'97 K1500 Suburban (4x4)

Color: Indigo Blue & Silver

After many attempts to convince my wife that we should get a Suburban, I was finally successful!! Each prior attempt led to discussions of how a minivan was cheaper to purchase and much more economical on fuel, and Suburbans are just TOO big, and so on. I HATE MINIVANS, but we have owned 4 (although one of those was bought for someone else!).

(If you haven't already read my Impala page, go read it and come back!)

History: I bought a used ('89) 4-cyl minivan to transport our family. With the addition of the soon to be born twins, we didn't have anything that the entire family could fit in. It was in decent shape, but being a 4-cyl, it just didn't have enough Ponies under the hood! After a couple months with that, I tried again for the Suburban with no luck. So, I decided we just HAD to buy a new re-designed '96 Plymouth Grand Voyager SE with a V-6, dual sliding doors, and rear A/C. None of which was in the '89. I really didn't want this, but it was better than the '89. We waited about 6 week for the new van, ordered specifically the way I wanted. We had that for about 18 months.

Then one day, I FINALLY got her to test drive a Suburban! Then she decides it isn't so bad. Yay! Naturally, I had to go order a new one!! After all, we wanted a new camper and the minivan couldn't tow the one I wanted.

Of coarse, now she says "You traded MY van, so the Suburban is mine" and she winds up driving it ALL the time, except sometimes on the weekends, when I get to drive it!

As for economics - I've told her, if we had just bought the Suburban to begin with, we'd have saved a ton of money we wasted buying the minivans!!

I've taken a few pictures. As soon as I get them developed and get them scanned, I'll put some pictures up....

...well these aren't what I had in mind when I started this page, but here are some recent pictures!

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Updated 9/12/98

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