Sacajawea - This is the name of the shuttlecraft that Chakotay and Janeway use to survey the planet in order to collect nitrogenase compounds; the shuttle is hit by lightning and they are forced to land on the planet. (Coda)

Safety monitor - Makull and Teria use a safety monitor to measure the polaric energy that Janeway and Paris had been exposed to; according to the monitor, their reading registers at 5 times the normal reading which indicates that they had been inside the power plant or at the site of polaric disaster worse than any in the history of the planet. (Time and Again)

Sages - The Sages are the Takarian's gods; Arridor and Kol use their advanced technology to make the people believe that they are the sages. (False Profits)

Saint Claire - This French city is part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1; it is a small and defenseless city but crucial to the war because any ground assault into Germany must pass through Sainte Claire first; de Neuf says that 3 more German batallions have occupied the city and a panzer division is holding position 11 kilometers away; according to the message that the Resistance decoded, the American 4th Infantry will invade Sainte Claire Tuesday at dawn; Davis says that he spent a summer in Sainte Claire when he was 18; he says that the people of Sainte Claire love their town and they are willing to fight for it and die for it. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Saint Emillion - Janeway says that she will replicate a bottle of Saint Emillion for the ground-breaking ceremony for the Astrometric Lab; she chooses a 2370 vintage because she heard that that was a good year. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Saint Moritz - Paris suggests to Torres that they go skiing again at Saint Moritz but Torres doesn't want to because it is so cold. (Waking Moments)

Sakari - The away team encounter the Sakari on the planet; the Sakari once lived on the planet before they were attacked by invaders and escaped to the mines; they have attempted to avoid detection by outsiders because if the invaders knew of their existence they might return again; Chakotay offers to help them avoid detection by outsiders and in return the Sakari give Voyager a generous supply of gallicite. (Blood Fever)

Samoa - Torres suggests to Paris that they go to Samoa on the holodeck since it is warmer there Paris says that there is nothing to do there. (Waking Moments)

Sample cases - This is one of the supplies that the away team brings with them when they beam down to the planet to find gallicite. (Blood Fever)

Sanctuary - This Nechani holy place honors the Ancestral Spirits; the Nechani Magistrate shows Torres, Kim, Kes and Neelix the sanctuary; the sanctuary is where the monks go to receive the gift of purification and a cleansing of the soul; it is one of their most holy places; the monks go through a sacred ritual here in order to prepare themselves to enter the shrine safely. (Sacred Ground)

Sandrine (Judy Geeson) - She is the owner of Sandrine's in France; Sandrine is part of Paris's holodeck program. (The Cloud) She tries to seduce the Doctor when he is unable to leave the holodeck. (Twisted)

Sandrine's - Paris's holodeck program 3; he spent a great deal of his second semester at the Academy at Sandrine's when he found the place after his pocket was picked at the harbor; the owner is Sandrine and the place has been in her family for over 600 years; the pool table at Sandrine's attracts the world's greatest hustlers throughout the centuries. (The Cloud) Sandrine's pool table rolls a little to the east. (Jetrel) Tuvok takes Dalby to Sandrine's to play pool in order to try to get to know him better. (Learning Curve) Kim goes to the real Sandrine's in Marseille, France to try to convince Paris to help him get back to his own reality. (Non Sequitor) The crew throws a surprise birthday party for Kes at Sandrine's. (Twisted) The Doctor takes Danara to Sandrine's. (Lifesigns) Tuvix is playing pool with Chakotay and Paris at Sandrine's. (Tuvix) When Paris finds Torres in the middle of the Insurrection Alpha holonovel, he says that he expected her to be playing pool at Sandrine's, not hanging out with Seska. (Worst Case Scenario)

San Francisco - Kim wakes up in San Francisco where he is living with his finance Libby. (Non Sequitor)

Sanric - This is one of the names on the list of the Regressives to be resettled. (Remember)

Sarium - Voyager finds this in the composition of the debris field where the Vostigye station should be. (Real Life)

Satellite - Voyager maintains a high orbit in order to avoid detection by Earth's surveillence satellites; Paris tries to convince Rain that the UFO she detected is a Soviet spy satellite that is part of a massive KGB operation. (Future's End, Part 1) Dunbar activates satellite com 47 in order locate Starling and beam him back to Earth. (Future's End, Part 2) A network of satellites has been activated around Taresia in order to maintain a polaron grid around the planet. (Favorite Son)

Saturn - Rain decided to became an astronomer after seeing the rings of Saturn in her brother's telescope; she used to think they looked like jewels from a pirate's treasure; Paris jokingly tells Rain he has to get back to Saturn. (Future's End, Part 2)

Saute pan - Neelix hits the Kazon soldier over the head with his best saute pan and knocks him unconscious. (Projections)

Scandanavia - Tuvok tells Da Vinci that he is from Scandanavia. (Concerning Flight)

Scar - Mirell has a noticeable scar on her face; Korenna ends up with a scar on her face when one of the Regressives resists being resettled; after Torres experiences this part of the dream, she realizes that Korenna is Mirell. (Remember)

Scathos - Any woman of this race who conceives a child before her fourth decade is executed. (Elogium)

Scattering field - The Doctor generates a scattering field to prevent Voyager from tracking where he and Kes are on the planet; Voyager is able to turn off the scattering field and beam Kes and the Doctor back after they fall off the cliff. (Darkling) When Kim tries to beam Kovin off his ship, Kovin send off a scattering field to prevent Kim from locking on to him. (Retrospect)

Schplict - One of the foodstuffs that Voyager picks up on the planet Napinne; also known as grakel milk. (Learning Curve)

Schweitzer - This is the name that the Doctor choses for himself; Freya says that it is a warrior's name; the Doctor decides not to keep this name because he didn't want to be reminded of Freya's death. (Heroes and Demons)

Science officer - Emsign Tuvok was one of several junior science officers on the USS Excelsior. (Flashback)

Scorpion - Chakotay tells Janeway a parable about a scorpion when he believes that she is making a mistake in wanting to form an alliance with the Borg. (Scorpion, Part 1) Janeway uses this word as a signal to Chakotay to use the neural transmitter to try to link with Seven. (Scorpion, Part 2)

Scyld - Freya tells the Doctor about Scyld the Dar-Gane whose hall she burned to the ground. (Heroes and Demons)

Secondary command processors - Voyager sustained damage to its secondary command processors; they are unable to repair them because each Kazon attack seems to concentrate on damaging this area; the processors become non-functional and will have to be rebuilt; Kim estimates that it will take 2 days if they are not attacked again; Janeway is unable to initiate the self-destruct sequence due to the damage to the secondary command processors. (Basics, Part 1)

Secondary power couplings - The Borg in Cargo Bay 2 are drawing energy from Voyager's secondary power couplings. (Scorpion, Part 2)

Secret agents - Paris tells Rain that he and Tuvok are secret agents, but she doesn't believe him. (Future's End, Part 1)

Security anklet - Kim is made to wear a security anklet when Starfleet suspects him of being a Maquis spy; the restrictions of the anklet are that no off-world travel is allowed and that if you tamper with the anklet, security will be alerted and you will formally charged; Kim tries to remove the anklet, but sets off the security alarm instead. (Non Sequitor)

Security code - Seska uses her own security code when altering the inventory data so that she can implicate Carey; this backfires on her when Chakotay realizes what she is doing. (State of flux) Tuvok's security clearance code is Tuvok 1494 Lambda; Tuvok deletes his security clearance when he realizes that he is no longer fit for duty and is a danger to the crew. (Meld) Tuvok uses his security clearance code "Tuvok 4774" to reinitialize the Insurrection Alpha holodeck program. (Worst Case Scenario)

Security console - The human Torres works at this station to try to find a way to get through the Vidiian force field. (Faces)

Security lockout - Seska wants to override this security lockout in order to beam to Sikaris to exchange Voyager's stories for the trajector's matrix. (Prime Factors) Seska initiates a security lockout so that the computer will disregard all voice commands from Starfleet personnel. (Basics, Part 2)

Security protocol 28 subsection D - This protocol says that in the event of hostile alien takeover, the EMH is to deactivate and wait for rescue; the Mark 2 EMH tells the Doctor about this protocol after he learns that the Romulans have taken over the ship. (Message in a Bottle)

Security seal - Tuvok puts a level one security seal on his quarters and deletes his security clearance when he realizes that he is no longer fit for duty and is a danger to the crew. (Meld) Chakotay orders that access to all systems should be restricted to authorized voice prints and that any parts of the ship that they aren't currently using be sealed off. (Displaced)

Seismic activity - Voyager detects a lot of seismic activity on the planet. (Blood Fever)

Seismic alert - The alien's seismic alert indicates that one of the walls of the cavern is unstable. (Blood Fever)

Sek - Tuvok's first son is named Sek; Sek has gone through the pon farr, has mated, and become a father; Sek's daughter is named T'Meni after Tuvok's mother. (Hunters)

Self-destruct - Janeway initiates the self-destruct sequence in order to cause a warp core breach since the best chance of stopping Dreadnought is to set off an antimatter explosion directly in its path; she use the authorization code Janeway pi one one zero to initiate the self-destruct sequence; she sets self-destruct at 20 minutes; she deactivates the self-destruct when Torres finds a way to detonate the warhead and destroy Dreadnought. (Dreadnought) Janeway on the duplicate Voyager sets the self destruct sequence after the Vidiians have taken over everything below Deck 5 and the Voyager crew is outnumbered 2 to 1; she sets it for 5 minutes and mutes voice warnings. (Deadlock) Janeway tries to initiate a self-destruct sequence, but the computer is unable to unable to comply due to damage to the secondary command processors. (Basics, Part 1) The Borg cube initiates a self-destruct right after the neuro-electric generator is activated. (Unity)

Seltin pate - Neelix serves this food made from Seltion wood fungus to Janeway in the Mess Hall. (Persistence of Vision)

Sensor array - According to her daily log, Seven and Kim are supposed to run a comprehensive diagnostic of the aft sensor array. (Omega Directive)

Sensor echo - When Torres reprogrammed Dreadnought , she programmed a sensor echo into Dreadnought's system so that it could deflect its image up to 100,000 kilometers from its true location; she tells Kim to look for neutrino emissions within this range to find where Dreadnought really is. (Dreadnought)

Sensor logs - Seska wants to erase these in order to avoid taking the blame for the failure of the trajector matrix; Torres refuses to go along with this. (Prime Factors) Torres tells Kim to run a Level 1 analysis of all sensor logs at the exact moment of Dammar's appearance on Voyager. (Displaced)

Sensor net - The Swarm have some sort of sensor net at their borders that alert them when a ship has crossed it; Voyager wants to find a way to get around the sensor net since it would take them more than 15 months at maximum warp to go around the Swarm's territory; it uses a series of interlaced tachyon beams; Voyager adjusts their shields to refract the beams around the ship so that they can get past the net without disrupting it. (The Swarm)

Sensors - Kellin modifies Voyager's sensors so that they can detect the Ramuran ships. (Unforgettable)

Seros - Dejaren says he and the crew of 6 left their home planet of Seros 8 months ago. (Revulsion)

Serotonin - After the flight, Paris has elevated serotonin levels in the hypothalmus. (Threshold) The Doctor is concerned about the fluctuation in Vorik's serotonin levels since Vorik began the Pon Farr. (Blood Fever) Kes serotonin levels are 62% above normal. (The Gift)

Seska (Martha Hackett) - Former Maquis; Female Ensign on Voyager; works in transporter room. (Emanations) Seska wants to erase the sensor logs to avoid getting caught when their test of the matrix fails. (Prime Factors) Seska and Jackson raid the food reserves while other Maquis crew members distract Neelix with a morale crisis; the Doctor discovers that Seska lacks all the common Bajoran blood factors and that she is really a Cardassian that has been genetically altered. (State of Flux) Seska becomes Maje Cullah's advisor and begins restoring her Cardassian physiology; Seska tells Chakotay that she has extracted a sample of his DNA and injected herself with it and that she is now carrying his child. (Manuevers) Janeway decides to contact Seska to set up a meeting with Cullah to discuss an alliance between the Nistrim and Voyager; Seska convinces Cullah that he should attend the conference on Sobras; she tells Cullah that she is carrying his child. (Alliances) Seska tells Jonas that she has no intention of raising her child on a Kazon ship; she wants him to damage Voyager's warp coils by forcing the magnetic constrictors out of alignment; she also tells him that they will be waiting for him on Hemikek Four. (Lifesigns) Seska sends a message to Voyager telling Chakotay that Cullah found out the baby wasn't his and that she and the baby are in danger; Teirna says that Cullah slit Seska's throat and took the baby; Seska is actually alive and used that deception to lure Voyager to the Gema Four colony where Cullah and the Nistrim were able to capture the ship; Cullah says that Seska contradicts him in front of the first askara. (Basics, Part 1) Seska learns from the Doctor that her baby is not Chakotay's but Cullah's instead; she is killed in the attack by Paris and the Talaxian ships. (Basics, Part 2) Seska is part of the Insurrection Alpha program that Torres finds; Seska got into Tuvok's program on stardate 48671 about a month before she left Voyager; she re-programmed the holodeck to shutdown once Tuvok opened the narrative papameters file; she booby-trapped every subroutine and rigged the power grid to explode if they tried to open the holodeck doors; the holographic Seska plans to execute Paris and Tuvok; she kills the holographic Chakotay when he disagrees with her; she is killed when a phaser rifle malfunctions. (Worst Case Scenario)

Seska's baby - Seska says that the baby has Chakotay's eyes; Cullah intends to take the baby as his son; he will be trained as a Nistrim askara; Cullah says that the baby has already helped win the greatest battle in history. (Basics, Part 1) Seska learns from the Doctor that the baby is not Chakotay's but Cullah's instead; Cullah takes the baby with him when they abandon Voyager during the attack by Paris and the Talaxian ships. (Basics, Part 2)

SETI - Griffith Observatory is one of the SETI labs that Starling is funding; Rain transmits the standard SETI greeting to Voyager's coordinates; Kim is able to trace the source of the signal back to the observatory. (Future's End, Part 1)

Seventh contingent - Brone wants Chakotay to come with them when they are supposed to cluster with the 7th Contingent 2 new lights from now; he says that they will have the means for Chakotay to signal his people; when they try to contact the 7th Contingent, they don't answer; they find about 20 of the defenders from the contingent nullified, upturned and staked to the ground. (Nemesis)

Shield codes - Vel gives Janeway the shield codes of the Maximum Security Detention Facility so that Janeway will release him and his sister. (The Chute)

Shmullus - Name of Danara's uncle; she decides to call the Doctor this since he doesn't have a name. (Lifesigns)

Shock waves - Voyager encounters shock waves when approaching a red dwarf system; they determine that the origin of the waves is an M class planet; the shock waves consist of differentially charged polaric ions which indicates that they are the result of a massive detonation; Torres and Kim determine that these waves have dissipated into the past rather than into the future. (Time and Again) As Voyager goes through the collapsing vortex, a massive shock wave is right behind the ship; when both engines go offline, they ride the shock wave to the other side of the vortex. (Night)

Shoes - The merchant thinks Chakotay and Paris are men of commerce since they have such fine shoes; the merchant gives Chakotay and Paris ears to wear in exchange for Paris's shoes; a beggar recites the last verse of the Song of the Sages in exchange for Chakotay's shoes. (False Profits)

Shon- ha'lock - Tuvok tells Kim that he is experiencing shon'ha'lock, or the "engulfment"; it is similar to love at first sight; it is the most intense and psychologically perilous form of love. (Alter Ego)

Shrine - Kes is injured when she enters the sacred shrine; the shrine is protected by some sort of biogenic field; Janeway takes Kes back through the shrine in order to save her life. (Sacred Ground)

Shuttle bay - The Kazon board Voyager through the shuttle bays. (Basics, Part 1) Chakotay has Arridor and Kol's shuttle beamed to the shuttle bay; security is breached in the shuttle bay when they attempt to leave Voyager on their shuttle; they phaser the shuttle bay doors when they leave to prevent Voyager from sealing the airlock. (False Profits) The Doctor hides in a shuttlecraft in the shuttle bay when he is attacked on Deck 10 by the macroviruses. (Macrocosm) When the cargo bays become full with Nyrians, the crew begins to convert the shuttle bays and take the Nyrians there instead. (Displaced) Seven is able to bypass the force field around the shuttle bay by performing a site-to-site transfer; Chakotay seals the launch doors, but Seven takes the shuttle right through them. (The Raven)

Shuttlecraft - Kim is piloting a shuttlecraft back to Voyager when he is caught in the time stream; Voyager leaves a Type 9 shuttlecraft on the planet with Janeway and Chakotay in case it's possible someday that they can leave that planet. (Resolutions) Paris takes one of the shuttles through the crossfire to go back and bring the Talaxians to help; Voyager loses contact with the shuttle and assumes it has been destroyed. (Basics, Part 1) Paris hides the shuttle in the Nebula and waits for the Talaxian ships to lead Cullah there so that he can take out the primary power couplings. (Basics, Part 2) Paris and Torres are in the shuttle looking for an energy signature that was detected earlier when aliens board the shuttle and attack them. (The Swarm) Chakotay and Torres try to beam Starling onto the shuttle, but he uses a 29th century tricorder to disrupt the transport; the tricorder overloads their systems and causes the shuttle to crash in Arizona; the shuttle destroys the truck Dunbar is driving before he can ram the van. (Future's End, Part 2) Tiernan/Kes, Adin and Nori steal one of Voyager's shuttles so that they can return to Ilari. (Warlord) The away team takes a shuttle down to the Nezu planet; the shuttle encounters electrodynamic turbulence and its warp drive, impulse engines, and comm systems are damaged when it is forced to land; Torres gave Neelix a full orientation on shuttlecraft systems. (Rise) Kes leaves Voyager on a shuttlecraft. (The Gift) Chakotay's shuttlecraft was attacked and it crashes on the surface after Chakotay is able to transport to the surface; Chakotay wants to try to find the shuttle to see if it's salvageable; Voyager determines that the shuttle crashed in the southernmost continent in the middle of the war zone; they determine that Chakotay might have survived the crash since there is no cellular residue on the shuttle. (Nemesis) The Doctor and Torres take a shuttle to the ship that sent the distress call while Voyager goes on to its meeting with the Arritheans; Dejaren disables the comm link to the shuttle before Torres shuts him down. (Revulsion) Seven uses a site-to-site transport to get aboard the shuttle; when Chakotay seals the launch doors, she takes the shuttle right through them; Seven remodulates the shuttle's shield harmonics so that Voyager can't lock a tractor beam on the shuttle; she heads towards B'omar space, but masks the shuttle's ion trail so that Voyager can't follow her; Tuvok and Paris are able to cross the perimeter grid undetected by recalibrating their shields to match the grid's frequency; Seven disables their shuttle after Tuvok beams over to her shuttle. (The Raven) When Paris was 16, he took his fathers's shuttle out for a joyride and fried all the relays; the shuttle is still at the bottom of Lake Tahoe; Chakotay tells Steth/Paris that Janeway wants him to try implementing some of the Steth's technology on one of Voyager's shuttles; Seven and Steth/Paris were supposed to work on the shuttle at 2100 hours, he tells her it slipped his mind; Steth/Janeway steals the shuttle and attempts to get away, but he is stopped by Paris/Steth and the real Steth. (Vis A Vis) Chakotay tells Paris to modify the shuttle to withstand the extreme thermal stress of at least 12,000 Kelvins. (Omega Directive) Janeway decides that she should stay behind in a shuttlecraft in order to destroy the vortex; she tells Tuvok that she needs a Class 2 shuttlecraft armed with photon torpedoes. (Night)

Shuttlecraft Cochrane - Paris flies this shuttlecraft when he breaks the maximum warp barrier. (Threshold) Paris takes this shuttle into the particle wake to try to collect plasma (Real Life) Paris and Torres take this shuttlecraft to go and find Voyager's warp core; when the shuttle's structural integrity fails, they put on environmental suits and transport out into space before the shuttle explodes. (Day of Honor)

Sickbay - The neural interfaces are controlled through Sickbay; there is only 1 Hirogen in Sickbay with the Doctor; Janeway and Miller are able to disable the neural interfaces by setting charges in the Jeffries tube below Sickbay. (The Killing Game, Part 2) Paris's training in Sickbay is voluntary but the Doctor is concerned because Paris hasn't spent any time there in several weeks; Steth/Paris has to search for Sickbay when Chakotay tells him to report there; Janeway tells Steth/Paris to report to Sickbay for tests. (Vis A Vis) Neelix and three other crew members want to sleep in Sickbay. (Demon)

Signal correlation traces - Hogan looks for signal correlation traces in order to determine where the messages from the deleted subspace comm logs were sent from; he determines that the source of the comm link was Deck 4, Section 3-C; the correlation traces seem to indicate that Paris sent the messages; Tuvok says that someone must have placed the correlation traces into the system after his initial investigation. (Investigations)

Signal generator - Voyager reconfigures the signal generator so that it will be compatible will the probe's long range sensors. (Eye of the Needle)

Signal modulation analysis - Hogan runs a signal modulation analysis on some of the deleted subspace comm logs and discovers that they weren't sent using the antenna array, but through the ship's power grid instead. (Investigations)

Sikaris - A planet known for its hospitality; Gath invites the Voyager crew to enjoy respite on Sikaris; they will not share their spacing folding technology with Voyager. (Prime Factors)

Silmic wine - Neelix says that 2 crew members were in the Mess Hall having an intimate conversation over a carafe of silmic wine. (Investigations)

Silver blood - The duplicate Kim called the fluid from the planet, silver blood; Janeway and Torres discover that this fluid has mimetic properties when it duplicates Torres' finger; the silver blood is alive but has never been conscious or sentient until it came in contact with Paris and Kim; Janeway gives the silver blood samples of the crew's DNA so that it can duplicate the crew. (Demon)

Sirillium - Sirillium is a highly combustible and versatile energy source; Voyager discovers a gaseous anomaly that contain sirillium and wants to stockpile it for later use; Neelix wants to inject it into the thermal array in his kitchen to improve cooking time; it could also be used as a warp plasma catalyst and to boost deflector shield efficiency; the Azure nebula that the Excelsior encounters also has trace amounts of sirillium; Ensign Tuvok proposes that if they modify a positron beam to a subspace frequency, it will trigger a thermochemical reaction in the sirillium. (Flashback)

"Sister Honky Tonk" - Davis says that when Mae West was singing "Sister Honky Tonk" in the movie, "I'm No Angel", he put his arm around Brigitte. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Skeletal lock - When she is unable to lock onto the away team to beam them back on board, Torres uses a skeletal lock which locks onto the minerals in their bone tissue. (Scorpion, Part 1)

Skiing - Paris wants to go skiing at Saint Moritz with Torres on the holodeck; Paris agrees to go to Tahiti instead as long as he can go water skiing. (Waking Moments)

Sklar (Kelly Connell) - A Nezu exogeologist; he accompanies Tuvok and Neelix on the shuttle; he despises closed spaces and needles; Sklar injures Neelix by pushing him off the balcony; then he climbs on the roof and pushes Tuvok off the roof and takes the data storage device; Sklar and Tuvok struggle and Sklar falls out of the carriage and is killed; Sklar had killed Dr. Vatm to prevent Vatm from giving the Nezu ambassador the information about the alien starship that was contained in the data storage device. (Rise)

Sky spirits - Kolopak says that the Sky spirits led their ancestors to this sacred land; Chakotay discovers that the Sky Spirits were the ancestors of the people he meets on the planet. (Tattoo)

Sleeping alien (Mark Colson) - Many of the crew have nightmares in which they see the same alien; Chakotay is able to contact the alien through his lucid dream; the alien tells Chakotay that for centruies the waking species has found them when they were sleeping and destroyed them; the sleeping aliens exist in the crew's reality as physical beings but they are asleep and unable to defend themselves against waking species; the Doctor and Chakotay scan for a neurogenic field in order to locate them; the sleeping aliens deactivate the transmitter that amplifies the neurogenic field after Chakotay threatens to destroy it. (Waking Moments)

Slipstream - The slipstream on the Dauntless is being created when the energy from the quantum drive is routed through the main deflector; according to the message from Admiral Hayes that Arturis decrypts, slipstream technology is experimental and high risk but has come a long way in the past year; Janeway tells Paris to try to make modifications to Voyager so that the ship can create a slipstream; Arturis puts the Dauntless into slipstream to take Janeway and Seven back to Borg space; the modifications to Voyager allow the ship to attain slipstream velocity; after Voyager rescued Janeway and Seven, the ship remained in the quantum slipstream for over an hour before it finally collapsed. (Hope and Fear)

Smoking - When Paris sees Lidell smoking, he tells her that it is a bad habit that his species gave up centuries ago when they realized it was killing them; Lidell says that maybe she is trying to kill herself slowly because she doesn't haven't the courage to really kill herself. (Ex Post Facto)

Soap opera - Neelix finds a intriguing form of entertainment called a soap opera; he says that the exploration of human relationships is fascinating. (Future's End, Part 1)

Sobras - Sobras is a Kazon Pommar settlement; Neelix goes there to make contact with Jal Tersa to arrange a meeting between Janeway and the Maje to discuss an alliance; Neelix is taken prisoner by the Pommar and meets Mabus; the meeting between Janeway and all the Kazon majes takes place on Sobras. (Alliances)

Socrates - This is one of the characters that the Doctor interviews as part of his personality improvement program. (Darkling)

Solar flare - A major solar flare occurred 19 years ago near the planet; it radically changed the planet's weather patterns and caused a glacial freeze. (The Thaw)

Solar stills - Chakotay creates solar stills with the material from Hogan's uniform. (Basics, Part 2)

Song of the Sages - This is a epic poem of the people of Takar which predicts the arrival of two demigods from the sky, the Sages, who would rule over the people as benevolent protectors; a beggar recites the first verse of the song and tries to charge Chakotay and Paris 3 frangs for hearing it. (False Profits)

Sonic shower - Chakotay tells Janeway that she can learn to love the sonic shower since they don't have a bathtub on the planet. (Resolutions) Neelix says that he will take apart the sonic shower assembly to try to find the right parts for Tuvok to assembly a second weapon. (Displaced) Torres tells Paris that the acoustic inverter in her sonic shower blew out. (Day of Honor)

Soolak - A Vulcan term for a third party who by his own disinterest trivializes another's. Tuvok says that Neelix was acting as Soolak when he didn't know who Marayna was. (Alter Ego)

Soral - This is one of the people that the Doctor mentions when he says that he has studied the finest recordings of "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

SOS - An ancient Earth distress call; Paris discovers this signal on the AM radio in the truck they discover floating in space. (The 37's)

South Carolina - Kim was born in South Carolina. (One)

Space dwelling life form - Voyager discovers a space-dwelling life form when it discovers a magnetic distortion; it flagellates like protozoa; the life form doesn't appear to have a digestive system and has an exterior porous outer covering which can absorb nutrients directly from space; it is capable of metabolizing inorganic matter; the largest creature perceives Voyager as a rival and attacks the ship; Voyager imitiates the submissive behavior of the smaller creatures by venting plasma residue so that Voyager will appear blue and by taking the ship into a roll. (Elogium)

Spatial displacement - Gegen and Veer are able to transport on to Voyager undetected when they use spatial displacement to keep themselves out of phase. (Distant Origin)

Spatial distortions - Voyager encounters a spatial distortion when they are in the quantum singularity; these distortions caused severe headaches, muscle spasms, and sudden wave of dizziness in many crew members. (Parallax) A huge spatial distortion 5 light years across which originated from a ship near the Zahl homeworld heads toward Voyager; it is a massive build-up of temporal energy and destabilizes Voyager's warp field; when it overtakes Voyager, it destroys the Zahl ships and causes the nearby Krenim ship to become larger; the spatial distortion from the temporal incursion at the Garenor homeworld causes the nearby Krenim ship to shrink in size; Kim says that the spatial distortion originated approximately 20 light years from their position and that it looks like a shockwave in the fabric of space-time. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Spatial rift - Kes disappears into the spatial rift on Deck 15 and ends up on the second Voyager; Torres throws a piece of conduit through the rift and detects that there is an oxygen, nitrogen atmosphere on the other side. (Deadlock); A spatial rift opens up in front of Voyager; it has a graviton matrix and is artificially generated; Braxton comes out of the rift with his timeship; the Aeon and Voyager are both pulled into the rift causing them to be transported to Earth of 1967 and 1996, respectively; Braxton says that if the temporal matrix is not precisely calibrated before entering the spatial rift, it will cause a temporal explosion. (Future's End, Part 1)

Spatial scission - This describes the experiment that quantum theorists a Kent State University did in which they duplicated a single particle of matter by using a divergance of subspace fields. (Deadlock)

Spatial trajector - Gath calls the platform a spatial trajector; with this trajector they can travel to all the planets in this quadrant; it works on the principle of folding space; Janeway wants to give Sikaris Voyager's stories in exchange for the matrix of the this trajector. (Prime Factors)

Spatial vortex - Emck says that there is a spatial vortex a few light years away that leads directly to the other side of the Void; using the vortex will cut 2 years off of Voyager's journey home; Emck offers to take Voyager to the spatial vortex if they turn over the alien to him; no one but Emck and his crew know about the spatial vortex; Janeway decides that she should stay behind in a shuttlecraft in order to destroy the vortex but her crew refuses to allow it; Voyager fires a photon torpedo into the vortex as the ship crosses the threshold and the vortex is destroyed. (Night)

Spawn beetle - Kes and Neelix find a spawn beetle in the oblissian cabbage that she and Paris bring to the Mess hall; Kes inadvertantly eats some of these later. (Elogium)

Species 116 - The Borg called Arturis's people Species 116; Seven says that the Borg have never been able to assimilate them; Arturis says that his people have managed to elude the Borg for centuries, but they were assimilated after the Borg defeated Species 8472; about ten to twenty thousand of his species managed to survive. (Hope and Fear)

Species 149 - The Borg assimilated the technology to reactivate dead drones from Species 149. (Mortal Coil)

Species 218 - The Borg call Talaxians Species 218. (The Raven)

Species 259 - The Borg assimilated the pattern-duplication design from Species 259 in Galactic cluster 3. (The Gift)

Species 262 - The Borg assimilated information about Omega from this species; Species 262 was primitive but their oral language referred to a powerful substance which could burn the sky. (Omega Directive)

Species 263 - The Borg assimilated information about Omega from this species; Species 263 was primitive and believed that Omega was a drop of blood from their creator. (Omega Directive)

Species 329 - The Borg call the Kazon Species 329. (Mortal Coil)

Species 3259 - The Borg call Vulcans Species 3259. (The Raven)

Species 5174 - According to Seven, the "gutted" humanoid Voyager encounters is from Species 5174; when the Borg encountered them before, Species 5174 had been destroyed this same way. (Hunters)

Species 8472 - Species 8472 is a telepathic species; Kes has been aware of their presence even before Voyager's encounter with the Borg; the Doctor says that this alien's DNA is a hundred times more densely coded than human DNA; the Borg are unable to assimilate Species 8472 because any chemical, biological or technological attempts to penetrate its cell membrane is instantly destroyed; Kes senses a malevolence from them and learns that they intend on destroying everything; they have attacked the Borg at least a dozen times over the last 5 months and have swiftly defeated the Borg each time. (Scorpion, Part 1) Species 8472 is winning the war against the Borg; they have penetrated Matrix 010 Grid 19 and have destroyed 8 planets and disabled 312 vessels; Voyager enters the domain of Species 8472 after the Borg use Deflector Control to open up a singularity; Seven says that their technology is biogenically engineered and is superior to that of all other species that the Borg have encountered and that their assimilation would have greatly added to the Borg's perfection; Voyager uses their modified photon torpedoes and the high-yield warhead to destroy some of Species 8472 bio-ships to persuade them to retreat. (Scorpion, Part 2) The Hirogen target Species 8472's thoracic crest when they fire on it; the wounded creature attacks the Hirogen and escapes; it comes on board Voyager after causing a hull breach on Deck 11; Species 8472 is highly resistant to all technology except Borg nanoprobes; Tuvok says that Seven has become increasingly agitated since Species 8472 came on board; Seven says that Species 8472 was the only species to offer true resistance to the Borg; they destroyed millions of drones and hundreds of the Borg worlds; Janeway wants to incapicitate the creature rather than kill it; it is injured by the Hirogen; the Doctor can only make a visual diagnosis of Species 8472's injuries because its body is generating a bioelectric field that he can't scan through; the creature was trying to access deflector control in order to open a singularity back into its realm; the creature was left behind when the Borg retreated back to fluidic space during their last contact with the Borg; Species 8472 begins regenerating and becomes agitated when it senses the presence of the Hirogen ships; it attacks the Hirogen on Deck 11; Seven beams both the creature and the Hirogen on to one of the Hirogen ships. (Prey) Arturis says that Species 8472 was his people's last hope to defeat the Borg; he is angry with Janeway because she helped the Borg defeat them; Janeway says that she believed that Species 8472 posed a greater threat than the Borg. (Hope and Fear)

Speckled targ - Torres tells Kim that he looks like a speckled targ since he has spots on his face. (Favorite Son)

Spectral analysis - A spectral analysis of the energy reading at the scene of Sutok's murder is identified as a Federation phaser signature. (Fair Trade)

Spectral rupture - This natural occurence appears once every 6 hours; Dr. Neria says that the complex is built at the place where these spectral ruptures occur so that the centotaph can transport people into the next emanation; these spectral ruptures occur at thousands of different sites on the Vhnori homeworld. (Emanations)

Spectrum - Dejaren names his holographic fish Spectrum. (Revulsion)

Spiced hatana - This is a type of food served on Taresia. (Favorite Son)

Spicy paraka wings - Neelix serves this food as part of his Paxau Resort holodeck program. (Warlord)

Spinach juice - Kes likes spinach juice with a touch of pear; Paris introduced her to it. (Eye of the Needle)

Spock - Tuvok says that Spock was a great visionary; he recommended an alliance between the Federation and the Klingon Empire which brought a stability in the region that hadn't been there for 200 years. (Alliances)

Sporocystian life form - The Caretaker is this type of life form. (Caretaker) The Caretaker's remains begin to resonate in response to another sporocystian life form being nearby. (Cold Fire)

Sporocystian toxin - After studying the biochemical analysis of the Caretaker's remains, Tuvok comes up with a sporocystian toxin that will debilitate the life form if necessary; the toxin will temporarily paralayze the life form by breaking down a critical enzyme in their cellular structure; Janeway uses the toxin on Suspiria. (Cold Fire)

Spot - Torres jokingly calles Kim "Spot" since he now has spots on his face. (Favorite Son)

Stabilizer diagnostic - Paris completes several of these diagnostics in order to repair the damaged shuttle; one of the diagnostics detects damage in the stabilizer acceleration sensors. (Basics, Part 2)

Stadi (Alicia Coppola) - Female Betazoid; Lieutenant on Voyager; she was killed when Voyager was hit by the displacement wave. (Caretaker)

Stalking mode - The Hirogen ship goes to stalking mode after they locate Voyager and set out intercept the ship. (Hunters)

Starboard ventral - The Kazon ships are concentrating their attacks on Voyager's starboard ventral which complicates repairs to the ship's seconary command processors. (Basics, Part 1)

Starfleet - Janeway tries to hail Starfleet after they reach Earth, but there is no reply since Starfleet does not exist yet in 1996; Tuvok says that the away team could have worn their Starfleet uniforms and no one would have noticed; Paris tells Rain that Starfleet Academy is an east coast school. (Future's End, Part 1) Janeway tells Neelix that the first duty of any Starfleet officer is the truth. (Fair Trade) In the holographic scenario, the Starfleet senior officers are taken to the brig and the rest of the Starfleet personnel are taken to the Cargo Bay. (Worst Case Scenario) Janeway analyzes every carrier wave of the transmission from the time-ship and determines that the message contains a classified Starfleet ID code that she says could only have come from Paris. (Year of Hell, Part 2) Kim detects a Starfleet signature coming from the Northern continent on the planet. (Concerning Flight) Seven is able to use the network of relays stations to detect a Starfleet vessel near the outer edges of the Alpha quadrant; the Starfleet ship will move out of range of the sensor network in 41 minutes; the name of the Starfleet ship is the Prometheus; all the Starfleet crew members on board are dead; the Doctor says that Starfleet will contact the Voyager crew's families to tell them that they are alive; Starfleet says that they won't stop until they find a way to get Voyager back home. (Message in a Bottle) Starfleet uses the sensor network to send a message to Voyager; Starfleet tells Voyager to study their message carefully; Seven discovers a latent data stream buried under Starfleet's message; Voyager receives a coded message from Starfleet and also personal messages from the families of the Voyager crew; it is customary and recommended Starfleet protocol to send more than one person on an away team; Voyager is able to download most of Starfleet's message before the relay stations are disabled. (Hunters) Omega was first synthesized over a 100 years ago by a Starfleet physicist named Ketteract; after Starfleet realized Omega's power, they supressed all knowledge of it. (Omega Directive) After five months, the crew of Voyager still hasn't been able to decrypt the coded messaged from Starfleet; when they find the Dauntless, they believe that Starfleet has sent them the ship; according to the Starfleet message that Arturis decrypts, Starfleet has sent them an experimental ship with a quantum slipstream drive that will allow them to get home in only three months; Janeway discovers that Arturis tampered with the Starfleet message; the real message from Starfleet is from Admiral Hayes who says that Starfleet was unsuccessful in finding a way to get Voyager home. (Hope and Fear)

Starfleet Directive 101 - Tuvok advises Suder of Starfleet Directive 101 which says that Suder doesn't have to answer any questions if he chooses not to. (Meld)

Starling, Henry (Ed Begley, Jr.) - Starling is the CEO of Chronowerx; he funds the SETI lab at Griffith Observatory; he stole Braxton's timeship in 1967; he uses the technology from the ship to introduce new technology to Earth every couple of years; Starling introduced the very first isograted circuit in 1969; he is able to download over 20% of Voyager's computer data files by creating a downlink through the transporter beam. (Future's End, Part 1) The Doctor says that Starling's paranoid response to Janeway is indicative of bipolar personality disorder; Starling wants the Doctor to give him Janeway's psychological profile so that he can know his enemy; Starling goes to Metro Plaza to get Rain; Voyager is able to disable his 29th century tricorder and beam him onto Voyager; he suffers minor synaptic stress during the extended transport; he says that without him, there wouldn't have been laptops, the internet, or barcode readers; he wants to use the timeship to bring back more technology so the can start the next 10 computer revolutions; Dunbar beams Starling off of Voyager; Starling launches the timeship from Chronowerx, but is destroyed by one of Voyager's photon torpedoes before he can enter the rift. (Future's End, Part 2)

Stasis - Tuvok puts a stasis field around Bennet's body to protect it until he can take it back to Voyager. (Innocence) The 3 live humanoids in the hibernation pods are in deep statis; Janeway tricks the Clown by modifying the hibernation pods to put her on the system without being in stasis. (The Thaw) Janeway and Chakotay are in stasis chambers for 17 days on the planet while the Doctor tries to find a cure for the virus they have contracted from an insect bite. (Resolutions) The Doctor puts the body of the Kazon that Suder killed in a stasis drawer in sick bay so that the body will not be discovered. (Basics, Part 2) Riley says that the survivors of the attack were put into some kind of stasis and then brought to the planet. (Unity) Janeway decides to put the entire crew except for Seven and the Doctor into stasis chambers in order to cross the nebula; Torres says that she has never been in long term stasis; the stasis chamber slows the cardiopulmonary systems and suspends neural activity; the stasis chambers are being relocated to Deck 14 so that they can be more easily monitored; Paris says that the stasis chambers are designed like a coffin; Seven diverts power from stasis units 1-10 and reroutes the power to propulsion; she cuts off life support to all decks and reroutes the power back to the stasis units. (One)

Stellar Cartography - The Delaney sisters work in Stellar Cartography. (Time and Again) Janeway wants to send the downloaded info to Stellar Cartography so that they can use it to make a star chart. (Threshold) Paris almost failed stellar cartography during his first year at the Academy after he was dumped by Susie Crabtree. (Lifesigns) This is one of the places that Janeway considers assigning Quinn although she says that he could shut down Stellar Cartography with all the knowledge he'd bring to the job. (Deathwish)

Stereo - Paris tries to use the stereo from Rain's van to send a locater signal to Voyager. (Future's End, Part 2)

Steth (Dan Butler) - Voyager prevents Steth's ships from exploding by surrounding his ship with Voyager's own warp field; Steth says that he is a test pilot and that he is from the 4th planet in the Benthan system; Steth says that he likes to keep in motion and doesn't want to settle down; Steth's appearance changes and according to the DNA stability analysis that he runs, his genome will revert to its previous form in 3 hours, 13 minutes; Steth takes Paris's box wrench in order to get a DNA sample; when he determines that they are compatible, he switches bodies with Paris; after sending Paris off in his own ship, Steth takes on Paris's persona on Voyager; Chakotay tells Steth/Paris that Janeway wants him to try implementing some of the Steth's technology on one of Voyager's shuttles; he cons the Doctor into giving him the day off by telling him that he will never be half the healer that the Doctor is; Paris/Steth runs into the real Steth when she boards Steth's ship and wants his body back; Seven discovers Steth/Paris drinking on duty and reading the captain's personal logs so she reports him to the Captain; after Janeway calls for Security to come to her ready room, Tuvok finds Steth/Paris choking her; Steth/Paris switches bodies with Janeway; Paris/Steth and the real Steth manage to get Steth's ship back to Voyager and stop Steth/Janeway; the Doctor is able to restore Paris, Steth, and Janeway back to their own bodies. (Vis A Vis)

Stone - Chakotay has a stone from the river in his medicine bundle. (The Cloud) The Guide has Janeway hold a stone and asks Janeway what she sees; Janeway is unable to see anything but a rock; the Doctor detects a buildup of lactic acid in her extensor muscles as a result of her holding the stone for a long time. (Sacred Ground)

Storage bay 3 - Neelix is using this as a pantry; Janeway wants to convert storage bay 3 into a containment chamber for the sirillium they hope to gather from the nebula. (Flashback)

Storage facility - Janeway and Tuvok determine that the computer processor is in one of several storage facilities within 10 kilometers of the city; Tuvok uses his tricorder readings, Da Vinci's maps, and Voyager's sensors to triangulate which storage facility the computer processor is in; Da Vinci finds the entrance to the facility by determining that there would only be one entry way and that it would be facing away from the sun so that the bright light would be in the eyes of anyone who would try to attack; Janeway detects 30 guards converging on the storage facility. (Concerning Flight)

Stories - Stories are an essential part of Sikaris's culture; Eudana tells Kim that noble stories most affect their lives; (Prime Factors)

Strickler - Admiral in Starfleet; he is one of the officers at the meeting where Lasca and Kim were going to explain how they solved the dilithium fracture problem of new runabout. (Non Sequitor)

Strickler - Ensign on Voyager; Emmanuel and Strickler are killed when they are unable to get to safety before the conduits on Deck 5 explode. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Stuffed cartaway leaves - This is one of the dishes that Neelix serves to the bridge crew during its second encounter with the lifeform. (The Cloud)

Subatomic - Kes is able to manipulate the flame from the meditation lamp at the subatomic level; she says that she is able to see beyond the subatomic into a new level of reality. (The Gift)

Subatomic disrupter - Braxton fires some sort of subatomic disrupter at Voayger to try to destroy them; Voyager sends out a high energy polaron pulse to help disupt the weapon. (Future's End, Part 1)

Subdermal bioprobe - Janeway wears a subdermal bioprobe that will transmit any changes in her biochemistry to the Doctor so that he can analyze the information to try to find a way to treat Kes; the implant contains a homing beacon so that Janeway can tap it like a combadge and they can beam her out if the need arises; the Nechani bioscanners detects the bioprobe; the Doctor uses a physiometric program to analyze the data form the bioprobe. (Sacred Ground)

Sub-harmonic pulses - Voyager's test message is a series of these pulses. (Eye of the Needle)

Sub-micron scanner - This is one of the tools Torres uses to build the prototype robot. (Prototype)

Sub-micron suture - The Doctor uses this instrument when he is trying to create an axonal pathway between Danara's grafted tissue and her basal ganglia. (Lifesigns)

Subnucleonic radiation - Even the briefest exposure to the subnucleonic radiation from the nebula is devastating to organic tissue; the Doctor discovers that the radiation from the nebula is producing a degradation in the synaptic relays of the gel packs and altering the neurotransmitter levels in Seven's sensory nodes causing her to hallucinate. (One)

Sub-neural scanner - The Doctor asks Kes to get this out of the med lab so that he can use it to give Janeway a cerebro-cortical scan. (Persistence of Vision)

Sub-nucleonic beam - Seven and Tuvok's shuttle is scanned by some kind of a sub-nucleonic beam. (Hunters)

Subspace - An unexpected secondary effect of Omega is that it destroys subspace which makes it impossible to create a stable warp field; a chain reaction involving a handful of Omega molecules could devastate subspace throughout the quadrant and make warp travel impossible. (Omega Directive)

Subspace antenna array - Jonas tells Neelix that every time the subspace antenna array is in use the sensors make a record of it. (Investigations)

Subspace beacon - Janeway activates a subspace beacon to assist Voyager in finding Paris and herself. (Time and Again)

Subspace bubble - Seska suggests using a subspace bubble in order to retrieve the console from the Kazon bridge; Torres decides that this method is too risky. (State of Flux)

Subspace carrier wave - Tanis sends a subspace carrier wave to contact Suspiria once Voyager reaches the meeting place; he says that she will respond within 47 hours. (Cold Fire)

Subspace comm logs - Neelix accesses these logs when he believes that someone told the Kazon that Paris was going to be on the Talaxian convoy; Neelix finds that there are gaps in the log entries in the last month which leads him to believe that someone deleted the missing logs to conceal the fact that they have been communicating with the Kazon; Jonas tries to convince Neelix that the gaps are due to the plasma overload. (Investigations)

Subspace fractures - The polaric explosion shatters subspace and caused these fractures. (Time and Again)

Subspace instability - Torres and Kim detect a subspace instability at Voyager's location which occured as a result of the wormhole's last appearance; they polarize the instability with verteron particles in order to bring the wormhole back there. (False Profits)

Subspace inversions - Q says that he can't cause subspace inversions anymore without considering the impact they will have on his son. (The Q and the Grey)

Subspace signal - On the holodeck, Torres detects some sort of subspace signal coming from the inversion nebula; she traces the uplink to a hidden ship in the nebula. (Alter Ego)

Subspace technology - Voyager detects low frequency subspace readings on Earth even though subspace technology shouldn't exist for another 100 years or so; they localize the subspace readings to the city of Los Angelos. (Future's End, Part 1)

Subspace tractor beam - Voyager uses this to try to pull another ship out of the event horizon. (Parallax)

Subspace transmitter - Seven tries to access the subspace transmitter to send a message to the Borg. (The Gift)

Subspace transponder - Ptera takes a subspace transponder with her when they try to transport her back to Vhnori; Torres hopes that this will be able to penetrate the dimensional barrier and allow them to lock onto Kim with a transporter beam. (Emanantions)

Subspace vacuole - These vacuoles occur at the site of the spectral ruptures and transport dead bodies of the Vhnori to the asteroid rings; Kim gets transported to the Vhnori homeworld through one of these vacuoles. (Emanations)

Subterranean barrier - This barrier was created by the Caretaker to keep the Kazon from reaching the underground settlement of the Ocampa; Kes found a breach in this barrier in order to reach the surface of the planet. (Caretaker)

Subterranean chamber - Voyager detects dilithium signatures in these chambers which are located 10-20 km inside the planetoid. (The Phage)

Suder, Lon (Brad Dourif) - Former Maquis; Male Betazoid; Suder kills Darwin with a coil spanner; the Doctor says that Suder's elevated neuro-epinephrine levels indicate that he has aggressive, violent tendencies; Suder tried targeted neuro-synaptic therapy to try to control his violence, but it didn't help; after a mind meld with Tuvok, Suder is more calm and controlled. (Meld) Suder develops a new species of orchids which he names the Tuvok Orchid; he thinks that he can adapt the genetic engineering techniques that he's developed for the orchids to help the vegetable garden in the airponics bay become more productive; he tells Tuvok and Janeway that he wants to do something for the ship; Suder is presumed dead after the explosion on Deck 8. (Basics, Part 1) Suder manages to hide from the Kazon by using a portable thoron generator to trick the sensors; he is upset because in order to retake Voyager, he knows he must kill some of the Kazon; he manages to disable the backup power couplings before he is killed by a Kazon. (Basics, Part 2)

Suicide - Quinn wants the Continuum to grant him mortality so that he may commit suicide; Tuvok says that in many culutres suicide is acceptable and cannot be used as evidence of mental illness; Quinn kills himself by ingesting Nogatch hemlock that Q gave him. (Deathwish)

Sulan (Brian Markinson) - Vidiian male; Sulan is chief surgeon of the Vidiian Sodality; he extracts Torres's Klingon DNA hoping that it will be resistant to the phage and help the Vidiians find a cure; Sulan kills Durst so that he can graft Durst's face onto his; he acccidently kills the Klingon Torres. (Faces)

Sulu (George Takai) - Captain Sulu sponsored Chakotay at Starfleet Academy (Tattoo) Sulu is the captain of the USS Excelsior; he likes to drink tea every morning; Tuvok brings him a Vulcan blend of tea; Janeway says that he doesn't look anything like his portrait at Starfleet headquarters; he served with Captain Kirk and Doctor McCoy for a long time and says he owes them his life a dozen times over; Janeway says that Kirk, McCoy and Sulu belonged to a different breed of Starfleet officer; Sulu decides to try to rescue Kirk and McCoy after they are arrested for the assassination of the Klingon chancellor, but he was forced to retreat back to Federation space. (Flashback)

Supernova - Voyager views the explosion of a supernova; there are only 2 other crews in the history of Starfleet that have witnessed this but they have not been as close to it as Voyager was; stars going supernova happen once once every century, but Voyager has witnessed 3 in less than 3 days all in the same sector; Q says the the supernovas are galactic crossfire in the Q's civil war; they were caused by a spatial disruption within the continuum; Miss Q takes them into one of the supernovas in order to take them into the continuum. (The Q and the Grey)

Sural - Wildman considers naming her baby this Vulcan name until the Doctor tells her that Sural was the name of a dictator on Sakura Prime who was famed for beheading his rivals and his parents. (Dreadnought)

Surat - SEE: Jal Surat. (Alliances)

Surgical chancellor - The Doctor served as surgical chancellor for many years. (Living Witness)

Surveillance system - The narcotics dealers are able to disable the station's surveillance system by creating false visual signals. (Fair Trade)

Suspiria (Lindsay Ridgeway) - The caretaker said that she left to explore the galaxy. (Caretaker) Tanis says her species is called the Nacene; Suspiria brought the Ocampa to the space staion 300 years ago and helped them develop their psychokinetic skills; she exists as pure sporocystian energy and assumes physical form when the Ocampa need to communicate with her; Suspiria exists in a place called Exosia which is a place of pure thought and energy; Suspiria wants to kill the Voyager crew because she believes they killed her mate, but she relents when Janeway spares her life. (Cold Fire)

Sutok (Steve Kehela) - Sutok is a narcotics merchant on the trading station near the Nekrit Expanse; he offers rhuludian crystals to Chakotay and Paris when they are on the station looking for magnetic spindle bundles; after Wix and Neelix deliver the narcotics to Sutok, he shoots at them, but is killed when Wix fires back. (Fair Trade)

Suture - An ancient medical technique that was used before the advent of laser technology in which surgical fiber was used to stitch together a wound to allow it to heal naturally; the Doctor suggests that this technique be used to help heal the lifeform's wound. (The Cloud)

Sveta - Sveta is an old friend of Chakotay's and she recruited him into the Maquis; Chakotay receives a letter from her; she tells him that all of the Maquis are either dead or in prison. (Hunters)

Swan - The highlight of talent night was Janeway performing the dying swan dance that she learned when she was 6 years old. (Coda)

Swarm - Chardis's ship is attacked by a swarm of a thousand ships; the Swarm extracted the energy from the ship's systems. (The Swarm)

Swift - Crew member on Voyager; Swift's brain wave pattern shows up on the Doctor's console when he is showing Chakotay that the patterns of all of the sleeping crew members are the same. (Waking Moments)

Swinn (Bahni Turpin) - Female Crewman on Voyager; she is one of the crew in the Mess hall trying to make dinner since Neelix isn't there. (Tuvix) Hogan and Swinn approach Kim in the Mess hall to tell Kim they agree with him that Voyager should ask the Vidiians for help. (Resolutions)

Sylleran Rift - Zahir asks Kes to explore the Sylleran Rift with him. (Darkling)

Symbiogenesis - The lysosomal enzymes of the plant could be evidence of symbiogenesis; this is a rare reproductive process in which a species reproduces not by pollination or mating, but by merging with a second species; the symbiogenetic properties of the orchids caused Tuvok and Neelix to be merged in to Tuvix. (Tuvix)

Symmetric warp field - A warp field that is inverted towards the ship instead of away; Torres tells Janeway that they can raise the temperature of the gel packs by infusing them with a high energy plasma burst from a symmetric warp field. (Learning Curve) Paris suggests that a symmetric warp field should contain any instabilities in the space folding core; he manuevers the ship so that Voyager's own warp field prevents Steth's ship from exploding. (Vis A Vis)

Synaptic failure - The neural implants are causing general synaptic failure in Paris whenever he goes through a cycle; Janeway hopes that they can use this as the basis for an appeal of the sentence. (Ex Post Facto)

Synaptic pathways - Kes's synaptic pathways have undergone severe neuroleptic shock which is disrupting all her cortical functions. (Sacred Ground)

Synaptic pattern - A synaptic pattern was produced in the sample from the protostar when a a polarization field was introduced into the sample container. (Heroes and Demons) The implant in Danara's parietal lobe is storing her synaptic patterns and transmitting neuroelectrical impulses to the rest of her body; the Doctor transfers Denara's synaptic pattern to the holo-buffers before they degrade completely. (Lifesigns)

Synaptic stimulation - The Doctor thinks that direct synaptic stimulation may drive the alien presence out of Janeway's cerebral cortex. (Coda)

Synaptic stimulator - The Doctor says that Tiernan's neural pattern can be removed from Kes by direct contact with the synaptic stimulator; Neelix uses the synaptic stimulator on Kes; Kes realizes that Tiernan has been transferred to Ameron and uses the synaptic stimulator on Ameron. (Warlord)

Synthetic antigen - The Doctor creates a synthetic antigen which inhibits the vrius's ability to replicate; Janeway and the Doctor try to get to Environmental Controls so that they can distribute the antigen through the venitilation system of the ship. (Macrocosm)


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