Welcome To My Angel's Picture Page

She Is My Breath, My life...!

My Second Picture of Her

My "Teresa"

Well? Don't Look At Me!

Teresa & Isaura - Portugal / 1999

Teri In Portugal / 1999

A Kiss "To Die For"

Links to other sites on the Web

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(Page 4) To Read About Our Crazy Life / Click Here *

(Page 5) To See My Daughter & Her Husband & My Grandson / Click Here *

(Page 6) To See My Awards Page / Click Here *

(Page 7) To View My Family & Friends Album / Click Here *

(Page 8) To View My Friends Album (Book-2)/ Click Here *

(Page 10) To View My Holiday's Page / Click Here *

(Page 11) My Tribute To Marilyn Monroe / Click Here *

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