Your Title Here
Lots and lots of text goes here...

Welcome to my site. To the right are links. You can put your own title in at the top. The font I used for the title is Cool Dots but you can used whatever font you like.

The font for this is verdana, size 1.

If you want to use this layout, I will eventually (maybe) make a zip download for it, but for now, do View->source and copy and past it to a page on your site, and right-click on the background and click "save as" and right-click on the button at the bottom of this message and click "save as" and upload the two images to your own server. DO NOT HOTLINK (it won't work anyway). Then you can change the title and the text and the links for your own!

If you ask me really nicely I might even make an "enter" grapic for an index page...but no promises. ;)

Be sure to link back to me! I've even included a button for your enjoyment (you can text link if you prefer, but please link back!)

Here you can put links to different pages, like this:


Or you can put information, like this:
Name: LauraJosie
Likes: Sleep, drawing, playing Neopets, haning out with friends, Randomness, designing websites, having fun with my tablet, fish, whales, and sharks!
Dislikes: School, lack of sleep, allergies, evil stomach aches, not talking to friends in a long time.

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