About Me

Name: Laura

Nicknames: LauraJo, LauraJosie, Jo, Josephine, Crystal, Mag, Insaneful, the *original* Ruthless Superbrain, Goddess of HTML

Age: 18

Birthday: 11/28/85

Sign: Sagittarius

Grade: College Freshman

Hair color: Dark Blonde

Eye color: Hazel (:P to those who think that blonde haired people can't have "dark" eyes)

Height: 5'9''

Siblings: One younger brother

Favorite Color: Blue. Any shade. Green, too. And dark brown. And silver and gold.

Favorite Movie:Um..hmm...Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. And Miracle. And Pirates of the Caribbean. And SpiderMan-2.

Favorite Book:I can't possibly choose. Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban. The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The Dark Is Rising sequence. Protector of the Small quartet. Aubrey/Maturin series (aka Master and Commander). Mrs. Pollifax books. The Three Musketeers. And many many many more that I can't name. But will think of later and add.

Favorite Character: Eowyn! Kel! Um..Aubrey and Pullings. And, of course, Cap'n Jack Sparrow.

Favorite Subject: Foreign Language? Science? History? English? Almost anything, for me it all depends on the teacher...

Favorite Food: I don't like food. Food is evil. So my favorite food: lemonade.

Favorite thing to do on a sunny day: Sit on the deck and read or paint. Or go hike at a nature preserve (with a friend or Dad).

Favorite thing to do on a rainy day: Computer (if brother's not on), else reading a book or watching a movie in French (and knitting at the same time!). Or drawing.

Favorite Quotes: (see philosophies, below), and "You make something idiot proof and they'll just make a better idiot," "Yo tengo una tia que toca la guitarra," "yo no te conozco", "je ne te connais pas" (haha, Irene!) "too much information" (lmao!)

Likes and Dislikes
Likes: A good book, art supplies, Flax cataloge (expensive! :(), computer, designing web pages and graphics, and drawing random things. Doodling in class. Bubble baths. QUEBEC!!! Colorado. French, Spanish, and learning languages. Ballet (yay for ballet!). Ice Dancing. Pottery. Classical music. Spending time with really good friends. Cultural things. My job.

Dislikes: School(!), stomach aches, head aches, doctors offices, hospitals, food (evil!), wheat (even eviller), nuts, sore feet, blisters, pain, annoying people, mean people, people who act like they know everything even when it's obvious that they don't, evil computers, and idiots.

Random Info...
Hobbies: ballet, ice dancing, skate guarding, watching movies in French, watercolor painting, drawing, computer graphics and web designing, knitting, getting everything done fast so I can do fun stuff (ie: the opposite of procrastinating), coming up with randomly weird ideas, thinking outside of the box.

Specialties: Being a Ruthless Superbrain and the Goddess of HTML. And being completley random and insaneful, and as original as it is possible to be.

Words I use too much: Spiffy, spiffin, random, randomness, weird, wired, voodoo snowball, bouncing marshmallows, evil, evilness, bonjour, ugh, um, ouch, gah!, etc, Quebec.

My life
College? Yup. Whether I want it or not. I'm headed to Witt.

When I grow up? That is so cliche. But..um. I have absolutley no idea. Marine Biology? Or Foreign Language so I can be a diplomat? Or??? No clue.

Dreams: of sailing on a tall ship around the world "but what a ship really is, is FREEDOM". And of sky diving. And parasailing. And SCUBA diving. And to travel to all of the national parks. And around the world visiting places like France, Spain, Austria, India, China, Japan, Brazil, Puerto Rico, and Martinique. not to mention QUEBEC! And to live life trying new things, to live by the moment and not waste it.

Obsessions: Tall ships. The sea. QUEBEC (like you didn't know that one). French. Languages and Culture. Nature. Art. Whales. REAL frogs (as opposed to fake plushies or cartoons). Ballet.

Why do I bother? Who knows.

Life philosophies: "In twenty years you will be more disappointed by the things you haven't done than by the things you have." (I forget who?) and "Make sure you put your feet in the right place and then stand firm." (Abe Lincoln)

My Heroes: Cliche AGAIN. Gah. Joan of Arc. Eowyn. Keladry of Mindelan. Anyone who has stood up for what they believe in despite opposition, I guess. Anyone who's risked their life for another.

Politics: Find them interesting to study, but hate them IRL. Don't even GO there, BOTH sides need help. Seriously. Everything is better in moderation! :D

Contact Info
Email: [email protected]

AIM sn: guardiegirl

MSN sn: [email protected]

neopets: odietta and guardiegirl

livejournal: starlitsparkles

xanga: laurajosie (FYI, it's all in french)

deviantart: laitainelasse

parma: laitainelasse

Hi! to: Irene (Pretzel Goddess!), Sarah, my ballet classes, Chesca, Kevin, Andria, Quyen, Jena, Liz*, the Olde Ones, all my TFG friends, Cyd, Hel, Lili. If I forgot anyone I'm sorry!

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