Clara - 07/20/00 05:28:18
My Email:clara_c2000
Favorite EYA song?: Brazos Locos, Magico,And Amiga !!!
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Juan Martinez Cuz He is so cute And such A SWEET HEART !!!
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Can I Kiss Your Cheek , Juan ?

Girl, keep up the good work you are doing. You guy's Keep On Jamming ? Ya'll are the S$@# !!! Juan, Keep on jamming on your Key's ! You are the S!@# !!! I Love You Juan ! Alway's In My Thought's Sweetie !!!!!!!! Your #1 Fan Back In San Antonio, Clara Cantu

Farrah - 06/21/00 02:36:26
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Ya Basta
Favorite EYA band member and why?: NOEL, He is so fine, I love him to death
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Noel, I love seeing you perform and thanks for being soo sweet

Elida y Avante is a great group and deserve all the recognition. They will continue to go far in the tejano industry. They will always be #1 in my book

Jaquelynn - 05/31/00 20:44:21
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: ALL of them are awesome!
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida! She's the "BOMB"
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Elida - I would love to meet & chat with you.

I just want to "Congratulate" you on your pregnancy - may God Bless you and Keep you and your family save. Lots of Love to you - keep up the great work.

Edward-She's having a baby! - 05/20/00 00:24:04
Favorite EYA song?: Magico

Elida is pregnant and is about 3 1/2 month along. Congratulation Elida!

rachel Ramirez - 05/11/00 15:39:07
My Email:to EYA
Favorite EYA song?: all of them
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida because she so bueitful and has the most prettyest voice anyone could ever have. y
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Elida i would like to be your friend.

Comments: all stared of when i first heard Luna yenea.I said to myself who is she; She has a beutiful voice and ever sence youve been my favorite tejano female singer. And ramon Ayla is my favorite male singer.Ihope some day we get to each other. I also wou d like if we could write each other my address is rachel ramirez 7305 n fm 179 Shallowater tx. 79363.I Love you and god bless you all thank you.;','

JUAN VIGIL II - 04/15/00 04:40:57
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: ALL
Favorite EYA band member and why?: ELIDA FOR OBVIOUS REASONS!!!!!
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: CALL ME IF YOUR EVER CLOSE TO DENVER


- 04/10/00 23:08:11

Elida REYNA is the bomb - Support her latest singe Quiero Saber

EyA Fan - 04/10/00 23:06:37

Other informative Elida site is

Eric - 04/10/00 06:29:23
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Luna llena

I'm a gringo who doesn't listen to very much Tejano music but I went to see Elida and Avante at Fair Park in Dallas tonight and now I am hooked. They definitely won me over as a fan. Elida looked at me a little strange when she signed an autograph for e but she was very nice and I can tell that her fans are important to her. Maybe she looked at me funny because I was the only gringo there at the concert or because I had a video camera hanging from my neck. Thanks for this website Vero. I really didn t know anything about Elida y Avante before tonight except that I've heard "Duele" on KICK fm quite a few times and one of my friends in Venezuela that dances on the tv show El Club de los Tigritos is a big fan of hers. Your site was very informative. E ic

Vero Diaz - 04/08/00 02:27:02
My Email:[email protected]

It's not that Vero lost interest in Elida, it's that Vero no longer has access to her own personal computer. But here very soon, I'll be back and better than ever. Please be patient. and please do not post shit you know nothing about. Gracias! Vero

Daniel Castaneda - 04/04/00 03:05:19
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Duele
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida, Ella esta firme!!!

Thanks for creating a site for "La Nueva Reina de Tejano Music."

Buggzy - 03/31/00 15:07:15

I Heart You All! t.t.f.n.

Adam - 03/14/00 23:59:11

Congratulation on your 4 Tejano Awards, thats awesome!

yvonne - 03/03/00 15:54:46
My Email:yvonne_78118
Favorite EYA song?: Dule
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: how are ypu doing


Luis T - 02/23/00 00:21:46
Favorite EYA song?: Mucho o nada
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida

You put an awesome show this weekend in Dallas you looked and sounded great along with Avante. Keep up the good work and the best of luck at the Tejano awards!!

manuel castaneda III - 02/21/00 03:59:05
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: any one
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: dont lose your gig

Elida, hi my name is Manuel I hope you personally read this. I am a saxophopnist, song writer and currently play with Little Joe Y La Familia. I have written and am continuing to write songs that I would like to see if you would like to be a part of. Th y are mostly english and are geared towards the pop idiom. When I put a demo together I would like to let you listen to them and see if you would consider recording them. I would produce it comepletly you would just have to add your voice to it. I hope that I get a chance to speak with you in person, this computer stuff is so unpersonable. Good luck with your music and I will look forward to speaking with you.

George - 02/17/00 23:58:43

Good show at rodeo!!!!!!!!

- 02/17/00 23:57:35

Looking forward to seeing you in Dallas Elida at the Tejano video awards. Is Elida y Avante up for an video award?

EyA Fanatic - 02/17/00 23:55:25
Favorite EYA song?: Magico

I wish someone would take over this web site. Elida needs one. There is a mini site I seen under Tejas rec that has picture and some info. Hope you win many Tejano awards this year Elida

Clara - 02/16/00 07:25:56
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Por Ti and Amiga
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Juan Martinez cause he is a cutie
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: I Love You Juan!

Keep up the good work guy's ya'll rock. Juan keep on jamming on your key's your the best. Keep looking good. Love Ya ! Alway's In My Thought's .Elida Keep up the fantastic vocal's girl. Juan's #1 Fan, Clara Cantu

Clara - 02/15/00 18:05:22
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: "Por Ti", and "Amiga"
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Juan, Because I love the wat he play's and he is a Cutie.
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: What kind of underwear do you wear?

Elida Y Avante kicked A$$ at the Stock Show And Rodeo on Valentine's Day. Keep up the good work girl. Juan keep on jamming on your key's guy. Your the S*@# . Keep on looking good too guy. LOT'S OF LOVE and ALWAY"S IN MY THOUGHT'S. Clara Cantu

Enrique Florez - 02/13/00 01:58:10
Favorite EYA song?: Lagrimas de amor
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Cande Love accordian
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Lucky!!!

Love you alls music!!! favorite group for a long time!!

A Elida Fan - 02/11/00 15:42:31

Vero must have lost intrest in EYA... she hasn't updated since May!

Petty - 02/11/00 05:19:44

I loooooooove Elida y Avante Happy Valentines

Ismail - 02/11/00 05:18:00
Favorite EYA song?: Quiero Saber
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Thank You

Me and my wives favorite romantic song is quiero saber. Thank you for singing such beautiful music.

- 02/07/00 22:06:57

I need recent and updated information on Elida y Avante for publication on Arriba Newspaper in Austin. Please send any other information for future publication. Photos too! Please e-mail to [email protected] or fax 512.4796721 phone 512.4796397 thanks Eduardo Vera

PAUL MOLINAR - 12/29/99 19:20:50
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: DUELE
Favorite EYA band member and why?: ELIDA & CANDI
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: PLEASE KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, I LOVE YOUR MUSIC...


Sal Pruneda - 12/26/99 02:03:38
My URL:http://[email protected]


Missy - 12/25/99 18:14:42
Favorite EYA song?: El Ticky Tock
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: How Do You Do It?

I love Elida and her music!

Brenda - 12/25/99 06:29:49
My Email:torresii@hotmail
Favorite EYA song?: Luna LLena
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Best

I really love Elida Y Avante Band. Why? Because I'm from Mercedes and she really inspires me that anyone can make their dreams come true, I've always loved singing and I really love her songs. I would really love to meet her in person.

Maria Alicia Martinez - 12/17/99 17:14:36
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Ya Basta
Favorite EYA band member and why?: All because they are all awsome
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: I love all of you!!!!!!!

I think you are all great I love you all. Love you Bye

BigFrank - 11/26/99 05:49:35
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: I love Them All
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida - She the greatest...

U are doing a wonderful job with this site...I am a Elida Y Avante fan...I love her music alot...Vero..I wish u the best of luck...Thanks

Monica Sanchez - 11/16/99 20:34:39
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Magico
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida because she sings very good.
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Elida I wish I could Sing A Song WIth You.

Elida, hi my name is monica sanchez. I'm 14 years old. and I live in Arizona. My step-mom fortunatly already got to meet you. Her name is Sylvia Sanchez, she has a picture of the both of you. hopefully one day I'l get to meet you too. My dad also loves your musi . When we listen to your music in our truck or anywhere my baby brother gets down like he's playing the drums for you.My sister and I love to dance to your beautiful music. But I love to sing And hopefully one day I'll be ontop of the world. Just like you love always, Monica christine Sanchez,Az

GERALD ORTIZ (JR) - 11/10/99 14:44:11
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: DUELE


marisela - 10/25/99 15:59:43
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: duele
Favorite EYA band member and why?: all band memebers
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: i love the music played

elida i know that the chances of me meeting you are really just a few but there is just one thing i have to tell you and that is i really love two of your songs. This two song just hit me right in the corazon *duele, and well i don't know the title to th other one but I know it's a romantic song and it goes something like ...prometio que siempre me amaria y al instante le entrege mi vida... that song. I love your songs and i would love to get the change of one day singing one of them songs. your fan, marisela flores houston, texas

Gena Trump - 10/07/99 18:41:26
My Email:sweetstuff_srs00
Favorite EYA song?: Duele
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Noel, he is HOT! I love his eyes and his smile.
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Marry me Noel?

Noel is the best band member! If you want to get my #, E-mail me at sweetstuff_srs00. I am 18. If anyone has any info on him E-mail me!

Maria Martinez - 10/07/99 18:13:48
Favorite EYA song?: Majico
Favorite EYA band member and why?: all, they're all awsome
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Juan, I love to play the keyboard, and I think you have the best interest in instruments!!!

EYA, You really inspire me to fullfill my dreams. My biggest dream is become a singer and songwriter. I want all my fans to listen to my music. Just like I listen and sing to your music everyday. Lots of Love. #1 FAN, Maria Alicia Martinez

Maria Martinez - 10/07/99 18:13:31
Favorite EYA song?: Majico
Favorite EYA band member and why?: all, they're all awsome
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Juan, I love to play the keyboard, and I think you have the best interest in instruments!!!

EYA, You really inspire me to fullfill my dreams. My biggest dream is become a singer and songwriter. I want all my fans to listen to my music. Just like I listen and sing to your music everyday. Lots of Love. #1 FAN, Maria Alicia Martinez

STEPHANIE GTZ. - 09/30/99 21:08:44
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: DUELE
Favorite EYA band member and why?: ELIDA , GREAT SINGER
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: ELIDA, GREAT VOICE


Deanna Villalon - 09/22/99 19:48:26
Favorite EYA song?: Luna Llena and Algo Entero
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Cande because when I met him he was so nice and just a sweetheart. He is cool to talk to. Epi because he is funny and joked around the night I met him. He made me feel like I was apart of them. Elida is my all time favorite because she is so sweet and cares about her fans. She treats us like friends and speaks to us like she has known us forever. She can sing, dance, and EYA puts on one great show that keeps you moving throughout the show no matter what song he sings. Just to let you know I chose these three based on when I got the opportunity to meet them and speak to them. I am sure that the rest of the band members are great guys. I LOVE EYA FOREVER AND ALWAYS!!!!!!!!
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: To Elida: You are simply the best. When you sing everyone starts to dance. Also you know how to dance and keep the crowd going.

EYA: I would just like to say that I love you guys. Like I said before, EYA knows how to put on a good show. My two favorite female singers are Selena and Elida. They both know how to sing and dance and also, like Selena, Elida actually cares about her fans and knows what we like. Well take care and keep putting out those great hits. Love, One of your many fans, Deanna Villalon

kathleen crosby - 09/15/99 16:57:01
Favorite EYA song?: Duele, we are playing it in the football half time show for band
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Noel, he is a nice guy
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: I love you baby!

Noel, if you ever get this, ha ha, I saw you on the internet. See, now I don't even need a picture of you anymore, I can just download it on the computer. Well, I miss you and I hope I will see you Friday. LOVE, kathleen Oh, and Elida, Mr. Colunga, our band director for La Villa High School wants to meet you, he told me to ask you. He wrote your song 'Duele' for us to play in band

EYA Fan - 09/10/99 20:13:27

Will someone update this webpage!

Guadalupe Fiesta Patrias - 08/27/99 22:43:52

Elida y Avante will be in Phoenix-Guadalupe, AZ for the Guadalupe Fiesta Patrias on Thurs. September 16, 1999

Tim - 08/17/99 19:26:30
My Email:www.loco
Favorite EYA song?: El Tiki Tac
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida-cuz she's hot
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Elida-will you get a divorce and marry me?

I was in Houston and heard Elida's new song and I loved it but when I came back to San Antonio I called KXTN and they did not want to play it. Maybe youve got to put out a little money like the other artist. ATTN all EYA fans request El Tiki Tac that so g is gonna sky rocket!!!!!

efran - 08/17/99 19:19:32
Favorite EYA song?: el tiki tac
Favorite EYA band member and why?: elida-need i say more
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: elida you have it all beauty, (inner & out), style, voice, compassion, & hype


- 08/17/99 05:06:09
Favorite EYA song?: ya basta
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Juan cuzzzzz he's so cute & elida she has such an outstanding voice
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Juan your cute!!!!! my god i just can't belive i just said that!

how old are u Juan??????

Tony Andrade - 08/04/99 17:47:04
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Tuya Carinito
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida


Gilbert Rodriguez - 07/30/99 17:58:28
My Email:380 Lozano Lane
Favorite EYA song?: Promesas Falsas
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida Reyna of course ,she is very talented and beautiful
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Elida i have loved you and your music for already 4.5 years


vicente garcia - 07/24/99 05:04:11
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: DUele
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida becuse she is sexy
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: keep up the good work

hope they keep makeing good music and that elida keeps looking hot and sexy

vicente garcia - 07/24/99 04:46:14
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: DUele
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida becuse she is sexy
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: keep up the good work

hope they keep makeing good music and that elida keeps looking hot and sexy

Ramiro Burr - 07/19/99 21:59:15
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Lula Llena

Congrats to one of the best Tejano female artists with a solid potential for crossover. Keep up the good work! Ramiro Burr AT LAST, THE MUSIC BOOK IS HERE! ********************************************* What were the biggest hits by ranchera heroes Pedro Infante & Jorge Negrete? What made Trio Los Panchos the best group in the Golden Age of the Boleros? Which is the oldest mariachi troupe in the world? What are the Top 10 Tejano CDs of all time? Is Tejano music, American or Mexican music? Why is trio, banda, Tejano, conjunto and other regional Mexican genres an important part of the tapestry of American music? Find out in the fascinating music reference book: "The Billboard Guide to Tejano and Regional Mexican Music,� by Ramiro Burr, on Billboard Books. *For the first time in history, there is a fact-based reference book of Latin music (Tejano and Regional Mexican) with un-biased, critical biographies, artistic profiles and select discographies on more than 300 bands, including the major players: Lola Be tran, Pedro Infante, Luis Miguel, Little Joe, Selena, Los Tigres, Los Lobos, Linda Ronstadt, Vicente Fernandez. *The sourcebook includes a glossary of music terms and Spanish words, a chronology of historical events, and an insightful chapter on the history of Tejano music as well as Top 10 lists of the greatest CDs and songs in trio, mariachi, Tejano, norteno, etc *Written by Ramiro Burr, music reporter/syndicated columnist, the book is the first comprehensive and authoritative work on the subject. Intelligent and insightful, the essays provide the first professional survey of music long ignored by the mainstream m sic press. Available at major book retailers: Barnes and Nobles, Borders, Walden etc. CALL AHEAD. Online through "If you love Tex-Mex roots music, this book is extremely informative and is a must for all music lovers." -- Cesar Rosas, guitarist for Grammy-winning Los Lobos and Los Super Seven

Jennifer - 06/23/99 01:50:33
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Luna Llena , Lagrimas De Amor , Duele
Favorite EYA band member and why?: All of them....because they each have great personalities!!!
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: How do you put up with Gilbert?!?! LOL!!!!

Hey Vero....great website!!!! To Elida y Avante you guys are the best. Thanks for making such enjoyable music. Man just think about it with Elida's unique voice...Avante's musical abilities....Who wouldn't enjoy it!!!! EYA one of this days you guys are going to get all the RESPECT that you all deserv . Hey everyone just remember one thing ALWAYS....... "NO ONE MAKES THE TEJANO WORLD SING AND DANCE LIKE ELIDA Y AVANTE!!!!!!!!!!!"

Annie - 06/09/99 06:05:15
Favorite EYA song?: Too hard to choose
Favorite EYA band member and why?: All of them
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Sign My Arm!

I think she's wonderful! Also, everyone should also visit Amanda's website, it's awesome baby! Las Reinas De Tejano: Elida@}~~~~~~Amanda! Jennifer--->SUCKS!

joaquin bermudez - 06/03/99 23:54:50
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: all of EYA are favorites of mine
Favorite EYA band member and why?: elida reyna
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: i wish i can sing with elida..

just would like to drop a few lines to say hi all the way from virgina beach va...

Linda - 05/28/99 02:26:26
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: ALL OF THEM!!
Favorite EYA band member and why?: ELIDA--SHE'S BEAUTIFUL!
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: THANKS FOR MAKING BEAUTIFUL MUSIC!!

I want Elida y Avante to know that they're the best latin group, not just Tejano, not just Mexican-American, but latin group that I've ever heard!! The unique, versatile, and original sounds that you create are contagious!!! Now I'm listening to a lot m re Tex-Mex. AND I LOVE IT!! So, thank you Elida and grupo Avante, for creating such incredible sounds!! Please, KEEP 'EM COMIN'!!

Joey - 05/24/99 04:31:18
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Most of them
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: I have no idea

Nice site! Joeu

Vero - 05/17/99 14:49:23
Favorite EYA song?: Luna Llena
Favorite EYA band member and why?: All of them
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Keep up the Great Work

I have been having problems with my guestbook, so I'm checking it out!

angela rodriguez - 04/19/99 03:54:16
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: lunallene
Favorite EYA band member and why?: elida i really respect her and my daughters say they would like to dress like her and sing
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: i dont know im kinda shy


ROy&Sylvia Estrada - 04/17/99 03:51:00
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: dime donde Y quando
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida shes a great person
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Keep up the great work

We would just like to thank her for just being her and for letting us perform with her a couple of times Your a great Artist and a great person we love you from : Cecilia Y los Reno Boyz from:Amarillo TX

JOHN GARZA - 04/13/99 06:16:41
Favorite EYA song?: Duele
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Cande Aguilar.jr
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: i love you E.Y.A Becus i'am a big big so big that i'am abig fan of Elida Y Avante I love You i Lisn to your song. everday love you so much Elide Y Avante Thank You John Garza

To:E.Y.A 1998 Hello My Name Is JOHN GARZA I'am A Big Fan Of Elida Y Avante I Just Wont Too Say That I Love you ELIDA Y AVANTE I'am so Happey Yhat You Won At The TTMA Tejano Music Awards In San Antonio For Most Promising Band Of The Year. To My La Reyna Da Mi Corazon is ELIDA Y AVANTE I Love You So Much Thack You. Love Allways is yor big fan JOHN GARZA P.S.Remaber ELIDA Y AVANTE is Good to see.

sonya - 04/07/99 01:52:46
My Email:graydog007
Favorite EYA song?: Lagrimas de amor
Favorite EYA band member and why?: all of them
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: To all of them keep going and soon ya'll will be in everywhere. Goo Luck and remember never!! STAY COOL!


Patty Salas - 04/06/99 21:07:10
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Duele

Elida, I am a female vocalist from Tucson, AZ, and have sung professionally for the last 12 years. I have to say that I am impressed with your unique style. I met you a few weeks ago at the Mad Dog Restaurant the day of the TTMA Music Awards. You were ery patient and amiable with everyone. I have only seen you perform once at last year's Tejano Showcase in Las Vegas. I would love to see you perform more with choreagraphy or more movement to match that fantastic voice you have. Keep up the great work and wonderful personality!! God Bless You and your group.

Mimi - 03/26/99 05:08:44
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Luna LLena
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Elida, I wish I was like you!

To Elida Y Avante: Hey Elida, this is Mimi. I am 19 years old, I am from Harlingen, TX., and yes, I feel very lucky to live 15 minutes from your hometown. I think you remember me, I was the one that gave you the teddy bear on Island Jam 98. I also sang with you "Luna Llena" when you performed here in Harlingen at the Jackson Jubalee in 1997. That was a dream come tru for me, and I have written to you to thank you for giving me the opportunity to sing on stage with you, but I don't know if you got it. You and your band are my favorite band from all types of music, and from all of the other bands.I myself have always wanted to become a famous singer, but I haven't yet gotten blessed like you have already. Do you need a back up singer, if so I'm available. I'm just joking, but i you really do, hey, I'm here. I love you guys so much, and I really hope someday God will bless me to be in the music industry, and I hope I wioll be like you. Everytime you come perform here in the valley, I fust have to be there. I can't wait till you ome again. Well, I got to go now, take care and may God bless you and your band always! Love you all. Your #1 fan, Mimi

Alexandra Mora - 03/22/99 21:01:57
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Duele

I like her music. She is very talented. I wish her the best of luck in the future!

Kamarada - 03/21/99 06:41:14
My Email:Vocalist Of The Year
Favorite EYA song?: WE
Favorite EYA band member and why?: LOVE
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: YOU! EyA

Elida was ripped off real bad tonight....that award was hers! I'm sorry I don't mean no disrepect to Jennifer cause every1 knows I'm a Jennifer fan but Elida deserved to walk off with that award. And another thing...Jay Perez and his voice will whip up on Salgado anyday of the year. Sorry if I seem sour..but this is just not right Till Then... Kamarada

Javier Molina - 03/15/99 05:23:41
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Duele
Favorite EYA band member and why?: everyone's cool
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: keep the same energy and intensity...always...Elida will thrive endlessly

I love your musical style, Elida. I look forward to working with you again. I still have the mic that you borrowed from me when we performed at the Casablanca in Laredo and it's still got your luscious red lipstick all over it. Thanks for leaving such a special imprint on it. Conrats on your TEMA awards and I know you're gonna be a BIG WINNER at TEJANO MUSIC AWARDS. Suerte!

Jay Sanchez - 03/12/99 22:34:03
Favorite EYA song?: all of 'em
Favorite EYA band member and why?: everyone
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: well be seeing ya

Hey it Jay from Phoenix, AZ and I hope too see all you guys again and this time there will be no fender benders. You rocked our town and the whole city. I cant say how much people have been asking for when are you guys coming back. You are your Tejas friends should all be hear for a big pachanga in September. Hope to see you guys and bring a hearty appetite. Elida there will be plenty of buffalo wings and drinks to come. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL YOU GUYS I know youll take TTMA buy storm. Hope to see you all also in San Antonio at Rosedale park well be there for a week.

Jay Sanchez - 03/12/99 22:30:17
Favorite EYA song?: all of 'em
Favorite EYA band member and why?: everyone
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: well be seeing ya

Hey it Jay from Phoenix, AZ and I hope too see all you guys again and this time there will be no fender benders. You rocked our town and the whole city. I cant say how much people have been asking for when are you guys coming back. You are you Tejas frie ds should all be hear for a big pachanga in September. Hope to see you guys and bring a hearty appetite. Elida there will be plenty of buffalo wings and drinks to come. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL YOU GUYS I know youll take TTMA buy storm. Hope to see you ll also in San Antonio at Rosedale park well be there for a week.

rudy g. - 03/12/99 17:46:54
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: all
Favorite EYA band member and why?: elida

elida will you marry me?-rudy g.-club 98.3

- 03/04/99 19:10:06


Brad (Jennifer's nephew) - 03/04/99 01:56:48
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Duele
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Juan, he is really cool and laid back. He is a cool dude.
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Be sure to come by and eat at my grandma's house next time your around. We can have some more menudo.

You guys are really great! Stick with it and you'll go far!We'll allways be behind you!!!

Emilio - 03/03/99 03:47:26
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Dime Donde y Cuando
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida...duh! :)
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Keep on turning out the hits!

Congratulations Elida and all the members of Avante! May God bless and give you continued health and keep you all together for many more years to come! Emilio [email protected]

Anna - 03/03/99 01:02:04
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Duele
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida first (of course), then Epi cuz he sounds like a fun person
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: I'd just wanna tell em to keep on rockin :)

Just wanted to say you're doing a great job on this site and congrats to Elida on her 3 wins the other night at the TEMA awards, go El!

VIDAFAN - 03/02/99 20:05:59
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: DUELE
Favorite EYA band member and why?: ELIDA

ELIDA, You are awesome! You have a heck of a voice and I want to thank you for never turning anyone away for an autograph. You have always had time for your fans and you'll never know how much that really means to us. You are my favorite female singer nd I wish you lots of continued success. From VidaFan in Midland, TX.

El WebJefe - 03/02/99 19:21:30
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: way too hard to pick only one.
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida, cause she's beautiful, talented and a very nice person.
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Keep up the great music!

Hi Elida, Congratulations!!! You deserve everyone of those awards. They're all way overdue. Luv ya! El WebJefe

Kamarada - 03/02/99 19:11:31
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: I Love the whole EyA98 cd.
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida, she is so sweet and has that incredible voice.
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Elida- Never change the way you are. Your big heart is obvious, you'l go as far as your desires will take you.

First of all..way to go EyA! You deserve those awards and the ones you'll get at the ends of March. They are long over due to you guys.Next I wanted to say that I didn't know this site was around, very good job Tejanita.Lets keep the EyA train moving non top. And lets keep Tejano music alive for decades to come. Till Then... Kamarada

jennifer - 03/02/99 03:39:40
Favorite EYA song?: duele
Favorite EYA band member and why?: elida
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: hi

keep up the good work

Claudi - 02/22/99 21:08:43
Favorite EYA song?: Lagrimas De Amor
Favorite EYA band member and why?: ALL BAND MEMBERS
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF NOEL HERNANDEZ IS MARRIED, OR IF THERE'S JUST A SPECIAL LADY IN HIS HEART??

Hi Vero! You have done a great job with this web-site. I was wondering if maybe in the future you could include a site for the lyrics to Elida's songs. Also, when are you going to update the info on all the band members? Keep up the good work!!!

Miguel - 02/16/99 07:52:35
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Duele
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida , I like the way she sings and looks
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Elida you are the best tejano female sing rigth now.

when is Elida coming to Corpus Christi, Texas. I have see Elida live,she puts on a great show. what like about elida is that she always makes time for her fans.what happen to elida's fan club.

Jeanette Caballero - 02/04/99 20:20:55
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Duele

Ya'll are the best. Duele & Lluna Llena are my favorite songs from ya'll. I can relate to both of those songs right now.

Anitza - 02/04/99 14:40:45
Favorite EYA song?: Luna Llena
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida porque canta con muchisimo pasion.
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Me encanta la musica.

Tejanita - This web page is great, you've done a great job. I am from Reynosa and I discovered Elida just recently when they started playing her song, Duele here on the radio. I have visited the United States many times and look forward to seeing her in concert one day soon. Para Elida - cantas como un pajaro, sigue adelante con tu talento y que Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre.

David Ortiz - 02/01/99 05:57:34
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Atrevete
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Elida : Love your outfits!!

I've had the good fortune to see Elida quite a few times; at various outdoor festivals and club dates in and around Houston, The Tejano Awards, and a Tejano Showcase in Las Vegas. She has always been kind and cordial and always gave a great show. A little known fact: she did record a sola CD in 1991 for Mestizo Records.The CD was called "Sola". I think I have a collectors piece? Does anyone else out there have this one? You have a nice page Veronica, keep up the good work. Last but not least, here is a picture I took with Elida at a concert in Houston.

Liza - 01/30/99 16:18:24
Favorite EYA song?: Duele
Favorite EYA band member and why?: everyone
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: I love the passion behind the music

Tejanita - This is an awesome site and long long overdue. Elida is a class act and you have represented her well. I hope she continues with her success. I have met her on one occasion and she was so sweet. Not anything like other artists I have met in the past. Keep up the Awesome work!

Amanda - 01/25/99 02:31:03
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Promesas Falsas
Favorite EYA band member and why?: They are all my favorite!
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Cande: Behave boy!!!

I am very honored to have met and become friends with such a wonderful and talented group of people. I have learned so much from each one of them, each teaching me a thing or two about music, life, or just the tricks of the trade. Elida, has been such an mazing friend to me these past 3 years. I have shared many special moments with her, whether it being shopping at the mall, eating Chinese buffet (our favorite besides oysters), or singing alongside her onstage. I feel very blessed to have her as one of m good friends. Cande, is also a very influencial friend. He is one of the most respectful persons I have ever met and I admire his unique sense of humor. Cande, behave!! Noel (my eyes), is such a spectacular musician, very dedicated to producing great mus c for everyone to enjoy. He is such a gentleman, always acting and speaking in good terms. I truly think he is one of the most talented persons in the Tejano music scene. Oh gosh! Then there is Epi!! My Epi baby!! He is such a big teddy bear! He always fi ds a way to make everyone laugh and smile, including myself. I think that he is the type of guy that any woman would want to bring home to meet her family. Next up, is Juan, such a quiet, yet interesting person. He is a man of very few words, but hey, he gets the point across. Eddie, I have only met him once, but he seems to be pretty cool, kinda shy, but cool. I hope to get to know him much better in the near future. Last, but not least, is Larry. Larry, is a very cool guy. The type of person you would c ll a homie, someone that is always there for you. He always has a big, goofy smile for me everytime I see him. Well, I guess that covers all of the EYA clan. I am so proud of them and wish them a world of good luck and success in the future, Take care and keep on shakin' dat bootie, baby!!!

Annette - 01/24/99 03:53:40
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: I LIKE THEM ALL
Favorite EYA band member and why?: They are all my favorite. Each member has a special talent and they are all bad a$$.
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: I would say to all of them, keep up the great work.

I would like to say that I think EyA is the BEST Tejano group out there and that they dont get the RESPECT that they deserve and I am not saying this just because I know Elida and the guys very well. The are all very professional and each member is GREAT t what he does.And what can we say about Elida, she is AWESOME!!(ELIDA, I still think that you should go International)I am a photographer for a radio station and I have met just about every Tejano group out there and I think that EyA has to be the most D wn to Earth group that I have ever met. They each have their own special traits. Elida is a very cool and a sweet person, and boy can she eat.LOL She is also very funny like her Dad and pretty like her Mom. Cande is BAD A$$ on that accordian and is very r spectful,he is also very photogenic. Noel is the best bass player out there, he won back to back" bass player of the year" awards.He also has the greenest eyes. Juan is the silent one of the band.He is shy, but cool also. Larry is a very good Drummer and think a big teddy bear.He is the coolest drummer that I have ever met. Eddy is pretty new, he is quiet like Juan. Epi, is a jack of all trades,he plays Bajo, percussions and sings back up. Epi is the jokester of the Group,he keeps everyone smiling. I thi k he also has the biggest hands in the industry.LOL Well, that is my discription of my favorite Group. **************************************************To: EyA - Keep up the Great Work, you guys are doing an AWESOME Job. Good Luck on your upcoming cd. I can't wait to hear it. See Ya Soon!! To: Vero- Keep up the Great work, Thank You.

JESUS CANALES - 01/16/99 08:41:45
My URL:http://[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: LUNA LLENA
Favorite EYA band member and why?: MY CUZ, JUST CUZ!
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: YOU ALL NEED TO TOUR TO HAWAII!


JESUS CANALES - 01/16/99 08:40:25
My URL:http://[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: LUNA LLENA
Favorite EYA band member and why?: MY CUZ, JUST CUZ!
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: YOU ALL NEED TO TOUR TO HAWAII!


D.Cortez - 01/15/99 23:00:35
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Duele
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida, She's A BABE!!!
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: I would ask Elida to sing Duele Acapela for only me.

Nice web page Vero. Keep up the awesome work.

Elida's #1 - 01/15/99 22:03:59
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Amor eres tu
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Epi- he is so cool
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Distract Elida's husband, while I sweep her off her feet. LOL

Good, page. More Updates, More Updates

Paul Levy (Pablo) - 01/15/99 18:04:11
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Algo Entero
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Other than Elida? Noel-because the dude is the baddest, best bass player I've ever seen perform.
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Elida, thank you for your wonderful music, and for being so very sweet to everyone you meet.

Hi Vero, you don't need for me to comment too much. I've already bent your ear a ton. Thanks a million for the website.

Cheryl Alvarado - 01/13/99 19:58:24
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Actually all of them
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Like them all
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Keep up the great job

I think they are truly talented and wish them all the best for the future. Hope they get noticed more for awards and such.

El Pajaro del Aguila - 01/08/99 02:39:08
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: Atrevete y Duele
Favorite EYA band member and why?: Elida Reyna, porque es una Reyna!
If you could say any one thing to any band member what would it be?: Keep up the good Music Works!

Avante Band needs to do some Harmonica lead music in some of their new future recordings so they can be unique, because nobody in the present Tejano Music Circuit is doing Harmonica sounds to their recordings, you know puro accordionazos y nada mas, so do some Harmonica for a new image of this fabulous great Tejano Avante Band! Y que viva la nueva Reyna de la Onda Tejana, Miss Elida Reyna!!! Si Senorita!! Seguro que si!!! You did great creating this website Miss Vero.!!! Chiao!!!

POLKADOGG - 01/08/99 00:08:06
My URL:http:/
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite EYA song?: DUELE
Favorite EYA band member and why?: ALL/

HI!!! VERO.....wassup', nice site ya' got here. I admire your Dedication to your favorite....I had a chance to see EyA en SAN ANTONIO at the Tejano/Conjunto Fest, & she really pumped up the crowd!!!!....loved her show......bueno keep up tha' good work!!! ....Gracias...+++POLKADOGG+++

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