
Real Name: Absalom
First Appearance: X-Force #10
Last Appearance: X-Force #54
Cause of Death: Slain by Selene
Group Affiliation: Externals
Major Enemies: Selene, X-Force
Powers: Immortality, spike projection

Absalom was a member of the immortal mutant group known as the Externals until he had his life-force drained by Selene.


Real Name: Nils Styger
First Appearance: Cable #40
Known Allies: Renee Majcomb
Powers: Dimensional Projection

Abyss acts as a protector for Genoshan researcher Renee Majcomb. He is assisting her with her Legacy Virus research as he has the virus himself.


Real Name: Adversary
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #187
Group Affiliation: None
Major Enemies: Forge, Roma, Naze, X-Factor
Powers: Magic

The Adversary is an ancient mystical entity, possibly demonic in nature, who seeks to destroy the present universe and to create a new one in its place. The Cheyenne Indians also refer to the Adversary as the 'Great Trickster', for the Adversary uses deception and trickery in attempting to achieve his goals. His native dimension is one of chaos, which the Adversary loves and seeks to spread to Earth's dimension, overturning order for the mere sake of doing so. The Adversary regards himself as a gamester, toying with the fate of the cosmos for sheer enjoyment. In their first encounter (the "Fall of the mutants" crossover) Forge 'killed' the X-Men to ensure that the Adversary would be confined in his own dimension. However the X-Men were returned to 'life' by Roma. Recently, the Adversary returned (thanks to Haven, who was killed by his return) and was once again defeated by Forge after he reclaimed his mystic heritage.


Real Name: Rory Campbell
First Appearance: Fantastic Four Annual #23 (as Ahab, cameo), X-Factor Annual #5 (as Ahab, fully), Excalibur #73 (as Rory)
Group Affiliation: (as Rory) Former assistant to Moira MacTaggert

Rory Campbell's history has, by and large, yet to be revealed, although he has known Moira MacTaggert in the past. Campbell was once Moira's assistant at Muir Island, at the same time that Excalibur was stationed there. It was here that he discovered the existence of an alternate reality in which he became the mutant-hunting Ahab, creating and leading hordes of mutant trackers called "Hounds". Although he fought to stop that from ever happening, he savagely attacked Spoor, who was being held prisoner on Muir Island, and lost a leg after the holding cells lasers' activated. The history of the alternate reality Ahab remains unclear. It is known, however, that Rachel Summers was Ahab's pinnacle of Hound creation, although she subsequently escaped in our current timeline, horribly mutilating Ahab by throwing him into one of his machines. Ahab, then more cyborg then ever, tried to hunt Rachel down through the time-wandering spirit of his alternate Franklin Richards - at one point creating Hounds of out Cyclops and the Invisible Woman. Ahab was defeated by the combined actions of the Fantastic Four and the many X-teams. His ultimate fate remains to be revealed. Rory, however, continues to struggle to stop his perceived "destiny" of becoming Ahab from ever occurring. Rory recently traded some Legacy Virus secrets to the Hellfire Club in exchange for a state-of-the-art prosthetic leg.


Real Name: Dimitri Bukharin
Group Affiliation: People's Protectorate

Airstrike, formerly known as the Crimson Dynamo, is a member of the Russian CommonWealth's official super-team, The People's Protectorate. During a lengthy career as the Crimson Dynamo, he has encountered both X-Factor and Alpha Flight. Airstrike wears a suit of battle armour that is on par with Iron Man's.


Real Name: Albert
First Appearance: Wolverine Vol 2 #38
Known Allies: Elsie-Dee, Wolverine
Powers: Enhanced Speed and Strength

Albert, a cyborg doppleganger of Wolverine, was built by Donald Pierce in the Reavers secret underground base. Pierce created Albert with retractable claws and enhanced computer memory and logic circuits so that he could find and kill Wolverine. Nearly destroyed by Wolverine in battle, Albert rebuilt himself using kevlar, thus enhancing his durability. After Wolverine risked his life to save Elsie, the trio became friends. Albert now travels around with his companion Elsie Dee.


Real Name: Thomas Jones
First Appearance: X-Factor #41
Group Affiliation: None
Powers: Metal Transmutation

Alchemy is a young mutant with the power to transform metals. He was rescued from a band of trolls by the original X-Factor.


Real Name: Amiko
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #181
Known Relatives: Wolverine (Logan, adoptive father)

Amiko is a little Japanese girl who Wolverine adopted as his daughter when he encountered her dying mother. Since Wolverine was with the X-Men, she was left with foster parents. But, recently, because of his degeneration to a feral state, he had made the Silver Samurai promise to take care of her financially in exchange for the sword Wolverine had that would restore the honour of his clan.


Real Name: Unrevealed
Other Aliases: The Invisible One
First Appearance: New Mutants Annual #7 (cameo), Uncanny X-Men Annual #15 (fully)
Last Appearance: X-Men Annual #2
Cause of Death: Legacy Virus
Group Affiliation: Desert Sword
Major Enemies: Freedom Force
Powers: Enhanced speed and agility

Aminedi was a member of the Middle-Eastern team called Desert Sword. They opposed Freedom Force during a mission in which Commando was severely wounded.


Real Name: Unrevealed, presumed Amphibius
Group Affiliation: Savage Land Mutates
Major Enemies: Magneto, Ka-Zar, X-Men
Powers: Enhanced speed and agility

Amphibius is a member of the Savage Land mutates, he appears as a mutated humanoid frog-like creature.



Real Name: Warren Worthington III
Former Aliases: Archangel, Death, Avenging Angel
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #1 (as Angel), X-Factor #23 (as Archangel)
Group Affiliation: X-Men, formerly X-Factor
Major Enemies: Apocalypse, Sabretooth
Powers: (as Angel) Flight, (as Archangel) Flight, ability to shoot and regenerate paralysing metal feathers

As Angel he was a member of the original X-Men until he decided to retire with his love, Candy Southern. Upon hearing of Jean Grey's return to life (after presumed dead as Phoenix), Angel joined X-Factor with the rest of the original X-Men. Captured by Apocalypse, Angel had his wings removed and replaced with ones of steel, capable of firing paralytic darts. Apocalypse meant for him to be one of his Horsemen, but Angel rejected him and returned to X-Factor, taking the name Archangel. Archangel later returned to the X-Men, and later still regained his original wings and retook the codename Angel. Warren has taken time off from the X-Men to cement his relationship with Psylocke, but the two are having difficulties in their relationship.



Formerly known as the wealthy and conceited Angel, whose mutant characteristics were most notably feathered wings. His wings were damaged so badly during the Mutant Massacre that they had to be removed. Apolcalypse then took Warren in and turned him into the angel of death, Archangel, complete with metal wings and blue skin. After being seriously injured by Sabretooth, his metallic wings were molted and revealed his original feathered wings underneath. He is now a reserve member of the X-Men, along with his lover, Psylocke.



Real Name: Warren Worthington III.

Height: 6'

Weight: 150 lbs.

Powers: Extreme ability in flight.

First Appearance: X-Men ( vol.1 )#1.

Creators: Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

Profile: Warren Worthington entered Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters as the happy go lucky Angel, gifted with fluffy white wings and a winning personality. He was the heir of a powerful man, owner of a great company. When the new X-Men showed up, he left the team. Passing through the Champions, Defenders, using his wealth to build headquarters, and a brief return to the X-Men, the Angel helped form the X-Factor by the request of former team-mate Jean Grey.

He kept as a hero with a bright mind and few problems. His life started to get troubled when he trusted Cameron Hodge. Cameron used to be Warren´s best friend and assistant, but with time, he revealed his plans: he took over Warren´s company and organised a group called the Right. Things got worse when the Marauders took off Angel´s wings. Then, he was kidnapped by Apocalypse, who transformed the rich playboy into his Angel of Death, with razor sharp metal wings and toxic "feathers". Now calling himself Archangel, he returned to X-Factor. When Cameron tried to kill him, Archangel decapitated him, but Hodge had already made a pact with the demon Nastyrth, that gave him immortality. Cameron moved to Genosha and started to help the government. Warren later formed the X-Men Gold Strike Force when X-Factor and X-Men bonded. He came to learn how to deal with his wings returning the control of his life to himself. He also started a romance with Psylocke and saved her when she was wounded by Sabretooth. Some months ago, his original wings returned after a battle with Sabretooth, but why and how are still a mystery. After his struggle with the Crimson Dawn soldiers, he and Psylocke are back together at the X-Men. Warren also has some rights in the Hellfire Club, since his father was a member there.



Real Name: Unrevealed, presumed Annalee
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #169
Last Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #211
Cause of Death: Slain by Marauders
Group Affiliation: Morlocks
Major Enemies: Marauders
Powers: Hypnotism

Annalee was a member of the Morlocks, and was slain by the Marauder Scalphunter during the Mutant Massacre.


Real Name: Unrevealed
Cause of Death: Killed by his own creations
Major Enemies: New Mutants

The Ani-Mator was responsible for the death of Douglas Ramsey, aka Cypher (see Douglock).


Real Name: Unrevealed, presumed Ann-Marie
First Appearance: X-Men #1
Group Affiliation: Formerly Acolytes

Annmarie was one of the first Acolytes gathered by Fabian Cortez. She was wounded and killed by SHIELD agents when the Acolytes were fleeing to their HQ of Asteroid M. It was this attack that convinced Magneto to lead the Acolytes after their first encounter.


Real Name: Inapplicable
First Appearance: Excalibur #48
Last Appearance: Excalibur #50

The Anti-Phoenix was an entity created by Necrom, having been torn from the Phoenix Force. The Phoenix Force had just been called to consciousness and learned pain, regret, and human awareness from the formation of the Anti-Phoenix.


Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #169
Last Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #211
Cause of Death: Slain by Marauders
Group Affiliation: Morlocks
Major Enemies: Marauders
Powers: Enhanced strength

Ape was a member of the Morlocks slain by the Marauders during the Mutant Massacre.



Real Name: En Sabah Nur
Former Aliases: Set, Sauru, Huitzilopochti, Kali-Man
First Appearance: X-Factor #5 (in shadow), X-Factor #6 (fully)
Major Enemies: Cable, Archangel, X-Men, X-Factor
Powers: Immortality, Enhanced speed and strength, Teleportation, Atomic restructuring

Since the dawn of time, En Sabah Nur, Lord of the Apocalypse, has been responsible for death and destruction in his quest for mutant supremacy. He has added to his mutant powers by plundering technology throughout the ages. Able to alter his atomic structure, Apocalypse can take on any physical form. With superhuman strength, lightning speed, and his ability to teleport, he lives by only one rule: "survival of the fittest". Slain in the future by Redd and Slym (aka Cyclops and Phoenix), his ability to time travel means that he will never really die.



For thousands of years, this mutant has tried time, and time again, to destroy all man kind. He wants total control of a world created, and rulled by him, and only him. He is one of the most powerful mutants around today. Some of his enemies include Angle, Cyclops, and JeanGrey, and he has shown a rather absessive attraction to the Mutant Cable. This attraction led to the cloning of Cable, and the creation of Strife. Strife would later release the Legacy Virus killing hundreds of Mutants, before his own demise, and Apocalypse's demise as well. For almost 4 years, there was no sign of Apocalypse, until he was fully restored to his orginal state, during the Onslaught Saga, in 1995. Although his appearances are rather scarce lately, it has been promised by the people of Marvel, that his big reappearnce/new plan to rule the world will take place at the end of the Millenium. With the year 2000, just around the corner, it won't be long before we see our favorite blue villian again.



Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up #65
Major Enemies: X-Men, Spider-Man, Excalibur, X-Force

Arcade is an assassin-for-hire who uses a theme park, named Murderworld, rigged with deathtraps to eliminate his targets. After killing his assistant for scarring his face, Arcade sought to frame Wolverine for the murder. He was defeated by Wolverine and Gambit, and his former ally Mastermind (the daughter of the original) left him in a permanent state of delusion.


Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: X-Men 2099 #26
Group Affiliation: Undead
Major Enemies: X-Men 2099
Powers: Kinetic charging

Arcadian is a member of the Undead, a group of reanimated dead mutants in the year 2099. He bore a more-than-passing resemblance to Gambit.


Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: X-Factor #140
Group Affiliation: Formerly X-Factor, Xavier Underground Enforcers
Powers: Energy generation

Archer comes from the same future as Bishop and Shard, and is a member of the Xavier Underground Enforcers, a rogue branch of the XSE. Archer wants to bring about change through any means necessary, and uses his mutant power to become a being of pure energy to attain this. Upon discovering that Shard was in the present, the XUE managed to travel back in time thanks to the psionic link they share with Shard, and inhabited the bodies of three recently deceased people. Their mission in the present is to stop their future from ever occurring. Archer left X-Factor to pursue the life of his human host.


Real Name: N/A
Group Affiliation: Clan Askani
Major Enemies: Apocalypse, Genesis

The Askani (meaning "outsider") were formed by Rachel Summers after she took Captain Britain's place in the timestream and was hurled 2000 years into the future. They are a group of telepaths and telekinetics, with limited time-travel abilities. Mostly, they can project their astral forms across time. One such traveller, calling herself simply "Askani" was able to retain a corporeal form in the 20th Century in order to bring the baby Nathan Christopher Summers (later to be known as Cable) into the future, where his techno-organic infection could be treated so that his life could be saved. Ironically, in trying to save Nathan, the Askani created the clone who would one day become Stryfe. Later, the same traveller returned to warn Cyclops & Phoenix of the return of Stryfe after he was seemingly killed by Cable, when Stryfe actually possessed Cable's body.


Real Name: Jeanne-Marie Beaubier
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #120
Known Relatives: Jean-Paul Beaubier (Northstar, brother)
Group Affiliation: Formerly Brotherhood, Alpha Flight
Major Enemies: Master
Powers: Flight, super speed, light projection (when in contact with Northstar)

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier grew up as an orphan in a publicly-funded religious school. When she was thirteen she attempted to kill herself by jumping off the top of one of the buildings but flew instead. When she told this to her Mother Superior, the Mother saw it as blasphemy and severly punished young Jeanne-Marie. Her delicate psyche cracked under the extreme punishment and a new personality emerged, Aurora, who was much more free-spirited. Aurora took over and left the school and after a few days Jeanne-Marie returned, with no real memory of where she had been. She suppressed Aurora for another 5 years until she became a teacher at the same school. While out in the city one day, Aurora was assaulted but was saved by Wolverine who took her to meet James Hudson (aka Guardian). Hudson offered her a place in Department H and she accepted. After being in the Department for a time, Hudson revealed to Aurora that she had a brother, and the two were introduced. Aurora remained a member of Alpha Flight for a long time, even through her power change, when she asked her then-lover Sasquatch to change her cellular structure so that she was now a super-human and not a mutant. She could now generate light independent of Northstar but her other powers lessened. Because of this, Northstar grew extremely ill and Aurora sought out the Firefountain, a magical fountain which could cure apparently anything. While searching for it, they were confronted by Loki who told them that they were half-elf and that Aurora's power of light was the only thing that could cure them. Alpha Flight was forced to retreat from a demon assault, leaving Puck and Aurora behind. Northstar left immediately thereafter, heading for Asgard to search for his sister. Meanwhile, Aurora had re-surfaced and became a nun with a whole mind and almost no powers. Aurora avoided contacting Alpha Flight until asked by Talisman to accompany Persuasion, Pathway, and Goblyn on a quest to find Northstar. They found him in Asgard, and returned him to Earth. Aurora decided to take a more pacifistic approach to super-heroism, using her light to calm and soothe opponents. She eventually decided to retire from active duty in an attempt to rehabilitate former criminals. One such criminal however, Headlok, brought Aurora's split personality back. Alpha Flight eventually broke-up and Aurora was not seen until a new, more militaristic Department H returned and captured her. She was rescued by Havok's Brotherhood and X-Man, but when Havok challenged the Dark Beast, he set Aurora free and told her to seek out Alpha Flight once more.


Real Name: Zhao Tang
Former Aliases: Zhao Kwan
First Appearance: The Agent GN
Last Appearance: Alpha Flight Vol 1 #121
Cause of Death: Killed by the Sphinx's scientists
Known Relatives: Jhimon Tang (Silver, sister)
Group Affiliation: Formerly Gamma Flight
Powers: Flight, heat projection

Zhao Tang and his sister Jhimon were Chinese mutants who were involved in a plot to overthrow the Hong Kong government to prevent the 1997 handover of Hong Kong to the Chinese. It failed, and soon thereafter the siblings fled to Canada where they ended up as members of Gamma Flight. Shortly after Gamma Flight was disbanded by the Federal Government the two were kidnapped by the enigmatic being known as the Sphinx. Zhao died while being experimented on by the Sphinx' scientists. Zhao's consciousness now serves to form part of a composite energy being. This being was created from Zhao, his sister, and a scientist that was investigating the site of the Sphinx' base. The base was destroyed by Spider-Man and the New Warriors.

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