Vakol fish - Neelix says that one bite of kaylos will make you puff up like this fish. (State of Flux)

Valtane, Dimitri (Jeremy Roberts) - Male Lieutenant on the USS Excelsior; he was Ensign Tuvok's bunkmate; (Flashback)

Van - Paris, Tuvok, and Rain escape Dunbar in Rain's van. (Future's End, Part 1) Paris tries to use the stereo from Rain's van to send a locater signal to Voyager; Rain tries to get Starling to go inside her van so that he can be beamed aboard the shuttle; the van stalls on the road after Paris shoots out one of the tires of Dunbar's truck; Rain and Paris jump out of the van when it looks like Dunbar is going to ram it with the truck. (Future's End, Part 2)

Van Gogh - This is the name that the Doctor has taken in the reality that Kes is experiencing. (Before and After)

Varel - Araya tells her husband, Hatil, to say hello to Varel when he is in the next Emanation. (Emanations)

Varmeliate fibers - This is one of the foodstuffs that Voyager picks up on the planet Napinne. (Learning Curve)

Vasbinder - Chakotay says that he failed Professor Vasbinder's course on temporal mechanics. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Vascular regenerator - The Doctor uses this instrument to heal Noonan's wounds after he is injured. (The 37's)

Vaskans - According to the Kyrian simulation, the Vaskan ambassador asks Janeway for help to intimidate the Kyrians; the Vaskan ambassador kills Tedran. (Living Witness)

Vasoconstrictor - The Doctor tells Kes to get him a vasoconstrictor to treat Torres's headache. (The Swarm)

Vatm, Doctor (Tom Towles) - Doctor Vatm is the Nezu's most prominent astrophysicist; he opens the launch doors and attempts to leave without the rest of them; Lillias tries to throw him out of the carriage; Vatm says that there is something on the roof and tries to open the hatch to get it; he goes into shock and dies; Tuvok determines that he was poisoned; Dr. Vatm had learned about the Etanian order and had collected information about their starship; he was trying to get the info to the Nezu ambassador when he was killed. (Rise)

Veer, Tova (Christopher Liam Moore) - Gegen's assistant; Gegen and Veer find Hogan's remains; Veer continues to work with Gegen even though he knows he is putting his career at risk; Veer is attracted to Frola and his scales have a tint to them whenever she is around; Veer is captured in the Mess Hall after Tuvok stuns him with a phaser; he goes into a protective hibernation in which his heart rate and body temperature drop and his metabolism almost shuts down; Veer was initiated into the Circle of Archaeology with the highest of honors; he has been Gegen's assistant for 6 years; Veer is pressured in to betraying Gegen by claiming that the professor's theory is flawed and invalid. (Distant Origin)

Vegetarian - Chakotay is a vegetarian. (Unity)

Vel (James Parks) - Akritirian male; he and his sister are members of the Open Sky terrorist group; the explosives used in the bombing of the Laktivia Recreational Facility were produced aboard his ship; Janeway detains Vel and his sister and intends to trade them for Paris and Kim; Vel gives Janeway the shield codes for the Maximum Security Detention Facility in exchange for letting him and his sister go. (The Chute)

Velocity - Janeway and Seven play velocity on the holodeck; Janeway says that velocity is a game of wits and intuition. (Hope and Fear)

Ventilation system - The Doctor wants to incapacitate the Romulans by releasing neurozine into the ventilation system of the Prometheus; when the Doctor is unable to access environmental controls, the Mark 2 EMH simulates a ship-wide biohazard making the computer think that there was a microbiotic contamination on all decks which causes the ventilation system to open automatically. (Message in a Bottle)

Venus - After his first year at the Academy, Chakotay went to Venus for a couple of months to learn how to handle atmospheric storms. (Future's End, Part 2)

Verne, Jules - Earhart tells Janeway that ships flying through space only happens in books like those written by Jules Verne and H.G. Wells. (The 37's)

Verterium cortenide - A composite material composed of polysilicate verterium and monocrystal cortenum; Voyager needs this material to rebuild the warp coils; Neelix says that they may be able to find it on an M class planet in the Hemikek system that is rich in minerals. (Investigations)

Verteron particles - Torres and Kim say that if they bombard the area of subspace instability with verteron particles, they may be able to bring the wormhole back to Voyager's position. (False Profits)

Vhnori - This race of people believe in an afterlife in which they evolve to a higher level of consciousness and gain a greater understanding of the universe; they call this afterlife the next Emanation; Kim is accidently transported to their world. (Emanations)

Viceroy of Denar - Nori says that the Viceroy of Denar is ready to support Tiernan in exchange for more territory. (Warlord)

Vidiian program alpha - This is the name of Danara's program. (Lifesigns)

Vidiians - Class 3 humanoids; they used to be a race of explorers and educators but their society has been ravaged by the phage; they now harvest the body parts of other races in order to replace those that are consumed by the phage; thousands of Vidiians die every day from the phage. (The Phage) The Vidiians take Paris, Torres, and Durst prisoner on the third planet of the Avery system; they use prisoners to dig their tunnels on the planet; Dr. Sulan of the Vidiian sodality hoped to find a cure for the Phage by using Torres's Klingon genetic structure which seemed to be resistant to the disease. (Faces) A Vidiian female named Denara Pel is beamed aboard Voyager after they pick up her distress call; Chakotay determines that the woman was enroute to a colony about 10 light years away. (Lifesigns) Voyager detects 20 Vidiian ships within sensor range and enters a plasma drift in order to hide. (Deadlock) Janeway tells Tuvok not to contact the Vidiians even though they may be able to help with a cure to the virus; 6 weeks after they leave Janeway and Chakotay on the planet, Voyager discovers a Vidiian convoy on long range scanners but Tuvok chooses not to contact them; Kes persuades him to reconsider and Voyager contacts Denara Pel and arranges to rendevous with the Vidiians to get the antiviral serum that will cure the virus; 3 Vidiian ships attack Voyager, but Voyager manages to disable the Vidiian ships by ejecting an antimatter container and detonating it with a photon torpedo. (Resolutions) Chakotay determines that the phaser burns on the hull of the shuttle have a Vidiian energy signature; Janeway and Chakotay are killed by the Vidiians in the first time loop that occurs; they are attacked again by the Vidiians in the next time loop, but manage to disperse the temporal field with a tachyon burst; Chakotay doesn't remember either of these time loops, but only that they were attacked by the Vidiians and managed to escape. (Coda)

Violence - Nimira tells Tuvok that violence no longer exist on Mari; Nimira arrests Torres for "aggravated violent thought resulting in grave bodily harm"; it is a crime on Mari to think violent thoughts; Nimira says that it is a irrefutable fact that violent thoughts from others can lead to violence in others; Chakotay tells Paris to come up with a rescue plan that minimizes the possibility of violence and that he will recommend it to the captain if she doesn't have an luck convincing Numira to change the sentence; the Vulcans spent centuries learning how to control violent impulses; Guill senses that Tuvok struggles with his violent thoughts; Tuvok says that Guill doesn't understand the darkness or power of violence; Tuvok discovers that there is a black market of violent thoughts on Mari and that outlawing violent thoughts hasn't made them go away. (Random Thoughts)

Viorsa (Thomas Kopache) - Voyager receives an automated signal from the planet from Virosa who is the planner for the Kohl settlement; Viorsa interrupts before the crowd would have decapitated Kim; Viorsa talks about recalibrating the optronic pathways as a clue to Voyager as a way to disassemble the artificial environment; Viorsa dies when the Clown sends him to the guillotine and he dies of a massive heart failure. (The Thaw)

Virus - The Doctor determines that the gel packs have a virus and that giving the gel packs a "fever" would help them respond to the infection. (Learning Curve) Kim initially thinks that the Clown is some sort of computer virus. (The Thaw) Janeway and Chakotay have contracted a vrius from an insect bite; something in the planet's environment shields them from the effects of the virus; Denara Pel says that her people have developed an antiviral serum to cure the virus; Voyager obtains the serum and returns to the planet to get Janeway and Chakotay. (Resolutions) The Doctor discovers a viral parasite masquerading as a memory engram in Tuvok's brain. (Flashback) Kes compares the Borg assimilation to a virus (Scorpion, Part 1) Dejaren says that 2 of the crew members brought a deadly virus back with them when they came back from surveying a planet; the virus spread to the rest of the crew and they all died. (Revulsion)

Virus - A computer virus was planted on Voyager to wipe out all references to Kellin being there. (Unforgettable)

Viscount Timmons - Henry Burleigh's title. (Learning Curve)

Vision quest - Chakotay said that he felt disappointed when his mother taught him the science underlying the vision quest since the mystery was now gone. (Sacred Ground) Neelix asks Chakotay to lead him on a vision quest; Chakotay says that the vision quest is not a quick fix and that it will take time to interpret the images; Neelix sees Alixia during his vision quest and she tells him that there is no Great Forest and that he created it out of his fear of death; Chakotay says that it is natural for the vision quest to reflect Neelix's fear of death and his doubt of his spiritual beliefs. (Mortal Coil) Chakotay is able to have a lucid dream using the same technology that he uses for a vision quest; (Waking Moments)

Voice command activation - Paris tells Kim that this truck was manufactured before voice command activation was used and that something called a key will start it. (The 37's)

Void, The - There are heavy concentrations of theta radiation in the Void; it will take Voyager 2 years to cross it; it has been 53 days since Voyager entered the Void; Emck says that there are thousands of the alien vessels ahead; the Doctor says that the aliens may be indigenous to the Void; Emck has been using the Void as a disposal site for the Malon's antimatter waste; after Voyager destroys the vortex, they are pushed by the shock wave through the Void and find themselves near the edge of normal space. (Night)

Vok'sha - The Vok'sha of Rakella Prime believe that hate is a beast that lives inside the stomach; one of their greatest mythical heroes is a man who ate stones for 23 days to kill the beast and then became a saint. (Heroes and Demons)

Volleyball - Kim's sport program Theta Two contains characters from the gold medal winning volleyball team of 2216. (Warlord) Kim's favorite sport is volleyball. (One)

Volnar Colony - Paris says this is where a shop sells a dozen assorted shapes of Lobi crystals for one Cardassian Lek. (Caretaker)

Vori - Chakotay is captured by Vori defenders but they set him loose when they see he isn't the Nemesis; the Vori's nemesis is the Kradin; the Vori crave to drive the Kradin from the planet since the Kradin flame their villages, take their plantings and make playthings of their sisters; Tuvok is able to track Chakotay to a Vori training camp, but Chakotay is already gone; the Vori have been indoctrinating Chakotay to fight their war; the Vori use a combination of photometric projections, heightened emotional stimuli, and highly sophisicated psychotropic manipulation in order to brainwash their own people and other aliens to get them to fight in their war; the Vori have dozens of these training facilities. (Nemesis)

Vorik (Alexander Enberg) - Male Ensign on Voyager; Vorik suggests that Torres use a Gravidic caliper to help regulate the plasma flow since it is a more precise instrument that the duotronic probe; Torres sends him to adjust the control interface in the food replicators. (Fair Trade) Vorik reserves a table with a view of the lakeside for Torres and himself. (Alter Ego) Vorik spent several summers exploring the Osana caverns which involved treacherous climbing; he declares Kunat So'lik to Torres when he asks her to become his mate; he believes he and Torres would complement each other; he suffers a dislocated jaw when Torres hits him; he is experiencing his first Pon Farr; Vorik attempts to resolve the Pon Farr through meditation; the Doctor creates a holographic Vulcan woman for Vorik to "mate" with; Vorik seems to have resolved the Pon Farr, but he beams down to the planet and declares Kunat Kaliphee; Torres takes Vorik's Kunat Kaliphee challenge and the Pon Farr is resolved when she defeats him. (Blood Fever) He attempts to seal off the rupture in the coolant injector; he recommends that they reconfigure the coolant assembly in order to get greater control over the pressure valve emissions; he sets up a temporary tachyon matrix within the deflector; Torres tells Vorik and Nicoletti to start working on getting the impulse engines online; Vorik was controlling the tachyon bursts when the accident occurred; Seven works with Vorik to design an energy matrix to produce thorium. (Day of Honor) Torres left Vorik in the middle of an EPS recalibration in order to meet Paris. (Vis A Vis)

Vorilium - One of the asteroids in the system is rich in vorilium. (Darkling) The Doctor determines that Kim may have been infected with a retrovirus when he was on an away mission on a planet where they found vorillium. (Favorite Son)

Vostigye - Voyager was going to rendevous with the Vostigye at their space station, but when they arrived there they found that the station had been destroyed; 60 Vostigye scientists had been on the station. (Real Life)

Voth - Gegen believes that the discovery of Hogan's remains is the most important discovery in Voth history because it proves his Distant Origin theory; Gegen says that since Hogan's remains share 47 genetic markers with the Voth race that they are related and that both races evolved on the same planet; Gegen believes that the Voth originated on Earth and left Earth when they developed spacefaring technology; the Voth consider mammals to be a lower life form. (Distant Origin)

Voyager - SEE: USS Voyager.

"Voyager Encounter" - Quarren uses this recreation of Voyager to work on Artifact 271. (Living Witness)

Vulcan - The temple of Amonak is one of the most sacred temples on Vulcan. (Hunters)

Vulcan funeral dirge - Since the Doctor is making it hard for them to sleep, Neelix says that he know a Vulcan funeral dirge they can sing. (Demon)

Vulcan Institute of Defensive Arts - Tuvok taught archery science for several years at the Vulcan Institute of Defensive Arts. (Basics, Part 2)

Vulcans - Tuvok says that Vulcan literature does not have any demons in it; Chakotay says that that might account for its popularity. (Heroes and Demons) Vulcans who reach a certain infirmity with age do practice ritual suicide. (Deathwish) Vulcans learn to detach themselves from their emotions at a very early age; Vulcans believe that a person's Katra, or soul, continues to exist after the body dies. (Innocence) Paris says that all Vulcans are hypochrondriacs when Tuvok won't risk dermal dysplasia by taking off his shirt and enjoying the sunshine. (Future's End, Part 1) Tuvok tried to use pure Vulcan logic to talk the parking enforcement officer out of giving them a citation. (Future's End, Part 2) Tuvok says that Vulcans have fellowships and associations without the emotional dimensions that most humans experience. (Alter Ego) Vulcans usually have arranged marriages; Vorik says that many humanoid species are unable to endure Klingon mating practices, but that his superior Vulcan strength would make him a suitable partner to Torres; Vulcans prefer to keep their mating practices to themselves; how a Vulcan copes with the Pon Farr is a test of his character. (Blood Fever) The Doctor says that Vulcans are notoriously difficult to impress. (Rise) The Doctor wants Jeffrey to find some nice Vulcan friends. (Real Life) The Borg call Vulcans Species 3259; their enlarged neocortex produces superior analytical abilities. (The Raven) The Vulcans made first contact with Zefram Cochrane in Montana on Earth. (Year of Hell, Part 1) Tuvok compares Mari to Vulcan; the Vulcans spent centuries learning how to control violent impulses; all members of the Vulcan race learn to inhibit emotions; Tuvok tells Torres that there are various Vulcan techniques which could help her increase her self-control. (Random Thoughts) Da Vinci says that his conversation with Tuvok has left him "dry as Vulcan"; he tells Tuvok that Vulcan is an island off Sicily. (Concerning Flight) Kim tells Seven that Vulcans are one of the hundreds of humanoids species living on Earth. (Hope and Fear)

Vulcan Mocha - This is the drink that Cosimo serves Kim. (Non Sequitor)

Vulcan neck pinch - Paris discovers that Kes's injuries were caused by this. (Cathexis) Seven uses a Vulcan neck pinch on Tuvok to render him unconscious. (The Raven)

Vulcan orchids - Tuvok is a breeder of Vulcan orchids; Neelix says that they make an exquisite salad when you put a touch of baldoxic vinegar on them. (Tattoo)

Vulcan Slim - This is Gaunt Gary's nickname for Tuvok. (Jetrel)

Vulcan spice tea - Tuovok and Janeway have this tea while discussing making an alliance with the Kazon. (Alliances)


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