Chakotay: Do you think it's a trap?
Janeway: Do I think Seska is capable of manipulating you and me with this? Oh, yes.

Janeway: If you choose to go after him, I know I speak for the enitre crew, Starfleet and Maquis alike, when I say that we'll stand behind you.

Kolopak: Centuries ago when the women of our tribe were raped by white conquerors, many gave birth to their children. We did not reject them. They were accepted by the tribe. One was a direct ancestor os ours, Chakotay: His name was Ce Acatl. He became a great leader of our people. Here is a man who was given life without his mother's consent. Are you so different from her? Is you child so different from Ce Acatl?
Chakotay: No.
Kolopak: He is your son, Chakotay. And he is a child of our people.

Doctor: I hesitate to offer suggestions in a field of endeavor that is not within my usual area of expertise.
Janeway: You suggestions on any subject are alway welcome.
Doctor: Really...in that case you may expect several more on a variety of matters in the near future.

Chakotay: I remember that pride in your eyes when you pounded me with your fists while I was tied to a chair and I can see it in your eyes now. And that scares the hell out of me.

Janeway: Send in the cavalry.

Doctor: Help! Man overboard!

Janeway: Initiate self-destruct sequence.....
Computer: Unable to initiate self-destruct sequence due to damage to the secondary command processors.

Chakotay: May he grow up never knowing the contempt his father has for his mother.

Cullah: A fitting end for a people who would not share their technology. Let's see if you manage to survive without it.

Neelix: Do you really think it's likely that someone will find us, Captain?
Janeway: You're the morale officer, Neelix. You give me an answer.
Neelix: Help is on the way!


Chakotay: Do you think it's a trap?

Janeway: Stop it. There's no time to worry about blame. Hogan was a good officer and a good man and our job is to make sure his is the last death for a long time! I will not let this destroy my crew!

Janeway: If anyone balks at eating these, tell them it's an order form their captain.

Doctor: One humanoid is the same as another from a holographic point of view.

Doctor: My program is adaptive. If you really need me to be deceptive, I'm sure I could learn.

Doctor: What am I supposed to do... lead a revolt with the gang from Sandrine's. Conjure up the holograms of Nathan Hale and Che Guevara? I'm a doctor, not a counter-insurgent. Get a hold of yourself. You're not just a hologram, you're a Starfleet hologram.

Chakotay: Trapped on a barren planet and you're stuck with the only indian in the universe who can't start a fire by rubbing two sticks together.

Paris: I should be able to come up with a plan in one hour.

Suder: I'm going to have to kill some of them.
Doctor: It is possible violence might be required to retake the ship.
Suder: I've worked so...so hard over the last few months to control the violent feelings. I'm almost at peace with myself. I mean I see the day coming when I could be.

Doctor: One hologram and one sociopath may not be much of a match for the Kazon, but we'll have to do.

Chakotay: This is very thoughtful of you, Tuvok. But my tribe never used bows and arrows and I've never even shot one.
Tuvok: This is mine.

Neelix: I think the other two seem to be trying to figure out what to make of us. In a manner of speaking, not in the culinary sense I hope.

Paris: Doc, I hope you're receiving this, cause if you're not, I'm a dead duck.

Tuvok: You may find nobility in the savage, Commander, but he is only interested in killing you.

Seska: I won't play these games with a trick of light.
Doctor: Sticks and stones won't break my bones, so you can imagine how I feel about being called names.

Seska: Why create a thoron leak if you're not hiding someone?
Doctor: I would think it's obvious. To make you believe I was hiding someone. I've had your people crawling through the bowels of this ship for hours looking for an intruder.

Doctor: You know what you have to do, and when to do it. And I know, with our fate in your hands, we will prevail. Good luck, Mr. Suder.

Paris: Welcome back, Captain.
Janeway: Well done, Lieutenant.

Doctor: You would have been proud of him, Mr. Tuvok.
Tuvok: I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr. Suder: May your death bring you the peace you never found in life.

Janeway: Take us away from our new home and set a course for the old one.


Tuvok: I would prefer not to hear the life history of my breakfast.

Doctor: If you were human, I'd say you had a severe panic attack.
Tuvok: I'm not human.
Doctor: No kidding.

Chakotay: I've found that when you don't think about a problem, somtimes the solution comes to you.
Tuvok: It's difficult to forget when you're wearing a neurocortical monitor on your parietal bone.
Chakotay: Good point.

Tuvok: On this ship I trust you more than anyone else.

Janeway: You never brought me tea.

Sulu: I may have to give you a promotion.
Tuvok: That was not my motivation, Captain. I am not attempting to curry favor in any way.
Sulu: Mr. Tuvok, if you're going to remain on my ship you're going to have to learn how to appreciate a joke.

Sulu: Ensign, you're absolutely right...but you're also absolutely wrong. You'll find that more happnes on teh bridge of a starshp than just carrying out orders and observing regulations. There's a sense of loyalty to the men and women you serve with... a sense of family. Those two men on trial...I served with them for a long time. I owe them my life a dozen times over. And right now, they're in trouble and I'm going to help them. Let the regulations be damned.
Tuvok: Sir, that is a most illogical line of reasoning.
Sulu: You'd better believe it.

Kim: You mean he falsified his records.
Janeway: It was a very different time, Mr. Kim. Captain Sulu, Captain Kirk, Doctor McCoy. The all belonged to a different breed of Starfleet officer. Imagine the era they lived in. The Alpha Quadrant still largely unexplored. Humanity on verge of war with Klingons. Romulans hiding behind every nebulat. Even the thchnology we take for granted was still in its early stages. No plasma weapons, no multiphasic shields. Their ships were half as fast
Kim: No replicators. No holodecks. You know ever since I took Starfleet History at the Academy I always wondered what it would be like to live in those days.
Janeway: Space must have seemed a whole lot bigger back then. It's not surprising they had to bend the rules a little. They were a little slower to invoke the Prime Directive and a little quicker to pull their phasers. Of course, the whole bunch of them would be booted out of Starfleet today. But I have to admit, I would have loved to ride shotgun at least once with a group of officers like that.

Tuvok: Ever since I entered the Academy, I've had to endure the egocentric nature of humanity. You believe that everyone in the galaxy should be like you, that we should share your sense of humor and your humor values.

Sulu: Who the hell are you?

Janeway: We could have just asked her.
Tuvok: Asking female officers for their clothing could lead to misunderstanding.

Janeway: Mr. Tuvok, if I didn't know you better, I'd say you missed those days on the Excelsior.
Tuvok: On the contrary, I do not experience feeling of nostalgia. But there are times when I think back to those days of meeting Kirk, Spock and the others and I am pleased that I was part of it.
Janeway: In a funny way, I feel like I was a part of it too.
Tuvok: Then perhaps you can be nostalgic for both of us.


Kim: Did you have to hit me so hard?
Paris: Trust me. Around here you don't want anybody thinking you're soft.

Kim: Let's get something straight first.
Paris: What?
Kim: The next time you take a swing at me, I'm hitting back.

Janeway: I'd like to resolve this situation peacefully, Ambassador. But let me clarify my position.... I will not allow this ship to be boarded.

Janeway: Then you won't mind if a few of my crew members come aboard to look around.
Vel: Not if they don't mind having their throats cut.

Chakotay: I guess you're not the only captain who doesn't want their ship boarded.

Piri: With this ship you can attack the prison and get your people out.
Janeway: I'm sorry. Thats not how we do things where I come from.
Piri: Coward.

Kim: I'm not a killer.
Zio: If you want to survive in here, you'd better learn to be.
Kim: If that's what it takes to stay alive then I'd rather die.

Kim: This man is my friend. Nobody touches him!

Kim: I almost killed you.
Paris: What are you saying? You're the one who kept me alive.
Kim: I was ready to hit you with the pipe. Don't you remember?
Paris: You want to know what I remember? Someone saying... This man is my friend. Nobody touches him. I'll remember that for a long time.


Paris: Well if you ever have a free evening, I have a holodeck program you might enjoy...sailing on Lake Como.
Torres: I'd rather take my chance with Freddy Bristow.

Pentangeli: It's like singing with a computer.

Doctor: I've just had an unpleasant encounter with a madwoman on the holodeck. She must have upset me more than I'd realized.

Tuvok: Would it affect your decision if I pointed out that encroaching on the territory of an alien species is prohibited by Starfleet regulations.
Janeway: No, it wouldn't.
Tuvok: Captain, you have managed to surprise me.
Janeway: We're a long way from Starfleet, Lieutenant. I'm not about to waste 15 months because we've run into a bunch of bullies.

Doctor: I can't say I'd like to lose the last two years, but my primary responsibility is the health and welfare of this crew.

Janeway: If a crew member came down with a debilitating illness, you'd do everything in your power to make them well again. I think we owe you nothing less.

Doctor: I think you would be a little more sensitive to my needs.
Torres: You're questioning my bedside manner?

Torres: I can see where you get your charming personality.
Doctor: Not to mention my hairline.

Zimmerman holograph: Either reinitialize it or live with the knowledge that eventually this EMH will end up with the intellectual capacity of a parsnip.

Zimmerman holograph: Look at all this useless information floating around your buffer... friendships with crew, relationships... with women? Do they find you attractive?

Doctor: I'm sorry. I don't know who you are.

Doctor: He's a sick man. This is where sick people come.

Kim: It's something like: too late...should have listened.

Doctor: Others can leave. You can leave. Why can't I leave?

Doctor: I demand you tell me my name!

Zimmerman holograph: I'm a diagnostic too, not an engineer.


Paris: This is where we picked upa replicator signature?

Merchant: And may I say gentleman...you both have very fine shoes.

Kim: So we were thinking that is we can't bring the ship to the wormhole, bring the wormhole to the ship.

Tuvok: Captain, I must point out that the Ferengi are not members of the Federation. They are not bound by the prime directive not would it seem that the prime directive allows us to interfere with the internal affairs of this society as much as we may disapprove of what the Ferengi are doing.

Janeway: What about your interference? You've taken these people's religion and manipulated it for your own selfish purposes. Pretended to be their sages.
Arridor: Who's to say that we aren't their Sages?
Janeway: Don't be ridiculous.

Arridor: What happens when people lose their gods? Despair. Fear. Confusion. And how can you, as a moral people blithely tear dowbn the spiritual structure that has supported a community since before their gods were flesh? What would you be leaving them with?
Kol: Tell us, Arridor. Tell us.
Arridor: Darkness. Doubt. Hopelessness.

Tuvok: We must find a way to make it more profitable for them to leave.
Janeway: Or less profitable to stay. We have to out-Ferengi the Ferengi.

Arridor: It's time to invoke the unwritten rule.
Kol: The unwritten rule?
Arridor: When no appropriate rule applies, make one up.

Paris: Wait a minute....wasn't your patch on the other side?

Neelix: Commander, I think now would be a very good time for that beam out.

Janeway: Options?
Kim: There are none.


Torres: Why don't you go on without me. No, really I insist.

Janeway: I didn't realize you were offering to share it so directly.

Neelix: I haven't seen Lieutenant Torres around here tonight. I suppose she's putting in a another long night in engineering.
Chakotay: Actually, I think she might have gone to bed early tonight.

Doctor: I don't think satisfying your curiosity is worth risking brain damage, Lieutenant.

Janeway: They'll be gone in another day. The situation will resolve itself.
Tuvok: And yet, you fully intend to continue investigating.
Janeway: I wonder how long it's been since I did anything that surprised you.

Mirell: You won't deny the truth. We've been hiding it, but I couldn't anymore. They found out I was sharing it with you.......... Don't let the memories die ... promise.

Dathan: You can't go on trying to believe in both of us anymore. Either he's right and you should never see me again. Or I'm right and he is part of a terrible crime.

Jareth: A secret conspiracy against their people, organized murder on such an enormous scale... do you really think that your family and friends are capable of that?

Jareth: They'll say anything to get what they want. Like that boy, Dathan. Has he told you he's in love with you? He's not. It's his way of gaining your sympathy. And not only yours. I've seen him talking to quite a number of young women. Has he been asking you to trust him, poisoning you against your own people, even your own family? That's very cruel. No wonder you've been confused. Now you understnad what these people are really like.

Torres: It is the truth. I know you don't want to believe it. In fact, they're counting on that. They always have.

Torres: She showed me everything. No apologies. No request for forgiveness. Just the truth. At least she had the conscience to stand up and realize what she had done wrong. Which is more than I can say for you.

Torres: That's it? We just go on our merry way and nobody ever has to take any kind of responsibility?

Torres: I know you have no reason to believe what I've said about your people. All you have is my word against everything you've ever been taught.
Jessen: That's right.
Torres: So prove me wrong. Go down to Enara and find the colony where the Regressives were supposed to live. Talk to people. Ask questions. Learn the truth for yourself.


Chakotay: Of course, there's always the possibility that the Ancestral Spirits really do control what happens in the shrine.
Janeway: To each his own, Commander. But I imagine if we scratch deep enough we'd find a scientific basis for most religoius doctrine.

Guide: You are fond of your little devices, aren't you?
Janeway: They've always served me well.

Guide: Mathematics. I can see why you enjoyed it. Solve a problem, get an answer. The answer's either right or wrong. It's very absolute.
Janeway: I've always found that challenging.

Janeway: I'm dying.
Guide: Everyone dies eventually.

Guide: You mean you want proof that we exist.
Janeway: That would be helpful.
Guide: It's irrelevant.

Guide: You've come back to seek the spirits?
Janeway: I don't know what I'm seeking.
Guide: Good answer.

Janeway: Most of the challenges in life are the ones we create for ourselves.

Man: You'll find all the answers eventually with enough time and study with the right sort of tools. That's what you believe, isn't it?....
Janeway: Yes, that's what I've always believed.
Man: Even when her science fails right before her eyes, she still has full confidence in it. Now there's a leap of faith.

Chakotay: Captain, I don't understand this.
Janeway: Neither do I.

Janeway: It's a perfectly sound explanation, Doctor. Very scientific.


Janeway: I won't sacrifice this ship and crew based on a 10-second conversation. I need proof.

Janeway: The question isn't where we are, it's when we are.

Tuvok: We could have worn our Starfleet uniforms. I doubt if anyone would have noticed.

Chakotay: Well, Kathryn. You got us home.
Janeway: Right place, wrong time.

Chakotay: She does have your legs.

Rain: No way. Way.

Rain: Geese don't park themselves 20,000 kilometers above North America.

Kaplan: Shall I respond, sir?
Kim: Absolutely not.

Braxton: The end is coming! The future's end !

Braxton: You quasi-Cardassian totalitarian !

Paris: Somehow I doubt that taking a test drive is going to alter the course of the universe.

Paris: Your curves don't look so great.
Rain: Excuse me?

Rain: You know a lot for someone who can't find his way past Saturn.
Paris: I majored in astrophysics.
Rain: Where?
Paris: Starfleet Academy.
Rain: Never heard of it.
Paris: Uh...east coast school.

Tuvok: I am curious, Lieutenant. What does it mean.....groovy?

Rain: Who are you people and what is that thing in your pants?

Neelix: I can't wait to see if Blaine's twin brother is the father of Jessica's baby.

Janeway: This is like stone knives and bearskins.

Rain: The USSR broke up 5 years ago. The KGB doesn't even exist anymore.
Paris: That's what they'd like you to think.

Tuvok: ...and as for my ears, they're a family trait.

Janeway: Time travel. Since my first day on the job as a Starfleet captain, I swore I'd never get let myself caught in one of these godforsaken paradoxes. The future is the past. The past is the future. It all gives me a headache.

Torres: The Captain put you in charge. It's your decision.

Janeway: If you don't give us that ship, we'll take it by force.
Starling: In case you haven't noticed, I'm holding the gun.
Janeway: Not for long. I've got a starship in orbit that could vaporize this entire building in a blink of an eye.
Starling: And you along with it.
Janeway: If necessary.

Janeway: Ensign Kim, you have an impeccable sense of timing. Not bad for your first day in the big chair.


Rain: Let me guess. Someone broke into the van last night while I was sleeping, tried to snatch the stereo, you bravely fought them off and now you're repairing the damage.
Paris: That's exactly what happened.
Rain: My hero.

Tuvok: We will require your assistance.
Rain: No kidding.

Doctor: I find your interest in my well-being less than genuine.

Doctor: Southern California in the late 20th century had no shortage of psychotherapists, competent and otherwise. I suggest you find one.

Doctor: I'm a doctor, not a database.

Starling: Pack a lunch, Doc. We're going for a walk.

Torres: Highly qualified Klingon seeks position as engineer.

Doctor: I'm not programmed to make small talk.
Rain: And you ...Mr. Leisure Suit..
Doctor: There's a name I hadn't considered.

Doctor: Try to relax. You appear to be hallucinating.
Rain: Oh..is that what I am? I'm hallucinating.

Starling: Give me some credit, Captain. I did pretty well for a primitive.

Starling: What are you going to do, shoot me?
Janeway: The thought has crossed my mind.

Janeway: You don't care about the future, you don't care about the present. Does anything matter to you, Mr. Starling?
Starling: The betterment of mankind.

Janeway: In my time, Mr. Starling, no human being would dream of endangering the future to gain advantage in the present.

Janeway: Chronowerx stock is about to crash.

Rain: Talk about a motley crew. We have the Doctor, a guy with the worst, worst, taste in clothing I've ever seen. Tuvok... what a freakasaurus! Has that guy ever cracked a smile?
Paris: Not that I can recall.
Rain: And you...Tom Paris.. hmm..sexy, in a Howdy Doody sort of way. Pretty goofy, although sometimes I think you're the smartest man I've ever met. All this running around you do, your mission. You're so dedicated...like you care about something more than just your own little life.
Paris: Is that so unusual?
Rain: Yeah.

Porter: God in heaven, help us.
Doctor: Divine intervention is unlikely.

Torres: Wasn't there supposed to be a timeship in that truck?

Paris: I've never met anyone quite like you....and I don't think I ever will.
Rain: Same here. Say hi to Saturn for me.

Kim: Welcome to the bridge, Doctor.
Doctor: Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here.

Doctor: How exactly do I get to torpedo tube one?

Braxton: I never experienced that time-line.

Paris: Tuvok, has anyone ever told you, you're a real freakasaurus?


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