Modernised Morris Minor
Modernised Morris Minor

Thanks for taking an interest in my Morris Minor and this website. This website was created in January 1998 and the car featured is my Christmas present from my parents.
My father is presently teaching me to drive and later this year, I will be able to get my restricted drivers license when I turn 15.
I live in Wellington, New Zealand, and late model two door Morris Minors like this 1964 model are comparitavely rare.
What makes this car special to me is the fact that apart from being completely restored and by and large looking like a standard Morris Minor, it is in fact powered by a Toyota Twin Cam 16 valve motor.
If you would like to know about Ursula, please e-mail me!

| Main Page | Front View | Back View | Interior | Motor |
| Specifications |
| Pre-Renovation I | Pre-Renovation II | Pre-Renovation III |
| E-Mail Webmistress |

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