Is this a literal 'skirt' that he put on his car?

There's only one thing worse than a weak-ass car, and that's a suped-up weak-ass car.  The only thing worse than this is a suped AMC Pacer.  (Below)  What the hell would possess someone to do something like this?  You know this guys on crack.  Well this ride has a jubee repellent factor of 8.  That's almost off the Chickter Scale!  Players beware if you are seen conversing with the owner of this car you are going to lose your liscense.

Ah!  This Weak of the Week is very week indeed.  The 1975 AMC Pacer was almost as wide as it was long.  Aside from the fact that this car is almost all window, the left door was actually longer than the right.  It was practical for accessability reasons but when you're looking for cool practicality doesn't score any points.  This car is straight up weak-ass and fugly as sin.

Players if you are caught within 30 metres of this vehicle you will lose your liscense indefinetly.  If you are really a weak-ass lover then have to check out the Pacer web page.  Just click the picture. 

Don't be surprised if you see this man inside one of these cars.  His name is Kevin Costner and his career is weak-ass.  He always does stupid movies or looks stupid in good ones.  The only good movie he did was No Way Out.  He gets partial props for The Bodyguard where his hair cut looked like a dead ferret.  He's an expert at producing/directing/starring in weak-ass films like The Postman, where he plays a post world-war-III postman destined to save the planet from peril by the promtness of his mail delivery. He also did A Perfect World and that wack weak-ass waterlogged washout of a worthless movie Waterworld.

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