Yalidian engineers - According to Neelix they Yalidian engineers would give all 3 of their spinal cords to know where this planet with the dilithium is. (The Phage)

Yattho - A species in the Beta quadrant; the Doctor says that they are able to predict the future with uncanny accuracy. (Before and After)

Year of Hell - In the reality Kes is experiencing, the year of hell is what the Voyager crew called the period of time when they were under constant attack by a race called the Krenim; Paris says that the ship almost didn't make it that the Doctor was offline for months during this time and that they lost a lot of good people like Janeway, Carey and Torres. (Before and After)

Yellow dwarf system - The planet where Janeway and Chakotay were infected by the insect bite is the third planet in a yellow dwarf system; the system is located about 70 light years away from where Tuvok makes contact with the Vidiians. (Resolutions) Mislen is located in a yellow dwarf system about 5 parsecs away from where Voyager finds the damaged ship. (The Swarm) Paris tracks Tuvok and Seven to the M-class moon of the 5th planet of a yellow dwarf star. (The Raven)

Yellowstone - Kim and Paris steal this runabout prototype from space dock so that they can find the time stream and recreate the incident that brought Kim to the alternate reality so that he can get back to his own reality. (Non Sequitor)

Yorktown - Tuvok received a message from his father on the Yorktown while he and Janeway are on the Excelsior during the mind meld. (Flashback)


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