Adin (Anthony Crivello) - He is one of the Ilari that Voyager rescues; he is a prominent physician; Adin, Nori and Tiernan steal a shuttle from Voyager and return to Ilari; he is known to be a political extremist; Tiernan kills him in a fit of anger after Adin suggests again that Tiernan transfer out of Kes's body. (Warlord)

Airponics bay - Kes takes Nori and Adin on a tour of the airponics bay; Tiernan realizes that Kes's consciousness is mingling with his own when he says that some of the time that he felt most content was watching the seedlings grow in the airponices bay. (Warlord)

Ameron (Karl Wiedergott) - This the Autarch's younger son; Tiernan spares Ameron's life and convinces Ameron to join him; Ameron's support will solidify Tiernan's claim to be Autarch; Tiernan announces that Ameron will become his husband in order to strenghten their political alliance; Tiernan's consciousness is transferred to Ameron after Neelix uses the synaptic stimulator on Kes; Kes realizes that Tiernan has been transferred to Ameron and uses the synaptic stimulator on Ameron. (Warlord)

Autarch - Leader of Ilari; Tiernan kills the Autarch and declares himself Autarch; Demmas is restored as Autarch after Tiernan is defeated. (Warlord)

Carribean - Paris adds musicians from Earth's Carribean region to Neelix's Paxau Resort program. (Warlord)

Cortical implant - The Doctor discovers a cortical implant in Tiernan's dead body; this implant is automatically activated at the moment of death and transferred Tiernan's neural pattern to Kes; Adin installs a new corical implant in Tiernan after they reach Ilari. (Warlord)

Demmas - Demmas is the Autarch's oldest son; he asks Janeway's help in defeating Tiernan; Demmas inherits the title of Autarch when Tierna kills his father, but Demmas believes that the Ilari people will follow whoever has more power; after Tiernan is defeated, Kes returns the talisman to Demmas. (Warlord)

Detector grid - The detector grid around the Imperial palace make a surprise attack difficult; Kim says that the system of the detector grid goes through a maintainence cycle every 10 hours and that there mayt be a few seconds where it may be vulnerable to a narrow band EM pulse; Tiernan is aware that Voyager knows of this weakness and warns them that he will have extra troops waiting for them. (Warlord)

First Castellan - Tiernan makes Resh First Castellan because of his loyal service. (Warlord)

Gallia Nectar - Gallia nectar comes from a blossom that grows near a certain lake on Paxau and blooms once every 6 year; Neelix serves this as part of his holodeck program. (Warlord)

Headache - Kes begins experiencing headaches after Tiernan's consciousness is transferred into hers; the headaches worsen when Tiernan takes over and Kes fights him for control. (Warlord)

Ilari - Voyager takes Adin and Nori back to Ilari; Tiernan takes over as Autarch of Ilari after he kills the previous Autarch; things worsen on Ilari as the people begin to split into factions supporting either Tiernan or Demmas. (Warlord)

Ilari representative - The Autrarch sends a representative to greet Janeway on Voyager; Tiernan/Kes kills the representative when the 3 Ilari steal a shuttlecraft. (Warlord)

Kim's Sport Program Theta Two - This is Kim's volleyball program whose characters consist of the members of the gold medal winning team of 2216; he adds the characters from this program to Neelix's Paxau Resort program. (Warlord)

Lectrazine - The Doctor tells Kes to give Tiernan 20 milligrams of lectrazine in order to save Tiernan's life, but Tiernan's biochemistry is incompatible with the medication. (Warlord)

Library - A library is one of the charitable projects that Tiernan is planning; Nori says that they will break ground for the library soon.(Warlord)

Martin - Ensign on Voyager; she transports the Ilari representative on board; she and the representative are killed by Tiernan/Kes. (Warlord)

Nori (Galyn Gorg) - She is one of the Ilari that Voyager rescues; she is the wife of Tiernan and is cousin to the Autarch; Nori, Adin, and Tiernan steal a shuttle from Voyager and return to Ilari; she is known to be a political extremist; Nori is distressed by the changes in Tiernan and is upset when he announces that Ameron will become his husband. (Warlord)

Paxau - Paxau is one of the places that the Talaxians live; the Paxau Resort is located here. (Warlord)

Paxau Resort - Neelix recreates this resort for a holodeck program for the crew; the Paxau Resort is a very exclusive resort on Paxau; it was the place to go on Talax for serious relaxation and personal pampering; you had to be very rich and priveleged or know someone rich and privileged to go there. (Warlord)

Rekarri starbursts - Paris has the waiter serve these in Neelix's Paxau Resort holodeck program. (Warlord)

Resh (Charles Emmett) - Resh is one of Tiernan's supporters; Tiernan/Kes makes him First Castellan because of his loyal service. (Warlord)

Shuttlecraft - Tiernan/Kes, Adin and Nori steal one of Voyager's shuttles so that they can return to Ilari. (Warlord)

Spicy paraka wings - Neelix serves this food as part of his Paxau Resort holodeck program. (Warlord)

Synaptic stimulator - The Doctor says that Tiernan's neural pattern can be removed from Kes by direct contact with the synaptic stimulator; Neelix uses the synaptic stimulator on Kes; Kes realizes that Tiernan has been transferred to Ameron and uses the synaptic stimulator on Ameron. (Warlord)

Talax - Neelix went through basic combat training on Talax. (Warlord)

Talisman - Tiernan takes the talisman from the dead Autarch and puts it around his neck; Tiernan says that the talisman was stolen from him 200 years ago and that he has dedicated every moment since then to putting back where it belongs; after Tiernan is defeated, Kes returns the talisman to Demmas. (Warlord)

Thoron rifle - Demmas says that if he could get anywhere near Tiernan, he would use a thoron rifle rather than the synaptic stimulator to be absolutely sure that Tiernan would be dead. (Warlord)

Tiernan (Leigh J. McCloskey) - He is one of the Ilari that Voyager rescues; Nori is his wife; he dies but transfers his consciousness to Kes; he kills Ensign Martin and the Ilari representative and then steals a shuttle to return to Ilari; Tiernan ruled Ilari over 2 centuries ago; he was a war hero and a brilliant military leader; he brought security and stability to Ilari; the people rebelled against him; when Tiernan became convinced that his subjects were traitors; he became obsessed with mortality and discovered a way to transfer his mind into someone else's body; he kills the Autarch and convinces one Ameron to join him; Kes's body is not accepting Tiernan's neural pattern very easily; Tiernan is able to sense Tuvok's presence using Kes's mental abilities; Tiernan becomes increasing unstable as Kes fights him to regain control of her body; Tiernan kills Adin using Kes's mental abilities; Kes's consciousness is reflected in Tiernan's actions when he talks about building a library and when he says that some of the time he felt most content was watching the seedlings grow in the airponics bay; Neelix is able to use the synaptic stimulator on Kes to remove Tiernan's consciousness; Kes senses that Tiernan is then hiding in Ameron and is able to use the synaptic stimulator on him as well. (Warlord)

Viceroy of Denar - Nori says that the Viceroy of Denar is ready to support Tiernan in exchange for more territory. (Warlord)

Volleyball - Kim's sport program Theta Two contains characters from the gold medal winning volleyball team of 2216. (Warlord)


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