Freddy K's Nostalgic 

Web Pages
& Other Stuff

Updated April 24, 2009


NEW! Historic videos of Morganeering, in Canada, etc – from 1990 to 2008.

Enjoy the Tribute video above by pressing Play.

Click here for many more videos on the main video page…


My Historic MSCCC Web Pages, 1998 to 2000.

MSCCC Historic Tech Pages

MSCCC Historic Fall Weekend Page

British Car Toy Run Page

Newsletter Pages 1998-2000

MSCCC Historic Club Info

MSCCC Historic Events (December 2000) Page

MSCCC Antiquated Regalia Page

MSCCC Historic Club Photo Galleries

Morgan Cars                                      

Morbidly Dead Morgan Links

Morgan Songs

Morgan Photos

Morgan Art

Raymond The Cat Morgan Cartoons  A tribute to Joe DeLuca who perished on Sept 11, in the terrorist attacks.

Big Blue Morgan Photos


A Past, Past Prez Sez:

Detachment. When someone is so fixated with something, sometimes the only way to move forward is through detachment. It’s been 8 years since I’ve had anything to do with these web pages, or with any club activity for that matter. Looking at them recently was something akin to bumping into an old buddy or a lost love. It was a little strange – the content was somewhat familiar but the passion was certainly gone. Still it was nice to remember forgotten memories from 1998 & earlier. Such as recalling that someone in our Morgan group had been carrying a grudge for 30 years from 1968! Not wishing to do the same for decades, I’ve decided to restore my original Morgan pages to how they appeared from 1998 – 2000. To serve as a historical site in this era of DOT COM Morgan sites. An unchanging Time Capsule, as I have no further Morgan material to contribute, nor any desire for future updates. Back in it’s day before I let it stagnate, this site was one of the most content rich in the Morgan cyber-space universe. I’ve learned a few things, 10 years after…that one can create the greatest web site in your area of interest & it’s a ton of work continually updating & making it interesting to keep those hits coming. In 1997/98 the potential of email & web sites as a new means for communication were very exciting. Having a great site may cause people to join your club. Maybe. But if that web site is free, what else is of value for anyone who might join you? Every club tends to be regionally centered and what can you do or offer for those hundreds or thousands of miles away? That was one lesson I learned. Morganeers in our own Province in Canada felt that our Toronto based group offered nothing to them in their region, so they formed their own club. All well and good. Peaceful co-existence. But in the 1990’s with a club name change it was suggested that if we were to have a name that reflects a national character, then to appease them we must give them  Executive positions, titles like “Inter Club Co-ordinator”, “Eastern Scribe”, and to give them space in our newsletter & later in our web site to promote their club. And to even encourage our members to join their group. All of this was folly, for no matter what you do, the disgruntled will not become keen. Can one imagine that the 13 Colonies would later gladly join the Commonwealth after they had separated? There was little reciprocity. We’d come across alienated ex-Club members at events & no matter how much you tried to show them that things were different now, they refused to come out to Club events or consider rejoining. Once soured, we found that no one could bring the interest back.

A gentleman from that group emailed me in early 1998 that he liked what I was doing on the web & since he had a whiz-bang high speed satellite set-up & the desire to develop his web skills, he offered to help me with this site! I was impressed. But said help never happened & he instead created a site for his own group. It then became a kind of competition between the webmasters in Canada to promote Morgans in cyber-space. Well, by 2001, my wife was still coping with her cancer & I was diagnosed with diabetes. That other web site was well established, meanwhile our President had me continue to publish every word of those Scribes from the other group but there were “complaints” if I added a Past Prez Sez or any “offensive” graphics. It seemed I had no editorial freedom or any creative licence on my own site. Yet when there were grumbles about racy Valentin Tanasse drawings in our newsletter, as then President I supported the Editor’s prerogative to run them. The new Prez wanted a professional, politically correct web site. Well after 3 years I threw my hands into the air & gave up. The final straw was when my pages at Hemmings were hijacked. Taken over & deleted. It’s one thing to be fired if you are contracted & paid to do a job but treating volunteers badly is not my cup of tea. I would caution anyone doing any creative activity gratis (newsletter, website, podcast, blog, video, song or recording) for ANY ENTITY other than yourself…beware! Others will only try & control the content.

I’ve always felt that those with the time, the intense desire, the family legacy, or the commercial benefit, should be the ones making the effort in such organizations. It’s unrealistic that new people without any of the above be encouraged to pick up the banner for the group & run with it! It’s not their baby! I was pissed at the time, but in hindsight I’ve got to thank Vern DJ and those other players involved for freeing us from all of this. Otherwise, we could have remained active for another decade. Trying to do things for the masses, in the name of the Club. No there wasn’t Morgans Over America (or Austalia or if they ever come to pass – Morgans Over Asia or Morgans Over South America) for us. Surrendering & letting go was the best thing for us! We moved on to other things that we may not have had the time, resources, and money to do – if we kept on. The inspiration to go to New York City after 911 – which led to 2 more trips with Lynn to support the people there when the masses were scared to fly. When the health issues weren’t pressing, we had the ability now to do our own grand adventures, like sailing a tall ship in the Grenadines, or the 4000 km Maritime Adventure in a new Miata. Then there was the hot air ballooning, skydiving, performing in the Firefighter Calendar Boy Charity Shows! It may be  Zen thing but living in the moment & going where the spirit moves in that moment, free of the restrictions of “kin, clan, or tribe” became what is important. We realized we didn’t need a Morgan to do these things, or the company of others whose only  connection is that we own the same make of car (afterall, all cars are only transportation & no single one is better than another, be it Ferrari or a Kia). “Our own Babies” died when they were passed on to others. The Southern Ontario Cigar Society that we founded disbanded a scant year or so after we passed it on. Yet out of that experience we gained REAL friends who remain today. I don’t blame the successor for the disbandment – society was moving against tobacco & once one couldn’t have a place to smoke, that was the end of it. Besides, it “wasn’t his baby” to carry on. Likewise, the British Car Toy Run that we founded was allowed to pass away after a single year under another club’s banner. Despite having a committee of people & a larger member base (verses our Committee of one or two) they discovered that it was a lot of work for the benefit of the charity, ultimately “what’s in it for us?” keeps cropping up. Despite the British Car Council’s lip service of “promoting events especially with a charitable focus”, that organization was rather ineffective except for the Insurance Program. The best that they could do was a dash plaque program for driving your car (whoopee!).  Afterall, that organization had no money…the big clubs do. And the big clubs for the most part wished to protect their money making events & would not hesitate to schedule events the same day as a charity event (but keep the calendar open for our money maker)! An exception was the Triumph Club. They supported us from the get go & appreciated our support of British Car Day.

As for our old Club, It’s easier now to be more objective. Looking at the Blurb editions online from recent years it appears that the Club finally has a large, ACTIVE Executive – rather than the same people holding 3 portfolios, as it was in the 1990’s. It’s also interesting to see that relations with neighbour clubs like the Western New York MOG, MOG Great Lakes, & MOG North West appear to be good. Appeasement of that other local Club finally seems to have ended! It also appears that the top jobs are shorter duration ( a year or two), rather than folks doing Prez for 4 years or Events for like 8 years & getting burned out! It’s nice to see a polished newsletter, compared to our old photocopied B&W issues, as technology now cheaply allows! It’s also nice to see events actually having people turn up for. We recall staging a rally & only having Nyal Wilson come out. Or Pub Brunches where Lynn & I were only in the company of one other! Other clubs did tech sessions & had tech articles. We were told though that our Club wasn’t into that – it “was a social club”. Except the members didn’t seem very social for own club events but you might see some at British Car Day or the Ancaster Flea Market! It’s nice to see the legacy of the Pubs at the Queen’s Head continue! In the old days, meetings were called “Executive Meetings” . Other Clubs had  monthly pub gatherings. We realized there wasn’t that much business to discuss among the Exec so might as well have social gatherings. Since we hosted just about every one of them for 4 years or more (no body came forward to spell us as hosts) we might as well have a place that’s just down our street! I guess the place is now entrenched as a tradition.  I see now that one family has only 2 business cards in the Blurb. At one time it was 3. That’s OK. We put a card in once when Lynn was the 1st female Manager at a new Tobacconist chain. There were grumbles about the “tobacco plug”. Yet no complaints about the Australian Wines plug? It seems that Booze = Good but Cigars = Bad, at least when it comes to choosing your poisons among some Morganeers. Not an evaluation folks, just an observation.

-Freddy K.

Freddy K's 2 Air Reserve Wing & 400 Squadron site
My site dedicated to the Canadian Air Reserve units that flew at Toronto.

The Roundel  
The RCAF had its own monthly magazine from 1948 until 1965. I've begun to post interesting articles from The Roundel.

My original music website
Comedy ditties, serious songs, & other tapes from the Roundel Records Music publishing archives.


Hey, maybe your mechanic wears coveralls but MINE wears a dress!


Copyright for all materials rests with the contributing authors. All original materials by Fred Kuzyk & Freddy The K Communications are copyright 1990 – 2009.

No reproduction without permission.


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