MUCKS are wonderous places on the net, like chat rooms, but better. It is almost like playing the role of your charactor; like walking in the skin of someone else.

Since the invention of the net, furriness has been gaining supporters and fans, and, because of the power the net brought, they were able to interact with each other more easily than ever before. The net is now host to dozens of different places and things to do for the furry inclined. Mu**'s are special places... you can usually run them off the telenet application on your computer. The Mu** environment is like a fully interactive chat room: Not only can you talk to the other furs on the MU**, but you can also interact with the objects and items you find on there. There are many MU**'s available, depending on your interests. There are also MUD's and MUSH's, which are pretty much the same as the MU**.


This is my Favorite MU**. You'll usually find me here mucking around in Fluff park. If you want a perminent charactor, click here to go to the MU**'s homepage

Mobius MUCK

A sonic themed MU**. I'm looking into getting a charactor there, but you might just beat me to the punch.


A Square gamers paradise.... All about Square's awesome games, like FF7!


A Haven't got to see much of this place, since I'm new, but the furs are friendly!

Fluff MUSH

ok... not a muck, but a nice place, just starting off, so the population is small and the environment is homey!


This page created by Jerimiah_wolf   2000!   Send any questions or comments to [email protected].
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