NASCAR Busch North Series

Pontiac Oakland Club International

Hi! Welcome to Dick's and Ruth's homepage! You are visitor number since I installed the counter on June 18, 1997. This is a personal fan page, and will always be under construction; so be ready to view some pix of racecars and Pontiacs!!! After your visit, please come back here and check out my guestbook. Please sign it so I know that you have been here!

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My husband Dick, and I travel to most of the NASCAR Busch North Series Races. so we get to meet and talk to many of the other drivers and team members. I write for the Pontiac Enthusiast Magazine, so we get to go into the garages and pit areas of the tracks and talk with all the team members.

I am also Editor of the Speedworld Busch North Series. website, which is published by my friend, james24. James is a first class web page designer, and I sincerely thank him for all that he has done for me, and taught me. If you would like information about James and his expertise, visit the link to his site, Webstar Design, in the links section.

My hubby, Dick, is my photographer. Shown in the picture below, with our friend and radio personality, George Simpson, Dick is wearing the green photographers' vest at NHIS. He has managed to capture many exciting shots of the cars in action and some great still shots. The photo next to Dick's picture was taken at the Northeast Motorsports Show in Augusta, Maine in Jan, '97.

This next photo was taken at the Busch North Race at Riverside Park in MA.

Another action shot shows the #28 Pontiac making a pit stop at NHIS in Loudon, NH during a race. Unfortunately, this car was totally destroyed in a roll-over crash at Lime Rock Park on Oct. 18, 1996.

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Speedworld Busch North Series Pages
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Pontiac Oakland Club International
Scooter's Pontiac Racing Page
Pontiac Motorsports

I hope you enjoyed your visit into the world of NASCAR Busch North Series racing. For a more, in-depth visit, be sure to follow the link for the Speedworld pages. Please come back again, to see the changes and new pictures of the series. And, I hope you enjoyed looking at our friends at the 1996 POCI Convention! For information about POCI, follow the link above!

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� 1997 [email protected]

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