played by Roxann Biggs Dawson

Torres is female and half Klingon and half Human; she was a member of the Maquis; she and Kim are kidnapped by the Caretaker; she joins the Voyager crew along with the rest of the Maquis crew. (Caretaker)

She is promoted to Lieutenant and Chief Engineer when her engineering expertise helped get Voyager out of the quantuum singularity it was trapped in. (Parallax)

Torres hasn't seen her father since she was 5; after her parents separated, her father went back to Earth and her mother is on the Klingon homeworld; the Maquis is the closest thing to family that she's ever had; Torres discovers that the phase amplitude ot the visual link with the Romulan vessel in the Alpha Quadrant is within a few megahertz of meeting transporter protocols and that they could piggyback a transporter beam on the the link and transport the crew back to the Alpha Quadrant. (Eye of the Needle)

Torres, Carey and Seska decide to acquire the trajector matrix against the captain's orders; when they attempt to use the matrix and it fails, Torres tells Seska that they are not going to cover this up; Janeway reprimands her for this incident by telling her that if there are any further transgressions, Torres will no longer be an officer on Voyager. (Prime Factors)

The Vidiians extract her Klingon DNA hoping that it will be resistant to the phage and help them find a cure; the Klingon Torres is killed by Sulan; the Human Torres is restored to normal by reintegrating the Klingon DNA into her system. (Faces)

The Bothan causes Torres to hallucinate that Chakotay is in love with her. (Persistence of Vision)

Tuvok and Torres are arrested by the Mokra troops in the Alsaurian marketplace; they are able to escape when Janeway causes a disruption in the shields around the prison. (Resistance)

Torres figures out how to reactivate the robot by modifying warp plasma from Voyager's engines; she agrees to build a prototype robot to prevent the automated units from destroying Voyager; she destroys the prototype that she created when she discovers that the automated units killed their creators when they knew they would be deactivated. (Prototype)

Torres feels responsible for Dreadnought since she reprogrammed it and sent it out to destroy the Cardassian fuel depot on Aschelan 5 without telling Chakotay; Chakotay told her that he had been hurt by her actions since he thought he had earned her trust and loyalty; Torres destroys Dreadnought by cutting through the magnetic constrictor casing and detonating the warhead. (Dreadnought)

Torres and Kim use the hibernation pods to see what happened to the people from the Kohl settlement. (The Thaw)

Kim tells Tuvok that one of the big bargaining chips Voyager has with the Vidiians is that Torres's DNA might lead to a cure for the phage so they could offer them some of her DNA in exchange for their help with a cure to the virus. (Resolutions)

Torres was the fastest runner on her decathalon team before she quit the Academy. (Basics, Part 2)

Torres and Paris are attacked by two of the aliens when they are on the shuttle investigating an energy signature. (The Swarm)

Torres begins having dreams in which she is a woman named Korenna; Torres once insisted on finishing the hoverball championship with a broken ankle; she realizes that Mirell is sharing her experiences as a young girl; Torres tries to convince reveal the Enarans to tell the truth about what really happened to the Regressives, but the Enarans deny it; she is able to convince Jessen to try to find out the truth about what happened. (Remember)

Torres says that Chakotay had a lot more fun at the Academy than she did since she remembers dodging a few punches in the lab; after their shuttle crashes in Arizona, she and Chakotay are held captive by men who believe the U.S. government sent them. (Future's End, Part 2)

Torres doesn't care for cold gagh. (Fair Trade)

At Janeway's memorial service, she says that when she first came on Voyager she resented Janeway because Janeway was responsible for them being stranded in the Delta Quadrant; Torres says that because Janeway had faith in her, she began to have faith in herself. (Coda)

Vorik declares Kunat So'lik to Torres when he asks her to become his mate; he says that he admires Torres's impressive technical skills, bravery, and sense of morality; she refuses his offers of marriage; Torres bites Paris when she tries to keep from going off and looking for the gallicite herself; since she is half Klingon, the effects of the Pon Farr are more extreme and she tries to mate with Paris, but he resists her; she takes Vorik's Kunat Kaliphee challenge and the Pon Farr is resolved when she defeats him. (Blood Fever)

Torres lacks the enzyme to metabolize the planet's vegetation; Torres tries to remove the the character elements that the Doctor has added to his program; the Doctor gives Torres catoline in order to simulate anayphylactic shock. (Darkling)

Torres sustains 2nd and 3rd degree burns and several broken ribs during Kim's attack on the Nasari. (Favorite Son)

In the reality that Kes is experiencing, Torres was killed duirng the Year of Hell when Voyager was being constantly attacked by the Krenim; Paris tells Kes that Torres had been special to him. (Before and After)

Torres is reading a Klingon romance novel called "Women Warriors at the River of Blood"; she tells Paris that Klingons do have a romantic side although it is a bit more vigorous than most. (Real Life)

Paris and Torres hide from the Nyrians in one of the colder compounds since the Nyrians are very sensitive to cold temperatures. (Displaced)

Torres finds the Insurrection Alpha program during a routine purge of the database (Worst Case Scenario)

Torres tells Paris that she's decided that some obscure Klingon ritual is the last thing she needs after the day she has had so far; she doesn't want Seven to work in Engineering; Torres says that she's been thinking about the rituals her mother taught her and they don't seem quite so hateful as they did when she was a child; as part of the Day of Honor ritual, she eats the heart of a sanctified targ and drinks mot'loch from the grail of Kahless; she must also endure the ritual of 20 painsticks, engage in battle with a master of the bat'leth and traverse the sulfure lagoons of Gorath, but she decides not to go through with these; she has to eject the warp core when they are unable to stablize the core; Paris and Torres take a shuttle to go find the warp core and tractor it back to Voyager; they end up floating in space in environmental suits when the structural integrity of the shuttle fails; Torres tells Paris that if she hadn't dropped out of Starfleet Academy, they would have asked her to leave; Torres believes she is a coward because she pushes people away; Torres tells Paris that she loves him; Voyager beams them back on board right before they run out of oxygen. (Day of Honor)

Torres tells Paris that she meant it when she told him she loved him; the Doctor and Torres take a shuttle and beam onto the ship that sent the distress call; the Doctor tells Torres that for a Klingon, she has a decent bedside manner; Dejaren puts his hand through Torres's chest, grabs her heart and perforates her 4th ventricle when he discovers that she is trying to access his primary matrix; Torres is able to permanently disable Dejaren using an isomagnetic conduit. (Revulsion)

Torres gets upset at Seven for reconfiguring the power couplings without checking with her first; Paris and Torres are kissing in Engineering when Tuvok walks in on them; they decide that they need to be a little more careful in public and that they won't tell anyone about their relationship; Janeway says that half the ship is gossiping about their public displays and she tells them to use better judgment regarding their personal relationship; when Torres attempts to keep the Doctor's program from being deleted, something causes her to collapse; according to Paris, the alveoli in her lungs stopped processing and she nearly died; when Paris asks her what made her realize that she loved him, she tells him that it was just a feeling; she and Paris consider the fact that they might have been out of control lately because the aliens had been messing around with their hormones to see what would happen. (Scientific Method)

Kim and Torres are trapped in the turbolift for 6 hours after the main power relays are damaged during a Krenim attack; she is injured and has internal bleeding and a ruptured vertabrae. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Janeway sends Torres and Kim to the Nihydron vessels to work with their engineers to equip their fleet with temporal shielding. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Someone bumps into Torres while she and Janeway are bargaining with Guill; Janeway, Neelix, and Torres are questioned by Nimira about the attack; Torres tells Nimira that she might have thought about retaliating for a split second after the man bumped into her; Nimira arrests her for aggravated violent thought resulting in grave bodily harm; Nimira says that Frane's mind was contaminated by the violent image from Torres's mind; Nimira says that Torres will be released after she undergoes an engramatic purge to remove the offending images from her mind; Tuvok mind melds with Torres in order to experience her memories surrounding the crime; Nimira begins the engramatic purge on Torres but discontinues it when Janeway tells her that Tuvok has discovered evidence to prove that Torres is innocent; Tuvok tells Torres that he has a new respect for her inner struggle since she is burdened by her primitive Klingon psyche. (Random Thoughts)

Paris and Torres make plans to go to Tahiti on the holodeck on Friday; After the crew is taken to the Cargo bay, Janeway tells Chakotay and Torres to work on accessing the power grid. (Waking Moments)

Torres is so angry that a lot of her Maquis friends are dead that she wanted to kill someone; she tells Paris that she cried for an hour when she heard the news, but now she is trying to accept it and move on. (Hunters)

Torres takes on the persona of Brigitte in the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Torres says that the holographic baby is a very good projection since she feels 20 kilos heavier. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Torres is upset with Paris because he has been cancelling their dates and "hiding out" for hours on the holodeck; after Torres refuses to go with Steth/Paris to the 4th planet of the Kendren system, Steth/Paris tells her that she is a real disappointment to him and that he doesn't know what he ever saw in her; Paris apologizes to Torres by showing her his holodeck program. (Vis a Vis)

According to Quarren, Torres was the chief transporter operator; the Doctor describes Torres as intelligent, beautiful with a chip on her shoulder the size of the Horsehead Nebula and that she had a kind of vulnerability that made her quite endearing. (Living Witness)

Torres became a Maquis after Chakotay saved her life. (One)

Torres tells Seven that she would rather face the music at home for being a Maquis than spend the rest of her life in the Delta Quadrant; she speaks only a few phrases of Klingon. (Hope and Fear)


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