Hey kids. My name is Abas, but that's MR. Abas to you bunch of trouble makin' whipper snappers! I may look all nice and chipper to you but I play the teacher game by the book! I'm Perseus' grandpa but don't you think he's getting any special treatment from me! I teach mythology class here at Prometheus Academy. Ha! Prometheus Academy.... You kids have it so easy! With all your fancy schmansy gadgets like the chissel! In my day, we had to chissel with our teeth! Yea! you heard me! And we had to walk to school! No sandels! Not a one! 50 miles! *grumbles* Well enough chit chat! you kids been keeping me from class long enough! Now sit yer bottom down and listen! I know we're already making mythology so ya don't have to make like a broken record and repeat it!!! If ya don't like it, tough! Here's some links to pages with all the mythology informaton you'll need! And don't slam the door on your way out!!! Man I can't wait to retire.....

Ok, students! Open your textbooks to pages-

Greek Mythology Page - Great page! Not much about prunes but a guy can dream can't he?
Bulfinch's Mythology - Another good chapter in our mythology saga.
Greek Gods - The name says it all.
Greek Mythology Story - Another great mythology page!
Greek Mythology - This is an introduction to Greek Mythology. Greeks used these gods and stories to help them to better understand the powerful forces of nature.
Encyclopedia Mythica - Come on here and look at not only Greek, but lots of other myth stuff. Not that you'll be graded on it if you don't heh..

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