Ra - Jal Razik was called Ra before he earned his Ogla name by destroying a Kazon Nistrim frigate and killing more than 100 people in a single shot. (Initiations)

Radiation poisoning - Kes and a lot of the crew were exposed to radiation poisioning during the first Krenim attack on stardate 50973 when there was a leak from one of the Krenim chronoton torpedo fragments; the crew was innoculated against the poisoning but Kes still has trace amounts of the radiation in her body. (Before and After) Paris gets protection from radiation poisoning from the Doctor before he goes on the shuttle to collect plasma from the particle wake. (Real Life)

Radioactive isotope - The Doctor finds a radioactive isotope that can selectively attach itself to the DNA of one of the merged species but not the other so that they could beam out the selected DNA sequences of the two merged species; the Doctor and Kim use the isotope to separate the hybrid flower back into a chysanthemum and a clematis; Janeway administers the isotope to Tuvix and then uses the transporter to separate him back into Tuvok and Neelix. (Tuvix)

RAF - Captain Miller wants to call in the RAF for an airstrike on the German bunker but Janeway is able to convince him not to. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Rafin (Matt E. Levin) - He is one of the defenders of the 4th Vori Defense Contingent; he captures Chakotay but Brone tells him to set Chakotay loose since he is not the Nemesis; Rafin has never glimpsed the face of the Nemesis and it is his first walk in the clash zone; Namon says that Rafin has the trembles and that he must wrestle the trembles into rages or the Nemesis will nullify him; his village was flamed by the Nemesis and his cousins, brothers, and his mother's mother were nullified in their sleep by the Kradin; Rafin drills Chakotay to fire Vori arms; Rafin thinks that it is his fault that Namon was nullified since Rafin would have walked with Chakotay if he hadn't had the coward's trembles; Rafin is killed in a Kradin attack; before he dies, he asks Chakotay to turn his face to the wayafter; Chakotay discovers that Rafin was just part of a Vori training simulation. (Nemesis)

Radiogenic particles - The winner of Paris's betting pool must predict what the radiogenic particle count will be a 1200 the next day. (Meld)

Radiometric therapy - The Doctor gave Paris a high saturation of radiometric therapy to try to slow down the cellular mutation. (Threshold)

Radion beams - Kim suggests that they modify the main deflector to send out dozens of radion beams which will be able to penetrate the prison's shields. (Resistance)

Radio-septics - The Enarans use these to sterilize their hands or their homes; Jareth says the Regressives refuse to use these. (Remember)

Radiothermic interference - Voyager detects radiothermic interference on the surface of Tarok; Kes says that this is how the Kazon conceal their weaponry; this interference prevents Voyager from communicating with anyone who beams down to the planet. (Initiations)

Rahmin (Kevin P. Stillwell) - Rahmin is on one of the Caatati ships that Voyager meets; he says that his people were assimilated by the Borg over a year ago and that only a few thousand of them escaped on 30 ships; Rahmin says that they need food, medicine, and thorium isotopes. (Day of Honor)

Rain - SEE: Robinson, Rain. (Future's End, Part 1)

Rakan folk songs - Neelix and some of the Maquis crew are singing these songs while Seska and Jackson break into the kitchen to loot the food reserves. (State of Flux)

Rakella Prime - The Bok'sha live on Rakella Prime. (Heroes and Demons)

Rakosa Five - Dreadnought locks its targeting scanners on to Rakosa Five since it believes it is actually Aschelon Five; Kellan is the First Minister of the planet. (Dreadnought)

Ralkana - Caylem's daughter; Caylem believes that Janeway is really Ralkana; Ralkana was killed in the prison tunnels when she was trying to rescue her mother. (Resistance)

Ramura - Kellin is from Ramura; the memories of the Ramuran people can't be held in the minds of other races; their bodies produce some sort of pheromone that blocks the long-term memory engrams of others; they are impervious to scanning devices like tricorders or transporter locks; the Ramurans are a closed society that won't tolerate anybody trying to leave; they don't want anyone to reveal anything about their society to the outside world. (Unforgettable)

Rand (Grace Lee Whitney) - Female Commander on the USS Excelsior; it took her 3 years to make Ensign; communications is her station; Tuvok uses the Vulcan neck pinch in order to steal her clothes for Janeway to wear. (Flashback)

Randomized behavior algorithms - Torres adds some randomized behavioral algorithms to the Doctor's holo-family program so that the program may be closer to real life. (Real Life)

Rangasso - Neelix prepares the poroccan eggs with a touch of rangasso in them. (Flashback)

Ranora - Doctor Neria tells Kim to go with Dr. Ranora so that he can start a more detailed bioanalysis on him. (Emanations)

Ration cubes - Neelix prepares this for the crew in the Mess Hall; he calls it the "Elixir of Endurance"; it is loaded with amino acids, carbohydrates and all the nutrients required for the crew to withstand the stressful conditions; he purees it and mixes it with water and enhances it with Talaxian spices; Seven says that it is offensive. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Ration pack #5 - One of the emergency ration meals Janeway eats in order to save replicator power; consists of stewed tomatoes with dehydrated eggs. (The Phage)

Raven - Seven has a flashback which includes a shrieking raven pursuing her; in her personal log she describes a bird with black feathers, yellow eyes, a powerful triangular beak, and a wingspread of one and a half meters; it is a member of the Corvidae family. (The Raven)

Raven, The - This was the name of the Hansen's ship; Seven says that she and her parents lived here a long time and that her father did important experiments here; its registry number is NAR-3845; the B'omar attack the ship and most of the ship is destroyed when it falls from a cliff. (The Raven)

Razik - See: Jal Razik.

Reactant injector - The Sacajawea's reactant injector is hit when the Vidiians fire on the shuttle. (Coda)

Reaction control thrusters - Janeway has Paris use these in drift mode only in order to navigate Voyager into the random eddies of the lifeform. (The Cloud)

Rectilian vulture - Neelix says that Paris is swooping in on Kes like a Rectilian vulture. (The Phage)

Red - Seven tells Janeway that as a girl, her favorite color was red. (The Gift)

Red dwarf system - The planet that uses polaric energy is a M class planet in a red dwarf system. (Time and Again)

Refining facility - Voyager needs this in order to process the raw dilithium they will get from the rogue planetoid. (The Phage)

Reformation - Alcia says that the Drayan society would have self-destructed if not for the Reformation. (Innocence)

Regenerative fusion - Jetrel wants to attempt regenerative fusion in order to restore people who were vaporized by the Metreon Cascade; he believes that this can be done by imputing DNA sequences from the victim's medical records, isolating those atomic fragments in the Metreon cloud, and then rematerializing the victims; when Janeway and Tuvok attempt this using the transporter, it is unsuccessful because the fragmentation is too great. (Jetrel)

Regenerative shields - Neelix tells Janeway that the Numiri have this type of shields; these shields combined with their directed energy weapons may give them an advantage in a fire fight. (Ex Post Facto) The Prometheus's primary battle systems include regenerative shielding. (Message in a Bottle)

Regenerative shielding - The Prometheus's primary battle systems include regenerative shielding. (Message in a Bottle)

Regressives - This group of Enarans refuse all but the most primitive technology; they live their lives without communications interlinks, microfusion generators or radio-septics to sterilize their hands; the Regressives are being resettled into their own colony, but Dathan thinks that they are just being killed instead; Jareth says that the Regressives are spreading lies to try to undermine the Enaran society and cause dissent and doubt; the Enaran society has chosen to hide the truth about what really happened to the Regressives from their descendents. (Remember)

Reinitialize - When the Doctor's experiences a cascade failure in his memory circuits, one of the options is to reinitialize his program; this would reset the database and personality subroutines and restore the original program so the Doctor wouldn't remember any of his experiences of the past 2 year; the Zimmerman holograph says that if they don't reinitialize the EMH, it will end up being useless to them. (The Swarm)

Rekar (Judson Scott) - Romulan male; Rekar is the Romulan commander who takes over the Prometheus. (Message in a Bottle)

Rekarri starbursts - Paris has the waiter serve these in Neelix's Paxau Resort holodeck program. (Warlord)

Relay stations - After Seven extends the range of the Astrometric sensors, she detects a large network of relay stations; after establishing a sensor link with the nearest relay station, Voyager is able to get readings from the entire network; (Message in a Bottle) The bulk of the transmission that Starfleet sent to Voyager is lodged in one of the relay stations of the sensor network; the relay station is 3.8 light years away from Voyager; the stations extend almost all the way to the Alpha Quadrant; Voyager encounters gravimetric forces from the relay station when they are still 2 light years away; the radiometric decay ratios of the station indicate that it is at least 100,000 years old; the station is using a quantuum singularity as a power source; after Voyager directs an anti-thoron burst at the singularity, the energy released from the singularity causes a massive discharge along the relay network and disables every one of the stations. (Hunters)

Relics - The Hirogen collect "relics" from the species they hunt; unusual relics are prized and make the hunter envied by men and pursued by women. (Hunters)

Relora - SEE: Kazon Relora

Renaissance - The Renaissance was the birth of a new age; Da Vinci says that when Petrarch climbed Mount Verdoun and saw all Europe below him, he knew he was witnessing this birth of a new age. (Concerning Flight)

Ren, Lidell (Robin McKee) - Banean female; she has been married to Tolen Ren for 10 years; she and the Banean doctor murdered her husband and then framed Paris. (Ex Post Facto)

Ren, Tolen (Ray Reinhardt) - Banean male; he is an engineering physicist on Banea and the inventer of Banean warship technology; Paris is accused and convicted of his murder; he has been married to Lidell for 10 years; his wife conspires with the Banean doctor to murder him and frame Paris for the murder. (Ex Post Facto)

Renn - This is a unit of currency on Mari; Janeway and Torres buy a resonantor coil from Guill for 250 renns; Guill charges Malin 3000 renns for the thoughts he is going to sell to him. (Random Thoughts)

Replicator - The replicators are down and emergency rations are running out so Kes starts a garden in the hydroponics bay. (Parallax) Chakotay orders that all replicator privileges be revoked for 2 days for everyone involved in the looting of the food reserves. (State of Flux) Neelix asks Wildman to look at the replicators because they are having trouble making anything with large amounts of cellulose; Wildman says that a malfunction in the power grid is causing it. (Deadlock) The replicators will not produce poisons. (Deathwish) Tuvok detects a modulated energy discharge on the 2nd planet that is consistent with the recent use of a replicator; Arridor and Kol use this advanced technology to make the people of Takar believe they are the holy sages; they call the replicator the "holy icon". (False Profits) Gegen says that the molecular structure in the clothing they found along with Hogan's remains indicate that his race has replication technology. (Distant Origin) The replicator system on Voyager is badly damaged so the crew has to eat emergency rations instead. (Year of Hell, Part 1) When the Hirogen find him in the Mess Hall, Kim he tells them that he was trying to get the replicator system back online since he was getting tired of emergency rations. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Repressed memory - The Doctor believes that the episode that Tuvok experience at the precipice is a repressed memory; the memory engrams in the dorsal region of his hippocampus are being disrupted and causing physical damage to Tuvok. (Flashback) The Doctor believes that Seven's episode of acute anxiety may be the result of a repressed memory; the Doctor thinks that he can use standard therapeutic regression techniques to help Seven retrieve these memories; he integrates the finer points of both a Jungian therapist and Amanin of Betazed to create his own approach to memory reconstruction. (Retrospect)

Resettlement - Jareth says that the resettlement of the Regressives is voluntary and that the Regressives want to go; Dathan says that there has not been any contact with the alleged Regressive colony; he thinks that the Regressives are not really being resettled, but just vaporized in a thermal sweep. (Remember)

Resh (Charles Emmett) - Resh is one of Tiernan's supporters; Tiernan/Kes makes him First Castellan because of his loyal service. (Warlord)

Resistance - Katrine tells the Commandant that the Resistance isn't in Sainte Claire since it is such a small city; he says that the Resistance will come to Saint Claire because it is crucial to any ground assault into Germany; the Le Coeur de Lion is a front for the Resistance; Katrine says the Americans won't be able to approach Sainte Claire without the help of the Resistance. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Resket - Resket was the runaway that Kellin was tracking; Kellin had been tracking him for almost a year before he came on board Voyager when it was in orbit of Mikah; Kellin and Chakotay caught him by using a magneton sweep to disrupt his polarization cloak; Kellin used a neurolytic emitter on Resket in order to wipe his memories of the outside world. (Unforgettable)

Resonance burst - Torres suggests that setting up a resonance burst from the warp core would probably block the energy field coming from the Bothan ships. (Persistence of Vision)

Resonance frequency - Every Borg ship is coded to emit a distinct resonance frequency to guide drones that have become separated from the collective; the resonance signal on the Raven has been active since the ship was assimilated. (The Raven)

Resonance pulse - The 2 Voyager ships decide to try to send out a massive resonance pulse from the deflector dish at the same time; they think that this will cause the 2 Voyagers to merge. (Deadlock)

Resonant coil - Janeway and Torres are on Mari to find a resonant coil that is needed to upgrade Voyager's communications system; they buy one from Guill for 250 renns. (Random Thoughts)

Resonant graviton beam - The Borg use the deflector to emit a resonant graviton beam in order to create a singularity and take Voyager into the alien realm. (Scorpion, Part 2)

Respiratory series - The holodoc runs this series on Neelix using a pulmonary scanner. (The Phage)

Re-stock Unit - Penno tells Chakotay that he may be able to find communication equipment to contact his ship at the Re-stock Unit; it is 10,000 footfalls away through the thick of the trunks. (Nemesis)

Retinal imager - The Doctor wants to use this instrument when Kes says that Paris is not responding to the treatment; he can't find it at first and then finds it on the tray right in front of him. (The Swarm)

Retrovirus - The Doctor says that Kim may have been exposed to retrovirus during an away mission and that the Taresian DNA may have been tranferred into his cells before the biofilters destroyed the virus. (Favorite Son)

Rettik - Rettik is a Kazon from the Nistrim sect; Jonas sends him a secret transmission to try to get to talk to Seska. (Alliances)

Rhuludian crystals - These crystals are a narcotic; Sutok offers these crystals to Chakotay and Paris while they are looking for magnetic spindle bundles; Sutok says that the crystals make days of tedious travel seem like moments of exquisite rapture. (Fair Trade)

Rice - Neelix fixes rice with a little fish for the Japanese soldier. (The 37's)

Ricky (Angela Dohrmann) - Character in Paris's holodeck program of Sandrine's; Paris includes her in all of his holograph programs. (The Cloud)

Riker, Thaddeus - Colonel Thaddeus Riker was an ancestor of Commander William Riker; his nickname was "Old Iron Boots"; he was in command of the 102nd New York during Sherman's march on Atlanta ; Q shows a picture taken of him in 1864; he was wounded at Pine Mountain during the Civil War and Quinn carried him to safety. (Deathwish)

Riker, William (Jonathon Frakes) - Male Commander in Starfleet; Q brings Riker to Voyager as proof that Quinn has touched and affected many lives; Riker's ancestor, Colonel Thaddeus Riker was wounded at Pine Mountain during the Civil War and Quinn carried him to safety; without Quinn, Riker never would have been born and the Borg would have assimilated the Federation. (Deathwish)

Rikka flowers - Eliann put the essence of rikka flowers on Kim's forehead after she "tucks" him in; she says that it is very soothing. (Favorite Son)

Riley - SEE: Frazier, Riley. (Unity)

Rilnar - The Rilnar were the Krenim's greatest enemy; Annorax says that after he erased the Rilnar race from history, the Krenim instantly became powerful again but then a disease broke out among the colonies; Annorax had failed to realize that the Rilnar had introduced a crucial antibody into the Krenim genome and that the weapon had eliminated this antibody as well. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Rinax- Neelix and his family lived on this colony which had the most temperate climate of the entire Talaxian system; his family was killed when the Metreon Cascade was used here. (Jetrel) Rinax has 3 suns. (Macrocosm) Neelix says that he was on a tether maintenance team on Rinax. (Rise)

Rinax marshlands - Neelix grew up near the Rinax marshlands; the summers there were the hottest in the sector with temperatures of 50 degrees and 90% humidity; they had the vicious lavaflies that grew to 6 centimeters long. (Macrocosm)

Rinna (Kelli Kirkland) - One of the women on Taresia; Rinna and Eliann try to seduce Kim and convince him to remain on Taresia. (Favorite Son)

Rip Van Winkle - The Doctor asks Quarren if they will put him on display like a holographic Rip Van Winkle. (Living Witness)

Rislan (James Noah) - A Nyrian astrophysicist; Torres consults Rislan to try to figure out why the Voyager crew is disappearing; Janeway translocates Dammar and Rislan to the Argala compound in order to get them to surrender. (Displaced)

Rite of Ascension - Every Klingon is given a D'k tahg knife when they are in preparation for their Rite of Ascension. (Real Life)

Road - When Janeway, Tuvok, Q and Quinn go to the Q Continuum, they appear on a lonely desert road; Q2 says that the road is a manifestation of the Continuum that falls within their level of comprehension; it takes the Q to the rest of the universe and then leads them back again in an endless circle. (Deathwish)

Roberto - This is the name of one of the Maquis that Torres and Chakotay know. (Hunters)

Robinson, Rain (Sarah Silverman) - She is one of the astronomers at the SETI lab at the Griffith Observatory that Starling is funding; she met Starling at the Griffith Restoration party; she detects Voyager in orbit around the Earth by tracking the warp emissions from their engines; she does the planetarium show at the observatory on Tuesday night; she escapes with Paris and Tuvok when Dunbar tries to kill her. (Future's End, Part 1) She and Paris seem to be bonding on a cross-cultural level; she lures Starling to Metro Plaza so that Voyager can beam him aboard; Rains tells Paris that he is sexy in a Howdy Doody sort of way and that he is goofy sometimes but is probably the smartest man she ever met; Paris tells Rains that he's never met anyone like her and that he probably never will. (Future's End, Part 2)

Rodeo Red's Red-hot Rootin'-Tootin Chili - Several crew members end up in sickbay with heartburn after eating Neelix's version of Rodeo Red's Red-hot Rootin' Tootin' Chili; he decides that next time he should use a few less "jaloby-nose". (Message in a Bottle)

Roentgens - A unit of measurement; the Doctor uses this to measure the chronoton level in Kes's body. (Before and After)

Rogers - Male Crewman on Voyager; he participates in the Paris's betting pool to predict what the radiogenic particle count will be at 1200 hours the next day. (Meld)

Rogue planetoid - Voyager believes that this planetoid is a rich source of raw dilithium; the Vidiians remove Neelix's lungs while he and an away team are searching for the dilithium deposits. (The Phage)

Rolisisin ritual - Before the mating process may begin, Kes has to go through this ritual where one of her parents must massage her feet until her tongue begins to swell; during this ritual a parent and child move into a new kind of relationship where the parent must acknowledge the child's true adulthood; Kes has the Doctor perform this ritual. (Elogium)

Rolk - Lidell says that she can throw this leftover meat into the stew when her husband brings Paris and Kim home for dinner; she gives a piece of it to Neeka first to test to see if it is spoiled. (Ex Post Facto)

Rollins - Male Lieutenant on Voyager. (Caretaker) Paris says that he and Rollins got into a fight because Paris's reports weren't punctuated according to Starfleet protocols and that Paris didn't like his attitude. (Dreadnought)

Romance novel - Torres is reading the Klingon romance novel "Women Warriors at the River of Blood". (Real Life)

Romulans - There are some Romulans among the people that were abducted by the Borg; Orum is Romulan. (Unity) The Doctor discovers that the Romulans have taken over the Prometheus and that there are 27 Romulans on board; the Romulan in Sick Bay has 3rd degree burns, a hairline jaw fracture and a ruptured blood vessel in his brain; according to the Mark 2 EMH the Romulans haven't gotten involved with Starfleet's fight with the Dominion; 3 Romulan warbirds are on an intercept course with the Prometheus; the Romulans retreat after the Doctor and the Mark 2 EMH use Prometheus's multi-vector assault mode to attack. (Message in a Bottle)

Romulan empress - Q says that he could have chosen a Romulan empress to mate with. (The Q and the Grey)

Romulan war bird - This ship appears in the war game stimulation that the Maquis trainees participate in. (Learning Curve)

Romulus - Chulak is from Romulus. (The Thaw)

Roosevelt - Riley was the Science officer aboard the Roosevelt when she was assimilated at Wolf 359. (Unity)

Rorg - A character in the romance novel that Torres is reading. (Real Life)

Roses - Q tells Paris and Kim that he has tried filling the bridge with roses in order to convince Janeway to mate with him. (The Q and the Grey)

Rubber Tree People - When Chakotay was young, his father took him on a expedition to the Central American jungle looking for descendents of the Rubber Tree People; the people in Chakotay's tribe are descendents of these people. (Tattoo)

Rudolpho - The Doctor is practicing the part of Rudolpho in the Opera "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

Rukani - As part of the holographic scenario, Janeway and Paris leave on a shuttle to meet the Rukani; Janeway attempts to help Tuvok and Paris by adding a Rukani attack to the program; the holographic Janeway calls the Rukani when she realizes a mutiny is in progress; the holographic Seska demands that they call off the Rukani or she will destroy Voyager. (Worst Case Scenario)

Rules of Acquisition - These are the rules of Ferengi society; there were 285 Rules when Arridor and Kol left the Alpha Quadrant; Arridor and Kol give the sandalmaker a copy of the rules of acquisition instead of giving him food or medicine; the 95th Rule of Acquistion is "Expand or die."; Arridor goes to the Rules of Acquisition, unabridged and fully annotated with all 47 commentaries, all 900 major and minor judgments and all 10,000 considered opinions, to try to figure out what to do about the Grand Proxy; there is a rule for every conceivable situation. (False Profits)

Rumarie - According to Tuvok, this is an ancient pagan festival which has not been observed for a millenium; Neelix says the festival is full of barely clothed Vulcan men and women covered in slippery Rillan grease chasing one another; Neelix says he is planning a Rumarie festival theme for the mess hall next week. (Meld)

Rust - Voyager detects high levels of rust in space and traces it to a 1936 Ford truck floating in space. (The 37's)


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