News from September 2001
For all the birthdays I missed this past week!
Happy 39th birthday to director Baz Luhrmann!
Happy 27th birthday to SNL player Jimmy Fallon!
Happy 36th birthday to ex SNL player Cheri Oteri!
Happy 29th birthday to Liam Gallagher!
Happy 51st birthday to Bill Murray!
Happy 54th birthday to Stephen King!
Happy 27th birthday to Bonnie Hunt who directed and acted in Return to Me and Beethoven with David Duchovny!

Here are all the upcoming birthdays for this week.
Happy 32nd birthday to Catherine Zeta-Jones!
Happy 33rd birthday to Will Smith!
Happy 50th birthday to Mark Hamill!
Happy 57th birthday to Michael Douglass!
Happy 53rd birthday to Tom Braidwood who was a second director and played Frohike in The X-Files and The Lone Gunmen!
Happy 54th birthday to Denis Lawson who... er... is Ewan McGregor's uncle!
Happy 19th birthday to Kieran Culkin!
Happy 40th birthday to Eric Stoltz who was in The House of Mirth with GA!

This is from Scifi Weekly
Site Offers X-Files Spoiler

Ain't It Cool News Web site reported several rumored spoilers for the upcoming ninth season of Fox's The X-Files. Citing an anonymous source, the site reported that the spoilers concern the announced guest appearance of former Xena: Warrior Princess star Lucy Lawless. Lawless is rumored to appear frequently in the new season playing an emissary of a character long thought dead: the Cigarette-Smoking Man. According to AICN, Lawless' first appearance will lead to the CSM's return at the end of the second episode of the season. The X-Files starts its new season on Fox on Nov. 4.
(Note from Rachael: I hope this is true! If we can't have Krycek back then could we at least have CSM back?)

This is from GAWS
The current issue of Canadian TV Guide lists the 51 hottest stars on TV.
Gillian came in at #5:
Gillian Anderson #5
The Sci-ren
She's stuck with The X-Files through thick and thin while still managing to gain art-house acclaim.

Titan red hair, luminous skin and a wild-child background gives Gillian Anderson an other-worldly glow. After all, what other star could have maintained the immense popularity of The X-Files when high- profile co-star David Duchovny left?

To read the rest of the article go here.

I move into my dorm today. If it works out, I'm going to update once a week. Probably each Sunday but I'm going to see which day works out the best. There will be very large updates because I'll be collecting news all week. Ok, thats all. Keep reading for todays updates.

This is from GAWS
Gillian appears twice in the current issue of People Magazine

("Best and Worst Dressed")
Under "Most Shocking Moments":
GILLIAN ANDERSON On Oscar night the X-Files star was singing the thong song in a low-riding Eduardo Lucero. Despite the exposure, "it has a sense of mystery," claims Lucero of the dress, which later brought $3600 at a charity auction for neurofibromatosis research.

Under "Seven Deadly Sins":
#6. Hairy Underarms. When in Rome (or in many other places in the world), fine. But in the U.S., women with unshaven underarms, such as Gillian Anderson's at an April pro-choice rally in Hollywood, are 'associated with being not well-groomed,' says Cindy Barshop, Manhattan-based hair removal guru to celebs and models. 'It's a cultural thing.'
(Note from Rachael: This is from the September 3rd People Magazine, so you might want to go to your library or something to find the old issue)

These are parts of an article from

Emmys Rescheduled for Oct. 7

The Emmy Awards will be handed out Sunday, Oct. 7, CBS and the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences have announced.

After postponing the ceremony, originally scheduled for Sunday (Sept. 16), in the wake of Tuesday's terrorist attacks, CBS and academy representatives conferred for much of the week over when the ceremony should be held.

The only other time the Emmys have been delayed was in 1978, when the ceremony was held up for a short time to announce the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt.

Ellen DeGeneres will remain as host of the awards. The broadcast will air live at 8 p.m. ET (delayed on the West Coast) Sunday, Oct. 7 on CBS.

To read the entire article go here.
(Note from Rachael: The X-Files was nominated for two emmys)

No news. I move into my dorm tomorrow so this page will greatly change.

This was sent to me
"FOX decided yesterday to pull both FTF and Independence Day from its schedule."

Its because of all the destruction in them, I completly understand.

The world is still here, we have to keep going. Give blood! To learn more gohere. It's the Red Cross website.

Happy 24th birthday to Fiona Apple!

This is from ET Online
X Stands for Xena

"Xena: Warrior Princess" star LUCY LAWLESS joins the cast of "The X-Files" for the first two episodes of its ninth season -- and possibly more as it turns out her character has a history with Agent Doggett -- and we aren't talking ancient! ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT: Lucy, now you're on "The X..."

LUCY LAWLESS: On "The Xena Files." You didn't know what it stood for all those years, did you? But, CHRIS CARTER's just been leading up to this moment where he could finally get the eponymous character in, and here in the ninth season, they've managed to carve away half of their budget to actually secure me for their opening couple of shows, so here I am.
To read the rest of the article go here.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who have lost friends, family, coworkers, etc. in this tragedy. I'd like to post a quote here from the movie Independence Day. I know we're not in the same situation, but I think the quote fits the situation.
"Mankind. That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interest. Perhaps it is fate that today is the fourth of July and you will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution, but from annihilation. We're fighting for our right to live, to exist! And should we win the day, the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice, 'We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!'"

This is from the OS.
Clean Up Spot

Monica Reyes takes lead of the investigation for the fourth episode of Season Nine. "Hellbound" is written by David Amann and directed by Kim Manners. It tentatively airs on Sunday, Dec. 2nd.

Number three is "D�monicus," written and directed by Frank Spotnitz. The title is the Latin word for "Satan." The episode airs on Nov. 18th.

Season Nine opens with a two-parter, both jointly written by Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz. The first show, entitled "Nothing Important Happened Today," is directed by Kim Manners and will air on Sunday, Nov. 4th. It will also feature the debut of the characters played by Cary Elwes and Lucy Lawless. Its conclusion, "Nothing Important Happened Today II," is directed by Tony Wharmby and will air on Nov. 11th.

(Note from Rachael: Have I already posted this? I don't remember, oh well.)

This was sent to me but its from USA Today
"The X-Files (FOX): The Challenge: David Duchovny's Mulder was the force behind the show's search-for-the-truth-at-all-costs concept. When he left, he took the X-Files reason for being with him.
The Fix: Cancellation
The Prognosis: Poor. FOX has nothing to put in its place, and the producers (1013) have nothing else to do, so dead or alive, it's staying."

(Note from Rachael: Make up your own choice. We don't know how season 9 is going to be yet)

Happy 36th birthday to Richard "Moby" Hall! A few of his songs have been used in X-Files episodes.

This season 9 picture was sent to me. From left to right its Annabeth Gish, Gillian Anderson, Lucy Lawless.

No news tomorrow, I won't be home.

Happy 40th birthday to Chris Owens! Remember? He played Jeffery Spender! Chris even has his own website. To go click here.

This is from Cinescape Online
Wong & Morgan's WILLARD Remake
70s rat horror film remake developing.

A remake of the 1971 horror film WILLARD is being pushed around Hollywood these days.

The project, which is being pushed by writer Glen Morgan and writer-director James Wong, has been making the pitch rounds at Revolution Studios, DreamWorks, Universal, Paramount and Miramax, courtesy of a new spec script that was included in a cage with live rats.

Plans for the project are to shoot on a modest budget in the $19-20M range. The original film, which starred Bruce Davison (X-MEN) in the title role, told the story of a young man victimized by his mother and the man he works for. Retreating emotionally into his own little world, Willard finds himself making pets of the hundreds of rats that occupy his old, rotting house. Initially, he trains them for fun and companionship, but he soon directs his anger at others through the rats teaching them to attack on command.
(Note from Rachael: Remember? Glen Morgan and James Wong used to work on The X-Files and Millennium. They wrote some of the best and classic episodes)

Nope, I lied. I really looked though... there just wasn't any. But to keep you occupied go here. It's fun!

I hope you had a happy Labor Day. I did but I forgot to look for news. I'm sorry but there will be new news up tomorrow.

This was posted by a member of Bolt
August 31, 2001. From a EW's September 7th issue--thanks alfornos . FS says "in many ways, it's a new series." Mulder is gone for good, Scully is a mother, Gish is a full time lead, Cary Elwes has a recurring role as MR's old flame, an FBI assistant director; Lucy Lawless guests on the first 2 eps but her role is top secret, TLG will return. Krycek may be back. FS says: "Anything can happen. I would look at [Krycek's] dialogue very closely before he got shot."

I updated the schedule section of my page. Everything is up to date now.

Welcome to September, I leave for college in 15 days!

Happy 62nd birthday to Lily Tomlin! She played Lyda in the 7th season episode, How the Ghosts Stole Christmas. She was the female ghost.

This is from Scifi
Scully Still Central To X-Files

Frank Spotnitz, an executive producer of Fox's The X-Files, told the Zap2It Web site that Gillian Anderson (Scully) will be a full participant in the show's upcoming ninth season, despite rumors to the contrary. "We have full-time Gillian," Spotnitz told the site. "It's really a three-lead show, because you've got her and Robert [Patrick] and Annabeth [Gish]," who play Agents Doggett and Reyes. "That's what's making it so challenging for us this year, because we've never had to do that before. We had to do it somewhat when Mulder returned, but this is different."

Spotnitz added, "There are a lot of questions about the baby. OK, like, she and Mulder had sex, but she still was barren ... so how did that happen? ... What is the mystery of the baby? Why did the aliens hunt it down and then leave it? Can Scully be at peace with this question? I think that's the biggest issue. Then there's a bunch of new issues that spring up around that." The ninth season will feature many new story arcs, including one centering on former Xena: Warrior Princess star Lucy Lawless, who appears in the first four episodes. "Also, the Doggett-and-Reyes-versus-the-FBI [one], and is it safe to work at the FBI, given the fact that there seem to be aliens walking around the corridors?" Spotnitz asked. "There were a lot of immediate things we knew we had to attend to our first day back at work."

Spotnitz also hinted that the show's signature motto, "The truth is out there," may change. "I think that's going to happen," he said. "You'll see changes there. You'll see a number of changes, actually, which I can't divulge yet. Keep your eyes open, don't go to the kitchen. We'll reward you if you're patient." The X-Files returns Nov. 4.

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