Jenny's Favorite Stage Stop Moments

Well, it's hard to pick my favorite moments. I loved this whole episode, but I've finally narrowed it down to 4. Here they are in order of appearance:

Moment #1

Jess and Slim's first meeting.  Jess is lounging against a log chewing on a blade of grass right beside the Sherman Ranch property sign.  Slim rides up and is suspicious of the young drifter. Forcing Jess to keep his hands raised, Slim asks what Jess is doing.  Jess answers 'getting a crick in my back' and asks to get up.  Slim makes him wait until he gets Jess' gun then lets him rise slowly.

As Slim orders him off of his property, Jess sarcastically offers to show Slim a bill of sale for his horse, pay for the few swallows of water he and his horse took from Slim's stream, and asks if he owes for watching birds fly over.
As Slim lets his guard down, Jess knocks him down, takes his rifle, and then gets his gun back. After asking Slim questions about the man he's after, Jess takes off with a parting quip "Stay out of those woods.  I saw a jack rabbit in there and he looked real mean."  When he gets near Slim's horse, he drops Slim's rifle and rides off.  I thought this initial encounter was a perfect introduction to Jess and Slim.  Jess sarcastic, Slim wary. Great chemistry and dialog.  Even though they were different, I immediately liked both characters.

Moment #2

Same as Annie's Moment #1.  Loved the pie scene with Andy and Jess. They have a beautiful chemistry that's a joy to watch.  You get a hint of Jess's loneliness and an earful of Andy's wanderlust.  I loved his speech about wanting to leave: "I'm so sick of switching teams for stages I never get to ride on, stage going west, stage going east, wagon trains rolling through. Everybody's on the move but me."  Even though they'd just met, there is already a strong bond between Jess and Andy. I liked those two together and wanted to see more!

Moment #3

Same as Annie's Moment #2.

That Andy almost stole the show during this first episode!

Moment #4

The showdown with bad guy Bud Carlin and company at Baxter Ridge. The chemistry between Slim and Jess was perfect as they met up from different directions to take on the bad guys. From the moment where Jess picks off the guy aiming at Slim with a rifle to the ending scene where Jess gleefully instructs Slim on how to beat up Carlin, my eyes were glued to the screen. When Jess crooked his head and semi-apologetically told Slim he had taken a short cut across Slim's private property, and Slim said he wouldn't charge him this time, I was so hooked on this show. I just love these guys!

Jenny's rating: Have to give it five stars. One of my favorite Laramie episodes.

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