Detroit Expo

Detroit Expo

I made a diary about the X-Files Expo that I went to on May 30, 1998. Sorry if I sound ditzy but think about it. I had just seen X-Files stars. Wouldn't you be? Here it is!

Yesterday I went to the X-Files Expo in Detriot! My dad drove for 4 hours to get there! I have read things that said that they had to pay $65 but I only had to pay $25 and I got everyones autographs!

5/29/98 4:00 pm
First we started driving after school, about 4:00 pm, from Ohio to Detroit. Nothing happened on the way there. So then we got there. We stayed at like the Anthaniam or something. We got there at about 8:30 and we just sat there watching tv for the rest of the night.

5/30/98 9:30 am
We left the hotel at 9:30 and took the People Mover to Cobo Center. We got there and there were only like 9 or 10 people there but in about 10 minutes it came to about 500. Just imagine 500 people standing in line for more than an hour. And more people coming? in line there were these 2 people that looked just like Mulder and Scully. It was so funny. Later they were on tv on Detroit FOX channel 2. Luckely I brought with my little game boy. Its not a real gameboy, its just this little $5 thing that has games with no graphics but they can keep you occupied. If you were there I was the 15 year old about 10th in line that had an older guy (my dad) with black/brown hair and on the other side of me were people leaning against the corner wall. Two of them had X-Files shirts on. I'm not 15 anymore. I'm writing exactly what I wrote the day after.

11:00 am
At that time they let us in. A lady gave me a bag with a bunch of cool stuff in it. Ok, I'll tell you what it was. An aol CD, some green coupons, an ad about the Intrigue car (they sponcered the exop), a sheet that had Mulder and Scully on it and it says "The Truth is Out There", a card with an Intrigue on it and it says "97% of alien abductions occur in cars", and a book telling about all the characters in the show. Then we went to get tickets to get autographs. We didn't have to pay. They just gave them to us. Also we went to the computers that had games and bios on them. That was cool.

12:00 am
Suprise guest! Charles Nelson Reilly came. He played Jose Chung in Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'.

12:45 am
This is when William B. Davis was talking! CSM! He was so funny!
William B. Davis
He kept compairing CSM to Mulder and concluding ath CSM was the hero. He was like "Of course Mulder is a virgin. He has been working with Scully for 5 years and he hasn't even made a pass at her! Now CSM on the other hand, he was with Mulders mother, he might be Mulders father! It is very likely that he is Samanthas father and he IS Spenders father! It a Darth Vador kind of thing!" Later he was talking about how CSM is much more practicle than Mulder is. Then he answered questions.

1:30 pm
This is wen we got autographs. I got both of theirs. And my dad had a conversation with William B. Davis! I could never do that. I just stand there looking at them looking stupid.

1:15 pm
Another person was talking at this time. It was Doug Hutchison.
Doug Hutchison
He played Tooms in Squeeze and Tooms. He was funny too. I didn't know that he was a vegetarian. I didn't hear alot of his questions though because we went to see this thing about the movie. It was in a little theater and it had interviews with the people about the movie. After that we went shopping. I got a magnet that said Trust No One and a bunch of posters including amovie poster and the I Want To Believe poster. i didn't thing they made those because I know alot of people that have been looking for years that they could never find them! I also got a movie real clip that they cut out.

3:30 pm
This is when Steven Williams was talking! He played X. He was really cool. He didn't have a speech or anything, he just answered questions.
Steven Williams

4:15 pm
More autographs! Tooms, X, and Dean Haglund were signing them! I got all of their autographs. As I said before I had to stand there and look stupd so Dean Haglund decided to make fun of me. Not in a mean way though. But now I get all excited and I can say "Hey guess what! Dean Haglund made fun of me!" Also they had Mulderisms and Scullyisms on the TV.

5:30 pm
This is when they had ads for each episode from the pilot to the last one.

6:30 pm
This was the last thing. This is when Dean Haglund was talking. He plays Langly.
Dean Haglund
He didn't just talk. He put together a whole performance! He did a fake episode of The X-Files. The story was there was a car with a vibrating ice pic that killed people. The first thing that he did was he had a guy come up and he had a fake conversation with him and the guy had to read from sheets that the audience wrote on. Then he had a girl that was dresses just like Scully come up and make him move. She had to move his arms and have him walk and stuff like that.

7:30 pm
Now it is over. It really ended at 8:30 but we had to leave. There wasn't anything else left to do but shop so we didn't miss anything. We got back home at 11:30 pm. So that was my trip to th X-Files Expo in Detroit. I hope you enjoyed it.


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