Gizmo's Car Pages

Gizmo's Impreza Page

Not much here yet, mostly links to other sites.

My own Scooby, the
Lemon Express

BHP Club meet, 24 November 2002

Essex SIDC Lunch Meet, 17 June 2001

Essex Meet & Drive, 19 November 2000

Essex Police/SIDC driving course skid pan day, 3 June 2000

Essex meet, 30 April 2000


I-PCGamers Community Home Page

The first Subaru I remember was a blue station wagon we hired in 1989 when we went on holiday to the west coast of the USA (mostly California, but also Nevada and Arizona). The only reason I remember it was a Subaru was that my dad lost the fuel cap when filling up and we had to go hunting for a Subaru dealer to buy a replacement.

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