Tabran monk - Paris says that Torres seems to have been living the life of a Tabran monk. (The Swarm)

Tachion signal - Carey sends out a tachion signal to try to scan the quantum singularity, but all he gets back was static. (Parallax)

Tachyon beam - Torres says that if they can provoke Dreadnought to fire its thoran shock emitter at full power, it may destabilize its reactor core for 30 seconds and a single sustained tachyon beam might penetrate the core and destroy it. (Dreadnought) The sensor net uses a series of interlaced tachyon beams; Voyager is able to adjust their shields to refract the beams around the ship so that they can get past the net without disrupting it. (The Swarm)

Tachyon burst - Chakotay and Janeway use a tachyon burst to try to disperse the temporal field; this seems to succeed when the Vidiian ships disappear. (Coda) Seven sets up the parameters for the tachyon burst that they'll need to create a transwarp conduit. (Day of Honor)

Tachyon emission - Paris detects tachyon emission coming from a truck leaving Chronowerx and believes that Starling is moving the timeship; they discover that a temporal transponder was set to give off the tachyon emissions and that the timeship is not really in the truck. (Future's End, Part 2)

Tachyon field - The shuttle wasn't able to detect the alien ship since they had crossed into a tachyon field. (The Swarm)

Tachyon pulse - Miss Q tells Torres to remodulate the shields to emit a beta tachyon pulse. (The Q and the Grey)

Tachyon signal - Carey sends out a tachion signal to try to scan the quantum singularity, but all he gets back was static. (Parallax)

Tachyon sweep - Tuvok is confused when he mistakenly suggests that Voyager conduct a tachyon sweep of the nebula since this would reveal the presence of cloaked Klingon ships. (Flashback)

Tactile response sensors - The Doctor feels pain and fear when Starling reconfigures the Doctor's tactile response sensors. (Future's End, Part 2)

Tahiti - Paris and Torres decide to go to Tahiti on their holodeck date on Friday; Paris wants to go water skiing there. (Waking Moments)

Takar - Takar is an M class planet; it is the 2nd planet in the system; Chakotay and Paris beam down to this planet to try to find the source of the replicator signature; Takar is ruled by the holy sages. (False Profits)

Takar lagar eggs - Neelix offers these to Janeway along with his "even better than coffee substitute". (The Cloud)

Takka berries - Corin wants to eat takka berries with cherel sauce instead of the Starfleet rations that Tuvok has on the shuttle. (Innocence)

Takrit - The Takrit are a band of mercenaries that operate in this system; the Pommar arrested a Takrit making a sketch of the conference site which seems to indicate that someone may try to sabotage the conference. (Alliances)

Tak Tak - Janeway and Neelix go on a 3 day trade mission to meet with the Tak Tak; Janeway says that they are the most unforgiving people she's ever met; one of the worst insults to the Tak Tak is made by putting your hands on your hips; Neelix believes that their gestures are more than just a language since some of the gestures were ritualistic and almost superstitious; the Tak Tak attack Voyager when they discover that it has been infected by the macrovirus, but Janeway persuades them to stop the attack by offering to share the synthetic antigen with them. (Macrocosm)

Tak Tak ambassador (Albie Selznick) - The Tak Tak ambassador is insulted when Janeway puts her hands on her hips. (Macrocosm)

Talax - Neelix was on the Talax homeworld when his family was killed by the Metreon Cascade on Rinax. (Jetrel) On Talax, it is a tradition to share the history of a meal before beginning to eat. (Flashback) Neelix went through basic combat training on Talax. (Warlord)

Talaxian - Chadre-kab is a delicay among Talaxians; The Borg call Talaxians Species 218; the Talaxians biological and technological distinctiveness was added to the Borg when a small freighter containing a crew of 39 was assimilated in the Dalmine Sector; Seven says that their dense musculature made them excellent drones. (The Raven) Neelix adds Talaxian spices to the food he has been serving Seven in order to broaden her palate; Prixin is the Talaxian celebration of family; the Talaxians believe that they will all go to the Great Forest someday; the Talaxians mourn their dead for a full week in a specific burial ceremony. (Mortal Coil) The Kyrians believe that Voyager captured Talaxians and made them work as part of their fighting force. (Living Witness) According to Neelix, Jurex was the greatest writer in the Talaxian canon. (Demon)

Talaxian champagne - This is Kes's favorite; Kes and Neelix drink some of this champagne that Neelix moon-ripened and saved for a special occasion; they last sipped this together 3 years ago when they first arrived on Voyager. (The Gift)

Talaxian convoy - Paris leaves Voyager to go work on a Talaxian convoy; the communications master of the convoy is Laxeth; the convoy is attacked by the Kazon Nistrim and Paris is taken aboard the Kazon ship. (Investigations)

Talaxian prisoner (Rob LaBelle) - The Talaxian prisoner tells Paris that he has been held prisoner for 6 years; he is the only one of his crew that is still alive. (Faces)

Talaxian rondos - Since the Doctor is making it hard for them to sleep, Neelix suggests that he teach everyone some Talaxian rondos. (Demon)

Talaxian song - Tuvok strangles a holographic Neelix when Neelix decides to sing a Talaxian song that his mother used to sing to him. (Meld)

Talaxian tomatoes - Janeway plants Talaxian tomatoes in a garden and says they will have vine ripened tomatoes in a couple months unless the planet has the equivalent of tomato bugs. (Resolutions)

Talchok musk - Neelix is wearing Talchok musk; he says that it is a very enticing scent but Paris tells him that he should go easier on the musk. (Random Thoughts)

Taleen (Nacy Youngblut) - Taleen welcomes Janeway and the Voyager crew to their new home in the Nyrian compound. (Displaced)

Talent night - Neelix has a talent night for the crew; Tuvok does a reading of Vulcan poetry; Kim performs a clarinet solo; the highlight of the evening was Janeway performing the dying swan dance that she learned when she was 6 years old. (Coda)

Talisman - The Doctor tells Freya that the container he is carrying the photonic energy life form in is a talisman that will defeat Grendel. (Heroes and Demons) Tiernan takes the talisman from the dead Autarch and puts it around his neck; Tiernan says that the talisman was stolen from him 200 years ago and that he has dedicated every moment since then to putting back where it belongs; after Tiernan is defeated, Kes returns the talisman to Demmas. (Warlord)

Talli (Rebecca McFarland) - Neelix is going down to the planet hoping for a romantic rendevous with Talli; she has a produce shop on Mari; Talli senses that Neelix would like for her to tug on his whiskers; after Frane's attack, Talli says that she has never seen so much blood; she had heard about someone getting beaten once when she was a little girl and had nightmares for weeks; Mrs. Tembit attacks and kills Talli when Talli accidently drops some produce. (Random Thoughts)

Tal'oth - A Vulcan ritual that Tuvok took part; he had to survive in the Vulcan desert for 4 months with only a ritual blade. (Displaced)

Tal'shiar - Rekar is going to turn the Prometheus over to the Tal'shiar since he thinks that they can make use of its full potential; he has made arrangements to rendevous with their fleet within the hour. (Message in a Bottle)

Talvath - This is the name of the Romulan science vessel in the Alpha Quadrant, Sector 1385 that Voyager contacts through the wormhole; the ship is commanded by Telek R'mor of the Romulan Astrophysical Academy; Telek R'mor initially tells Voyager that this ship is a cargo vessel instead of a science vessel. (Eye of the Needle)

T'an - Marayna attempts to create a spatial balance by placing the T'an on opposite sides of the Kal-toh; Tuvok says that this move is common among novice Kal-toh players and it is a strategy that will most certainly fail since Kal-toh is not about striving for balance but about finding the seeds of order even in the midst of profound chaos. (Alter Ego)

Tanis (Gary Graham) - Ocampan male; Tanis is 14 years old; he helps Kes discover some of her psycho-kinetic abilities and tries to convince her to come stay with the Ocampa on the space station. (Cold Fire)

T'an s'at - A Vulcan technique of the intellectual deconstruction of emotional patterns; (Alter Ego)

Tarchee cats - The Guide says that chromodynamic lights are as fussy as tarchee cats. (Sacred Ground)

Tardeth - Corin asks Tuvok if he would be afraid if he met a big, hairy Tardeth. (Innocence)

Taresia - Taresia is the 3rd planet in the star system that Kim leadsVoyager to in order to escape the Nasari; he says that Taresia is the planet he has been dreaming of; the Taresians tell Kim that he is really Taresian and that they place embryos in stasis and implant them into other species in order to bring an infusion of new genetic materials; Taresians say thank you by brushing the back of their hands on someone's cheek; 90% of the population of Taresia is female; Taymon says that many Taresians have a talent for math or music; the Taresians seek out new DNA to sustain their race by using the retrovirus to implant Taresian DNA in unsuspecting males and then telling them the story about implanting the embryos in other species. (Favorite Son)

Target parameters - The targeting parameters Dreadnought uses to identify its target are size, radiothermic signature and atmospheric composition. (Dreadnought)

Targ - As part of the Day of Honor ritual, Torres eats from the heart of a sanctified targ; it is supposed to bring courage to anyone who eats it. (Day of Honor)

Targeting scanners - Dreadnought's targeting scanners activate once it locks on to its final target; its targeting scanners lock on to Rakosa Five believing that it is Aschelon Five. (Dreadnought) Voyager's starboard targeting scanners are damaged after the explosion on Deck 8. (Basics, Part 1) The Excelsior's targeting scanners are damaged in the sirillium blast; Valtane switches them to manual. (Flashback) The targetting scanners are out of phase when Kim attempts to beam Arridor and Kol back to Voyager; Chakotay tells him to try setting the scanners to a narrow-band subspace frequency; the Ferengi send out a high-energy graviton pulse which throws the scanners off again. (False Profits) Chakotay wants Paris to modulate the targetting scanners to a parametric frequency when they are attacked by the Krenim. (Before and After)

Targ scoop - The Klingons attach targ scoops to the front of ground assault vehicles and then emit high-frequency tones that disperse targ herds in their path; Torres suggests that they use something similar to nudge the creatures out of their way. (Elogium)

Tarin juice - An Enaran beverage; Jareth tells Korenna to finish her tarin juice since it is good for her. (Remember)

Tarkan - Zahir tells Tuvok Voyager should navigate away from a plasma belt to avoid the Tarkan sentries; they are so powerful and acquisitive that they will remove the entire crew, settle them on a moon and then take Voyager as a trophy. (Darkling)

Tarkannans - Chakotay was part of the diplomatic team to make first contact with the Tarkannans; he inadvertantly propositioned the ambassador when he made the traditional gesture for hello, not realizing that males and females of their races use different styles of movement. (Innocence)

Tarok - An M-class moon that the Kazon Ogla use to conduct training exercises; Chakotay and Kar transport to this moon after they escape; the planet is full of proton beams, biomagnetic traps and disrupter snares which are used in the training exercises. (Initiations)

Tarpahk - Neelix, as a Klingon, says that he is dry as the crater at Tarpahk in the middle of the dry season. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Tattoo - Chakotay says that he wears his face tattoo to honor his father; his father wore it to honor their ancestors. (Tattoo) In his efforts to convince Janeway to mate with him, Q creates a tatoo over half his face in order to have a bigger tatto than Chakotay. (The Q and the Grey)

Tau - Tau controls the 7th province on the Northern continent of the planet; Tau steals weapons and technology from passing ships using a translocator device; Da Vinci says that Tau is his patron and that Tau gave him his workshop in return for Da Vinci's ideas; Tau discovers Janeway's identity and intends to hold her for ransom. (Concerning Flight)

Tau Ceti Prime - Janeway's father drowned under the polar ice cap on Tau Ceti Prime. (Coda)

Taymon (Patrick Fabian) - Taresian male; Taymon joined the merchant fleet because he wanted to get into space and explore every corner of the galaxy; Taymon is joined with his first wife, Malia and two other wives in a ceremony on Taresia; Kim goes to Taymon to get help to escape but finds Taymon dead; he died because the women of Taresia have to denucleate such a large number of cells in order to collect enough genetic material for conception. (Favorite Son)

Tea - Chakotay goes to the Mess Hall for some herbal tea when he can't sleep; Neelix has several terran varieties as well as some more exotic blends of tea. (Unforgettable)

Tectonic activity - Voyager doesn't detect any sign of tectonic activity on the third planet although the cavern system seems to differ from the previous readings Voyager has taken; they believe Paris, Torres, and Durst may have been trapped due to geological shifts. (Faces)

Tedran (Brian Fitzpatrick) - In the Kyrian simulation, Chekotay says that Tedran has gone into hiding; Tedran saved thousands of lives when he began the evacuation of the major cities when targeted by Voyager's biogenic weapons; Tedran is captured and Janeway kills him when he refuses to surrender; the Doctor tells Quarren that Tedran led the Kyrian attack against Voyager; Daleth kills Tedran. (Living Witness)

Teirna (John Gegenhuber) - Voyager beams Teirna aboard from the damaged shuttle; he is Seska's aid; Teirna worked Chakotay over when Chakotay was on their ship; Teirna says that Cullah killed Seska and took the baby to the Gema Four colony to be raised as a servant; the Doctor says that Teirna has a concussion, spinal cord trauma and polycythemia; Chakotay convinces Teirna to give them the command codes for the Nistim defense net so that they can avoid Nistrim patrols; his parents were killed in a Trabe attack shortly after he was born; Teirna is restricted to quarters on Deck 8; he causes a massive discharge on that deck when he injects himself with something and explodes. (Basics, Part 1)

Telek R'mor (Vaughn Armstrong) - Captain of the Romulan science vessel Talvath; initially, he does not believe that Voyager is in the Delta Quadrant and thinks that they are Starfleet spies; he belongs to Romulan Astrological Academy; he has a wife and a 7 month old daughter; Tuvok discovers that he died in 2367 which was 4 years ago and therefore the Voyager crew's personal messages to their families were never sent. (Eye of the Needle)

Telepathic mating bond - Vorik inadvertantly initiates a telepathic mating bond with Torres after she refuses his offer of mating; this bond causes Torres to begin experiencing the Pon Farr. (Blood Fever)

Telepathy - The Enarans have telepathic abilities which allow them to share experiences or memories through a telepathic link; Brel says that Enarans do not make a telepathic connection without consent from the other person; the Doctor finds evidence of telepathic activity in her frontal lobe. (Remember) Nimira asks Tuvok why he prefers speaking aloud to using telepathy; he says that he has become accustomed to speaking aloud since there are very few telepaths in Starfleet; Nimira says that in a race of telepaths, everyone must be responsible for their own thought; Neelix says that he has never liked telepathy and that it is bad for negotiations; Guill senses that Tuvok is a telepath. (Random Thoughts)

Telescope - Rain decided to became an astronomer after seeing the rings of Saturn using her brother's telescope. (Future's End, Part 2)

Telfas prime - Chakotay met Bendera in a mining community where Bendera helped him fight off some miners. (Alliances)

Tellerium - Voyager needs tellerium to get the antimatter reaction rate back up to acceptable levels; they go to the Alsaurian marketplace to try to obtain some. (Resistance)

Teluridian Four - Chakotay reminds Torres of the Maquis trick they used at Teluridian Four when they made the ship look like they were disabled in order to lure the enemy in; they use this tactic again to disable a Numiri ship that attacks them; they accomplish this by blowing out the dorsal emitters and venting a couple of L-N-two exhaust conduits along the dorsal emitters. (Ex Post Facto)

Tembit, Mrs. (Jeanette Miller) - Mrs. Tembit attacks and kills Talli after Talli accidently drops some produce; Neelix says that she was as shocked and confused as everyone else after the attack; Nimira says that Mrs. Tembit attacked Talli in response to the same violent thought that provoked the earlier attack; Tuvok and Nimira decide to trace her whereabouts for the last few days; Guill says that Mrs. Tembit begged him for Torres's thought. (Random Thoughts)

Temple - The holy sages dwell in the temple; the people come to the temple to petition the sages; there is a narrow band EM dampening field around the temple. (False Profits)

Templeton, Mrs. (Carolyn Seymour) - This character in Janeway's holodeck program is the housekeeper of Lord Burleigh. (Cathexis)

Temporal anomaly - Q says that he can't cause temporal anomalies anymore without considering the impact they will have on his son. (The Q and the Grey) Chakotay and Janeway find no evidence of a temporal anomaly even though they seem to be experiencing a repeating time loop; the temporal anomaly exerts some sort of gravitometric force on the shuttle so that they are unable to break free. (Coda) Chakotay orders the crew to scan for temporal anomalies in case this is what is causing Kes to experience events in reverse. (Before and After)

Temporal core - The temporal core of the time-ship keeps the ship out of phase with normal space-time; if the core is offline, the ship's shields are incredibly weak and a photon grenade could penetrate the hull; Obrist takes the temporal core offline; Paris transmits the exact location of the core to Voyager; after Voyager collides with the time-ship, the temporal core destabilizes and this causes a temporal incursion within the ship. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Temporal explosion - Braxton tells Janeway that Voyager is responsible for a temporal explosion in the 29th century which will destroy all of Earth's solar system; the explosion will occur if the timeship's temporal matrix is not precisely calibrated when it goes through the spatial rift. (Future's End, Part 1)

Temporal incursion - The temporal incursion at the Zahl homeworld results in a 98% restoration of the Krenim Imperium; the temporal incursion at the Garenor homeworld causes the Krenim Imperium to revert back to a prewarp state; Voyager is unaffected by this incursion because of their temporal shielding. (Year of Hell, Part 1) The temporal incursion at the Ram Izad homeworld results in a 52% restoration of the Krenim timeline; Annorax lost his wife during the 2nd temporal incursion when the colony on Kyana Prime was erradicated; after Voyager collides with the time-ship, the temporal core destabilizes and this causes a temporal incursion within the ship; this incursion restores Voyager to its original state before they entered Krenim space. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Temporal Integrity Commission - Braxton says that the Temporal Integrity Commission scans time and detected Voyager over 20th century Earth and sent him to return Voyager back to their previous coordinates in the Delta Quadrant. (Future's End, Part 2)

Temporal matrix - If the timeship's temporal matrix is not precisely calibrated when it goes through the spatial rift, it will trigger a temporal explosion that will rip the time-space continuum apart. (Future's End, Part 1)

Temporal mechanics - Janeway says that one of the more difficult concepts to grasp in temporal mechanics is that cause can precede effect. (Parallax) Chakotay says that he failed Professor Vasbinder's course on temporal mechanics. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Temporal prime directive - Braxton says that he can't return Voyager back to the Alpha Quadrant because of the temporal prime directive. (Future's End, Part 2)

Temporal reflection - Torres and Janeway encounter a temporal reflection of Voyager after they return from widening the rupture in the event horizon. (Parallax)

Temporal shielding - Tuvok tries to construct a temporal shielding for Voyager but he fails; Seven is able to construct this shielding by matching Voyager's shields to the temporal variance of the torpedoes and matching the deflector array to the inverse of that variance; they test the shielding in battle and it is successful; Voyager's temporal shielding has thrown off the calculations for the temporal incursion at the Garenor homeworld and caused the Krenim Imperium to revert back to a prewarp state; Obrist says that Voyager's shielding is generating a Level 9 temporal disruption. (Year of Hell, Part 1) The crew equips the Nihydron and Mawasi ships with temporal shielding to protect them when they attack the time-ship; Chakotay tells Annorax that if Janeway gave the temporal shielding to the Nihydron and the Mawasi, they will be able to protect their homeworlds from Annorax's weapon; Janeway tells Tuvok to have the Mawasi and Nihydron ships take their temporal shielding offline hoping that when Voyager destroys the time-ship all history will be restored. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Temporal transponder - There was a temporal transponder in the truck that was set to give off the tachyon emissions to make Voyager think that the timeship was in the truck. (Future's End, Part 2)

Temporal variance - The Doctor believes that he can purge Kes's body of the remaining chronton particles if he knows the precise temporal variance of the torpedo that contanimated the ship with chronoton radiation. (Before and After) The temporal variance of the chronoton torpedo is 1.47 microseconds; Seven is able to construct temporal shielding around Voyager by matching the ship's shields to the temporal variance of the chronoton torpedoes and matching the deflector array to the inverse of that variance. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Tenarus cluster - Teirna suggests that Voyager go around the Tenarus Cluster rather than through it or they will encounter the Nistrim fleet within a day. (Basics, Part 1)

Tendara - Seven was born on Stardate 25479 at the Tendara Colony. (The Gift)

Tennis - Janeway decides to take tennis up again after 19 years of not playing; she was on her high school tennis team; she played in a novice tournament and lost in straight sets. (Future's End, Part 1) Tennis is one of the sports Kim plays. (One)

Teria (Joel Polis) - Teria is one of the people who is trying to get the use of polaric energy banned; he believes that Janeway and Paris are spies. (Time and Again)

Terradyne - A unit of measurement; when Janeway takes Voyager between the binary pulsars, Tuvok reports that the hull stress is at 30 terradynes; it then rises to 45 terradynes. (Scientific Method)

Terawatt - The particle-beam rifle that Paris and Seven evaluate uses terrawatt power. (Retrospect)

Test cyclinder - A standard starfleet mechanism with a varietal molecular matrix; it simulates most known organic and non-organic compounds; Voyager does more than 20 transports of these test cyclinders to the Talvath and back before try transporting Telek R'mor to Voyager. (Eye of the Needle)

Tether - SEE: Orbital tether. (Rise)

Tetrahedral quartz - Sikaris has a mantle 20 kilometers thick of this material. (Prime Factors)

Tetrahertz - Unit of measurement; when the Doctor is transferring Danara's synaptic pattern into the holo-buffers, he tells Kes to set the Delta band frequency of the holo-emitters to 8.6 tetrahertz; when he is going to transfer Danara's pattern back into her body he asks Kes to set it at 7 tetrahertz. (Lifesigns)

Tetrion plasma - The runabout Yellowstone that Kim and Lasca are working on has tetrion plasma warp nacelles; tetrion plasma tends to disrupt subspace; Kim and Paris vent the tetrion plasma from the Yellowstone in order stall the engines of the starship chasing them. (Non Sequitor)

Tetrion surge - Kim detects a tetrion surge coming from the Nasari ships and fires on the ship since he believes that the ship is about to attack Voyager; Janeway sees that Kim's instincts were right since the tetrion surge matches the energy signature of the beam that the Nasari ship shot at Voyager. (Favorite Son)

Texas - Riley's home was in Texas. (Unity)

Texas barbeque - Riley has reoccuring dreams about her mothers famous Texas barbeque. (Unity)

Texas homesteaders - Riley says that the people in the cooperative are like the Texas homesteaders. (Unity)

T'Hain - T'Hain of Vulcan wrote the "Dictates of Poetics"; T'Hain said that a character's actions flow from his or her established traits. (Worst Case Scenario)

Thalmerite explosives - Janeway warns the Numiri that the shuttlecraft they have boarded is loaded with 40 tons of thalmerite explosives and that Janeway will detonate it in 30 seconds unless the Numiri release the shuttle. (Ex Post Facto)

Thanatologist - A specialist in the study of death on the Vhnori homeworld; Dr. Neria is the chief thanatologist of the facility in which Kim is taken after he is found in the centotaph. (Emanations)

Therinian ice age - Miss Q tells Chakotay that he should let her go before she hurls the ship and everyone in it into the Therinian ice age. (The Q and the Grey)

Thermal array - Neelix asks Wildman to look at the thermal array in the kitchen because it overloaded that morning and vaporized a whole pot roast; she says that it needs a new set of anodyne relays. (Deadlock) Neelix wants to inject sirillium into the thermal array to improve cooking time; Torres says that this will blow up half the kitchen in the process. (Flashback)

Thermal guidance sensor - Seven says that the particle-beam rifle's targeting mechanism could be augmented with a thermal guidance sensor; this would increase its accuracy by 24%. (Retrospect)

Thermal scattering signal - (Macrocosm) Janeway sets her tricorder to emit a thermal scattering signal so that the macrovirus will find it more difficult to find she and the Doctor

Thermionic radiation - The planet where Seven finds the deuterium has a toxic atmosphere filled with thermionic radiation.. (Demon)

The 37's - These people were abducted from Earth in the year 1937 by the Briori, brought to the planet and turned into slaves; the 37's revolted and killed the Briori, and took their weapons and technology; they built a new society on the planet and now there are over 100,000 of their descendents living there. (The 37's)

Theta band filter - Paris suggests to Rain that she might try using a theta band filter to improve the curves on her fourier spectral analysis. (Future's End, Part 1)

Theta radiation - There are high concentrations of theta radiation in the Void; the theta radiation prevents Voyager from seeing the stars beyond the Void; the long range sensors detect dangerously high levels of theta radiation 25 light years away from Voyager; Janeway orders Voyager to alter course to see what the source of the radiation is; the Malon vessel is leaking large amounts of theta radiation; the Doctor says that the alien has been exposed to the radiation over a long period of time causing every organ in his body to degrade at the cellular level; Torres says that the theta radiation from Voyager's antimatter is absorbed by a series of radiometric converters. (Night)

Thoracic crest - The Hirogen target Species 8472's thoracic crest when they fire on it. (Prey)

Thoran shock emitter - Torres says that if they can provoke Dreadnought to fire its thoran shock emitter at full power, it may destabilize its reactor core for 30 seconds and a single sustained tachyon beam might penetrate the core and destroy it. (Dreadnought)

Thorium - Rahmin says that the Caatati need thorium isotopes and that without them their systems can't function; Janeway says that Voyager can spare some thorium isotopes; a fleet of 27 Caatati approaches a crippled Voyager demanding Voyager's entire supply of thorium; Seven design an energy matrix that will allow the Caatati to produce 944 thorium isotopes per day. (Day of Honor)

Thoron - According to Kovin most hand-held weapons, including the particle-beam rifle, are thoron based; Seven says that thoron can be unstable in a weapon. (Retrospect)

Thoron generator - The Doctor uses a portable thoron generator to treat radiation burns; Suder uses this to neutralize the tricorders sensors so the Kazon will be unable to detect his presence on board; the Doctor tells Seska that his thoron generator was damaged on a recent away mission and left behind. (Basics, Part 2)

Thoron particle - A thoron particle leak is blocking the Kazon from using the tricorders to detect intruders on Voyager; Seska says that this is an old Maquis trick. (Basics, Part 2)

Thoron radiation - The Doctor tries to break the mind meld by exposing Tuvok to thoron radiation; the radiation causes a hidden viral parasite to manifest itself; he increases the radiation level and is able to destroy the parasite. (Flashback) Chakotay says that the thoron radiation levels of the shrine are off the scale. (Sacred Ground)

Thoron rifle - Demmas says that if he could get anywhere near Tiernan, he would use a thoron rifle rather than the synaptic stimulator to be absolutely sure that Tiernan would be dead. (Warlord)

Thrombic modulator - This is a cone-shaped medical device in Sick Bay on the Prometheus; the Mark 2 EMH asks the Doctor to get it but the Doctor doesn't know which instrument it is. (Message in a Bottle)

Tibular fracture - Kellin suffers a minor concussion and a compound tibular fracture. (Unforgettable)

Tiernan (Leigh J. McCloskey) - He is one of the Ilari that Voyager rescues; Nori is his wife; he dies but transfers his consciousness to Kes; he kills Ensign Martin and the Ilari representative and then steals a shuttle to return to Ilari; Tiernan ruled Ilari over 2 centuries ago; he was a war hero and a brilliant military leader; he brought security and stability to Ilari; the people rebelled against him; when Tiernan became convinced that his subjects were traitors; he became obsessed with mortality and discovered a way to transfer his mind into someone else's body; he kills the Autarch and convinces one Ameron to join him; Kes's body is not accepting Tiernan's neural pattern very easily; Tiernan is able to sense Tuvok's presence using Kes's mental abilities; Tiernan becomes increasing unstable as Kes fights him to regain control of her body; Tiernan kills Adin using Kes's mental abilities; Kes's consciousness is reflected in Tiernan's actions when he talks about building a library and when he says that some of the time he felt most content was watching the seedlings grow in the airponics bay; Neelix is able to use the synaptic stimulator on Kes to remove Tiernan's consciousness; Kes senses that Tiernan is then hiding in Ameron and is able to use the synaptic stimulator on him as well. (Warlord)

Tika cats - The Klingon Torres says that fighting their way out of the Vidiian complex is better than sitting there like frightened Tika cats. (Faces)

Timepiece - The away team discovers a timepiece that stopped at 401:22:84 which was the time of the explosion; the markings on the timepiece represent rotations, intervals and fractions; the shopkeeper shows Paris a timepiece that costs 14 kaladas. (Time and Again)

Timeship - SEE: Aeon. (Future's End, Part 1)

Time-ship - Annorax is captain of the time-ship; the Krenim use the time-ship to initiate temporal incursions hoping to change the Krenim timeline; Kim says that Annorax's vessel is in a state of temporal flux as if it exists outside space-time; because of its mass, the time-ship can't exceed Warp 6. (Year of Hell, Part 1) Annorax says that the ship is more than a weapon, but also a museum of lost histories; the temporal core of the time-ship keeps the ship out of phase with normal space-time; if the core is offline, the ship's shields are incredibly weak and a photon grenade could penetrate the hull; the crew of the time-ship are not happy since they've been on this mission for 200 years; after Obrist takes the temporal core offline, the time-ship phases back to normal space-time; a temporal incursion occurs on the time-ship when the temporal core destabilizes. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Time streams - Kim was transported to an alternate reality when his shuttle intersected one of these time streams; Cosimo says that this time stream weaves through the galaxy like a thread; Cosimo gives Kim a disc that shows where the time stream intersects this region of space; Kim returns to his reality by recreating everything that happened as he intersected the time stream the first time. (Non Sequitor)

Tissue scans - The Doctor does a series of deep level tissue scans to help him determine how to treat Janeway's phage. (Coda)

Titanic - The Titanic was an ancient steamship; Paris's idea of creating transverse bulkheads on Voyager was inspired by the Titanic which had a series of special bulkheads that would lower into place if the ship suffered a major hull breach; the Titanic sunk. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

T'lokan schism - The Doctor believes that Tuvok is experiencing T'lokan schism which occurs when a subject is inhibiting a traumatic memory which begins to resurface; Vulcan psychocognitive research suggests that the patient initiate a mind-meld with a family member to bring the repressed memory into the conscious mind. (Flashback)

T'Meni - Sek's son names his daugher T'Meni; this was the name of Tuvok's mother. (Hunters)

T'Met - The T'Met is a Romulan warbird commanded by Sub-commander Almak. (Message in a Bottle)

Toffa ale - Wix and Neelix go have a Toffa ale after they meet on the trading station. (Fair Trade)

Toh-maag - Janeway tells the Klingons on Holodeck 2 that she and Miller were sent by the house of Toh-maag to help the Klingons in their battle; she says that they might not heard of this house since it is a long way from here. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Tomb excavation - Chakotay's first tomb excavation was on Ktania 7; he inadvertantly desecrated a grave by removing a sacred stone and taking it with him. (Emanations)

Tom Terrific - Gaunt Gary's nickname for Paris. (Jetrel)

Torean ice storm - Paris says that it is as thick as a torean ice storm while Voyager is trying to navigate through the energy currents. (The Cloud)

Toroidal antenna - Tuvok sends Neelix outside to inspect the toroidal antenna to see if any of the signal relays are damaged. (Rise)

Torothka virus - The Doctor tells Rekar that the Romulan in Sickbay has been exposed to a nasty strain of the torothka virus; he says that the stomach cramps are unbearable although some say that the rash is worse. (Message in a Bottle)

Torpedo bay 1 - Janeway goes to Torpedo bay 1 to manually launch a photon torpedo at Starling's ship; Chakotay sends the Doctor here in case Janeway is injured. (Future's End, Part 2)

Torres Omega 593 - Torres uses this authorization code to eject the warp core. (Day of Honor)

Toscat - Ocampa male; Toscat criticizes Kes for helping Janeway and pleads with Kes not to go against the Caretaker's wishes. (Caretaker)

Tosin (James Horan) - Tosin is one of the most powerful Kolaati; he wants a sample of Voyager's warp plasma; Wix and Neelix agree to turn Tosin over to the Bahrat in exchange for their freedom; Bahrat tells Tosin he is under arrest for violating Station code 4279 subsection beta. (Fair Trade)

Touth - Alixia showed Neelix the caves of Touth. (Rise)

Towt - Gegen's family usually mates with the family of Towt. (Distant Origin)

Toxins - The nesset bite poisons Janeway with an unknown toxin; amino acids have been formed as a result of the breakdown of the toxins in her bloodstream; the Doctor believes the toxins may be the key for a treatment for Kes, however his treatment fails. (Sacred Ground)

Toyan - Araya tells her husband, Hatil, to say hello to Toyan when he is in the next Emanation. (Emanations)

T'Pau - This is one of the characters that the Doctor interviews as part of his personality improvement program; the Doctor chose T'Pau because she was a diplomat, judge, philosopher and one of the most logical minds in Vulcan history; she was also was utterly ruthless in the application of that logic. (Darkling)

T'Pel (Marva Hicks) - Tuvok's wife; the Bothan cause Tuvok to hallucinate that he is seeing T'Pel on the viewscreen. (Persistence of Vision) Tuvok postponed his studies when he took T'Pel as a mate. (Flashback) Tuvok receives a letter from T'Pel; she says that she and his children have asked the priest at the temple of Amonak to say prayers for Tuvok's safe return. (Hunters)

T'Pena - She is from Vulcan; this is one of the people that the Doctor mentions when he says that he has studied the finest recordings of "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

T'Pera - A holographic Vulcan women that the Doctor creates in order to help Vorik resolve the Pon Farr. (Blood Fever)

Trabalian freighter - Neelix tells Paris and Kim that he served as an engineer's assistant aboard a Trabalian freighter so he is well-versed in warp theory. (Threshold)

Trabe - Kar tells Chakotay that the Kazon shared their homeworld with the Trabe; the Trabe took everything from the Kazon until the Kazon took it back from them when they revolted 26 years ago. (Initiations) The Trabe were known as a highly evolved species who produced scholars and artists who were widely admired; their technology was the finest in the quadrant; the Kazon were persecuted by the Trabe until the Kazon revolted and slaughtered many of the them; now the Trabe are exiles in space and everytime they find a new homeworld, the Kazon drive them off; Mabus is the only remaining member of the governing council of the Trabe. (Alliances) Teirna's parents were killed in a Trabe attack shortly after he was born. (Basics, Part 1)

Tracer - Kellin is a tracer on Ramura; a tracer is a kind of bounty hunter who tracks down people who try to leave Ramura; a tracer never goes home empty handed because the disgrace would be too great. (Unforgettable)

Tractor beam - Neelix tells Janeway that the Numiri use of a tractor beam is a standard tactic for the Numiri when they intend to board a vessel. (Ex Post Facto) Seven remodulates the shuttle's shield harmonics so that Voyager can't lock a tractor beam on the shuttle. (The Raven)

Traggle nectar - Neelix offers Torres a glass of Traggle nectar after she drinks 2 pots of coffee. (Prototype)

Trajector matrix Janeway wants to exchange Voyager's stories for this technology of the Sikarians; Torres discovers that it is not compatible with federation technology because of the anti-neutrinos it generates. (Prime Factors)

Trajis Lo-Tarik (Wade Williams) - Seven encounters Trajis Lo-Tarik and his ship in the nebula; Trajis is both pilot and crew on his ship; he wants to trade with Seven to get a microfusion chamber; he is resistant to the effects of the nebula; Trajis is determined to be the first one to get through the nebula; he has tried five times before but failed; Trajis uses a cloaking device to mask his lifesigns when he is hiding on Voyager; Seven incapacitates him when she cuts off oxygen to the Bridge. (One)

Trakian ale - Steth/Paris offers to replicate Seven some trakian ale when she discovers him drinking on duty. (Vis A Vis)

Transaters - The transators in Paris and Tuvok's comm badges are disrupted by Dunbar's energy weapon so that they can't use them. (Future's End, Part 1)

Transference ritual - The Vhnori go through this ritual in order to go on to the next Emanation; Ptera goes through this ritual when she is dying from a cancerous growth on the brainstem; Hatil prepares to go through this ritual since he has become a burden to his family since his accident; Kim goes through the ritual hoping that it will help him get back to Voyager. (Emanations)

Translocator - The Nyrians used this transportation device to transport the Voyager crew to the compound and replace them on Voyager with Nyrians; it has a range of 10 light year; its long range limits its capacity and it may only be used to send one person at a time; Janeway and Tuvok take control of the translocator system and transport Dammar and Rislan to the Argala compound; Janeway says that after they will disable the translocator and contact the native worlds of the other prisoners, the Nyrians will be free to go. (Displaced)

Translocator device - Tau steals technology from passing ships using a translocator device which he stole from someone else. (Concerning Flight)

Transmissions logs - Janeway tells Tuvok to check these to look for evidence of prior contact with the Kazon. (State of Flux)

Transmitter - Chakotay finds a transmitter that amplifies the neurogenic field; he tries to knock it out with his phaser but it has some kind of force field; he threatens to destroy the transmitter unless the sleeping aliens deactivate it. (Waking Moments)

Transporter - The Kazon steal a transporter module from Voyager; Chakotay destroys the module after he beams aboard the Kazon ship. (Manuevers) After the transporter accident, they run a diagnostic on the transporter and find that everything is functioning normally. (Tuvix) The main transporter buffer is damaged when Voyager goes through the spatial rift so they are unable to use the transporter at long range; Kim takes the ship into a low orbit in order to use the emergency transport to get Janeway and Chakotay back to the ship; Torres tries to beam the timeship into the Cargo Bay, but Starling is able to remodulate the matter stream and disrupt the transport; he uses the transporter beam as a downlink and uses it to get over 20% of Voyager's computer data files. (Future's End, Part 1) Voyager is able to transport Starling to Voyager after they disable his 29th century tricorder; Dunbar uses a satellite and the timeship to transport Starling right through Voyager's shields like they weren't there. (Future's End, Part 2) The Chakotay in the scenario orders Kim to shut down the trasnporters and start a diagnostic; when Tuvok accesses the narrative parameters file, power is lost in both transporter rooms. (Worst Case Scenario) The aliens steal some of Voyager's technology using some kind of transporter beam; Tuvok says that it was a high energy transport beam designed to locate objects of technological value and remove them; Janeway finds a site-to-site transporter in the storage facility; she uses it to transport herself and Da Vinci out of the building; Voyager has to be about 500 kilometers from the surface before they will be able to get a transporter lock on Da Vinci and Janeway. (Concerning Flight) When they are about to transport the proto-matter onto the shuttle, Neelix says to set the transporter for 10,000 A.M.U.s; the transporter beam ignites the proto-matter. (Mortal Coil) After the failed attempt to beam deuterium from beneath the planet's surface, the transporter is offline and it will take days to get it back online. (Demon)

Transporter room - Tuvok orders Chell to degauss the entire Transporter room using a micro-resonator; Tuvok estimates that it will take 26.3 hours. (Learning Curve) The Kazon steal the transporter module from Transporter room 2 after they ram and board Voyager. (Manuevers)

Transporter site A - Chakotay orders all units on the surface to report here immediately to prepare to beam back to Voyager. (State of Flux)

Transverse bulkheads - Paris comes up with the idea of transverse bulkheads which would set up emergency force fields between all decks and every section in the event of a cataclysmic breach; he was inspired by the ancient steamship Titanic which had a series of special bulkheads that would lower into place if the ship suffered a major hull breach; in anticipation of wide-spread breaches, Voyager activates the transverse bulkheads when they escape from the Annorax's time-ship. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Transwarp - Gegen's ship has transwarp capabilities. (Distant Origin)

Transwarp conduits - Seven offers to help to try to create a transwarp conduit to help Voyager travel faster than warp speed. (Day of Honor)

Transwarp drive - Voyager tries to use transwarp drive to break the maximum warp barrier of warp 10. (Threshold) Seven says that the quantum slipstream drive is similar to the transwarp drive of the Borg. (Hope and Fear)

Trellian crepes - On Wednesdays Neelix always cooks Trellian crepes for Kes; this is Kes's favorite meal; Tuvix fixes them for her; Neelix always makes them a little too spicy. (Tuvix)

Tressa (Tiffany Taubman) - This is one of the children that Tuvok finds on the planet; All the other children disappear except her; Tressa is 96 years old and has reached the end of her life; Tuvok accompanies her into the cave to complete the final ritual. (Innocence)

Triadium - A mineralogical scan of the asteroid fragment reveals that the fragment is composed of tryoxene, olivine, and triadium; triadium is an alloy; the source of the triadium is an control node for a guidance system in the asteroid. (Rise)

Trianic-based energy being - The magneton scan identifies the alien as a trianic based energy being. (Cathexis)

Tri cobalt device - Janeway uses a tri cobalt device to destroy the array. (Caretaker)

Tricorder - Janeway tells the away team to use passive scans only with the tricorder in order not to disturb anything at the burial site on the asteroid; Chakotay recommends that they only use visual observations and no tricorders at all. (Emanations) Janeway scans with her tricorder while she waits for the guide to meet her; the guide takes the tricorder from her. (Sacred Ground) Janeway uses her tricorder to interface with Starling's computer to bypass the encryption sequence that is preventing her from accessing it. (Future's End, Part 1) Starling uses a 29th century tricorder to overload the shuttle's pattern buffers and prevent Chakotay and Torres from beaming him onto the shuttle; Voyager is able to beam Starling on board by locking onto the shuttle's pattern buffers and then isolating and supressing the amplitude of the tricorder. (Future's End, Part 2) Janeway sets her tricorder to emit a thermal scattering signal so that the macrovirus will find it more difficult to find she and the Doctor. (Macrocosm) The aliens steal 5 tricorders from Voyager using their transporter beam. (Concerning Flight) When they start the memory regression therapy, the first image that comes to Seven's is a medical tricorder; it has a duratanium casing and measures 7.6 cm by 9.8 cm by 3.2 cm; Seven says that the tricorder disturbs her and that she is afraid it will hurt her. (Retrospect) Quarren and the Doctor find the tricorder that the Doctor used to scan Tedran at the moment of his death; the Doctors says that the readings from the tricorder will prove that Tedran was killed by a Vaskan weapon. (Living Witness)

Trigemic vapors - The planet has high levels of trigemic vapors, but will still support humanoid life; the Doctor says that vapors at these levels will cause severe humanoid skin irritation; he makes a batch of dermal osmotic sealant to alleviate this irritation. (Partruition)

Trilithium - Liria says that the explosive used in the bombing was trilithium and that chemical traces of it were found on Paris's and Kim's hands and clothing; there is no source of trilithium in the Akritirian system; Liria believes that Voyager is collaborating with the terrorists since Voyager is powered by dilithium which can be converted to trilithium. (The Chute)

Trinary system - After marking the coordinates of the trinary star, Kim experiences the feeling that Voyager has been there before. (Favorite Son)

Trinimbic interference - The trinimbic interference in the upper atmosphere of the planet prevents Voyager from getting a clear reading of the surface so that they are unable to transport down to the surface or send a shuttlecraft so Janeway decides to land the ship instead. (The 37's)

Triox compound - Tuvok gives everyone on the carriage a triox compound to help oxygenate their blood. (Rise)

Trioxin - Janeway orders the Doctor to inject her with trioxin in order to help her breathe better after the alveoli in her lungs are chemically burned; the Doctor says that trioxin is only used in emergency situations as a stop gap measure. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Tritanium - The hull of the shuttle is made of this. (Threshold) The tritanium decay on the ship that Tuvok and Seven find suggests that it has been there for nearly 20 years. (The Raven)

Trochlear nerve - Kes says that Seven is in neural shock because of a problem in her colliculi where a Borg implant is pressing against her trochlear nerve (The Gift)

Troop ship - Telek R'mor says that he will get a troop ship to join him in order to transport the Voyager crew since he will not allow them on his science vessel. (Eye of the Needle)

Tropical Resort Simulation 3 - The Doctor activates this program and populates it with the historical characters from his personality improvement program. (Darkling)

Truck - Paris detects tachyon emissions coming from the truck that Dunbar is driving so they think he is moving the time ship; Paris shoots out one of the tires on the truck; the shuttle shoots the truck before it is able to ram the van, but they discover that the timeship isn't in the truck, but that Dunbar used a temporal transponder to give off the tachyon emissions. (Future's End, Part 2)

Tryoxene - A mineralogical scan of the asteroid fragment reveals that the fragment is composed of tryoxene, olivine, and triadium. (Rise)

Tulsa root soup - Caylem wants to fix some of this soup for Janeway after he rescues her from the Alsaurian marketplace. (Resistance)

Turanj - Hirogen male; Turanj takes on the persona of a German SS officer in the World War II simulation on Holodeck 1; he becomes impatient for "the hunt" and kills the de Neuf and baker characters in the simulation. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Turanj wants to kill Janeway but Alpha Hirogen wants her brought to him instead; Turanj kills Alpha Hirogen and then hunts Janeway down; he is killed by Janeway when he tries to attack her. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Tuvix (Tom Wright) - When Tuvok and Neelix's molecular patterns are merged during transport, Tuvix materializes on Voyager; Tuvix has memories of both men but has only one consciousness; Tuvix becomes a valuable officer on Voyager and is well liked by the crew; his cooking is better than Neelix's; he keeps a respectful distance from Kes since he senses that she needs some time to adjust to him; Tuvix decides he doesn't want to die when the Doctor and Kim find a way to restore Tuvok and Neelix; he says that he thinks of Tuvok and Neelix as his parents; he asks Kes to speak to the Captain on his behalf; he tries to run away when Janeway decides to go through with the separation procedure; Tuvix ceases to exist when Tuvok and Neelix are restored. (Tuvix)

Tuvok Orchid - Suder develops a new species of orchid which he names the Tuvok Orchid. (Basics, Part 1)

Tuvok Zeta 9 - Tuvok uses this security clearance to open the door to Kim's quarters. (Waking Moments)

Two-tailed talchoks - These nasty vermin with sharp claws and dripping fangs live on Rinax. (Jetrel)

Type 2 phaser - The energy readings at the scene of Sutok's murder indicates that a Type 2 phaser was used in the murder. (Fair Trade)

Type 3 phaser - Janeway tells Tuvok to issue these when they return to the surface of the planetoid. (The Phage)

Type 9 shuttlecraft - Voyager leaves a Type 9 shuttlecraft on the planet with Janeway and Chakotay in case it's possible someday that they can leave the planet; it has a top speed of warp 4. (Resolutions)


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