Alaris, Dathan (Charles Esten) - Jareth tells Korenna not to see Dathan anymore since he is one of the Regressives; he is on the list of the Regressives that are to be resettled, but he managed to get away; later he tries to convince Korenna to come with him because this will be the only way they can be together; Jareth convinces Korenna that Dathan doesn't love her and is just using her so she shows her father where Dathan is hidden; Jareth has Dathan executed as an example to the other Regressives. (Remember)

Algae puffs - This is one of the authentic Enaran foods that Neelix prepares. (Remember)

Brel (Eugene Roche) - Jor Brel is one of the Enarans that Voyager picks up on the Fima colony and takes to Enara Prime; he plays something that Mirell composed on an Enaran musical instument at the reception; he uses his telepathic abilities to teach Janeway to play the piece as well; Brel says that the dreams Torres is experiencing may be stray thoughts from the various Enarans on board Voyager. (Remember)

Citizenship award - Korenna receives the Citizenship Award along with some of the other young Enarans; she says that the award will help her get into the district Education Center; several of the Enaran passengers on Voyager are former recipients of this award. (Remember)

Cortical damage - Torres has some minor cortical damage because the synaptic patterns of the implanted memories are not quite compatible with her neural pathways; the Doctor is able to correct the damage. (Remember)

Cortical inhibitor - The Doctor has Torres wear a cortical inhibitor that will control the theta wave activity and suppress the memories; Torres removes the inhibitor later so that she can see how the dreams end. (Remember)

Cortical theta readings - Torres's cortical theta readings indicate that she is experiencing implanted memories. (Remember)

Daeleus cliffs - These cliffs are on Enara Prime; Mirell tells Jessen about these cliffs when Jessen says that she always considered the Fima colony to be her home. (Remember)

Dathan - SEE: Alaris, Dathan (Remember)

Demalos - This is one of the names on the list of the Regressives to be resettled. (Remember)

Dreams - Torres begins having dreams in which she is a woman name Korenna; the dreams are very intense and feel absolutely real to her; each dreams advances the storyline; she is asleep or unconscious everytime she experiences the dreams; the Doctor says that the dreams are actually implanted memories. (Remember)

Enarans - Voyager picks up a group of Enaras on Fima Prime and takes them to Enara Prime; this greatly shortens the time it would take them to get there with Voyager's help; in exchange the Enarans share their energy conservation technology with Voyager; they don't use tables and chairs and they prefer a slightly colder temperature; the Enarans have telepathic abilities and are able to share experiences through a telepathic link; they are a very hygenic people; there were once a group of Enarans called the Regressives who refused all but the most primitive technology; the Enarans claim that the Regressives were resettled to their own colony when in actuality they were killed; Mirell shares her memories of these events with Torres because she decided she didn't want to hide the truth anymore; Janeway cancels trade negotiations and shore leave after Torres reveals what Mirell has shared with her. (Remember)

Enara Prime - This is the homeworld of the Enarans that Voyager picks up on a colony in the Fima system. (Remember)

Farran - This is one of the names on the list of the Regressives to be resettled. (Remember)

Fima - Voyager picks up the Enarans on a colony in the Fima system and takes them to Enara Prime; Jessen has spent her whole life at the Fima colony and considers it her home. (Remember)

Hoverball - Torres once insisted on finishing the hoverball championship with a broken ankle. (Remember)

Jareth (Bruce Davison) - Jareth is Korenna's father; he tells Korenna not to see Dathan anymore since he is one of the Regressives; Jareth says that the Regressives are spreading lies to try to undermine the Enaran society and cause dissent and doubt; Jareth convinces Korenna that Dathan doesn't love her and is just using her so she shows her him where Dathan is hidden; he has Dathan executed. (Remember)

Jessen (Athena Massey) - Jessen is one of the Enarans that Voyager picks up from the Fima colony and takes to Enara Prime; Jessen has spent her whole life at the Fima colony and considers it her home; Jessen spends time with Kim while she is aboard Voyager; Torres tries to convince Jessen to find the truth about the Regressives herself by asking questions on Enara; Jessen initiates a telepathic link with Torres so that she too can experience Mirell's memories. (Remember)

Korenna - Torres begins having dreams in which she is a woman named Korenna; Korenna is in love with a Regressive named Dathan although her father doesn't approve of him; she receives the Citizenship Award which she thinks will help her get into the district Education Center; Korenna ends up with a scar on her face when one of the Regressives resists being resettled; Jareth convinces Korenna that Dathan doesn't love her and is just using her so she shows her father where Dathan is hidden; years later, Korenna tells the Enaran children that the Regressives died because they weren't able to take care of themselves; Korenna is really Mirell. (Remember)

Memories - The Enarans have telepathic abilities which allow them to share experiences or memories through a telepathic link; Torres is experiencing implanted memories when she dreams that she is an Enaran named Korenna; the memories she are experiencing are those of Mirell when she was younger. (Remember)

Mess hall - Neelix decorates with the colors of the Enaran flag to honor their Enaran guests; he uses authenic Enaran music, and food. (Remember)

Mirell (Eve H. Brenner) - Jora Mirell is one of the Enarans that Voyager picks up on the Fima colony and takes to Enara Prime; she composed the piece that Brel plays at the reception; after Torres experiences Korenna getting a scar on her face, she realizes that Korenna is Mirell; Mirell says that the others found out she was sharing her memories with Torres; after the last part of the dream, Mirell is dead; Torres believes the Enarans killed her but made it look like she died of natural causes. (Remember)

Radio-septics - The Enarans use these to sterilize their hands or their homes; Jareth says the Regressives refuse to use these. (Remember)

Regressives - This group of Enarans refuse all but the most primitive technology; they live their lives without communications interlinks, microfusion generators or radio-septics to sterilize their hands; the Regressives are being resettled into their own colony, but Dathan thinks that they are just being killed instead; Jareth says that the Regressives are spreading lies to try to undermine the Enaran society and cause dissent and doubt; the Enaran society has chosen to hide the truth about what really happened to the Regressives from their descendents. (Remember)

Resettlement - Jareth says that the resettlement of the Regressives is voluntary and that the Regressives want to go; Dathan says that there has not been any contact with the alleged Regressive colony; he thinks that the Regressives are not really being resettled, but just vaporized in a thermal sweep. (Remember)

Sanric - This is one of the names on the list of the Regressives to be resettled. (Remember)

Scar - Mirell has a noticeable scar on her face; Korenna ends up with a scar on her face when one of the Regressives resists being resettled; after Torres experiences this part of the dream, she realizes that Korenna is Mirell. (Remember)

Tarin juice - An Enaran beverage; Jareth tells Korenna to finish her tarin juice since it is good for her. (Remember)

Telepathy - The Enarans have telepathic abilities which allow them to share experiences or memories through a telepathic link; Brel says that Enarans do not make a telepathic connection without consent from the other person; the Doctor finds evidence of telepathic activity in her frontal lobe. (Remember)


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