Chakatoy: Youre a senior officer on this ship. Act like one. Find a way to deal with her.

Doctor: When I requested more away missions, this isn't exactly what I had in mind.

Janeway: Good luck, Doctor.
Doctor: There's that word again.

EMH 2: Deactivate EMH.
Doctor: Activate EMH

EMH 2: I'm a doctor, not a commando.

Doctor: I was saving Voyager from annihilation when you were only a gleam in your programmer's eye.

Neelix: It's just a matter of perfecting the recipe. Next time I'll use a few less "jaloby-nose".

EMH 2: Sex? How is that possible? We're not equipped...
Doctor: Let's just say I made an addition to my program.

Rekar: I will deactivate you unless you start answering my questions.
Doctor: If I answer them you'll very likely deactivate me anyway so I fail to see the point.

Doctor: You know you really should keep a personal log. Why bore others needlessly?

Doctor: I show good intuition. Where's the helm?

Doctor: Stop breathing down my neck!
EMH 2: My breathing is merely a simulation.
Doctor: So is my neck. Stop it anyway.

Seven: He wasn't responding to diplomacy.

Doctor: You hit the wrong ship!
EMH 2: It wasn't my fault.
Doctor: Whose fault was it? The torpedo's?

Computer: Specify attack pattern.
Doctor: Attack pattern.. alpha?
Computer: Specify target.
Doctor and EMH 2: Romulans!

Doctor: They wanted you to know you're no longer alone.
Janeway: Sixty thousand light years seems a little closer today.


Neelix: You're going to wait until you've finished the tactical review?
Tuvok: Do you have any reason to believe that the content of the message will change in that time?

Paris: Shouldn't get your hopes up, Harry. No hopes, no disappointments.
Kim: I'm not you.

Paris: The more everyone gets excited about these letters from home, the more I don't want any part of it. Maybe because what I have on Voyager is so much better than anything I had back there. I just don't want the reminder.
Torres: You're not the same person you were four years ago. What makes you think he is?


Hirogen: The way a creature behaves when it is wounded is the key to its destruction.

Seven: Thanks for being a patient patient.

Janeway: So there's one question remaining. Who's hunting the hunters?

Doctor: You should know I'm a hologram and I can't be bent, spindled, or mutilated so don't bother trying.

Janeway: If he steps out of line... shoot him.

Hirogen: I once tracked a silicon-based life-form through the neutronium mantle of a collapsed star.
Paris: I once tracked a mouse through Jeffries tube 32.

Seven: A lesson in compassion will do me little good if I am dead.

Seven: It is puzzling.
Janeway: What's that?
Seven: You made me into an individual. You encourage me to stop thinking like a member of the Collective... to cultivate my independence and my humanity. But when I try to assert that independence, I am punished.
Janeway: Individuality has its limits, especially on a starship where there's a command structure.
Seven: I believe that you are punishing me because I do not think the way you do... because I am not becoming more like you. You claim to respect my individuality, but in fact, you are frightened by it.
Janeway: As you were.


Seven: The Captain gives me greater liberty only when she need my expertise.

Doctor: When I started helping you improve your social skills, I'm fairly certain I didn't include a boxing lesson.

Kovin: Are you willing to risk our trade agreement all on the basis of one crew member's delusions?
Janeway: Yes.

Seven: I want him to be punished. I won't settle for anything less.

Seven: As a Borg I was responsible for the destructoin fo countrless millions, and I felt nothing. But now I regret the destruction of this single being.

Janeway: I won't turn back the clock becuase of one mistake... no matter how serious, and no matter how you might feel.
Doctor: I'm a physician. I'm supposed to preserve life, not destroy it. I can't live with the thought that I might do it again.
Janeway: With any luck that knowledge will prevent it from happening again.


Alpha Hirogen: You are mine now and after death.

Madamoiselle de Neuf: When the Americans arrive and the fighting begins, I don't intend to be standing next to the piano singing "Moonlight Becomes You".

Katrine: You're late. What happened?
Baker: Just a little tete a tete with a member of the master race.

Baker: It must be important.
Bartender: All messages regarding the war are important. It's only a matter of degree.
Baker: I suppose you're right, but do you have to be so logical about everything?
Bartender: In any covert battle, logic is a potent weapon. You might try it sometime.

Hirogen: Your crew is fragile. They fall too easily.
Doctor: What did you expect? They've been stabbed, shot, beaten, phasered, and bat'lethed over the past 3 weeks.

Alpha Hirogen: Species that don't change, die.

Seven: I must discontinue this activity. I am not well.

Doctor: We've got to stop meeting like this.

Kim: You're supposed to be the finest hunters in the quadrant. Why don't you find us something a little more tasty?

Katrine: Step away or I'll kill you.

Alpha Hirogen: You circumvented our control. How?
Kim: Go to hell.

Davis: You owe me a postcard.

Miller: Take cover. Charlie One isn't known for accuracy.

Kim: You wanted a war. Looks like you got one.


Miller: This isn't a request. It's an order.
Janeway: An order? Does it look like I'm wearing one of your uniforms?

Davis: Bullseye. Lucky for you.

Miller: I guess my French is a little rusty.

Paris: What do you think... boy or girl?
Seven: It's a holographic projection.

Paris: Totalitarian fanatics bent on world conquest. Thee Borg of their day. No offense.
Seven: None taken.

Doctor: Don't argue with the man. Run along. I'll reattach any severed limbs just don't misplace them.

Doctor: Tally-ho.

Janeway: We'll destroy this ship before we surrender it.
Alpha Hirogen: Perhaps I should kill you and find someone who will cooperate.
Janeway: Good luck. You'll get the same response from all of them.

Seven: One day the Borg will assimilate your species despite your arrogance. When that moment arrives, remember me.

Doctor: They're Klingons, not kittens.

Janeway: Accept this trophy. You can use it to create a new future for your people or at the very least you can hang it on your bulkhead.


Paris: Since when is not wanting to spend time with the Doctor a capital offense: You'd have to throw the whoel crew in the brig for that one.

Kim: I know you've been avoiding the Doctor but don't tell me you've forgotten where Sickbay is.

Kim: I can't wait to get my hands around one of those clubs. Ensign Kaplan won't know what hit her.

Kim: Give the Doctor my best.
Paris: I will....if I ever find him.

Paris: As hard as I might try to become a better assistant to you, it's clear to me now I'll never be half the healer you are.
Doctor: Do you mean to tell me you've been trying to live up to my standards?


Seven: Omega is infinitesimally complex, yet harmonious. To the Borg it represents perfection.

Janeway: I can't ignore orders, but I won't ask the crew to risk their lives because of my obligation.
Chaktoay: My obligation. That's where you're wrong. Voyager may be alone out here, but you're not. Let us help you.

Seven: Six of 10, this is not your assignment.
Kim: Stop calling me that.

Seven: Your new designation is 2 0f 10.
Kim: You're demoting me?

Kim: Seven's taking this hive mentality just a little too far. Designated functions.... numbered drones. I wouldn't be surprised if she started plugging us into alcoves.
Chakotay: When in the collective Harry, adapt.

Janeway: Omega's too dangerous. I won't risk half the quadrant to satisy our curiosity. It's arrogant and it's irresponsible. The final frontier has some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed and we're looking at one.

Seven: Your Starfleet directive is no longer relevant. I have found a way to control Omega.
Janeway: I don't care if you can make it sing and dance. We're getting rid of it.
Seven: A foolish decision.
Janeway: Yes, but it's my decision to make. Now step aside.


Paris: So you're going to realign your sensors with Seven's. Sounds like fun.

Kellin: You see... we've met before.
Chakotay: If that were true, I'm sure I'd remember.
Kellin: No, you wouldn't. You couldn't.

Tuvok: I'd rather not engage in speculation. It is a dangerous pasttime.

Kellin: So please be honest. If you feel nothing for me, just tell me and I'll leave.
Chakotay: Don't go.

Kim: It's usually considered a good idea if two people get to know each other before they become intimate.
Seven: Why is that?
Kim: Because it's more comfortable. You spend some time together. You laugh. You talk. That makes it easier to get closer.
Seven: But the end result is the same, is it not?
Kim: Well, I guess so.
Seven: Then I fail to see what is accomplished by all the talk.
Kim: Seven, if you don't get it, I can't explain it to you.
Seven: Obviously.

Chakotay: Don't go back with the tracer. Stay here for a while... at least a couple of days. We can get to know each other again.
Kellin: I honestly can't imagine what would be served by that.

Neelix: I don't think you can analyze love. It's the greatest mystery of all. No one knows what happens or doesn't. Love is a chance comination of elements. Any one thing might be enough to keep it from igniting... a mood.. a glance.. a remark. And if we could define love... predict it... it would probably lose its power.


Janeway: The best way to bring down a ruler is to make his people suffer.

Janeway: Why do you always keep me waiting, Tuvok?

Quarren: Please let me try to explain.
Doctor: Try quickly

Doctor: To you this may be ancient history. To me it's yesterday. You called me a living witness. Well, at least give me the chance to set the record straight.

Doctor: But these aren't the people I knew. No one behaved like this. Well, aside from Mr. Paris.


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