Press Release Web: (for immediate distribution) Contact: Conrad Bladey Phone: 410-789-7329 Topic: Walk To Drink Campaign Launched Date: 6/7/98 Discussion: The Walk to Drink campaign and philosophy promises to save more lives than any other counter drunk driving action to date. The philosophy states simply: “If a person has to get into an automobile in order to consume alcoholic beverages away from their home then something is very wrong.” The Walk to Drink movement recognizes that: “Zoning or legislation which totally bans providers of alcoholic beverages (bars,taverns,pubs...) from residential neighborhoods contributes greatly to the loss of life caused by drunk driving. Essentially: such legislation and zoning requires a citizen who wishes to drink to drive in order to do so away from home.” Goals of the Walk to Drink movement are: 1. Encouragement of governments and local authorities to save lives by modifying anti-alcohol zoning and legislation to allow for local pedestrian accessible providers of alcoholic beverages in all neighborhoods. 2. Encourage Walk to Drink Activities such as walking pub crawls which demonstrate that the use of the automobile is not required for those who wish drink outside of their own homes. The movement encourages citizens to explore local establishments which might be located within walking distance. 3. The Movement encourages those who can not Walk to Drink to develop concrete proposals for the modification of zoning ordinances and anti-alcohol legislation which would allow at least one provider of alcoholic beverages to locate within walking distance of the neighborhood. 4. The movement promotes wherever possible the awareness of and practice of safe consumption of alcoholic beverages. Responsible drinking as well as responsible management of facilities which sell alcoholic beverages is a cornerstone of the movement. Contact: The Walk to Drink movement is sponsored by Neighborhoods For Pedestrian Accessible Alcoholic Beverages. The Web Page for Walk to Drink is: The e.mail contact is: Phone: 410-789-7329 Conrad Jay Bladey. Mailing address: Walk to Drink, PO Box 268 Linthicum, Md. 21090. Events: The Next Walk to Drink event is scheduled for Saturday July 18 at Artscape in Baltimore. A Pub Crawl of Local Establishments will demonstrate the benefits of walking rather than getting into an Automobile to drink. Meeting Point will be Partycar in the Car Show portion of Artscape. Time: 3:30. For details call: 410-789-7329