Harold Cottam was just as deeply lost in thought, mouth jerking out of alignment as he gnawed on his lower lip, as Bride trailed off.

"After the last message I heard, I kept calling and calling just in case you were still there. . .just in case your power was low and you could hear me but not reply. No one wanted to believe the worst. 'If you're still there, we're firing our cannons.' I kept calling till someone brought word that we'd picked up 20 boats. Then I had to field questions from every boat and relay station that had gotten wind of the goings-on. Questions flying from every direction! I started going a little batty."

"A little batty?" Bride laughed. "You were raving by the time they brought me up to help."

"And that's why I needed you!" Cottam exclaimed. "I was about ready to drop from exhaustion. I don't quite remember what I said to Captain Rostron when he came to check up on me. . . .Something about ripping the set off the wall and chucking it into the ocean if I didn't get some sleep soon." He grinned, chuckling lightly. "I should have complained earlier. He sent people down to ask for your help right away."

excerpt from 'Sparks' by Michele Arsenault & Aurora Brynn

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