Neelix: Why I certainly don't mean to intrude on your friendships. You can spend time with anyone you want.
Kes: As long as I still spend most of it with you.

Neelix: It's not a duty or an obligation.
Kes: Well, sometimes it feels that way.

Kes: It might be a good idea for both of use to spend some time apart.

Tiernan/Kes: When did corruption become so commonplace? My people are crying out for moral leadership.

Tiernan: What I need from you I already have. Your body and your mind.
Kes: You many have my body, but you will never have my mind.

Kes: How can I go back to my normal life as if nothing ever happened?
Tuvok: You cannot. This experience will force you to adapt. You are no longer the same person, and the course of your life will change as a result. Where that new course leads you is up to you.


Janeway: If you think this puerile attempt at seduction is going to work, then you're even more self-deluded than I thought.

Q: You're playing hard to get.
Janeway: As far a you're concerned, Q, I'm impossible to get.

Q: Is it the tattoo? Cause mine's bigger.
Janeway: Not big enough.

Miss Q: What are you doing with that dog? I'm not talking about the puppy.

Miss Q: The Vulcan talent for stating the obvious never ceases to amaze me.

Torres: You know, I've had it with this superiority complex of yours.
Miss Q: It's not a complex. It's a fact.

Miss Q: You know, I've always liked Klingon females. You've got such spunk.

Janeway: Those best qualities of humanity you talked about aren't a simple matter of genetics. Love, conscience, compassion...they're attributes that mankind has developed over centuries...values that are passed from one generation to the next. Creating a new kind of Q is a noble idea. But it will take more than impregnating someone and walking away.

Miss Q: You...helm boy.

Miss Q: You did say you wanted to get into the continuum.
Chakotay: Yes, but in one piece.

Q: I love it when you talk dirty.
Janeway: Why don't I give you two some privacy.
Oh, Kathy. Don't you like to watch?

Q: I was good, wasn't I?
Miss Q: Very good.
Janeway: That was it?
Q: You had your chance. Don't go crying about it now.


Janeway: I may never put my hands on my hips again.

Doctor: As for the larger versions of the viruses -- what I've termed macroviruses -- I would suggest a fly swatter.

Chakotay: Compassion is nothing to be sorry about, Doctor. It won't be the last time you're faced with a moral dilemna in the field. But if it makes you feel any better, your performance was exemplary.

Torres: I may never look at food again.
Paris: I thought Klingons didn't get nauseated. You have a redundant stomach.
Torres: Well, right not they're both unhappy.

Doctor: One down, 10 billion to go.

Doctor: Who designed this ship anyway?


Neelix: Do you...would you tell me how you got in trouble?
Paris: I've thought a lot about that and it comes down to one simple fact. I didn't tell the truth. I made a mistake...which happens to people but if I'd have admitted that mistake it would have been a whole lot better. But I lied about it and it nearly ruined my life.

Neelix: We have to tell the truth. It's the only way to make things right.

Janeway: I won't allow a member of my crew to be condemned for a crime they didn't commit.

Tossin: Then you will die with me, little man.
Neelix: No problem at all if it will get rid of an Orillian maggot like you.

Janeway: Well, do you have anything to say for yourself?
Neelix: Only that I'm terribly sorry.
Janeway: Oh, you're sorry. Is that supposed to make everything better. I don't really care if you're sorry or not, Neelix. At this point it doesn't really matter.

Neelix: I've never been dishonest with you before, Captain. I just took one step, a step that seemed perfectly reasonable and that step led to another and another and before I knew it, I was involved in something I didn't know how to handle.
Janeway: What was it? What was so important that you were willing to throw away your principles?
Neelix: I needed a map.
Janeway: A map?

Janeway: We're all in this together, Neelix. And we have to be able to count on each other no matter how hard it gets.


Tuvok: I am fully capable of appreciating this phenomenon without the extraneous sentimentality humans find so necessary.
Chakotay: Being moved by an emotion isn't always extraneouse. Sometimes it's the whole point.

Tuvok: You're in love with a computer subroutine?

Marayna: Ready to get your ears wet?
Tuvok: Vulcans do not hydrosail.

Kim: I'm not hiding out. I'm deconstructing the emotional complex.

Doctor: The life of a recreational hologram. Dining, dancing, non-restrictive clothing...I see the allure.

Kim: Hi, my name is Harry-read-me-like-a-book-Kim.

Janeway: It would appear to me that we're not moving, Mr. Paris.

Tuvok: I do not have a complete understanding of emotions. But I believe that if you truly care for me, you will not pursue this course of action.

Marayna: But what about you, Tuvok? Will you always be alone?


Chakotay: Don't ever do that to me again.

Doctor: I've come to the conclusion that there's only one humane course of action.
Janeway: What's that?
Doctor: Euthanasia.

Doctor: Please relax and take deep breaths. It will be over more quickly that way.

Tuvok: I would like the record to show that I have lost a good friend as well.... one whom I can never replace.

Torres: She saw... she saw something in me that I didn't see. She saw a worthwhile person while I saw a lost and hostile misfit and because she had faith in me, I began to have faith in myself. And when she died the first thing I thought is that I couldn't do this without her, that I needed her too badly. Her strength and her compassion. But then I realized that the gift that she gave me... gave a lot of us here... was the knowledge that we are better and stronger than we think. I wish I had said these things to her. I wish I had taken the time.

Kim: The Captain sat down next to me ....... She put her arm around my shoulder and she said...she said... Ensign, these are the times we have to remember.

Janeway: I would rather be here in spirit than not at all. A captain doesn't abandon ship.

Janeway: My father would never act like this. He always believed I had to learn my own lessons, make my own mistakes.

Janeway: What's the real reason you want me in that matrix? Somehow, I dont think it has anything to do with everlasting joy.

Janeway: We can stand here for all eternity and I will never choose to go with you.
Admiral Janeway: You're in a dangerous profession, Captain. You face death every day. They'll be another time and I'll be waiting. Eventually, you will come into my matrix and you will nourish me for a long, long time.
Janeway: Go back to hell, coward.


Vorik: I hope she isn't too upset with me.
Doctor: With Lieutenant Torres, upset is a relative term.

Doctor: For such an intellectually enlightened race, Vulcans have a remarkably Victorian attitude about sex.

Doctor: The Vulcan brain never ceases to amaze me.

Paris: I tried to stop her from leaving, but she got very hostile and ...bit me.
Chakotay: She bit you?
Paris: And she seemed to be enjoying it in a Klingon sort of way.

Vorik: She's a hologram. She isn't real.
Doctor: Then I assume you have the same low regard for me.
Vorik: You are a skilled physician, Doctor, but let me point out the limitations to your own experiences with physical matters.
Doctor: I believe we're discussing your sexual difficulties at the moment, Ensign.

Paris: Are you telling me I'm impossible to resist?
Torres: I wouldn't go that far.

Torres: You've never been hard to get, Tom.
Paris: Well, I'm making an exception. I can't let you do this.
Torres: Oh, but you wish you could. All the invitations to dinner and on the Holodeck, the way you would stare at me when you thought I wasn't looking, and get jealous when I'm with someone else. You can't tell me you're not interested in me.
Paris: You're right, I can't.

Toirres: You see I've wanted this for so long. Just let it happen.

Paris: I hope someday you'll say that to me and mean it.

Paris: So, this is the part where you throw heavy objects at me?
Torres: Maybe later.

Torres: Well, what are you doing?\
Paris: Enjoying myself?

Paris: You're afraid that your big, scary Klingon side might have been showing. Well, I saw it up close and you know, it wasn't so terrible. In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing it again someday.....
Torres: Be careful what you wish for, Lieutenant.


Paris: I think they should have renamed it the 'negative expanse'. We haven't run across anything interesting in days.
Janeway: If you're bored Mr. Paris, I'm sure I can find something else for you to do. The warp plasma filters are due for a thorough cleaning.
Paris: Now that you mention it, Captain. I find this region of space a real navigational challenge.

Tuvok: Allowing yourself to become apprehensive can only be counterproductive, Lieutenant.
Torres: I'm not being apprehensive, Tuvok. I'm just nervous as hell.

Doctor: I must say there's nothing like the vacuum of space for preserving a handsome corpse.

New Cooperative: We are the New Co-operative.

Chakotay: But they didn't hesitate to impose their collective will on me when it served their interests. I wonder how long their ideals will last in the face of that kind of power.


Doctor: Have you been....naughty?

Doctor: Does that feel good?
Torres: Doctor, unless you want me to knock you into the middle of the next millennium, you better back off.

Doctor: Don't eat the vegetables, I said. But does anyone listen to me?

Doctor: Watch your tongue. Or I'll remove it.

Doctor: 'What is the natural of the medical emergency'. What a hollow excuse for a life. Servile... pathetic... at the beck and call of anyone who invokes his name.

Doctor: Put those down before someone gets hurt and I have to clean up the mess.


Doctor: Vulcans are notoriously difficult to impress.

Sklar: Well, thank you for the reassurance.
Tuvok: It is illogical to dwell on situations which are beyone your control. It will only serve to heighten your anxiety, which if I might say so, is already heightened enough.

Tuvok: I'm not interested in your funny feeling.

Neelix: I'll tell you who's being emotional. You. You hide it beneath that Vulcan calm, but the truth is you're filled with contempt and sarcasm and I'm tired of being the target of all your hostility.

Tuvok: I have no feelings toward Mr. Neelix.
Neelix: That's right. That's exactly what I'm talking about. You have no feelings for me, but you have feelings against me.

Sklar: I can't believe you're going out there. You don't even know what you're looking for.
Tuvok: I am looking for Mr. Neelix's instinct. Perhaps it will be marked.

Ambassador: Where is Sklar?
Neelix: Mr. Sklar... returned to the surface.

Tuvok: Your instincts were correct. However, one day your intuition will fail and you will finally understand that logic is primary above all else. Instinct is simply another term for serendipity.
Neelix: And one day Mr. Vulcan, I'll get you to trust your gut.


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