
My Other Sites

Searching the Sky The site Irene and I did together for a school project on astronomy.
Hidden Hogwarts A Harry Potter RPG site. Again by me and Irene.
All Randomness Irene and my latest site, full of lots of random thoughts (hence the name?
A Legacy of Four Minna & my Emelan site, sister site to Alanna's tortallan site.
My DevArt My deviantart account.
LJ My livejournal. Mostly pointless.
My Xanga My all-French journal.

Friends' Sites
Makenai Hel and Scott's online site about their anime characters from Makenai.
Angel League Hel and Scott's online manga.
Chamber of the Ordeal Elena's site dedicated to the Lioness Quartet by Tamora Pierce.
Emelan Minna (and my) site about Emelan, a world of Tamora Pierce's, sister site to that above.

Cool Places that I frequent
Parma Eruseen Writings of the Children of Eru, a Lort of the Rings fansite with works of fan art and fiction and really cool forums.
The Faerie Guild The Faerie Guild's website, my neopets guild. Yay for TFG and all my TFG friends!

Stuff to Do
LiveJournal Livejournal.
Neopets Create a neopet (or two, or three, or four. But not five.), earn neopoints, buy items, and visit worlds with this virtual (and free!) game.
DeviantArt Put your own artwork/writings up for other people to read and critique or simply browse other people's galleries.
Lissa Explains: HTML help for kids yay! for lissaexplains, where I learned the basics of HTML.
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