Namon: If you don't wrestle your trembles to rages, Ally, the Nemesis will nullify you.

Namon: You don't fathom the Nemesis.
Chakotay: No. I suppose I don't.

Chakotay: This isn't my war. I'm not planning on shooting anybody.
Brone: If we greet the Nemesis in the trunks, you'll fire like the rest. As long as you're with us, you'll do my tellings. Fathom?
Chakotay: Fathom.

Chakotay: The point is even though I believed in what we were doing, I always felt fear before a fight.
Rafin: But you wrestled your trembles to rages, didn't you?
Chakotay: I guess I did.

Brone: Keep your tops low and your glimpses wide.

Tuvok: You are a scientist. An explorer. You are not a killer.

Doctor: I'd say they had you so mixed up they could have convinced you your own mother was a turnip.

Chakotay: I cared about the Vori but I hated the Kradin. I wanted to kill everyone of them.
Janeway: Evidently that was the point.

Chakotay: I wish it were as easy to stop hating as it was to start.


Janeway: For outstanding service as chief tactical and security officer, it's my pleasure to grant you the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
Tuvok: Had I known this commendation entailed ritual humiliation, I might have declined. However, I accept it with gratitude and will honor the responsibility that comes with it. During my 3 years on Voyager, I have grown to respect a great many of you. Others I have learned to tolerate. As your tactical officer I will continue to do my best to ensure a safe passage home. As a Vulcan, I share the following sentiment.... Live long and prosper.

Doctor: Report to sickbay at 0600 tomorrow. Bring a tricorder and a smile.

Janeway: I don't recall giving you a promotion today.

Kim: I always wanted to learn Borg.

Seven: It may not be apparent but I am often amused by human behavior.

Kim: So what do you do for fun down in Cargo Bay 2?

Seven: I've become weak.
Kim: No more than the rest of us.

Paris: You always go for the tough ones. What was it last time... a hologram?

Nevertheless, I'm willing to explore my humanity. Take off your clothes.
Kim: Seven...
Seven: Don't be alarmed. I won't hurt you.

Doctor: This could be tedious.

Torres: Does this mean you're too tired to meet me later in my quarters?
Paris: Are you sure your heart can take it?
Doctor: I'm detecting elevated hormone levels. If you two don't take it easy, I'll have to declare a medical emergency.


Seven: Oral consumption is inefficient.
Doctor: And unnecessary if you're lucky enough to be a hologram.

Janeway: I would like to negotiate a course that's a little more....direct.

Neelix: Please.
Seven: Please what?

Seven: For a brief time, I was human. But I've come to realize that I am Borg. I will always be Borg.

Gaumen: You are committing an act of war, Captain.
Janeway: You gave me no choice, Chancellor.
Gaumen: Reinforcements are arriving. You will be destroyed...
Janeway: I don't have time for this. Target their weapons array.

Janeway: Looks like there won't be any shortcuts this time.


Paris: What could I say? Sorry, Captain, I've got a date with B'Elanna?

Doctor: Your body is crying out for mercy.
Janeway: It certainly is right now.

Torres: Sounds like you see a future in this.
Paris: I would never be so presumptuous.
Torres: Smooth recovery, Lieutenant.

Janeway: You two have been making enough of a public display that half the ship is gossiping about it.
Torres: Believe me, that wasn't our intention...
You are senior officers and I expect you to maintain a standard for th rest of the crew, but this adolescent behavior makes me question my faith in you both. If you choose to pursue a relationship, that's your business. But you consider yourselves under orders to use better judgment about it. Is that understood?

Chakotay: Do you smell something strange?
Neelix: I'm afraid that's me.

Neelix: I still have my home on Voyager, my friends.
Chakotay: Your hair.

Janeway: You are security chief. Don't 13 department heads report to you everyday?
Tuvok: Yes.
Janeway: Well, straighten them out.
Tuvok: Shall I flog them as well?

Janeway: Who are you and what the hell are you doing to my crew?

Alzen: There's been a great difference of opinion about how much more strain you can bear.
Janeway: Not much.

Janeway: This ends now.

Janeway: I never realized you thought of me as reckless, Tuvok.
Tuvok: A poor choice of words. It was clearly an understatement.


Annorax: Time is patient. So we must be patient with it.

Doctor: Who would have thought that this eclectic group of voyagers could actually become a family. Starfleet, Maquis, Klingon, Talaxian, hologram, Borg... even Mr. Paris

Janeway: With all due respect, unless you've got something bigger in your torpedo tubes, I'm not turning around.

Krenim commandant: Surrender now and I will forego the execution of your crew.
Janeway: I don't respond well to threats.

Janeway: Something on your mind?
Chakotay: Yes, but you're not going to like it.
Janeway: That's never stopped you before.

Janeway: Abandon ship? The answer is no. I'm not breaking up the family, Chakotay. We're stronger as a team. One crew, one ship. The moment we split apart we lose the ability to pool our talents. We become vulnerable. We'll get picked off one by one. Now I say we make our stand together. As long as Voyager's in one piece, we stay.
Chakotay: To be honest, I wasn't too found of the idea myself.

Torres: Go ahead and ask your stupid question before I pass out and you don't have anybody to play with.

Janeway: The Titanic? As I recall, it sank.
Paris: Let's just say I've made a few improvements.

Tuvok: Hold your position and wait for my arrival.
Seven: Arrive quickly.

Janeway: What's important is we're together working toward a single goal... survival.

Janeway: This is the captain of Voyager. You may have noticed we have a defense against your torpedoes now. I suggest you stand down.
Tuvok: No response.
Their mistake. Bring the ship about. We're going through their space whether they like it or not.

Janeway: I promised myself that I would never give this order. That I would never break up this family. But asking you to stay would be asking you to die.


Annorax: You have no idea how you've complicated my mission.
Paris: Glad to hear it.

Seven: It is offensive. Fortunately, taste is irrelevant.

Chakotay: You've been at this for 200 years, Annorax. What makes you think you're ever going to succeed?
Annorax: What makes you think Voyager will reach Earth? The odds against you are astronomical. Yet you keep trying.
You're right but we don't destroy everything that stands in our way.

Janeway: Oh, why do I get the feeling you're testing me, Voyager?

Doctor: As Chief Medical Officer I have the authority to relieve you of your command.
Janeway: Try it and I'll shut down your program.

Doctor: Captain Kathryn Janeway, under Starfleet Medical Regulation 121, Section A, I the Chief Medical Officer do hereby relieve you of your active command effective immediately. Have a seat.

Janeway: You'll have a hell of a time keeping me confined. You better grab a phaser because before I give command, you'll have to shoot me.

Paris: To quote a long lost friend of mine: It seemed logical.

Chakotay: You're not doing anything against Annorax. That's an order.
Paris: What are you going to do? Take away my holodeck privleges?
Chakotay: Either we maintain our command structure or else we settle our differences the old-fashioned way.

Chakotay: You don't have the right.
Annorax: To fight for what is mine? That's not for you to decide. Only time can pronounce judgment against me.

Janeway: Oh, there's fight in Voyager yet. It's still got temporal shielding. Six photon torpedoes. It'll hold together. Besides... you know the adage. Captain goes down with the ship, right?

Tuvok: Given Voyager's damaged state, the probability of your surviving an armed conflict is marginal.
Janeway: Oh, I know the odds. But I have to stay. Voyager's done too much for us.
Tuvok: Curious. I have never understood the human compulsion to emotionally bond with inanimate objects. This vessel has done nothing. It is an assemblage of bulkheads, conduits, tritanium, nothing more.
Janeway: Oh but you're wrong. It's much more than that. This ship has been our home. It has kept us toegether. It has been part of our family. As illogical as this might sound, I feel as close to Voyager as I do to any other memeber of my crew. It has carried us, Tuvok. Even nutured us. And right now, it needs one of us.

Tuvok: Live long and prosper, Captain.
Janeway: Same to you, old friend.

Janeway: Time's up.

Annorax: I suppose I can make the time.


Numira: Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres. You are under arrest.
Torres: On what charge?
Numira: Aggravated violent thought resulting in grave bodily harm.

Torres: So you believe that it's alright to tell people what they can and can not think?

Torres: Where we come from people are responsible for their own actions.
Numira: And here, people are responsible for their own thoughts.

Chakotay: Tom, I may have let you sit in the Captain's chair, but remember she's still the boss.

Seven: You make contact with alien species without a sufficient understanding of their nature. As a result, Voyager's directive to "seek out new civilizations" often ends in conflict.
Neelix: What you call ignorance, we call exploration and sometimes that means taking a few risks, but it's certainly better than assimilating everything in your path.

Seven: You goal is to share knowledge. Assimilation is the perfect means of attaining that goal.

Doctor: You can return to duty, Lieutenant. But perhaps with one or two fewer violent engrams.
Torres: It's alright, Doc. There are plenty more where those came from.

Janeway: Have a seat.
Seven: I prefer to stand.
Janeway: I keep forgetting.

Seven: Then we are in disagreement.
Janeway: Good. I dread the day when everyone on this ship agrees with me.


Janeway: Fire at will.
Tuvok: I have the will but not the means, Captain.

Paris: I feel like we've just been mugged.

Alien: Well, this is a waste of my time.
Chakotay: I agree. There's the door. Goodbye. Make sure he doesn't get lost on the way out.

Alien: This was a waste of my time.
Chakotay: Not really. Those colors look good on you.

Janeway: Try to keep our hologram occupied.
Tuvok: But, Captain...
Janeway: Well, make small talk.
Tuvok: Vulcans do not make small talk.
Janeway: Improvise.

Da Vinci: Well, this conversation has left me dry as Vulcan.
Tuvok: Vulcan?
Da Vinci: An island off Sicily. Have you been there?

Janeway: You've always said that it's a poor apprentice who can't surpass her master. There are things in this world that I understand and you don't.


Seven: You are a peculiar creature, Neelix.
Neelix: Thank you. I think.

Seven: Their biological and technological distinctiveness was unremarkable. They were unworthy of assimilation.
Neelix: I didn't realize the Borg were so discriminating.
Seven: Why assimilate a species that would detract from perfection?
Neelix: Good point.

Tuvok: You are no longer part of the Collective. You are mortal now like the rest of us. Does that disturb you?
Seven: My connection to the Borg has been severed but the Collective still possesses my recollections, my experiences. In a sense, I will always exist.
Tuvok: Fascinating. That must be a great relief.
Seven: Yes. It is.

Chakotay: Don't throw away a lifetime of faith because of one anomalous incident. Death is still the greatest mystery there is.

Tuvok: We do not stand alone. We are in the arms of family. Father, mother, sister, brother, father's father, father's mother, father's brother, mother's brother, father's.... suffice it to say the list is extensive. We gather this day to extol the warmth and joy of those unshakable bonds. Without them we could not call ourselves complete. On this day we are thankful to be together. We do not stand alone.

Seven: You will be assimilated.
Neelix: No time for that now. Maybe later.

Neelix: Duty calls.


Paris: I think you forgot something, Tuvok.
Tuvok: It appears that in my haste to report to the bridge, I neglected to put on my uniform.

Tuvok: The alien simply stared at me as if scrutinizing my appearance.
Janeway: That's what happened in my dream. What did you do?
Tuvok: I returned to my quarters.
Janeway: Did the alien follow you?
Tuvok: He did.
Janeway: And then?
Tuvok: He watched me.
Janeway: Doing what?
Tuvok: Getting dressed.
Janeway: Getting dressed?
Tuvok: Yes.
Janeway: I don't supposes I should ask why you were undressed?
Tuvok: I would prefer that you didn't.

Janeway: Sometimes first contact is last contact.

Janeway: Either I've become impervious to antimatter explosions, or we're still dreaming.

Tuvok: And if the aliens try to stop us?
Janeway: Then we turn this dream world of theirs into a nightmare.

Chakotay: I found the cavern and your people. I'm there right now in the waking world. And it's all going to be destroyed in less than 2 minutes unless you deactivate that transmitter.
Alien: If you are there, you'll be killed too. I think you're lying.
Chakotay: Oh, believe me. If I don't contact my ship, you and I are both going to die in our sleep.


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