View my old guestbook

Yeah this is OneEye

Comments/Critiques/Suggestions:[email protected]

My name is OneEye. This page is dedicated to anyone that has a HATE for Helmet Laws and a love for Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. My current ride is a 2001 Ultra OneEye has moved to the island of Oahu in Hawaii. I love living and riding here in paradise. Being able to ride, helmetless, 12 months out of the year in a t-shirt is absolutely amazing. Anyone coming to this beautiful place, make sure you look me up and we can ride together.

Some graphics in this site are courtesy of BABEonHD

This is the group that I ride with now??

Yes... go figure.. Wild and crazy OneEye has been clean and sober since November 18, 2004. I love being clean and sober, life has never been so good. This does not mean that I will stop updating the biker bar page, I know that many of you can drink normally, unlike me, and for you I will continue, just keep sending me your bars.

Wanna meet a group of riders that ride for fun and just don't give a shit??
Check these guys out!

This is what I think of Jap Scooters

Get the FULL story on why not to put this on your tires...

A wild and crazy adventure in Austin, TX

Biketoberfest 1998 Trip Report

Images from Biketoberfest 1998

Biker Friendly Bars: Listed by state

Fall foliage tour in New Hampshire: Trip Report

Taking a trip on your scooter?? This is the largest scooter camping check-list ever.

The Biker Babes Are Back!

The STURGIS Babes Are Here! I have only put up a few for now... many more are coming!

OneEye's Photo Album of Biker Friends!

WOW!!!! You need to check this site out. This bitch can really paint. Check out her work and you'll see why she's won so many awards.

OneEye's Other Biker Links

OneEye's Dealers Page

OneEye's A.B.A.T.E. Page

OneEye's H.O.G. Chapter Page

Biker's Rights Sites

New Hampshire Motorcyclists Rights Org.

  • Compilation of the Helmet Laws of the 50 States
  • Map with links related to each States Helmet Laws
  • ABATE of California.
  • California Modified Motorcycle Assoc. Home Page
  • The (B)ikers (O)f (L)esser (T)olerance Home Page
  • The Helmet Law Defense League Home Page
  • The United States Freedom Fighters

    If you would like your link added here... send me an e-mail with your site. I will add it as soon as I check it out.

    Send me e-mail:[email protected]

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    to visit this page since August 23, 1997

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