House Rules

These are official house rules in my campaigns--if you don't see it here or in a book, it's either not a rule or I've just been too lazy to post it yet...hehe.

Character Creation

Ability Generation: Roll 4d6,dropping the lowest die as per the PHB, twelve times. Reroll any die that comes up as 1. (A bit of a gift since we play in the Forgotten Realms, a munchkin's dreamland, and I dont' want to flub the dice for you guys.)
Starting Gold: Maximum

Save Your Ass Cards

These cards are something new to the campaign--I haven't even really talked to my players about them yet. Initially, all players will get a free Save Your Ass card; later on, however, the players will need to work for the cards. A few ways to earn Save Your Ass cards:
What good are these cards, you ask? Well, well, bold adventurer, you can use Save Your Ass cards for:

Critical Fumbles--Let's Get Ready to Fummmmmmble!!!!

When a 1 is rolled on an attack, the character or monster in question has fumbled. The unfortunate one screws up so horribly (see below for specifics) that he/she must go last in the next round (as she is picking herself up) in addition to forfeiting her actions for the round. Characters attacking with a weapon in which they have the Weapon Focus feat are immune to fumbles. Monsters attacking with natural weapons cannot fumble per-se�they do however miss so terribly that they go last the following round.

After a fumble, the character must again roll 1d20 to see what happens because of his botched roll. Consult the following tables for the effects.

Melee and Thrown Ranged Weapons
Die Roll Effects
1-4 Thrown Weapon: Weapon flies out of your hand and goes 1d4 squares. Roll 1d8 for direction.
5-8 Wrong Target: Determine randomly among friends and foes. Re-roll attack with a +4 bonus to opponents AC.
9 Damaged Weapon: Unless it is magical or masterwork, weapon is hurt and is at �1 to attack and damage until fixed.*
10-14 Wild Swing: Make a Reflex Save (DC is the AC you were trying to hit) or loose your balance and fall on your ass. Take 1 subdual damage. Provokes AoO.
15-17 Knock down nearby combatant: Determine randomly among friends and foes. Target makes a Reflex save (DC was final attack bonus used by attacker) or be knocked down for 1 subdual.
18 Hit yourself: Reflex save VS. the AC you were trying to hit. Reroll normally, then take � subdual, � normal damage. Provokes AoO.
19 Funny: Provokes AoO. Examples�weapon stuck in wall, etc.
20 Funny: Does subdual damage to yourself. Examples�hitting yourself in the nuts.

Ammo Launching Ranged Weapons:
Die Roll Effects
1-2 If weapon is non-magical, string/strap breaks, can be fixed as a full action that provokes an AoO.
3-4 If weapon is non-magical, string/strap breaks, cannot be fixed during combat.
5-6 If weapon is non-master work and non-magical, it breaks.
7-8 If weapon is non-master work and non-magical, it breaks and causes 1 subdual damage, provokes an AoO.
9-12 Weapon flies from hands, 1d4 squares away, d8 for direction.
13-16 Ammo dropped while loading, picking up provokes AoO.
17-18 Ammo fails to clear weapon, falls to ground.
19-20 Funny: Loads ammo backwards, etc.

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