain Janeway? The hardest thing you have to worry about is keeping that dilithium chamber filled. She's doing the best she can to get us home, and if you don't like the way she's doing it, I really don't want to hear about it.

Tuvok: I do not see that it is a particularly good idea to form an alliance with the blood enemies of the Kazon. We risk uniting all the factions against us.
Janeway: The only thing the Kazon agree on now is that we are their common enemy. It's hard to imagine it getting much worse.

Cullah: A woman and a trabe...how can we listen to them?

Mabus: You've ruined what would have been the greatest step toward peqace in decades.
Neelix: Peace? A massacre?
Mabus: I could have decimated the Kazon leadership. It would have taken them years to recover.
Janeway: You planned this whole thing and used our good will to make sure you were successful.
Mabus: You don't know the Kazon. There's no dealing with them. Violence is all they understand.
Janeway: Or perhaps it's all you understand.
Mabus: You're naive, Captain. It's clear that you have no understanding of the harsh realities of this part of space. What I tried to do was done as much for you as it was for us.
Janeway: I'm not grateful and I want you off my ship.
Mabus: You're going to need us. The Kazon will be determined to seek revenge. How can this one ship hope to survive?
Janeway: Not by making deals with executioners. Energize.

Janeway: In a part of space where there are few rules, it's more important than ever that we hold fast to our own. In a region where shifting allegiances are commonplace, we have to have something stable to rely on . And we do...the principles and ideals of the Federation. As far as I'm concerned, those are the best allies we could have.


Paris: This is the first time in ten years I feel I have a life to risk. Please, please let me make the flight.
Janeway: You're sure about this.
Paris: I've never been so sure about anything. Please..
Janeway: Good luck Lieutenant.

Janeway: Can you wake him?
Doctor: I don't see why not. Wake up, Lieutenant!

Paris: For a moment I was everywhere. I mean everywhere Captain.

Doctor: I have some tests I'd like to run on your majesty before I release you back into the realm of ordinary humans.
Paris: You may proceed.

Doctor: It looks like he's having an allergic reaction. What did he ingest?
Torres: Just Neelix's coffee.
Paris: It's a miracle he's still alive.

Paris: Here lies Thomas Eugene Paris...Beloved Mutant.

Paris: Do you cry?
Doctor: It's not in my program.

Chakotay: I have to admit I'm not sure which one is the Captain.
Tuvok: The female...obviously.

Chakotay: I don't know how I'm going to enter this into the log.
Tuvok: I look forward to reading it.

Doctor: Congratulations...you're human again.

Janeway: I've thought about having children but I must say, I never considered having them with you.
Paris: Captain, I'm sorry. I don't know what to say except I don't remember very much about....you know.
Janeway: What makes you think it was your idea?


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