Zabee nuts - This is one of the foods that Neelix says may be featured on A Briefing With Neelix. (Investigations)

Zahir (David Lee Smith) - One of the Mikhal travelers; Kes has been working with him to arrange an exchange of Voyager's medical supplies for his knowledge of the territory; Zahir asks Kes to explore the Sylleran Rift with him; he tells Tuvok that he values Kes's life as much as his own; Zahir is injured when someone attacks him and knocks him over a cliff; he suffers multiple fractures and skin lacerations and damage to his left occipital nerve. (Darkling)

Zahl - Annorax erradicates a single Zahl colony but learns that that is not enough to restore the Krenim Imperium; he decides that to be successful he must go to the Zahl homeworld and erase the entire Zahl species from time; Voyager is entering Zahl space located at spatial grid 005 which consists of many M class planets; they are a technologically advanced but non-confrontational species; the Zahl defeated the Krenim many years ago and took back the planets the Krenim had annexed; after the temporal incursion at the Zahl homeworld, the Zahl are erased from time; Obrists tell Annorax that the destruction of the Zahl homeworld has resulted in a 98% restoration of the Krenim Imperium. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Zakarian - Commander at Starfleet Academy that taught a survival course; he was nicknamed "Old Sneezy" (Caretaker)

Zeta one - Seska uses this authorization code to start a 60 second self-destruct sequence of Voyager. (Worst Case Scenario)

Zimmerman Alpha one - This is the matrix overlay program that is used to overlay the diagnostic matrix onto the Doctor's matrix. (The Swarm)

Zimmerman, Kes - Barclay tells the Doctor that the human Kes that appears in the simulation is his wife. (Projections)

Zimmerman, Louis - Louis Zimmerman is the holo-engineer who programmed the EMH at the Jupiter Station Holoprogram Center. (The Cloud) The computer tells the Doctor that the Chief Medical Officer on Voyager is Dr. Louis Zimmerman. (Projections) The holographic interface for the diagnostic matrix in the holodeck program comes in the form of a hologram for Dr. Zimmerman; it has an adaptive heuristic matrix just like the Doctor; Kes suggests that they overlay his matrix onto the Doctor's. (The Swarm)

Zio (Don McManus) - One of the prisoners in the Maximum Security Detention Facility; he has been in the prison for 6 years; Zio lets Paris and Kim stay in his shelter in exchange for them taking him with them when they escape; Zio has written a manifesto of his insights, reasoning and evidence regarding the purpose of the clamp; he doesn't seem to be affected by the clamp; he throws Paris and Kim out of the shelter when Kim refuses to kill Paris. (The Chute)

Zooabul - This is one of the compounds that Janeway and Tuvok discover. (Displaced)


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