
OK - so this site hasn't been updated in about 3 years... The club is still going strong, which is more than can be said of it's webmaster. Apologies to anyone who has tried emailing me and not got a response. The Frogs still meet on the 2nd Wednesday in the month, but you ought to try emailing Will or Liz to find out where they'll be this month!

Anyway, it's my New Years resolution to get it sorted out... Frogs have come and gone, cars have come and gone, there have been births, marriages and much rejoicing. Check back about February time, when I hope to have had time to collate all the latest goings on. Thanks. :-) Leglessfrog. xx


© 1998,1999, 2000 Cambridge Legless Frogs/Anna Halfpenny
Site updated 1st July 2000


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