Automated signal - Voyager receives an automated signal from the planet from Virosa who is the planner for the Kohl settlement; he tells them that some of the people survived in a state of artificial hibernation which was programmed to end in 15 years. (The Thaw)

Baytart, Pablo - Baytart's quarters are next to Kim's; Baytart doesn't appreciate Kim's clarinet playing because he bangs on the wall when Kim plays. (The Thaw)

Cargo bay - Paris suggests to Kim that he practice his clarinet in the Cargo bay but Kim says that it has bad acoustics; Voyager transport the hibernation pods to Cargo bay 1. (The Thaw)

Chulak - The Clown says that Chulak of Romulus didn't give an ultimatum after his defeat at Galordan Core. (The Thaw)

Clarinet - Baytart bangs on the wall when Kim tries to practice his clarinet. (The Thaw)

Cloaking device - The Doctor tells the Clown that Janeway has offered to give him a cloaking device to shield them from being detected by any other interstellar visitors if they return the hostages. (The Thaw)

Clown (Michael McKean) - The Clown is a manifestation of fear that formed over the months as the program adjusted the environment to their thoughts and wishes; the Clown can read their minds once they are connected to the system, but there is a delay of several minutes before he is aware of what they're thinking. (The Thaw)

Encephalographic reading The encephalographic readings of the 3 humanoids in the hibernation pods suggest that they are dreaming and their minds are active. (The Thaw)

Fear - The Doctor finds evidence of extreme fear and stress in the 2 dead humanoids; the Clown is a manifestation of fear. (The Thaw)

Galordan Core - The Clown says that Chulak of Romulus didn't give an ultimatum after his defeat at Galordan Core. (The Thaw)

Glacial freeze - The planet experienced a glacial freeze which was caused by a solar flare which radically changed the planet's weather patterns. (The Thaw)

Guillotine - The crowd puts Kim's head under the guillotine, but Viorsa interrupts and prevents them from dacapitating Kim; When the Clown discovers that Voyager is disassembling the environment piece by piece, he sends Viorsa to the guillotine when he realizes that Virosa told them how to do it. (The Thaw)

Hibernation pods - Voyager finds 5 hibernation pods which are connected to a computer; 3 of the people in the pods are alive, the other 2 died from extreme stress; the pods allow the computer to scan their brain functions and send a data stream back to them. (The Thaw)

Hostage - The Clown is holding Kim and the 3 people from the Kohl settlement hostage; he lets them go when Janeway agrees to be his hostage. (The Thaw)

Kohl - Most of the people of the Kohl settlement were killed when a solar flare caused a glacial freeze on the planet. (The Thaw)

Libby - The Clown says he knows how much Kim misses Libby. (The Thaw)

Napoleon - The Clown says that Napoleon didn't give an ultimatum after his defeat at Waterloo. (The Thaw)

Neuro-epinephrine level - Kim's norepinephrine levels rise when the crowd puts him in the guillotine; the elevated levels indicate extreme fear; Viorsa's levels become critical when he is taken to the guillotine and he dies from massive heart failure. (The Thaw)

Nicoletti, Susan - Nicoletti and Kim have been practicing together on the orchestral program Kim has been working on for the holodeck; Paris has been chasing after her for 6 months; Nicoletti plays the oboe. (The Thaw)

Oboe - Nicoletti plays the oboe. (The Thaw)

Optronic pathways - Viorsa says that it would require a recalibration of the optronic pathways in order to get it to operate with a simulated brain; actually, he was trying to tell them that if they access the data banks that were programmed when the system was created, they could interrupt the optronic pathways and disassemble the world and characters piece by piece. (The Thaw)

Romulus - Chulak is from Romulus. (The Thaw)

Solar flare - A major solar flare occurred 19 years ago near the planet; it radically changed the planet's weather patterns and caused a glacial freeze. (The Thaw)

Stasis - The 3 live humanoids in the hibernation pods are in deep statis; Janeway tricks the Clown by modifying the hibernation pods to put her on the system without being in stasis. (The Thaw)

Viorsa (Thomas Kopache) - Voyager receives an automated signal from the planet from Virosa who is the planner for the Kohl settlement; Viorsa interrupts before the crowd would have decapitated Kim; Viorsa talks about recalibrating the optronic pathways as a clue to Voyager as a way to disassemble the artificial environment; Viorsa dies when the Clown sends him to the guillotine and he dies of a massive heart failure. (The Thaw)

Virus - Kim initially thinks that the Clown is some sort of computer virus. (The Thaw)

Waterloo - The Clown says that Napoleon didn't give an ultimatum after his defeat at Waterloo.


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