Waking species - The sleeping alien calls the Voyager crew "the waking species"; he says that for centuries the waking species has come and found his species and destroyed them. (Waking Moments)

War game simulation - Tuvok has his Maquis trainees participate in a war game simulation in hopes that an exercise in teamwork will instill a sense of participation among the trainees. (Learning Curve)

Warp coil - Lorrum tells Jonas that the Kazon want Jonas to create a small accident to damage Voyager's warp coils; Seska tells him he can do this by forcing the magnetic constrictors out of alignment. (Lifesigns) The inner layer of the warp coils was burned away when the plasma was vented through the nacelles; Torres says that the warp engines will be useless until they can rebuild them. (Investigations) The warp coils in both nacelles have fused and are inoperative. (Deadlock) Paris gets an alien from the planet to come on Voyager to talk to Chakotay by suggesting that Chakotay would be willing to sell him a warp coil. (Concerning Flight)

Warp core - Torres initiates the shut down of the warp core when she is possessed by Chakotay; it will take 2 hours to regenerate the dilithium matrix; Chakotay possesses Torres again later and causes her to eject the warp core. (Cathexis) The outer shielding of the warp core is made of deuranium; Barclay tells the Doctor that in order to destroy the simulation of Voyager, the Doctor must destroy the warp core. (Projections) The warp core is designed to operate for up to 3 years before refueling. (Innocence) After Kes leaves the ship, the warp core comes online and the matter/antimatter reaction is at 120%. (The Gift) When Voyager attempts to open a transwarp conduit, tachyon particles leak into the warp core; Torres tries to stabilize the core, but she ends up ejecting the warp core when it is about to breach; the core is intact but it ends up millions of kilometers away; Janeway tells Paris to take a shuttle and tractor it back to Voyager; Torres says that that core may be unstable and should be repaired before they put a tractor on it; a Caatati ship takes Voyager's warp core when they find it floating in space; they return the warp core in exchange for the energy matrix that Seven designed that will allow them to produce thorium isotopes in large quantities. (Day of Honor) Torres's crew in engineering have been trying to do a warp core diagnostic all morning but they have been delayed because Seven was rerouting power to the astrometrics lab. (Scientific Method) When Torres, Tuvok and Janeway try to get main power back online, they cause a warp core breach; they are unable to eject the core; Janeway realizes that that they are all dreaming when she survives the warp core explosion in Engineering. (Waking Moments) A single Omega molecule contains the same energy as a warp core. (Omega Directive)

Warp diagnostic assembly - The warp core diagnostic is one of the items that the alien ships steal from Voyager. (Concerning Flight)

Warp emissions - Rain is able to detect Voyager in orbit around the Earth by tracking the warp emissions from their engines; the telescope at the Griffith Observatory has been configured to scan for warp emissions; no one is the 20th century should even know what warp emissions are. (Future's End, Part 1)

Warp particles - Janeway and Torres decide to saturate the event horizon with warp particles hoping that they might be able to see them escape through a rupture that Voyager made in the event horizon when they entered the quantum singularity. (Parallax)

Warp plasma - The Kolaati want 3 grams of Voyager's warp plasma so that they can increase the efficiency of their engines; Neelix goes into the Jeffries tube to get a sample, but decides that he can't give it to the Kolaati; the warp sample that Neelix gives Tosin is contaminated; Neelix disengages the safety nodes on the plasma canister so that the whole area is filled with plasma particles and firing a weapon or activating a transporter system would destabilize the plasma and cause an explosion; one of Tosin's men fires a weapon causing the warp plasma to ignite. (Fair Trade) Gegen and Veer acquire a cannister of Voyager's warp plasma. (Distant Origin) When Paris tries the Insurrection Alpha program the first time, he ends up being assigned to lubricate the warp plasma manifolds because Chakotay is so suspicious of him. (Worst Case Scenario)

Warp plasma injector - Janeway finds Voyager's warp plasma injector in the storage facility. (Concerning Flight)

Warp pulse - Torres suggests that they use a warp pulse to reverse the direction of the distortion ring; they generate a warp pulse by raising the pressure of the warp core to a near critical 53 megapascals. (Twisted)

Warp 10 - Paris makes the first warp 10 flight when he achieves transwarp in the shuttlecraft Cochrane. (Threshold)

Warship Voyager - In the Kyrian simulation, the U.S.S. Voyager is called the Warship Voyager. (Living Witness)

Water - Neelix asks for this in exchange for helping Voyager find its missing crew members. (Caretaker) Paris has an allergic reaction to the water in the coffee. (Threshold) The crew's top priority is to find water on the planet to drink. (Basics, Part 1) Chakotay says he can use Hogan's uniform to make solar stills to collect water. (Basics, Part 2)

Waterloo - The Clown says that Napoleon didn't give an ultimatum after his defeat at Waterloo. (The Thaw)

Waterplum - Talli says that this has been the worst waterplum season in years and that they are not very sweet; Neelix says that the waterplums will make excellent preserves. (Random Thoughts)

Weapons system Jonas attempts to disable Voyager's weapons systems after he learns that Paris has escaped from the Kazon and is heading back to Voyager. (Investigations) One of the guidelines the B'omar require is that Voyager keep its weapons systems offline while they travel through B'omar space; Janeway orders Voyager to fire on the B'omar ship's weapons system when the B'omar attack. (The Raven)

Wednesday - On Wednesdays Neelix always cooks Trellian crepes for Kes. (Tuvix)

Wells, H.G. - Earhart tells Janeway that ships flying through space only happens in books like those written by H.G. Wells and Jules Verne. (The 37's)

Welsh rabbit - Quinn makes Welsh rabbit for Janeway like her grandfather used to make. (Deathwish)

West, Mae - Davis says that the movie that he and Brigitte saw at the Cinema Mystere was "I'm No Angel" with Mae West; when Mae West was singing "Sister Honky Tonk", he put his arm around Brigitte. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

White flag - Janeway goes to the enemy camp under a white flag to try to arranage a cease fire between the Q. (The Q and the Grey)

Whole green putillos - This is one of the foodstuffs that Voyager picks up on the planet Napinne. (Learning Curve)

Wildman, Samantha (Nancy Hower) - Female Ensign on Voyager; she discovers she is pregnant; her husband is still on DS9. (Elogium) Wildman is treated by the Doctor for lower back pain due to her pregnancy; it is her first pregnancy. (Tattoo) Wildman is trying to decide what to name her baby when it is born; her husband's name is Greskrendregk; her husband is Ktarean. (Dreadnought) Kes tells the Doctor that Wildman came to sickbay earlier in the day for her regular prenatal visit. (Lifesigns) Neelix asks Wildman to look at the thermal array in the kitchen and the replicators to see what's wrong with them; she goes into labor and her daughter is delivered via fetal transport; her baby dies when the Doctor is unable to correct a slight hemocythemic imbalance due to a power failure in Sickbay but then Kim brings the baby from the duplicate Voyager back through the spatial rift. (Deadlock) Janeway and Neelix trace a com signal to Wildman's quarters, but she and the baby are not there; she is one of Neelix's most dedicated viewers of his program "Good Morning Voyager". (Macrocosm) Paris switches shifts with Wildman in order to get the night off to spend with Torres. (Scientific Method) Wildman calls Neelix because Naomi is having trouble sleeping. (Mortal Coil) Seven assigns Wildman to get the power relay online. (Omega Directive)

Wildman's baby - While Wildman is in labor the baby's exocranial ridges become lodged in the uterine wall and the Doctor performs a fetal transport to deliver the baby; the baby is a girl; the transport causes a slight hemocythemic imbalance that the Doctor attempts to correct using Osmotic pressure therapy; the baby dies when Sickbay loses power; the Janeway from the duplicate Voyager sends Kim and the baby through the spatial rift so the baby will live. (Deadlock) SEE: Wildman, Naomi. (Mortal Coil)

Wildman, Naomi - Wildman calls Neelix when Naomi is having trouble getting to sleep; Neelix is Naomi's godfather; she was the first child born on Voyager; she is afraid to go to sleep so Neelix tells her to think of the Great Forest whenever she is afraid; Naomi has grown 5 centimeters since her last physical 3 weeks ago; she has had trouble sleeping and wants Neelix to tuck her in; Neelix reconsiders killing himself when Wildman tells him that Naomi needs him. (Mortal Coil)

Wild mushroom pilaf - Charlene cooks this when Torres and Kes have dinner with the Doctor's holo-family; (Real Life)

Wix - This is the nickname of Neelix's friend. SEE: Wixiban. (Fair Trade)

Wixiban (James Nardini) - Male Talaxian; he is an friend of Neelix; he runs into Neelix on the trading station near the Nekrit Expanse; he says that things haven't gone well for him since the nasty business with the Ubeans; Wix says that he has been stuck on the station for 3 years since he ship has been impounded and he can't afford to give Bahrat what he wants to get it back; Wix tells Neelix that he has located some pergium and a map of the Nekrit Expanse which they can get once they deliver some medical supplies; he went to prison for Neelix where he ate worms and slept in a cell where vermin chewed on him every night; Wix tells Neelix that they are delivering medical supplies when in fact they are delivering narcotics; Wix kills Sutok after Sutok fires on him first; Wix and Neelix finally confess to Bahrat and agree to turn over the Kolaati to him; Wix is given his ship back and leaves. (Fair Trade)

Wolf 359 - After Chakotay discovers that Riley was a Borg, she tells him that she was assimilated at Wolf 359. (Unity) This was the location of a Borg massacre. (Scorpion, Part 1) Alpha Hirogen wants to recreate the notorious battle known as Wolf 359 after the World War II simulation is over. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

"Women Warriors at the River of Blood" - Torres is reading this Klingon romance novel. (Real Life)

Woodstock - Woodstock was the name of a rock concert; Quinn gave Maury Ginsberg a ride to Woodstock where Ginsberg was instrumental in making the concert happen. (Deathwish)

World War II - The Hirogen set up a World War II simulation on Holodeck 1; the Doctor tells Seven that it was a 20th century Earth conflict. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Paris says that the Nazis were totalitarian fanatics on Earth during the second World War. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Wormhole - Kim discovers a virtually microscopic wormhole after he detects a subspace disturbance; the wormhole is in an advance state of decay and has been collapsing for centuries; Voyager is unable to travel through the wormhole since it's aperature is only 30 inches in diameter; they are able to use a microprobe as a relay to transmit a message through the wormhole; the wormhole leads to the Alpha Quadrant; Voyager discovers that the wormhole is a rift in space and time and that Telek R'mor comes from the year 2351 which is 20 years in the past. (Eye of the Needle) Voyager finds evidence of the recent presence of a wormhole; the residual neutrino levels indicate that it has been at least 6 months since the wormhole's last appearance; the wormhole is at a fixed spot in the Alpha Quadrant but jumps around in the Delta Quadrant; Kim and Torres try to bring the wormhole back to Voyager by bombarding the subspace instability they found with verteron particles. (False Profits) When Torres investigates, she finds indications of a wormhole including neutrinos, ionized hydrogen, and theta-band radiation, but fails to find quantum level fluctuations which means that a wormhole is not causing the disappearances. (Displaced)

Wright, Orville - Janeway says that Paris will be joining an elite group of pilots such as Orville Wright, Neil Armstrong and Zefram Cochrane when he breaks the maximum warp barrier. (Threshold)

Wyoming - Janeway thought that Tuvok's first assignment was on the Wyoming. (Flashback)


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