Access node - Torres wants to get one of the Borg's access nodes operational so that she can tap into the Borg's main data systems. (Unity)

Autopsy - The Doctor does an autopsy on the Borg that the away team finds on the cube. (Unity)

Axonal amplifier - The Doctor finds this device inside the Borg during the autopsy. (Unity)

Bluebonnets - These are Riley's favorite flower; she picked them back home in Texas with her grandfather. (Unity)

Bolian - Riley tells Chakotay that she was the Science officer on board a vessel in the Bolian sector when their ship was attacked by the Borg. (Unity)

Borg - Voyager finds a Borg cube that is not operational; they board the ship so that they can have the opportunity to learn about the Borg technology; all activity in the cube ceased abruptly 5 years ago; there are 1100 Borg corpses on the cube; Chakotay discovers that all the people on the planet had been assimilated by the Borg; the members of the cooperative still have Borg neuro-processors implanted in their nervous systems because removing the implants would have killed them. (Unity)

Cardassians - There are some Cardassians among the people that were abducted by the Borg. (Unity)

Collective - The Borg cube's link to the collective was severed when it was damaged by an electrokinetic storm 5 years ago. (Unity)

Comm Array - The raiders damaged the cooperative's communications array; Chakotay helps the cooperative repair the array; the cooperative uses the comm array to amplify the signal from the neuro-transponder in order to force Chakotay to reactivate the neuro-electric generator on the Borg cube. (Unity)

Cooperative - About 100 people on the planet have established a cooperative in which they share work and whatever provisions they have; Riley wants Voyager to help the coooperative by providing security upgrades, medical supplies and weapons. (Unity)

Cortical probe - When the Doctor uses a cortical probe on the Borg, the Borg is activated. (Unity)

Electrokinetic storm - Five years ago the Borg cube was damaged by an electrokinetic storm and their link to the collective was severed. (Unity)

Farn - This is one of the species abducted by the Borg and brought to the planet; the Farn on the planet raided the Parein. (Unity)

Frazier, Riley (Lori Hallier) - Riley sends the distress call to Chakotay's shuttle; she tells Chakotay that about 7 or 8 years ago when she was the Science officer on board a vessel in the Bolian sector, their ship was overpowered within minutes by someone; she and the other survivors were put into some kind of stasis and taken to the planet they're on now; she is one of the few 100 or so that established a cooperative; she has reoccuring dreams about her mother's famous Texas barbeque; after Chakotay discovers that she was a Borg, Riley tells him that she was she was assimilated at Wolf 359 when she was serving on the Roosevelt; Orum created a prosthetic arm for Riley after she removed her Borg appendages; her favorite flowers are bluebonnets; her home was in Texas; after Chakotay is linked to the cooperative, Riley tells him that she wants to be closer to him and wants them to know everything about each other. (Unity)

Hoverball - Torres tells Chakotay that he needs a good thrashing on the hoverball court to take his mind off things. (Unity)

Hyper-spanner - Chakotay uses this tool while working to repair the communications array. (Unity)

Kaplan (Susan Patterson) - Chakotay and Ensign Kaplan go on a scouting mission to find a faster route through the Nekrit Expanse; Kaplan is killed when she and Chakotay are attacked on the planet where they received a distress call. (Unity)

Klingons - There are some Klingons among the people that were abducted by the Borg; (Unity)

McKenzie - Male Crewman on Voyager; Janeway orders him to have full power to shields and be prepared to fire on the Borg cube if needed. (Unity)

Multiphasic scan - A multiphasic scan of the Borg cube shows no active energy signature or life signs. (Unity)

Negative Expanse - Paris wants to rename the Nekrit Expanse the Negative Expanse since they haven't run across anything interesting in days. (Unity)

Nekrit Expanse - Chakotay and Ensign Lang go on a scouting mission to find a faster route through the Nekrit Expanse; Paris wants to rename it the "Negative Expanse" since they haven't run across anything interesting in days. (Unity)

Neuro-electric - The cooperative helps heal Chakotay by activating a neuro-electric field that repairs his damaged neural tissue. (Unity)

Neuroelectric generator - Riley wants Janeway to reactivate the neuroelectric generator on the Borg cube so that they can re-establish the neural link among the Borg to help unite the people on the planet; Janeway won't activate the generator since this will create a new collective and impose a choice on thousands of others with no choice; the cooperative re-links with Chakotay forcing him to divert the shuttle to the Borg cube and reactivate the generator. (Unity)

Neuropeptides - The Doctor reports that Chakotay's neuropeptides levels have returned to normal and there are no residual traces of the link. (Unity)

Neuro-processors - The members of the cooperative still have Borg neuro-processors implanted in their nervous systems; they use the neuro-processors to activiate a neuro-electric field to heal Chakotay's damaged neural tissue. (Unity)

Neuro-transponder - A neuro-transponder is attached to the base of Chakotay's skull before the cooperative intiates the link in order to help heal Chakotay. (Unity)

New Collective - The New Collective is formed on the planet after the neuro-electric generator on the Borg cube is reactivated. (Unity)

New Hope colony - Chakotay and Kaplan receive a distress from this colony on the planet; (Unity)

Orum (Ivar Brogger) - Romulan male; he had been assimilated by the Borg and ended up on the planet with Riley and the others when the link to the collective was severed. (Unity)

Parein - This is one of the species abducted by the Borg and brought to the planet; the Farn on the planet raided the Parein. (Unity)

Prosthetic arm - Orum created a prosthetic arm for Riley after she removed her Borg appendages. (Unity)

Riley - SEE: Frazier, Riley. (Unity)

Romulans - There are some Romulans among the people that were abducted by the Borg; Orum is Romulan. (Unity)

Roosevelt - Riley was the Science officer aboard the Roosevelt when she was assimilated at Wolf 359. (Unity)

Self-destruct - The Borg cube initiates a self-destruct right after the neuro-electric generator is activated. (Unity)

Stasis - Riley says that the survivors of the attack were put into some kind of stasis and then brought to the planet. (Unity)

Texas - Riley's home was in Texas. (Unity)

Texas barbeque - Riley has reoccuring dreams about her mothers famous Texas barbeque. (Unity)

Texas homesteaders - Riley says that the people in the cooperative are like the Texas homesteaders. (Unity)

USS Voyager - Chakotay tells Riley that it will take Voyager about 67 years to make the journey home. (Unity)

Vegetarian - Chakotay is a vegetarian. (Unity)

Wolf 359 - After Chakotay discovers that Riley was a Borg, she tells him that she was assimilated at Wolf 359. (Unity)


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