Anon connections - The first step in the motor cortex reconstruction procedure is to establish anon connections and then test for synaptic potentials. (The Swarm)

Bristow, Freddy - Ensign on Voyager; he has a crush on Torres and has been making any excuse to hang around engineering and around Torres; according to Paris he's tall and good looking; Torres says that she played him one game of Parisses' Squares and she crushed him; Torres says that she rather take her chances with Freddy Bristow than go out with Paris. (The Swarm)

Callas, Maria - The Doctor says that the next time he practices the opera he will take his chances with Maris Callas. (The Swarm)

Caruso - This is one of the people that the Doctor mentions when he says that he has studied the finest recordings of "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

Cascade failure - The EMH database is experiencing a cascade failure causing the Doctor to have momentary lapses in memory; the failure is causing his memory circuits to deteriorate. (The Swarm)

Chardis (Steven Houska) - Chardis is the only survivor on a ship that Voyager finds that was attacked by the swarm; he is severely dehydrated, has damage to his spinal column and has trauma to his nervous system; he is from Mislen which is about 5 parsecs away in a yellow dwarf system; he tells Janeway that thousands of ships attacked them and extracted the energy from their ship's systems; he dies soon after he is beamed onto Voyager. (The Swarm)

Cortical analeptics - Kes brings these to the Doctor before they begin the motor cortex reconstruction; the Doctor has her fill the hyposprays with the analeptics. (The Swarm)

Data compression buffers - Torres added data compression buffers to the Doctor's program to compensate for the additional time he has been activated but now breaking down. (The Swarm)

Diagnostic matrix - Torres uses the Jupiter Station Diagnostic program to access the diagnostic matrix for the EMH; the holographic interface for the matrix comes in the form of a hologram for Dr. Zimmerman; Voyager no longer has a diagnostic matrix since they grafted it onto the Doctor's matrix. (The Swarm)

Dilithium matrix - Torres says that she needs to shut down the warp drive in order to realign the dilithium matrix; since Voyager is being pursued by the Swarm, Torres must realign it "on the fly" instead. (The Swarm)

Efferent impulse - When Paris goes into respiratory arrest, Kes applies efferent impulse to stabilize his motor neurons. (The Swarm)

Emergency Medical Holographic Program - The EMH wasn't meant to run constantly and the Doctor's circuits are being to degrade; the holographic Zimmerman says that the EMH has a level 4 memory fragmentation; the EMH was meant to be used for 1500 hours at the very most; Zimmerman says that the EMH can't experience feelings but that its emotional reactions are just a series of alogrithms designed to make it easier to interact with others. (The Swarm)

Energy signature - Paris and Torres are in the shuttle looking for an energy signature that was detected earlier by Voyager. (The Swarm)

Freni - This is one of the people that the Doctor mentions when he says that he has studied the finest recordings of "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

Galli-Curchi - This is one of the people that the Doctor mentions when he says that he has studied the finest recordings of "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

Gigahertz - After being hit by the polaron burst, Voyager's shields are now rotating at 92 gigahertz and can be detected by the rest of the Swarm. (The Swarm)

Heuristic matrix - The diagnostic matrix and the Doctor both have heuristic matrices. (The Swarm)

Hydrocortilene - The Doctor tells Kes to prepare a hypospray with 3% hydrocortilene to treat Torres's headache. (The Swarm)

Interferometric pulses - Each Swarm ship is emitting interferometric pulses which are modulating in opposition to Voyager's shield frequency which causes their shield strength to go to zero. (The Swarm)

Jupiter Station Diagnostic Program Alpha One One - Torres uses this holodeck program to access the diagnostic matrix for the EMH. (The Swarm)

La Boheme - The Doctor is practicing the part of Rudolpho in the Opera "La Boheme"; La Boheme is an opera by Giacomo Puccini. (The Swarm)

Lake Como - Paris says that he has a holodeck program of sailing on Lake Como that Torres might enjoy. (The Swarm)

Lattice - Kim discovers that the Swarm ships are connected by some sort of lattice and that destroying one ship may cause a chain reaction to destroy the others. (The Swarm)

McKinley Station - The Zimmerman holograph tells Torres to schedule an expansion of the EMH's memory circuits when they layover for maintenance at McKinley Station. (The Swarm)

Memory fragmentation - The holographic Zimmerman says that the EMH has a level 4 memory fragmentation. (The Swarm)

Mislen - Chardis says that he is from Mislen which is about 5 parsecs away in a yellow dwarf system; he asks Janeway to tell his people what happened if they happen to pass by there. (The Swarm)

Motor cortex reconstruction - The Doctors says that he needs to perform this procedure on Paris since he suffered greater neurological damage than Torres did; it is not a life-threatening operation; the first step in the procedure is to establish anon connections and then test for synaptic potentials; the final step is to restore the nerve sheath; the Doctor can't remember how to do the procedure and Kes leads him through it; Paris goes into respiratory arrest during the surgery, but Kes applie efferent impulses to stabilize his motor neurons. (The Swarm)

Myelin regenerator - The final step in the motor cortex reconstruction procedure is to restore the nerve sheath using the myelin regenerator. (The Swarm)

Nerve sheath - The final step in the motor cortex reconstruction procedure is to restore the nerve sheath using the myelin regenerator. (The Swarm)

Neuro-electric - The aliens that board Paris and Torres's shuttle use a neuro-electric weapon on them which cause trauma to their nervous system. (The Swarm)

Nicoletti - Torres gets Nicoletti to help her realign the dilithium matrix. (The Swarm)

Opera - The Doctor has begun studying opera and finds it quite satisfying; he has been practicing the part of Rudolpho in Puccini's "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

O Soave Fanciulla - The Doctor is practicing this aria from the opera "La Boheme"; Kes and Torres think that the Doctor has lost all his past memories until they hear him humming this after the matrix overlay. (The Swarm)

Pavarotti - This is one of the people that the Doctor mentions when he says that he has studied the finest recordings of "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

Pentangeli, Giuseppina (Carole Davis) - She is the diva that the Doctor is practicing O Soave Fanciulla with; she says that she is the greatest soprano lirico of the 22nd century. (The Swarm)

Phaser - The interferometric pulses from the Swarm ships causes the energy from Voyager's phasers to be reflected back at Voyager; Voyager remodulates their shields to the inverse harmonic of the interferometric pulse so that their phasers are able to hit the Swarm ship. (The Swarm)

Polaron burst - One of the Swarm that was attached to Chardis's ship, hits Voyager with some kind of polaron burst which changes Voyager's shield polarity so that they can be detected by the rest of the Swarm. (The Swarm)

Preganglionic fibers - One of the steps in the motor cortex reconstruction procedure is to repair the preganglionic fibers in the spinal column. (The Swarm)

Puccini, Giacomo - He was a human composer of the 19th century; he wrote an opera called "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

Reinitialize - When the Doctor's experiences a cascade failure in his memory circuits, one of the options is to reinitialize his program; this would reset the database and personality subroutines and restore the original program so the Doctor wouldn't remember any of his experiences of the past 2 year; the Zimmerman holograph says that if they don't reinitialize the EMH, it will end up being useless to them. (The Swarm)

Retinal imager - The Doctor wants to use this instrument when Kes says that Paris is not responding to the treatment; he can't find it at first and then finds it on the tray right in front of him. (The Swarm)

Rudolpho - The Doctor is practicing the part of Rudolpho in the Opera "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

Sensor net - The Swarm have some sort of sensor net at their borders that alert them when a ship has crossed it; Voyager wants to find a way to get around the sensor net since it would take them more than 15 months at maximum warp to go around the Swarm's territory; it uses a series of interlaced tachyon beams; Voyager adjusts their shields to refract the beams around the ship so that they can get past the net without disrupting it. (The Swarm)

Shuttlecraft - Paris and Torres are in the shuttle looking for an energy signature that was detected earlier when aliens board the shuttle and attack them. (The Swarm)

Soral - This is one of the people that the Doctor mentions when he says that he has studied the finest recordings of "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

Swarm - Chardis's ship is attacked by a swarm of a thousand ships; the Swarm extracted the energy from the ship's systems. (The Swarm)

Tabran monk - Paris says that Torres seems to have been living the life of a Tabran monk. (The Swarm)

Tachyon beam - The sensor net uses a series of interlaced tachyon beams; Voyager is able to adjust their shields to refract the beams around the ship so that they can get past the net without disrupting it. (The Swarm)

Tachyon field - The shuttle wasn't able to detect the alien ship since they had crossed into a tachyon field. (The Swarm)

T'Pena - She is from Vulcan; this is one of the people that the Doctor mentions when he says that he has studied the finest recordings of "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

Universal translator - The universal translator is unable to translate the alien message becuase the alien's language is so unlike their own; Janeway has Kim remodulate the translator so that they can figure out what the message says. (The Swarm)

Vasoconstrictor - The Doctor tells Kes to get him a vasoconstrictor to treat Torres's headache. (The Swarm)

Yellow dwarf system - Mislen is located in a yellow dwarf system about 5 parsecs away from where Voyager finds the damaged ship. (The Swarm)

Zimmerman Alpha one - This is the matrix overlay program that is used to overlay the diagnostic matrix onto the Doctor's matrix. (The Swarm)

Zimmerman, Louis - The holographic interface for the diagnostic matrix in the holodeck program comes in the form of a hologram for Dr. Zimmerman; it has an adaptive heuristic matrix just like the Doctor; Kes suggests that they overlay his matrix onto the Doctor's. (The Swarm)


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