July 2000
News from July 2000

It is rumored that a set designer was killed and 6 others were injured on the set of The X-Files when a powerline fell. If you have any info on this please e-mail me.

This is from EW.com
Urgent: Gillian Anderson has signed on for another season! Read about it here!

The news dated 07/26/00 is from Scifi Weekly.com
Patrick Is Scully's New Partner

Pobert Patrick (Terminator 2: Judgment Day) will replace David Duchovny in Fox's The X-Files, playing the new partner of Gillian Anderson's FBI Agent Dana Scully, the Hollywood trade papers reported. Duchovny will appear in only half of next season's episodes, and Patrick will be worked into the storyline to replace him, Variety reported.

Series creator Chris Carter announced Patrick's hiring late on July 20, hours before he was scheduled to meet television critics during their annual summer preview tour in Pasadena, Calif., according to The Hollywood Reporter. The announcement came after Patrick freed himself from a commitment to Paramount Network Television's pilot L.A. Sheriff's Homicide on July 19, the trade paper reported.

Variety reported that Patrick is slated to begin filming episodes on July 24. He is one of four actors who reportedly tried out for the X-Files job last week, and he apparently beat out Lou Diamond Phillips, Hart Bochner and Bruce Campbell. Patrick is best known as the liquid metal T-1000 cyborg from the second Terminator movie.


Carter: Patrick Is Man's Man

Chris Carter described Robert Patrick's new character on The X-Files as a blue-collar man's man and knee-jerk skeptic, according to the iFUSE Web site. "Everything is changed," Carter said to television critics at their annual fall TV preview in Pasadena, Calif.

Carter added, "Agent Scully [Gillian Anderson] has always been the skeptic. Over seven years, of course, [she] has seen enough to lower her skepticism, and now that Agent Mulder [David Duchovny] has been abducted, the only way to find him is to accept what Skinner [Mitch Pileggi] is saying. So the two of them become reluctant believers, and that's the way we make room for this new character. His name is John Doggett, and he comes in on the manhunt for the search for Agent Mulder. ... He believes, coming in, that everything can be solved if you just employ very good cop/police technique."

Carter said Doggett is a former New York police detective and U.S. Marine. "Robert Patrick just embodied this character. Everything from the timbre of his voice to his presence to his intensity. I saw him and Scully as worthy adversaries and worthy partners. ... He would be able to stand up to her both as an actor and a character. Mulder was the consummate outsider. We wanted someone who was blue-collar, a former cop, a man's man, and Robert Patrick came in and blew us away." The season premiere of The X-Files is Nov. 8.
(Note From Rachael: No, thats wrong. Its November 5th. Not the 8th. The 8th is a Wednesday.


Emmys Not Kind To SF&F Shows

Science fiction and fantasy shows found themselves nearly shut out of non-technical nominations in the annual prime-time Emmy Award nominations announced July 20 in Los Angeles. The exceptions included ABC's Arabian Nights, which received a nomination as best miniseries; The WB's Buffy the Vampire Slayer, whose episode "Hush" received a best writing nomination for creator Joss Whedon; and NBC's 3rd Rock From the Sun, whose star John Lithgow got a nomination for best lead actor.

Star Trek: Voyager grabbed the most nominations among genre TV series, with seven nods in technical areas, including best costumes, hairstyling, makeup, music, sound editing, sound mixing and special visual effects.

The X-Files received six nominations, including best makeup, music, sound editing, sound mixing and two nods for special visual effects.

Including best lead actor, 3rd Rock picked up four nominations. Buffy had three total nominations, including best cinematography and hairstyling.

Among specials and miniseries, Arabian Nights got five nominations. The Discovery Channel's non-fiction Walking With Dinosaurs received six technical nominations. ABC's Geppetto got four.

Fox may schedule the mid-season spinoff series The Lone Gunmen in the Sunday 9 p.m. slot now occupied by the show's forebear, The X-Files, according to Variety. No word on what will become of The X-Files.
(Note from Rachael: It is not the Sunday 9 p.m. slot. It is just premiring then. Its actual spot is Thursday at 8 p.m.)

This is from Newsday.com

'X-Files' Creator Unravels Some Mysteries

The article is pretty long, but here is an excerp from it.

Finally, the big question. Who is the father of Scully's baby? Carter smiled. Looked down at his shoes. And said softly: "I am."
To read the whole article go here

This is from Scifi.com
The Others executive producer Glen Morgan told The 11th Hour Web site that the canceled NBC paranormal series is dead, despite comments from a SCI FI Channel executive that the cable network might be interested in reviving it. "New episodes won't air," Morgan said. "They're all dead! I take the same position as I did on Space: Above and Beyond. ... The show is over, so they're dead."
Note from Rachael: Its almost the end of July. Why is there so much new news? The season finale was 2 months ago and its still another 4 months until the season premire. God. Thats a long time. I'm going to go to sleep now.

On a personal note, I'm really missing the show MillenniuM right now. I don't get FX so I can't see it each week. Does anyone know if there are tapes of it out like X-Files? If you do, please e-mail me.

This is from the Official Site.

Robert Patrick Joins X-Files Cast

Robert Patrick joins the cast of The X-Files as a series regular. While not replacing David Duchovny, Robert is committed to appear in all of Season Eight. He began his acting career appearing in Roger Corman films, and went on to star in the features Die Hard 2, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Fire in the Sky, Wayne's World and Copland. He also had a recurring role on the HBO series The Sopranos. His upcoming movie releases include D-Tox with Sylvester Stallone, Spy Kids, Texas Rangers and All the Pretty Horses for director Billy Bob Thornton. Robert is a partner in an independent film production company, 360 entertainment.

Personally, I was hoping that they would choose Kyle MacLachlan but alas, they didn't. Actually, I hate all the movies that Robert Patrick was in so I'm not happy with this decision at all. I hope he goes the way of The Fowl One.


The X-Files Was Nominated 6 Times in 5 Categories for the Emmys!

The catagories are Outstanding Makeup For A Series (Theef {not thief like they say}), Outstanding Music Composition For A Series (Dramatic Underscore) (Theef), Outstanding Sound Editing For a Series (First Person Shooter), Outstanding Sound Mixing For a Drama Series (First Person Shooter), and twice for Outstanding Special Visual Effects For a Series (First Person Shooter and Rush).
So Rush was nominated once, and both First Person Shooter and Theef were nominated twice.

The Emmys will be hosted by Garry Shandling. Remember? He was in Hollywood AD.

Here are all the people that were nominated and what The X-Files is up against. Its copyed from the Emmys Official Site.
It is too much infomation to put on this page so read about it here.

These are from the Official Site
1. The crew is back at work prepping the first episode, and shooting is scheduled to begin on 7/25. Kim Manners helms the camera for the eighth season opener. Chris Carter's still untitled episode will tentatively air on 11/5.



Chris Carter will be the featured speaker at the San Diego Comic-Con Convention on Saturday, July 22nd from 1:45 - 2:30 pm. The international gathering of over 50,000 comic book companies, exhibitors and fans runs from July 20-23rd at the San Diego Convention Center in California. Carter will also take questions from the audience.



Cinescape Magazine is running a small piece in its Sept./Oct. Fall TV Preview issue, but will print a much larger article on the show in its November issue.

Unless stated otherwise, news dated 07/16/00 is from Scifi.com

Scully, Meet Mr. Big?

E! Online reported a rumor that producers of The X-Files are seeking Chris Noth (Mr. Big on HBO's Sex and the City) to play FBI Agent Scully's new partner. Noth would take over from David Duchovny, who will appear in only half of next season's episodes. Gillian Anderson, who plays Scully, is contracted to appear in all of season eight.

Earlier rumors have suggested that Scully will get a new partner in season eight to help search for Duchovny's Fox Mulder, who was last seen in the company of aliens.

This is a letter to the editor

Telefilms Keep Heroes Alive

Take a serious look at the tube, fans, and you'll see why genre TV heroes don't endure.

Shows that last (and I'm talking about beyond the five-season mark) do so because their characters are allowed, encouraged and written to evolve (All in the Family is the only notable exception). Sadly, Star Trek series don't count because they're currently sold into syndication on a six- to seven-year plan, so the only reason those heroes hang around is due to contractual obligations. Another notable exception is Dr. Who, but how many incarnations of the good doctor did we have to go through?

The sad truth is that TV heroes don't endure because:

(a) there isn't a single viewer who would want to tune in and see Manley Wayne saving the universe again this week;

(b) TV actors and writers tire of the same formula and, consequently, avoid having Manley Wayne save the universe yet again this week; and

(c) it wouldn't be a commercially viable formula to last more than three seasons at best, and if you can't sell ad time, you don't have a series.

The X-Files has broken the mold, but the characters have been allowed and encouraged to go through multiple story arcs that forced the audience to care about them. Maintaining its core fan following and high production values has kept it churning along, arguably with less quality over the last two seasons.

The constraints of genre TV just don't fit into the world of commercial television. That's one reason why I'd challenge the convictions of those studios who want to continue the adventures of Space Above and Beyond, Good Versus Evil, Buck Rogers and even the Classic Star Trek cast. Go the way of the Robocop and Alien Nation franchises and produce two-hour telefilms quarterly over the year. You'll keep your fans happy, you'll keep your franchise alive and you won't be locked into the potential no-win scenario of episodic commercial television.

Ed Zimmerman
[email protected]

This is from EW.com


by Brian Raftery
There are two things any diehard ''X-Files'' junkie can count on: lame ''truth is out there'' jokes and a plethora of wacky rumors. Herewith we sort out all the Internet innuendo and fan-furnished falsities. Trust us -- the truth is in here!

RUMOR Stephen Rea (''The Crying Game''), Chris Noth (''Sex and the City''), or David Caruso (um...) will ''X''-mark the spot as Scully's new sidekick. False. A source at Fox nixes all three candidates, though he notes that Rea and ''X-Files'' creator Chris Carter did talk last year about a multi-episode guest spot.

RUMOR Casting directors are looking for a ''blue-collar'' type for the part. False. While the producers aren't looking for another ''slickster'' like Mulder, they're not out looking for Tom Arnold, either (thank god).

RUMOR Duchovny will appear in only two episodes of the new season. False. While the Fox source confirms Mulder will ''disappear'' after the first two segments of the next season, his absence will last only 8 or 9 episodes -- after which he'll return to finish his 11-episode commitment. Hopefully, he'll make enough time for one more ''Red Shoe Diaries'' cameo.

This is from Cinescape.com

Duchovny's Replacement?

Eonline is reporting a rumor today that the X-Files have maybe found their man. Christopher Noth (Law & Order) has been rumored to join the cast of the X-Files' eighth season, filling in for David Duchovny who is scheduled to appear only intermittenly in the upcoming season.

News dated 07/03/00 is from Scifi.com
The X-Files producer Frank Spotnitz told the Zap2it Web site that the series' eighth season story line is still up in the air. "We literally are figuring that out as we speak, because this is our first week back," Spotnitz said. "But it will be very different from the Mulder-Scully relationship."

This is a letter to the editor

Free Duchovny, The Rest Will Follow avid Duchovny's attitude is perfectly justified.

Frankly, I am a little tired about people ranting on about how Duchovny "owes it to the fans" to commit to some specified number of episodes for the eighth season of The X-Files. This attitude is ridiculous. His role as Mulder is simply his job. The popularity of the show resulted in his success, but he should be no more committed to The X-Files than any of us who have career-advancing jobs should be to our own job.

If he is bored with playing Mulder or unhappy with the show, he should feel free to leave once the contract is up. He may lose his successful career by leaving the show or by doing fewer episodes, but that is his problem. The show may also suffer, but making him a slave is not the answer. David Duchovny should do what he feels is best for himself.

Brad Cadle
[email protected]

to this months news 1

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