Almond pudding - Neelix is serving almond pudding in the Mess Hall. (Unforgettable)

Baryon sensors - Kim says that they could tie the baryon sensors into Deflector control in order to make it hard for the Ramuran ships to penetrate Voyager's shields. (Unforgettable)

Beta squad - Kim tells Kellin to volunteer for the Beta squad security team; he says that they are the best team and that Kellin can learn a lot from them. (Unforgettable)

Bussard collectors - Seven suggests that they modify the bussard collectors to gather the deuterium. (Unforgettable)

Carrots - Neelix is serving buttered carrots in the Mess Hall; Chakotay hates carrots. (Unforgettable)

Champagne - Kellin tells Chakotay that they drank champagne to celebrate when they caught Resket. (Unforgettable)

Concussion - Kellin suffers a minor concussion and a compound tibular fracture. (Unforgettable)

Curneth - Curneth is a Ramuran tracer; he comes aboard Voyager and uses the neurolytic emitter on Kellin.(Unforgettable)

Deflector control - Kim says that they could tie the baryon sensors into Deflector control in order to make it hard for the Ramuran ships to penetrate Voyager's shields. (Unforgettable)

Deuterium - Janeway tells Kim and Seven to search for deuterium; Seven suggests modifying the bussard collectors to gather it. (Unforgettable)

Fried soy meal - Neelix is serving fried soy meal in the Mess Hall. (Unforgettable)

Ice cream - Kellin tries ice cream and says that she could eat it everyday. (Unforgettable)

Kellin (Virginia Madsen) - Kellin contacts Chakotay on Voyager to ask for his help; she suffers a minor concussion and a compound tibular fracture; Kellin asks Janeway for asylum; she tells Chakotay that they met about a month ago and that she spent several weeks on Voyager; she tells Chakotay that she came back because she fell in love with him; Kellin is from Ramura; she is a tracer; Kellin says that she felt an attraction to Chakotay right away; she says that she has a very high security clearance; Kellin is trained in weaponry, surveillance and fighting skills; Chakotay tells Tuvok to assign her to a security team to let her observe; Curneth uses the neurolytic emitter on Kellin and she forgets about her time on Voyager; Chakotay tries to convince her to stay on Voyager, but she wants to go back with the tracer instead. (Unforgettable)

Magneton sweep - Kellin says that Chakotay came up with the idea of using a magneton sweep to disrupt the runaway's polarization cloak. (Unforgettable)

Memory engrams - The Ramuran's bodies produce some sort of pheromone that blocks the long-term memory engrams of others. (Unforgettable)

Mikah - Kellin tells Chakotay that she thinks Resket jumped to another ship when Voyager was in orbit of Mikah last week. (Unforgettable)

Neurolytic emitter - The neurolytic emitter is used on runaways in order to wipe their memories of the outside world; Curneth uses this on Kellin. (Unforgettable)

Pheromone - The Ramuran's bodies produce some sort of pheromone that blocks the long-term memory engrams of others. (Unforgettable)

Polarization cloak - Kellin says that Chakotay came up with the idea of using a magneton sweep to disrupt Resket's polarization cloak. (Unforgettable)

Proton weapon - Kellin works with Seven and Kim to develop a defense against the Ramuran's proton weapons; Kim says that the proton-based particle beam is very tightly focuses and is like being hit with thousands of needles; it can penetrate any shield even if the modulations are changed; Kellin says that the trick is to scatter the beams a little to make it harder to penetrate the shields. (Unforgettable)

Ramura - Kellin is from Ramura; the memories of the Ramuran people can't be held in the minds of other races; their bodies produce some sort of pheromone that blocks the long-term memory engrams of others; they are impervious to scanning devices like tricorders or transporter locks; the Ramurans are a closed society that won't tolerate anybody trying to leave; they don't want anyone to reveal anything about their society to the outside world. (Unforgettable)

Resket - Resket was the runaway that Kellin was tracking; Kellin had been tracking him for almost a year before he came on board Voyager when it was in orbit of Mikah; Kellin and Chakotay caught him by using a magneton sweep to disrupt his polarization cloak; Kellin used a neurolytic emitter on Resket in order to wipe his memories of the outside world. (Unforgettable)

Sensors - Kellin modifies Voyager's sensors so that they can detect the Ramuran ships. (Unforgettable)

Tea - Chakotay goes to the Mess Hall for some herbal tea when he can't sleep; Neelix has several terran varieties as well as some more exotic blends of tea. (Unforgettable)

Tibular fracture - Kellin suffers a minor concussion and a compound tibular fracture. (Unforgettable)

Tracer - Kellin is a tracer on Ramura; a tracer is a kind of bounty hunter who tracks down people who try to leave Ramura; a tracer never goes home empty handed because the disgrace would be too great. (Unforgettable)

Virus - A computer virus was planted on Voyager to wipe out all references to Kellin being there. (Unforgettable)


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