Last updated 14 January 2001

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These pages represent the build diary of my Westfield SE Wide Clubman. The Westfield is a replica of the most true to theme sports car in the world based on Colin Chapman's Lotus 7. The design has been around since about the 1950s, but still looks great today.

Its registered!! As of 9 January 2001 I was the proud owner of number plates QQU393 - Victoria the place to be (yeich) Several shake down trips to Geelong later (220km round trip) I have a great tan and a permanent grin affixed to the dial. Pity I am unable to get the keys off my mates - Thanks Nige! Look forward to the update page describing the trials and tribulations of the engineering experience!.

I will provide new pages, which represent stages that I have documented.

One question I have been asked is WHY?? Well behind this link is probably the best paragraph I have read which to sums it up. - Read On

Prologue - The Garage

1. Running around gathering parts!

2. Killing Time!

3. The kits arrived!

4. I have finally Commenced!

5. Wiring Wiring and More Wiring - OMG!(Under Construction)

6. The Move To Melbourne

7. Starting the Engine

Update Picture - Long Overdue!!

Fun Fun Car Racing!!


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