Add Your Link

Submit your page name, address, and description so I can add you to my links.

The Rules

A. Your site must have something to do with Xena or Hercules.
B. If you haven't started your site yet, please do so before submitting your link.
C. Your site must have more than a few pictures and a couple of links.
D. Any site with inappropriate material (eg. pornography, graphic displays of violence) will not be admitted.

Six Steps to Submitting Your Link

1. Name of your site:

2. URL (addy) of your site:

3. Description (this will be put next to the link) of your site:

4. If you want to know when your link has been added, fill out this box with your e-mail address. OPTIONAL

5. Are you updating a site (its link or information) that is already listed in the Links?

Yes. No.

6. Submit form or Reset:

Warning: This form will be sent via email.

If you have a webpage with links and would like to add me, feel free. *G* It would be much appreciated. :o)
Banners to link with can be found at The Banner Showcase.

Hercules and Xena Banner Exchange
Hercules and Xena Banner Exchange

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