5. Hold Back the Dawn By Gavin Trevain At First Right "I really enjoyed our date over the long weekend," he declares enthusiastically. "I did, too," she reciprocates. They had gone out with some friends the following weekend and had not been able to share too much intimate time with each other. "I'm sorry we couldn't hook up last weekend." He had fallen behind on an assignment and they had both agreed at the outset that their education was not going to suffer as a result of their social lives. "Are you, really?" she questions. "Or were you just getting in training for the big Superbowl party with the guys?" "Hey, it only happens once a year," he protests. "Besides, I had to root for my hometown team." "Are you saying they couldn't have done it without your support?" "Absolutely not!" "It's been two days and your voice still sounds hoarse," she observes, "so I believe you." "Hoarse, but happy," he concedes. "So when are we getting together?" "Definitely this Saturday," he affirms, "but I'd like you to drop by my place tomorrow." "I have an idea for our Saturday date," he posits, "and I'd like to run it by you." "What's your idea?" K's mind starts to race as she remembers their last incredibly romantic evening together. "I'd rather tell you in person." "You're being very mysterious again, Hercule," she chides. "Can't you give me just a little hint?" "No peeking." "Is that a hint or are you just being your usual obstinate self?" "I'm wounded," he cries in mock pain. "I'm sure you'll live," she states offhandedly. "How do I get to your place again?" He mentions which transit stop she should alight at and gives her further directions. "So when I get off the T, which way do I turn to find your apartment building?" "You can't miss it," he explains. "It's at your first right." *** At First Knight K has no problems with his directions. As she rings his buzzer she feels the tingle in her spine as she is burning with anticipation wondering what lies in store. J greets her warmly at the door with a fond embrace and a familiar kiss. "I'm delighted to see you again, Your Highness." "Likewise, Lancelot," K retorts, not too royally. "Would a repast of pizza be agreeable to Your Majesty?" "Perhaps pizza would be pleasing to a peasant but the leading lady likes linguini." "A platter of pasta palpably peculiar to a plebian but plainly palatable." "Are you propitious to my proposal presuming the propinquity of Paolo's Pasta Palace?" "Perfectly put into perspective by your perspicacity, you have properly persuaded me not to persist in this persiflage." K laughs delightedly as she knows she has been beaten. They order in and enjoy a sumptuous supper. K is curious during the meal and is tempted to ask about what he has in mind. She decides against it and figures J will let her know when he is ready. They relax after the meal and snuggle a little before J gets to the point. "I mentioned that I had an idea for our next date but I didn't want to tell you over the telephone." "Why couldn't you tell me on the phone?" "I could have but I have to show you something, too." "Now you're being even more mysterious." "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go on what I would call a blind date." "Obviously, you're not thinking of a blind date in the traditional sense," K concludes. "So I presume you're thinking of blindfolding me again so I can't tell where you're taking me." "That would be part of it," J concedes. "Now I'm confused." "What I'm thinking," J blurts out, "is that you would be blindfolded for the entire date." K takes a moment to let the idea soak in. Several thoughts race into her head at once as her body goes numb in a tangle of emotions. She takes several more moments before speaking. "What activity or activities would take place on this date that you're thinking about?" "I really think that it would be much more fun if you didn't know." K's heartbeat accelerates at the thought. "Would we be indoors or outdoors?" "Both. You would be dressed casually - jeans would be fine." "That doesn't really help me." Perplexed, K continues, "Does this mean I would be blindfolded in a public place or places?" "Yes and no." "Which is it?" "You would be blindfolded but in such a way that it wouldn't be obvious to anyone looking at you." "The only way that could be done is if you gave me opaque contact lenses to wear." "A very intriguing idea - what made you think of that?" "I saw it once on an old episode of 'Mission Impossible'" "Even if they existed I'm not sure I would like to risk injury to your beautiful eyes," J says cautiously. "Besides, I think you would probably prefer something a little more comfortable if you are going to be blindfolded for several hours." "So what did you have in mind?" "I think it will be easier to demonstrate," J postulates, as he retrieves something from a drawer. "What are those?" "Eye patches," J explains, peeling the paper backing off one. "I've never worn those before," K discloses. "Close your left eye," requests J, as he places the pad over it. "Now try opening your left eye." K finds she is able to open her left eye. She shuts her right eye and tries to look out the left one. Though she cannot see out of her left eye she is able to discern light in the room. "What does it look like?" she wonders. "See for yourself." J gets her to look at a mirror on the wall. "It's different," she observes, "but I have to say I like a blindfold to be dark." "I thought about that," says J, as he hands her a pair of wrap-around sunglasses painted black on the outside. "Try these on." K sees that they are very dark before she puts them on. She shuts her right eye and notices that she is in darkness. When she opens her right eye, she detects the presence of light but cannot see through the lens. She takes off the glasses and allows J to apply another patch to her right eye. Opening both eyes she is able to discern light but cannot determine where it is coming from, even when she moves her head from side to side. When she puts on the sunglasses K realizes she is effectively blindfolded. "So this is what you meant when you said someone looking at me wouldn't realize I was blindfold?" "Someone might think you're blind," J theorizes, "or if they don't look at you closely enough they might just think your eyes are sensitive to light." "I'm not sure if this would seem like making fun of blind people," ponders K. "I certainly don't feel that way and I would guess you don't either." "I admire people who are able to overcome their disabilities and not allow them to get in the way of living their lives to the fullest." states K. "I do, too," J concurs. "Besides, I think that we probably have a better appreciation of the difficulties a blind person has to contend with." "So I would be blindfolded like this for the whole date?" K asks. "Yes," J agrees, "your eye patches would remain on throughout the evening." "And the sunglasses?" "Those too," J declares, "unless the opportunity arises to replace the sunglasses with a more conventional blindfold." "And what would we be doing on the date?" "As I said before," J reiterates, "it will be much more fun if you don't know." "I have to admit I've fantasized about a date like this," K acknowledges, "but I'm still not sure if I could go through with it." "I know this requires a great deal of trust on your part," J remarks, "and I assure you I am not going to try to hurt or embarrass you in public." "I do trust you, J, and that's really not the issue," K elucidates. "But this is something new for me and I'm just not sure if I can handle it." "O.K., K," J suggests, "Why don't we try a dry run right now?" "What do you mean?" K inquires, a little startled. "Since you have to leave pretty soon to study," J comments, "you can just leave your blindfold on and I'll drive you back." K contemplates for a moment. "All right. We can try it tonight. If I'm comfortable with it, I'll let you know if it's a 'go' for Saturday." "Excellent," J comments, very pleased. "In fact, this will give us the opportunity to practice the proper guiding techniques." "You mean the proper way to guide a blind person?" "Exactly. To begin with, I think I should disorient you." K allows J to spin her around and then place her right hand on his upper left arm just above his elbow. "Keep your elbow bent, K," J advises, "and keep your fingers on the inside of my arm, with your thumb on the outside." After K positions her fingers accordingly J continues, "The fingers of my left arm are pointing towards the ground. This will allow you to walk about half a pace behind me. Let's try it." K begins her blind walk through his apartment and senses when J is turning by the movement of his body. "That's easy enough," she observes. "Is there more to it?" "Yes, I think we should try the proper technique for approaching a couch," J asserts, as he guides her to and places his grip hand on the back of the sofa. "Now slide your right hand down my arm and feel the back of the sofa." As K complies, he proceeds, "Now move your hand along the back of the sofa feeling the side with the calf of your leg. Before you sit down, use your other hand to gauge the depth of the seat." "How did I do?" "An excellent job," J enthuses. "I think we should now try the approach to chairs at a table." K senses J leading her into the kitchen. She allows J to twirl her around several times so she is unaware of where the table and chairs are. She feels J guiding her and then stopping. "In exactly the same way as we approached the sofa," J voices, "I'd like you to move your hand to the back of the chair and grip it." As K does so, he carries on: "Move your other hand forward to find the table. This will help you to figure out how far you have to pull the chair out before you sit down." K hesitates for a minute. "How can I be sure I'm lined up straight?" "The best way to figure out if you are square to the table is to put your thumbs together on the edge or under the table and move them away from each other. If the edge seems to slant arrange your chair correspondingly." K succeeds and finds her confidence is growing. "That was relatively easy and I didn't feel awkward at all." "That was very good, K," J extols. "You seem to be a real natural at this." "So what's next?" "Single file walking." "Why?" "In crowded or narrow areas like shops and restaurants it may be necessary for you to walk behind me instead of at my side." "Is there a special way to do that?" "You bet your bippy!" he proclaims, as he helps her up. "You continue to use the same hold with your right arm on my left elbow. I will keep my left arm straight and move it to the middle of my back. You step in behind me and hold your arm straight out. This will prevent you from stepping on my shoes." K follows his instructions and finds she is able to maneuver fairly well. She notices the change in his arm movement and realizes she is walking by his side again. J stops and says, "Let us practice switching sides." "Why do we need to do that?" "You have to sometimes, especially when negotiating doorways." "Lead on, Pied Piper." J surprises her with a kiss. "You kiss really well for a rat!" He pays for his slight with an elbow to the ribs. "Where were we?" "Changing sides." "Start with the standard grip." As K does so he instructs, "Now I'll stay still while you do all the work. Keeping your hand on my back slide behind me to the other side. Move your left hand to grip my right arm. The most important thing is not to lose contact." When K succeeds he has her do it again so that she returns to her original position. "Now we are going to negotiate stairs." "That sounds like it's going to be difficult." "Not really," he insists as he guides her to the stairway. "O.K., K, now we are going upstairs." "No kidding, Sherlock!" As J stands on the first step, K feels his arm move which is her cue to begin. As J ascends to the second step, K reaches the first. When J reaches the top he takes a longer stride forward and stops. K negotiates the last step and realizes they are at the top as her arm returns to the standard position. "How did you find that?" "That was a lot easier than I thought it would be." "You're doing extremely well and I'm very proud of you." K smiles warmly but then pauses a moment. "I've just thought of something. You said I would be blindfolded on the date for several hours. So what happens, you know, if I need to go?" J suggests two alternatives that serve to alleviate some of her fears. "Why don't we try that right now?" "O.K.," she says modestly, "as long as you're not watching." J chuckles. "I have no intention of violating your privacy. Besides, I was going to demonstrate negotiating doorways next." "Doorways sound difficult." "They are a little trickier but if you recall we've done doorways before." K smiles to herself as she recalls the occasions. She listens as J explains that if the hinge is on the left, as is the case with the bathroom door, she is properly positioned at his left with her left hand free. As J turns the door handle she realizes that the door is opening inwards. As J walks through the doorway, K moves her left hand to the door and slides it along to find the handle. As she follows him in, she slides her hand to the handle on the other side of the door and starts to close it. J orients her with the layout of the fixtures and steps outside. He turns out the light to ensure that K is in complete darkness before shutting the door. Afterwards, they approach the stairs to go down. J pauses and warns her. First they switch sides so K will have the additional security of using her free hand on the handrail. "Before we start down, I'd like you to feel the edge of the top stair with your foot to gauge your distance before I step down." K does so and notices that he has taken the first step by the change in the arm position. She follows him down one step behind him and realizes she has reached the bottom when her arm position returns to normal. "Have we now covered all the techniques of guiding?" "There's just one more thing that we need to do." "What would that be?" "Handling a row of seats. Wait here until I go into the kitchen and arrange the chairs in a row." K waits patiently and finds that she is getting very comfortable with being guided. J returns and explains, "I will guide you into the row and we will side-step. This means we'll take a step, pause, and then take the next step. When you are centered against your seat, I will stop. Then you're on your own." K finds this aspect confusing because she has nothing in front of her to orient her. Nonetheless, she succeeds in seating herself. Exiting the row of seats proves to be a little tougher. J switches positions and they do the same side-step. In the 'aisle', J shows her how to do the 180 degrees or about face turn. K releases her hold and turns 90 degrees to face J. They turn another 90 degrees to face the 'exit'. They practice this move a couple more times until K feels confident she is executing it properly. By the time J guides the blindfolded young woman back to her residence on Bay State Road, K already knows what her answer will be for Saturday. *** At First, Fright K picks out a couple of fresh eye patches from the small supply that J had given her two days earlier. She didn't tell J that, before going to bed that night, she had reapplied the eye patches before donning her satin sleepmask. Tonight, for obvious reasons, she eschews the shadow, liner and mascara. Half an hour before J is due to arrive, she stands in front of the bathroom mirror and applies a patch to her left eye. Finding it is comfortable she applies the second patch to her right eye. Opening both eyes she finds she is unable to see but is still able to discern the presence of light. Realizing she has left the dark glasses near the front door she feels her way out and fumbles for them. She puts them on and finds that the room is instantly darker. She decides to listen to some music while she waits for J. As soon as she turns on the radio she hears something that makes her jump ten feet in the air. Someone is in the apartment! "K, are you O.K.?" K catches her breath before she responds, "God, it's you! You startled me." Tossing back her long blonde hair, her roommate, B, smiles. "Oh! Sorry. I remember the last time you jumped so high, Betty Crocker. What's with the shades?" "Just doing something a little different on this date." Puzzled, B waves her hand in front of K's face. "Oh, my God! You can't see me." K removes her glasses. "That's right. I'm eye-patched, too." "I don't know if I should ask," B ponders curiously, "but what exactly are you going to be doing on this date?" "I really have no idea except that I will not be able to see a thing the entire evening." "That is really cool! It sort of gives new meaning to the expression 'blind date.'" "Speaking of dates, how come you're here and not with Farnsworth?" "I forgot to pick up something and, besides, Bradley would cringe if you called him by his first name." "And what, pray, did the future Mrs. Inverarity forget?" "You're wicked, K," B smiles, "but I have to admit that things are going pretty..." Beep. "Since when did you get a pager?" "It's not a pager," B explains. "It's my Forget-me-not." "Excuse me?" "It's a reminder for me to take my pill." "Are you sick?" K asks with concern. "No, silly. It's the pill." The light finally dawns on K. "Oh! Did you just start that recently?" "About three months ago. We've decided to stop using condoms." "Why the beeper?" "That's to make sure I take them about the same time each day. Because the pill is so low dose now compared to the kind our mothers used to take, you don't want to be off by even an hour." "How do you find it?" "Didn't get the headaches or the nausea but my boobs were a little bit tender at the start." "And now?" "Perfectly fine - my system has adjusted to it. I just remember to get my blood pressure checked regularly." "I'm glad it's working out for you. By the way, what time is it?" "A quarter-to-six. I'm heading out now but I just wanted to let you know that I'll be spending the night at Brad's place. So you've got the apartment all to yourself tonight - to do whatever it is the two of you are going to do." "Have a great evening, B." "You, too. Do you want me to stick around to say hello to your dreamy date?" "Bye, B." "Bye, K," she says, giving her a hug. "I want all the juicy details when I get back." "Curiosity killed the cat." K hears the door slam. She relaxes a few minutes wondering what lies ahead. Soon she hears the prearranged knock on the door. She finds her way to the door and opens it. Arms engulf her and she feels a pair of lips on hers. Even though he has not spoken a word, the warmth of his embrace and the faint odor of Polo tell her who it is. K lifts up her glasses to reveal the eye patches, puts on her coat and grabs a clutch purse. She adopts the standard grip and allows J to lead her outside into the cool February night. She is a little self-conscious at first as she thinks it is still partially light making her more visible to others than she was two nights ago when she was led out of J's apartment building. But she finds her apprehension abates as they reach the spot where the Expedition is parked. *** At First Sight After a long drive, they alight in what seems to be a parking lot and K allows J to lead her. K has no idea where she is or where they are going. She feels safe in his care and not too self-conscious. Soon she finds they are in the presence of other people. It isn't until she hears J order two tickets and a familiar odor of hot butter permeates her nostrils, that she realizes where they are. Not exactly where but the type of establishment is unmistakable. She receives confirmation when J guides her to a row of seats and they do the side-step maneuver. J waits until K is in front of the second seat in the back row before he stops and lets her feel for the seat. After she sits down, J walks back to the first seat and asks her what refreshments she would like. K is a little hesitant about being left alone blindfolded in a theater but she has no time to protest. She listens to the music and the rumbling of voices and wonders if anyone is watching her. By the sounds of the voices she deduces she must be near the back of the movie house. Soon the trailers begin and she starts to panic a little, as J has still not returned. For a brief moment she is paralyzed by an irrational fear and wonders if something has happened to J. But her anxiety eases when she realizes the din of conversation has subsided and that the lights must be out. It is still a great relief when J ultimately returns. "So which movie are we going to see?" "I'm going to see it but you're only going to hear it so it will be interesting to see how well you can follow the story." J had deliberately selected this particular movie. It was still playing at Loews Copley Place but was now showing there at 3:50 p.m. only. This left a number of other theaters in the area to choose from and J had to decide between Braintree, East Bridgewater, Cambridge, Brockton and Somerville. Figuring that it was too late to make the General at Braintree and too early to hit Loews Fresh Pond, J made up his mind and had headed out on I-93. "But you're not going to tell me?" "You'll find out soon enough." The score of the movie provides K with the clue that this is likely a romantic and not an action movie. A few minutes into the movie, she correctly deduces that it is 'At First Sight' starring Val Kilmer and Mira Sorvino. K negotiates the popcorn and cup-holder without a great deal of difficulty and takes comfort that J is holding her left hand. K tries to pay close attention to the movie but finds she occasionally loses track when there are gaps in the dialogue. "That was a really short blindfold scene," J comments as he watches Mira Sorvino attempt to simulate blindness by blindfolding herself with an oblong scarf. Mira then spins herself around and promptly bumps into some furniture as the doorbell rings. "Who was it?" K inquires. "I'll explain later," J offers. "Yechh!" J groans, a little further into the movie. "What is it?" K inquires but receives the same response. Shortly thereafter, J grunts again. As the movie ends, J wipes a tear or two from his eyes. He explains to K that it is a true story and that the couple does end up marrying each other. He asks K if she needs to go anywhere but K shakes her head. K doesn't speak until they get to the vehicle. "Tell me why you were groaning." "If you had edited the movie I doubt if you would have left in two scenes with the boom mike visible." "They didn't?" "Yeah, I also saw it happen in that other movie that was out not too long ago. I can't remember the title but it was about these two nasty male characters playing a cruel joke on a female." "It does seem odd," concludes K. "Usually, period pieces are susceptible to anachronism errors but an obvious mistake like that should have been caught." As J drives out onto a street, K asks for a hint as to where they are headed but J renders no assistance. K laughs and continues to ask questions about certain parts of the movie she is unclear about. As the vehicle comes to a halt she decides that she would like to see the movie again but without visual impairment. *** At First Bite The slight unease returns as J helps her out of the SUV. K takes some solace from the fact that it is now dark and potential onlookers might not see her as readily. K feels her pulse quicken as the excitement of not knowing where J is taking her is causing her mind to race. Soon they enter a door and she notices she is walking single file behind J. The blare of music, the variety of voices and the smell of food tell her she is in a restaurant. "Just the two of you this evening?" a female voices. "That's right," J responds cordially. K finds she is walking single file again and stops when J does. "Table with chairs," J offers helpfully. K remembers the squaring technique and amazes herself that she is able to accomplish the maneuver and sit down without any real difficulty. "Here are your menus," the female voice appears again. "Your waitress will be with you shortly." Almost immediately, K hears another female voice. "The lights too bright for you in here K?" Both K and J almost fall to the floor. K is the first to recover. "Listen, Corey Hart doesn't have a monopoly on wearing sunglasses at night. Besides, I have to wear these shades because my future's a lot brighter than that of a greasy spoon waitress." "Hardy har har, Lippy!" mocks L. "Are you going to introduce me or what?" "J, I'd like you to meet Ange. Ange, this is J." "Pleased to meet you," J offers his hand to the tall brunette. "Likewise! Can I get you anything to drink?" "Large Coke, please." "K?" "Regular ginger ale. No ice." "Be right back." "I take it you didn't plan that meeting," K comments. "I'm just as surprised as you are." "At least I know where I am now." "I hope you're not embarrassed." "No, it's actually quite funny." "Of all the gin joints..." "Exactly!" laughs K. "Were you just reading my mind again?" "Occupational hazard," J sighs. "It's a dirty job..." "...But somebody has to do it!" they conclude in unison. K relaxes and is now almost oblivious to the presence of the other patrons as she listens to J read off the menu items. She makes up her mind just as L returns. "Have you decided?" J orders a monster hamburger with fries and gravy. K selects some chicken strips with fries and a dipping sauce. "I wonder," K poses, "if we had had another waitress, if she would have expected you to order for me?" "An interesting thought," J ponders, "but I think I agree with you, generally speaking. Some people act very rudely in that they don't seem to acknowledge a blind person even exists." "Just like the way some people look away when they see someone in a wheelchair." "Acceptance or even tolerance of differences is perennially in short supply." "Maybe by the next generation..." "Why not this one?" "Conditioning, I suppose." "The bad kind - the kind that I'd like to wash out of people's hair." "I'll second that." K intones, sipping her ginger ale without a straw. Their food arrives and K realizes she could do with some help. As if reading her thoughts, J states, "Chicken at four to eight o'clock, bowl of sauce at two, fries at ten to one." K feels the perimeter of the dish with both hands until she locates the plum sauce. She dips a finger in and takes a taste. Holding the edge of the plate with her left hand she locates the small bowl again with her right and flips the bowl over, emptying the contents onto the dish. She turns it upright again, scoops the remainder of the sauce off the lip and places the bowl to the right, away from her dish. J is very impressed but says nothing. He watches K eat her meal with such ease that one would think she had been doing this all her life. When L returns with the check, K seizes the opportunity. "Lead me to the 'Ladies.'" L tries to hold K's hand, but K grabs on to her arm. "It's easier this way." In the washroom, L can't contain herself any longer. "Are you really blind, K?" Having already confirmed that they are alone K lifts up her shades to reveal the eye patches. "Yes, this is our version of a blind date." "That is way cool! So you mean you had no idea where you were until I spoke." "Right," responds K, as she begins to brush her teeth. "He's really cute." "Hands off, sugar." "I didn't mean it that way." "I know you didn't," K assuages. "Please help touch up my lipstick." When L is finished, K asks, "How do I look?" "Eminently kissable, I'd say." "No stains on my clothes or toilet paper on my shoe?" "You mean besides the gooey stuff around your lips, Monica?" K roars as L leads her back to J who has left a greatly generous gratuity. *** At First Site They come to a stop after a shorter drive. K is not sure where she is but she is feeling relaxed and is eagerly anticipating the next phase of the date. "Are you ready for the next event, K?" "That depends on what the next activity is," K responds uncertainly. "Well it's more a cross between an activity and a game." "It sounds intriguing and I suppose this is also going to be done in public?" "Yes, but before I explain, I'd like to blindfold you in a more traditional way." "O.K.," K says a little hesitantly, "but I'd like you to tell me before we get out." J removes her sunglasses and puts them in one of his pockets. He takes a single black sleepmask and draws it over her head and down to her neck. He raises it over her eye patches and ensures the straps are properly positioned above and below her ears. He takes a solid oblong woolen scarf, folds it in two along the length and places the center of the scarf behind her neck. He loops it once in front so that it loosely covers her neck. He takes a large colorful square print scarf and folds it once diagonally into a triangle. J places this on K as a headscarf, knotting it twice under her chin. Finally, he takes another square print scarf, slightly smaller than the previous one and folds it into a band slightly broader than the width of the sleepmask. He places the center of the band over the sleepmask and secures the scarf behind her head with a double knot. "Can you breathe comfortably?" "Yes," answers K who feels more at home in the snugness of her new blindfold. "The activity," J explains, "is very simple - it's a trust walk." "So what's the game?" "You have to guess each of the five locations where you will receive a cradle kiss." "What's a cradle kiss?" J eagerly demonstrates by cupping her cheeks with the palms of his hand and kissing her long and tenderly. "But how am I supposed to guess any of the locations if I don't have any idea where I am?" "I was planning on giving you the broad geographical area. I had initially considered the Freedom Trail where we could have just followed the red line. But, because of the danger of walking down some streets at night and also because it's so cool tonight I came up with another alternative." "Which would be...?" "The Charles River Campus." This is familiar territory and it puts K much more at ease. As usual, she is impressed with J's creativity in coming up with intriguing, exciting games. The idea of this challenge is thrilling and she is eager to begin. "O.K.," she agrees as J leads her into a parking lot. The temperature is 32 degrees Fahrenheit (zero degrees Celsius) but the wind makes it seem a lot cooler. K finds the headscarf offers considerable protection from the wind that she can't tell is blowing from the Northwest. She is a little self-conscious at first about being blindfolded in full view but comforts herself when she realizes it is dark. If anyone could see her from a distance they might just think she was bundled up against the elements. She settles down and prepares herself for what seems like an impossible challenge. J announces it is time for her first kiss and duly plants it on her. "When you said location did you mean I have to guess what building or other landmark I'm near?" "That's right," agrees J. "But, I'd like you to guess all the locations at the end of our walk, in order, if you can." She enjoys the stroll in spite of the brisk weather and receives four more cradle kisses from her guide. Finally, they stop on what seems to be a sidewalk and she receives a warm hug. "That's the end of our journey. Before you go in I'd like you to guess." This information is of some assistance to K. Securely blindfolded for the whole walk, she really has no idea of the locations but she puts her logic and intuition to work. "I'll say the first kiss was outside Nickerson Field. Am I right?" "Give me your other four guesses first." "You meanie! The second was at Marsh Plaza, the third at the Castle, the fourth at B.U. Beach, and the fifth at the Art Gallery." "Your first kiss was at the College of Communication." "Darn." "You were right on about your second kiss." "I'm almost positive it was at the sculpture of the doves." The piece, consisting of fifty metallic doves spiraling skyward, was in honor of an alumnus who in 1964 became the youngest man to win the Nobel Peace Prize. "You never cease to amaze me, K." "The third kiss was at Mugar Memorial Library. You nailed the fourth kiss - how did you guess?" "As any freshman knows it's called the Beach because if you close your eyes and listen to the cars they sound like waves crashing on to the shore." None of the students called it Warren Alpert Mall but the venue had a singular place in K's heart. "The last kiss was at the Castle." "Hey, I said that one." The Castle also had a special significance. "Maybe half points on that one. You've done exceptionally well. How can I possibly reward you?" "How about coming in for a while?" "As tempting as the offer is I'm really not into menage-a-trois." "Wishful thinking but B's out tonight." "That puts a different complexion on it." *** At First Light Once inside, J removes the three scarves but leaves her sleepmask and eye patches on. K really starts to relax and feels remarkably comfortable in her blindfolded condition. She has enjoyed the experience immensely and feels extremely safe with J. They start necking and eventually K finds she is down to her black lace bra and panties. As she is kissing J for the umpteenth time a ring startles her. "Don't answer it," J pleads but K is already fumbling for the phone. She means to pick up the receiver but accidentally presses the button for the speaker. K leaves the receiver on the hook. "K, I didn't wake you, did I?" the voice at the other end queries. "No, D, you didn't. What's up?" "Ange called me when she got off shift. She says she ran into you and that sweet hunk of yours." "Uh, huh." "She also said that you were blindfolded with patches or something for the whole date." "I still am." "Gee, that just sounds so romantic. What did you and the hunk do?" "Well, right now he's just undoing my bra." There is a brief pause at the other end. Convinced that K is putting her on she jeers, "You wish!" "Very pleased to meet you D," a baritone blares. This time there is dead silence at the other end for what seems like an eternity. "Oh! My God!" Another pause. "I'm so sorry." Yet another pause. "I think I'm just going to crawl into a hole and die..." "I'll make sure the Herald prints a glowing obituary," K offers amiably. "I'm really, really sorry. Please carry on... I mean..." "Say goodnight, D." "Goodnight, D." As D hangs up, J reaches over and hits the goodbye button. K and J collapse in rollicking laughter. After a while J comments, "Now that all your friends seem to know about our date even before it's over, it wouldn't surprise me if we see a report about it in both the Herald and Globe tomorrow. And, here I was trying to be discreet because I value our privacy." "I know you must have put a lot of planning into it, but in real life things don't always go as planned. You're not disappointed, are you?" "With you? Never." "Well, I've had a really great time and I don't want you to leave yet." "First, let me attend to some unfinished business." "What would that be?" "Some bosom buddies need to be released from prison." As Jay unfetters the recently christened Exeter and Fairfield, K cautions, "O.K., but no further, if you catch my drift." Much later K falls asleep in his arms. J drinks in the sight of the beautiful blindfolded woman wrapped in his embrace and completes one chore before drifting off. J awakens to his wristwatch alarm. Gently, he rouses K. "I have an idea for the perfect end to our date." "I hope it includes sleep. What time is it anyway?" "I'm not telling and you're not allowed to peek." After they freshen up and put on their clothes, J asks K to sit down next to him. He removes her sleepmask and sees the eye patches are still in place. J takes a very large yellow square scarf that he folds into a long neat narrow band. He places the center of the scarf over her eye patches, knots it once behind her head and draws the ends back around her head and knots it once over her brow. J takes another large print square scarf and folds it into a triangle. He ties it as a headscarf but draws the ends and knots them loosely behind her neck. He takes a smaller print square scarf and fashioning it in a slightly broader band knots it twice behind her head. Finally, he forms another triangle with a square scarf and secures it with a double knot behind her head. K's head is now completely encased in silk. "Can you breathe all right?" "I'm O.K." "If you do experience any difficulty let me know immediately." K allows herself to be guided out the door. She is oblivious to the time of day but even if it were day time, no one would be able to recognize her. K takes some comfort that it seems to be fairly quiet outside but she cannot be sure whether it is night or day. She relaxes more once she is seated in her captain's chair in the Expedition. They drive a fairly long time and finally come to a stop. J extracts a blanket from the back of the Expedition and leads K over some uneven terrain before he finds a suitable flat spot. He holds K in his arms as they sit on the blanket. After a few minutes he removes her triangle blindfold and kisses her. A few minutes later he removes the broad band blindfold and continues to kiss her and hold her close to his body. The headscarf is next to come off. K enjoys the layers of silk being peeled from her face in this slow, sensual style. But a part of her wants to cry out for him to stop. She has been blindfolded for so long she feels comfortable, confident, and closer to J than she feels she has ever been. For a long time J does not remove the last overlapped scarf blindfold. Instead he kisses her deeply and passionately as his hands caress her body. Very slowly and tenderly, J unties the single knot on her brow and then the single knot at the back of her head. K does not discern any light with only the eye patches on. J carefully removes each of the eye patches. K blinks and then gazes at him as if seeing J for the first time. She presses close to him as they sit on the blanket on a deserted beach. They both look out over the Atlantic and back at the city, which faces the promise of a bright new day as it basks in the gentle glow of the dawn's early light. ************************************************************************ Author's Note: Readers of this story may make a copy for their personal use. The author's permission is required for any other use or dissemination of this story in any form, any such use acknowledging me as the author of the work. Author's E-mail address: trevain@home.com ************************************************************************ A Tale of Three Cities Trevain (1999-04-24)