Knee Brace Archive

Knee Brace's have been used for years after knee injuries, and/or after Knee Surgery

Click on the file name for full image

Color Picture of Marino with his brace, also a detailed breakdown of the brace in the inset.
Lenox hill knee brace 10-2-00
Lenox hill knee brace
Cti2 Lite Knee 10-2-00
Cti2 Lite Knee
Cti2 Knee Brace 10-2-00
Cti2 Knee Brace
UNKNOWN 10-2-00
Unknown Sports Knee Brace (It looks beautiful, and looks like a Cti original)
LENOX2 10-2-00
Color drawing of a Lenox Hill Derotational Brace.
A good knee brace for MotorCross, it's built strong for a over the counter brace.
DONJOY1 10-2-00
Donjoy "Gold Point" Knee Brace
DONJOY2 10-2-00
Full Leg Donjoy "Gold Point" Knee Brace
DONJOY3 10-2-00
B/W drawing of a Donjoy Knee Brace.
OMNI1 10-2-00
A beautiful Brace by Omni Labs.
UNK2 10-2-00
Advert for a Full Leg, hinged immobilizer.

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