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Pictures of

Elida Reyna

Elida singing her heart out at The 1st Annual Tejas Records Cadillac party
As always... She is dressed to impress

"Come to me my people, I will show you the way
to the mall"

Elida Reyna behind the scenes at The 2nd Annual Tejas Records Cadillac party

She is cool, calm, & collected... Just like a woman should be.
She is Elida Reyna.



A touch of class at The 98' TTMA Awards



Elida with the President of The United States... ahem, I mean Tejas Records,
Chris Lieck

Epi, Noel, & Elida


Elida at The 1998 Pura Vida Awards
















The following three pics were taken at a Tejano club in Dallas, Texas...



When I grow up, I want to be just as sweet as my mom.

If you know Elida, then you know
this wish came true. Lidia & Elida Reyna


Elida & Sandra
This is Elida's mother in law

This is Abel, from La Onda Network... One of my favorite places on the web.
picture taken at The 7th Annual Pura Vida Awards




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These pictures are the sole property of Tejanita, Inc.
Please do not post them on your website without consulting
me. Thank You!

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