Which of my Harry Potter RPG Characters are you?

Quiz by ~Laura~

These are all my original characters. No, you may NOT steal them. :P

Let's start of with an easy one. What color is your hair?
black with silver streaks.
long, black hair.
brown and curly at the ends.

Your friends...
I don't have friends. It's too dangerous, I would never trust anyone that much.
Are my awesome house members! *waves*
Are all intelligent, like me. Doesn't matter what house. Oh, and most of them are *different* (Spanish, half-elf, wahtever)
are ONLY members of my house.

So what house are you in, anyway?
Slytherin, duh.
Of course I'm a Ravenclaw!
Gryffindor..but I probably should have been in Slytherin.

Do you have any pets?
No, I don't like pets.
Of course, I have a beautiful green-and-yellow phoenix whose name means "fairy"
A falcon I found in a forest.
Yep! I have an all black phoenix!

What color are your eyes?
dark blue.
light yellow-green (NOT lime!)
seafoam green

What do you typically wear?
Black school robes.
A black cloak. With the hood pulled up. And certain *jewelry* that's important to me.
Slytherin robes, duh.
Something artsy!

Something *bad* happens at breakfast one day. You..
Are the cause of it.
Aren't at breakfast.
Laugh at whomever gets in trouble.
Don't really care, unless it was one of your friends.

Someone insults you/one of your friends. What do you do?
Feel that they are probably beneath your notice, but curse them anyway...they WON'T forget you.
Plot their slow, painful demise, but let it go for the moment. You won't lower yourself to THEIR level by losing control.
Immediatley attack them-with the help of your friends.
Use one of the *odd* spells that you learned about in that book you were reading last night..so what if it was for levels two years older than you?

What do you do in your free time?
Plot the takeover of the school.
Wander around in the Forbidden Forest, the only place I feel at home in.
Hang out in the common room with your friends, plotting to make some newbie's life hell.
Do my homework in my Common Room, and read ahead in a bunch of advanced books that I shouldn't have..or hang out with my best friends.;)

How do other people (besides your friends) feel about you?
They think I'm weird. And a little scary.
They're afraid of me but refuse to admit it.
They think I'm nice!
They think I'm a lunatic.

What is your past?
I was adopted but I ran away from home and wandered throughout the countryside for a long time.
I don't talk about my past. Ever. And there's a good reason for it.
I had a fairly happy childhood. Being an only child, I was spoiled by both Mom (a witch) and Dad (a muggle).
My parents are both dead. I don't like to talk about it.

What is your best class?
All of them!
Dark Arts, obviously.

What is most important to you in the whole world?
POWER. *evil cackles*
My phoenix!
My solitude...and my power.
My friends, of course!

If someone/something attacks you in the Forbidden Forest, what do you do?
Try to fight it, or run away and hide.
Fight it to the best of my ability..
Fight it, of course. Or (depending on it's intelligence level) convince it that it really didn't want to attack me anyway.

What is your life goal?
To be either an auror or a teacher.
Actually, I'm not entirely certain...
To control the world.
I don't have one..or I'm not telling.

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